If GW2 really does aim towards Casuals
Go solo Arah.
People have done it. It’s possible. You’re just too casual.
Go solo Arah.
People have done it. It’s possible. You’re just too casual.
Except that it involves myriad of glitches and exploits. Most people that solo Arah skip lupi, which is a shame…
But yeah, with the addition of the portable portals, every path in Arah except p1 can be solo’d legit, except solo’ing Simin involves a glitch.
And solo’ing the capture event in p3 is just… Well it’s possible, I just wouldn’t advise it to anyone.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
As a “casual” I can give you my perspective. I have no problem if Anet wants to put out challenging content so long as they continue to put out some content for us mortals. I have no real problem if there are better rewards for that content so long as the game does not evolve into a gear progression game. Specifically, if they want some special skins or titles buried behind “raid” walls for highly organized teams of hardcore players, I personally don’t care unless the rewards provide better stats. At that point, we are into gear progression…which is why I left WoW.
More challenging content with difficulty settings, please. “Pro” players are happier and easy-going players still get to see the content. Win-win.
Go solo Arah.
People have done it. It’s possible. You’re just too casual.
Did you read what I said. I don’t want to solo and do artificial difficult things such as soloing instances that’s not real hardcore and you don’t even get more rewards as well. Your just purposely making the game hard for no reason.
I’m asking for hard group content that offers aw some rewards to feel like you earned something and to also give hardcore players a fun and challenging experience.
More challenging content with difficulty settings, please. “Pro” players are happier and easy-going players still get to see the content. Win-win.
hardcore players are not pro players
More challenging content with difficulty settings, please. “Pro” players are happier and easy-going players still get to see the content. Win-win.
hardcore players are not pro players
Call whoever you want whatever you want, still make hard content with difficulty settings.
More challenging content with difficulty settings, please. “Pro” players are happier and easy-going players still get to see the content. Win-win.
hardcore players are not pro players
Call whoever you want whatever you want, still make hard content with difficulty settings.
As long as the more difficult it is the more rewards they offer because right now the only real difficult thing is high level fractals buts that’s not enough. That’s been around for a long time we need something new. I don’t like spamming the same thing for hundreds times over and over again even traditional raids are not that tedious
As long as more difficult = purely cosmetic rewards (skins, titles, minis) I’m happy to see those who want to be challenged challenged.
Me, I’m too old and too laid back to do some of that stuff myself, but I don’t mind watching the replays on you-tube .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
As long as more difficult = purely cosmetic rewards (skins, titles, minis) I’m happy to see those who want to be challenged challenged.
Me, I’m too old and too laid back to do some of that stuff myself, but I don’t mind watching the replays on you-tube
They already said that just purely cosmetic inst working which is why they made ascended.
this video also explains what im saying here
SAB: Back to School has Tribulation Mode, said to be to JP’s what Liadri and the Gauntlet was to PvE combat. Test yourself against it when it comes out.
SAB: Back to School has Tribulation Mode, said to be to JP’s what Liadri and the Gauntlet was to PvE combat. Test yourself against it when it comes out.
Read my post and you’ll see thats not what i asked for.
For the new ascended armor that’s coming soon as well I don’t want to just earn it by doing dailies or crafting I want to earn it by doing difficult content, epic boss battles where my group fails over and over again until we finally kill it and have the best feeling of reward in the game.
All I get out of this post is: I want them to add gear that takes lots of time and skill to get so hardcore gamers can lord it over the casuals.
Most people that play will agree having skins/titles added to more difficult content so you can challenge yourself is great. Adding actual gear and stats to it is not. I find it funny how often people who ask for more challenge immediately follow it up by asking for better rewards too. Wasn’t the challenge itself what you wanted?
For the new ascended armor that’s coming soon as well I don’t want to just earn it by doing dailies or crafting I want to earn it by doing difficult content, epic boss battles where my group fails over and over again until we finally kill it and have the best feeling of reward in the game.
…All I get out of this post is: I want them to add gear that takes lots of time and skill to get so hardcore gamers can lord it over the casuals.
Most people that play will agree having skins/titles added to more difficult content so you can challenge yourself is great. Adding actual gear and stats to it is not. I find it funny how often people who ask for more challenge immediately follow it up by asking for better rewards too. Wasn’t the challenge itself what you wanted?
I the video i posted the guy says also being able to sell that gear to people who want to farm for it or buy gems for gold. And yes I want gear to where i can say I earned this and people will notice me for working hard.
