Idea to improve runes and sigils

Idea to improve runes and sigils

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cami.9410


Since HoT launch, we have seen a number of new builds that fall outside the zerker meta, and with that, players crafting new gear and weapons as well as switching stats over on ascended gear. With the need for condition builds, tank builds, healer builds, etc. especially for the newer content, players are required to invest in multiple sets of gear. I am thrilled that different types of builds are becoming important for the new content however I wish I didn’t have to have a set of gear and weapons for every type of content. ANet has worked on adding flexibility to weapons and armor stats through legendary weapons that have been available for a while and legendary armor which players can now start working towards.

However, even with legendary equipment, switching builds on the fly will still be very limited or extremely costly due to the way the runes and sigils work. With the current rune and sigil system, even a player with full legendary armor and weapons would have difficult playing a condition build for one part of the game and a zerker build. The player could easily switch the stats on the equipment but would have to purchase runes and sigils each time. If ANet really wants to make it easier for players to play different types of build they should change the way runes and sigils work.

What I would propose as a change would be that once a rune or sigil is used on an ascended or legendary piece of equipment, that rune or sigil would be unlocked for that weapon or armor piece (and that piece only). Players would then have a drop down button on each equipment piece in the hero panel that would allow them to switch between runes or sigil while not in combat. Runes and sigils in ascended or legendary items would no longer be recuperated from salvaging either. Additionally, changing the stats of an ascended weapon or armor in the mystic forge would remove all runes and sigils from that item.

These change should have very little impact on the market given that players would still have to buy runes/sigils for each equip and given that players in general do not change runes and sigils that often. These changes would also incentivize legendary armor and weapons over ascended armor and weapons since legendary would provide more flexibility for stats. Currently, players who want to play both a condition build and a zerker build are incentivized to invest in having two separate ascended sets rather than in one legendary set which is problematic for player.

I love Guild Wars 2 however, I believe that the rune/sigil system needs to be updated. These changes would move the game away from the zerker meta and would allow players to experiment with different builds, both of which I believe ANet desires. I would love to hear different options on the rune and sigil system and possibly bring some attention to the subject.

Idea to improve runes and sigils

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skyline Crash.6254

Skyline Crash.6254

i agree with this. legendary is expensive as hell and you should be able to freely customize it. i also think they should apply your idea for stat sets. if im correct, you can basically have access to a plethora of stat sets for free? i think you should have to unlock it first then have it accessible for free after that.

maybe you have to use the mystic forge with the inscription and the legendary piece to apply the stat option to your equipment

Idea to improve runes and sigils

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aries Of Ragnarok.1365

Aries Of Ragnarok.1365

i agree with this. legendary is expensive as hell and you should be able to freely customize it. i also think they should apply your idea for stat sets. if im correct, you can basically have access to a plethora of stat sets for free? i think you should have to unlock it first then have it accessible for free after that.

maybe you have to use the mystic forge with the inscription and the legendary piece to apply the stat option to your equipment

Same with Runes as well would be awesome. Give a feeling of not just making your Legendary armor, but upgrading it too. Like in some games, you really wanna unlock that one gun, then ya do. Awesome! Now to get those upgrades for it. I personally like that kinda style.

Idea to improve runes and sigils

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skyline Crash.6254

Skyline Crash.6254

i agree with this. legendary is expensive as hell and you should be able to freely customize it. i also think they should apply your idea for stat sets. if im correct, you can basically have access to a plethora of stat sets for free? i think you should have to unlock it first then have it accessible for free after that.

maybe you have to use the mystic forge with the inscription and the legendary piece to apply the stat option to your equipment

Same with Runes as well would be awesome. Give a feeling of not just making your Legendary armor, but upgrading it too. Like in some games, you really wanna unlock that one gun, then ya do. Awesome! Now to get those upgrades for it. I personally like that kinda style.

Yeah, it gives another way to have progression. I think legendaries are supposed to be good in the long run. Like yeah, it will take a lot of gold to get there but in the end, your character would be decked out with so many customization options that you can just change on the fly.

Idea to improve runes and sigils

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Glacial.9516


I really like the idea of resetting the rune/sigils on stat swap from the Forge. The reason for this is that it encourages you to craft multiple ascended weapons (or armors but that might be more feasible to do the stat-swap instead) with different stats, and then add the sigils/runes to each. This will keep some of the demand of sigils and runes while still allowing flexibility. Not the case for legendaries, but that’s okay they deserve that.

Additionally, I’d -love- something to do with all of the ‘bad’ sigils and runes floating around. Being able to forge 4 Superior into another Superior, for example, would raise the price of the low-end ones and lower the top-end ones. Even being able to convert a Superior down to a Major would at least let you try to upgrade it.