Ideas, permissions and copyrights

Ideas, permissions and copyrights

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andiela.3759


As Guild Wars is focused on getting armor for look rather than stats, the keypoint is adding it regulary. On my sylvari i dont feel that i have that many opportunities to go (cultural T1,2,3+TA set). Even i like many classical “human” armor designs i dont feel like its the correct for my sylvari. And i think im not the only. And the same could go for other races.

Im not sure if its because just too much time taking programming the armor and you need rather focus on game mechanics and regular updates. But in case its the thing that you have runned out of idea (nothing wrong with it, noone is endless well of ideas and replacing designers just for 1 armor is stupid), why not just find around the internet and look for artists artwork and ask them for permission. Even if you would need to pay lets say 100dollars if you put beautiful armor on TP im sure you get your money back quickly. There probably many websites around but guess “” is big enough for the research. The technical issues is you have to pass all the sexual and deviant things there.

Some random ideas you could put to the “search” to help you browse art you looking for faster:
sylvari- forest fairy (could work i guess), peakitten (there were some dresses that could suit even the plants)
norn- winter dress/clothes/armor (think that could work fit their style)
charr- steampunk?
asura- little ugly things ( )
human- everything else (armor,dress, gown etc)

As i play sylvari i tried look for some random and this what i found in like 30mins:

Or is the issue all the copyrights?

Ideas, permissions and copyrights

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esmee.1067


There will most definitly either be copyright issues or atleast a hurt artist if they take too much inspiration from other sources, unless ofcourse they make a contest like they did for gw1 where the winning piece becomes an item ingame. Nonetheless I do agree they should attempt to keep a steady flow of armors incoming in the game especially due to the more or less horizontal progression, a new cultural tier wouldn’t hurt since many armors feel like they were designed for humans only. I do however understand introducing a new piece of gear requires a lot of design and programming.

So far I’ve been pleased and disappointed, but mainly pleased. The phoenix armor is a wonderful example of an unique well-designed set, where-as I was very disappointed with the Flamekissed being a reskin. I would rather wait a few months for a new set, than having a slightly reskinned version of every single piece out there which some games tend to do with their cashshop.