And no If there was no reward for the challenge the challenge would be pointless. Even you HAVE to see this is somewhat true. Which is why people who say GO SOLO ARAH are clueless. The challenge itself isnt enough there needs to be greater rewards.
(edited by Sleuth.7964)
SAB: Back to School has Tribulation Mode, said to be to JP’s what Liadri and the Gauntlet was to PvE combat. Test yourself against it when it comes out.
Read my post and you’ll see thats not what i asked for.
And if the King Toad/Storm Wizard skins are only available from doing SAB in Tribulation Mode?
Herm,how do you make a boss super hard….Herm give him a very kitten large health pool.Erm he one hits every time so you gotta be very good at dodging.Nerves all skil except normal attacks.Needs the whole server to defeat him.Take forever to kill.Yeah after killing it i feel rewarded ^^.
I get the feeling he hasn’t attempted 6 gambit Lliadri
SAB: Back to School has Tribulation Mode, said to be to JP’s what Liadri and the Gauntlet was to PvE combat. Test yourself against it when it comes out.
Read my post and you’ll see thats not what i asked for.
And if the King Toad/Storm Wizard skins are only available from doing SAB in Tribulation Mode?
Thats a start!
Herm,how do you make a boss super hard….Herm give him a very kitten large health pool.Erm he one hits every time so you gotta be very good at dodging.Nerves all skil except normal attacks.Needs the whole server to defeat him.Take forever to kill.Yeah after killing it i feel rewarded ^^.
This is what this game is doing right now. Super big health pool needs server to defeat
and what does kitten mean? in this
You, i or others who enjoy challenging content that requires strategies and even a build change is not important to anet. Proof? The last 12 months.
Go solo Arah.
People have done it. It’s possible. You’re just too casual.
To receive 17 blues and 3 greens? Its you who should go solo it cuz its so kitten worth it. Soloing crap will never come close to being as epic as doing something challenging with friends or a group in general. The problem is that there’s absolutely nothing. Nothing challenging is in the game and nothing challenging planned for the game (as far as i know). Instead we’re getting that box thingy AGAIN….
this video also explains what im saying here
really great vid that sums it up nicely. the whole gw2 dev team should watch this and ask themselves wtf they’re doing and where gw2 is going with their fluffy content.
It just baffles my mind when people say GW2 is for “casuals” …
Are we even playing the same game?
It just baffles my mind when people say GW2 is for “casuals” …
Are we even playing the same game?
Yes and anet themselves stated its more for casuals
Go solo Arah.
People have done it. It’s possible. You’re just too casual.
To receive 17 blues and 3 greens? Its you who should go solo it cuz its so kitten worth it. Soloing crap will never come close to being as epic as doing something challenging with friends or a group in general. The problem is that there’s absolutely nothing. Nothing challenging is in the game and nothing challenging planned for the game (as far as i know). Instead we’re getting that box thingy AGAIN….
You dont get any extra from when you would do it with a group of 5 people the time and effort is not worth it. That’s not REAL hardcore content. Thats artificial difficulty. Theres no rolling so even with it was only you its still the SAME if it was with 5. Please your not fooling anyone.
Go solo Arah.
People have done it. It’s possible. You’re just too casual.
To receive 17 blues and 3 greens? Its you who should go solo it cuz its so kitten worth it. Soloing crap will never come close to being as epic as doing something challenging with friends or a group in general. The problem is that there’s absolutely nothing. Nothing challenging is in the game and nothing challenging planned for the game (as far as i know). Instead we’re getting that box thingy AGAIN….
I laughed at this soo hard. 3 greens and 17 blues? You can make 10g an hour with the invasion events and get 200 greens by zerging like a minless zombie horde.
The casual of this game is sickening to be honest. If the development team is really aspiring to make a casual MMO (Which is a contradiction in itself) why wouldn’t they just make an I-pad game or something.
Jumping Puzzle Commander
It just baffles my mind when people say GW2 is for “casuals” …
Are we even playing the same game?
How isn’t this game casual? The game has diminishing returns on farming and promotes farming to get anything in the game, while at the same time contradicts itself by stating they wanted to make a game with 0 farm. I honestly have no idea where guild wars 2 is taking their game because I’ve watched almost every person I knew who purchased GW2 just give up all hope on this game.
Jumping Puzzle Commander
The casual of this game is sickening to be honest. If the development team is really aspiring to make a casual MMO (Which is a contradiction in itself) why wouldn’t they just make an I-pad game or something.
