If Condi damage is nerfed, do power as well.
Please make the same post on the pvp board thanks.
Please make the same post on the pvp board
I just might seems like where most of the complaints about condi it at in the first place.
So let me check…
Direct damage is reduced by armor and depends directly on Power, Precision, Critical Damage.
Conditions is raw damage, since it isnt reduced by armor and depends directly only on Condition Damage.
Yes, nerf power. Logic.
I think condi overall is fine, some adjustments need to be made for sure because balance is hard. The only thing that I personally think needs a big nerf is burning. Nowadays PVP is filled with elementalist that apply 15k per second burning which is not fun anymore ;_;
First of all : It is not on pair with power, it is actually higher.
Second: Condi is not meant to be the same level of power, because condi builds have the factor of more survivability/toughness. Power builds are way weaker on toughness and sacrifice that in exchange to damage output.
I think it’s a step in the right direction to increase the condition dmg. I think that the increase with NO cap was a bit ducking rediculus, but they should have slowly brought it up.
I keep getting melted by the rediculus 500 stacks of every condition lol. So I can’t even get close to use my 1 shot power lol
I think people are forgetting that condi dmg is supposed to be damage OVER TIME. It’s not supposed to be like direct power damage.
(edited by Assassin X.8573)
Maybe the solution is making people tougher, or all damage weaker. I’ve got a build with toughness/vitality as secondaries on most gear, and a kitten -ranger charging out of a zerg blasting rapid fire makes me feel like I’m wearing tissue paper.
Bursty power grossly overwhelms baseline defenses in such a way that I can’t really see any inequity in condi builds essentially doing the same thing.