Uh…I suspect that there was an element of business strategy involved. From the looks of it, I would say that it was a good business decision.
The casual of this game is sickening to be honest. If the development team is really aspiring to make a casual MMO (Which is a contradiction in itself) why wouldn’t they just make an I-pad game or something.
Uh…I suspect that there was an element of business strategy involved. From the looks of it, I would say that it was a good business decision.
I guess thats why Arena Net laid off all those employees and Ncsoft was breathing down their necks, because they were making SO MUCH MONEY and making GOOD DECISIONS
Jumping Puzzle Commander
The casual of this game is sickening to be honest. If the development team is really aspiring to make a casual MMO (Which is a contradiction in itself) why wouldn’t they just make an I-pad game or something.
Uh…I suspect that there was an element of business strategy involved. From the looks of it, I would say that it was a good business decision.
Yup, highly doubt that Anet would be bringing in $1 Million+ a month in Profits ($3Million in sales – expenses-taxes) if they didn’t make this game casual.
The casual of this game is sickening to be honest. If the development team is really aspiring to make a casual MMO (Which is a contradiction in itself) why wouldn’t they just make an I-pad game or something.
Uh…I suspect that there was an element of business strategy involved. From the looks of it, I would say that it was a good business decision.
I guess thats why Arena Net laid off all those employees and Ncsoft was breathing down their necks, because they were making SO MUCH MONEY and making GOOD DECISIONS
Umm, according to Eurogamer interview with Anet less then 2 weeks ago, Anet has 250 employees, the same number of people when the game launched. So no, they did not have any lay offs. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-07-03-its-unlikely-guild-wars-2-will-ever-get-an-expansion-pack
Where are you getting your information about Anet layoff?
The casual of this game is sickening to be honest. If the development team is really aspiring to make a casual MMO (Which is a contradiction in itself) why wouldn’t they just make an I-pad game or something.
Uh…I suspect that there was an element of business strategy involved. From the looks of it, I would say that it was a good business decision.
I guess thats why Arena Net laid off all those employees and Ncsoft was breathing down their necks, because they were making SO MUCH MONEY and making GOOD DECISIONS
Umm, according to Eurogamer interview with Anet less then 2 weeks ago, Anet has 250 employees, the same number of people when the game launched. So no, they did not have any lay offs. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-07-03-its-unlikely-guild-wars-2-will-ever-get-an-expansion-pack
Where are you getting your information about Anet layoff?
If they had 250 employees this game would have a lot more features then it does now. Like trading a year into release.
sure, harder content, but the rewards are only slightly better than the regular content as to not create a gap between the casuals and the hardcores
we have to do things others may qualify as “evil”.
~Krunch Bloodrage, Looking For Group
The casual of this game is sickening to be honest. If the development team is really aspiring to make a casual MMO (Which is a contradiction in itself) why wouldn’t they just make an I-pad game or something.
Uh…I suspect that there was an element of business strategy involved. From the looks of it, I would say that it was a good business decision.
I guess thats why Arena Net laid off all those employees and Ncsoft was breathing down their necks, because they were making SO MUCH MONEY and making GOOD DECISIONS
Umm, according to Eurogamer interview with Anet less then 2 weeks ago, Anet has 250 employees, the same number of people when the game launched. So no, they did not have any lay offs. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-07-03-its-unlikely-guild-wars-2-will-ever-get-an-expansion-pack
Where are you getting your information about Anet layoff?
If they had 250 employees this game would have a lot more features then it does now. Like trading a year into release.
feel free to prove they do not have 250 employees. Feel free to prove that Arenanet, not NCsoft West, had layoffs. NCsoft West and Arenanet are 2 different entities, and it was NCwest that had layoffs.
Oh, also, 250 Employees does not equal to 250 developers, among that 250 employees are also going to Admin, HR, secretarial, Janitorial, and other people needed to run any business.
sure, harder content, but the rewards are only slightly better than the regular content as to not create a gap between the casuals and the hardcores
Lets be real here, this game has been out for a year now and the only content its released has been catapult mastery and fractals (Im not counting temporary content because they can make that in their sleep [Along with any other game])
Jumping Puzzle Commander
That is talking about NCSoft west, which is a different entity from Arenanet. NCsoft West are the publishers, and the publishers had layoff, Arenanet themselves did not.
Oh, also, your link actually has Martin Kerstein coming and saying
While we are indeed a wholly-owned subsidiary of Korea-based NCsoft Corporation (read NCsoft HQ), we are also our own entity. ArenaNet has not been affected by the NCwest realignment. And indeed, we are hiring: http://www.arena.net/jobs/
so yeah, no layoff at Arenanet
(edited by eisberg.2379)
#Guildwars 2 #2014 Still Uses DX9
Jumping Puzzle Commander
If they had 250 employees this game would have a lot more features then it does now. Like trading a year into release.
Player to Player trading facilitates RMT commerse and avoid the primary gold sink the game has. Why would ANet want to do this?
RIP City of Heroes
That is talking about NCSoft west, which is a different entity from Arenanet. NCsoft West are the publishers, and the publishers had layoff, Arenanet themselves did not.
Oh, also, your link actually has Martin Kerstein coming and saying
While we are indeed a wholly-owned subsidiary of Korea-based NCsoft Corporation (read NCsoft HQ), we are also our own entity. ArenaNet has not been affected by the NCwest realignment. And indeed, we are hiring: http://www.arena.net/jobs/
so yeah, no layoff at Arenanet
So no lay offs yet still no dueling and trading and lfg a year into release.
This is the biggest bait and switch ever btw
Jumping Puzzle Commander
This is the biggest bait and switch ever btw
Then report them, sue them if it really is. Bait and Switch is illegal, and surely they would lose in court if it really is bait and switch.
That is talking about NCSoft west, which is a different entity from Arenanet. NCsoft West are the publishers, and the publishers had layoff, Arenanet themselves did not.
Oh, also, your link actually has Martin Kerstein coming and saying
While we are indeed a wholly-owned subsidiary of Korea-based NCsoft Corporation (read NCsoft HQ), we are also our own entity. ArenaNet has not been affected by the NCwest realignment. And indeed, we are hiring: http://www.arena.net/jobs/
so yeah, no layoff at Arenanet
So no lay offs yet still no dueling and trading and lfg a year into release.
Those are your priorities, but Anet had different things they felt were more important.
That is talking about NCSoft west, which is a different entity from Arenanet. NCsoft West are the publishers, and the publishers had layoff, Arenanet themselves did not.
Oh, also, your link actually has Martin Kerstein coming and saying
While we are indeed a wholly-owned subsidiary of Korea-based NCsoft Corporation (read NCsoft HQ), we are also our own entity. ArenaNet has not been affected by the NCwest realignment. And indeed, we are hiring: http://www.arena.net/jobs/
so yeah, no layoff at Arenanet
So no lay offs yet still no dueling and trading and lfg a year into release.
Those are your priorities, but Anet had different things they felt were more important.
Like what?? Fractals 5 months ago? like super adventure box? like the karka event? Please tell me what was more important then basic features mmos have in ALPHA.
That is talking about NCSoft west, which is a different entity from Arenanet. NCsoft West are the publishers, and the publishers had layoff, Arenanet themselves did not.
Oh, also, your link actually has Martin Kerstein coming and saying
While we are indeed a wholly-owned subsidiary of Korea-based NCsoft Corporation (read NCsoft HQ), we are also our own entity. ArenaNet has not been affected by the NCwest realignment. And indeed, we are hiring: http://www.arena.net/jobs/
so yeah, no layoff at Arenanet
So no lay offs yet still no dueling and trading and lfg a year into release.
Those are your priorities, but Anet had different things they felt were more important.
Like what?? Fractals 5 months ago? like super adventure box? like the karka event? Please tell me what was more important then basic features mmos have in ALPHA.
Feel free to read all the patches/content update notes for the past year. Your opinion differs then Anets and many other players, and that is ok.
More challenging content with difficulty settings, please. “Pro” players are happier and easy-going players still get to see the content. Win-win.
hardcore players are not pro players
Call whoever you want whatever you want, still make hard content with difficulty settings.
What do you think of the current content, with skill achievements in the Gauntlet and funhouse? The no-dying run or 8 orbs are some of the most difficult content in the game. Same for the 15 minute speedrun in Aetherblade retreat.
I think A.net is on the right track, making some achievements extremely difficult to get, therefor rewarding the skillful players. Don’t forget these achievements are actually not time sensitive to get, which means skilled casuals can theorycraft during lunch break and one-shot them after work. I support such content.
Which leads to the model used in Zelda and Mario. Make the main game easy to complete, but make 100% completion Nintendo hard to get.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
The thread title is kinda weird because GW2 does aim towards casuals, there is no question about it. 99% of the games are doing that because they want to generate money and the biggest demographic are in fact casual players.
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.