If GW2 was made into a movie :D
it would span 200,001 movies long. (grind)
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
I think the Destiny’s Edge storyline makes for a better story than the main story (even if you decided to go with a series of pre-set choices)…. Even if you focus the story more around Logan being the protagonist, it’s a story of loss, betrayal, redemption, “sacrifice” kinda, all that good stuff. The problem with the main story is that you really don’t get a sense of how the world feel about your toon… Unlike the DE story which is pretty isolated, your toon interacts with all sorts of factions and cultures. Given the different mindsets and the time this is happening, how would Slyvari feel about engineers, Asura about warriors, anyone about necros? In order to make a movie on the main story, you really have to take a lot of liberties with the story that people may or may not like; whereas the DE story is pretty much written.
You’d see the same heroes, killing the same monsters, in the same dungeon, over and over and over and over and over….
.. that was based on the personal storyline ..
It would suck.
Really though, I love the game! Just disappointed with personal story.
As much as I actually like the personal story (yes some people do like it) I think DE story would be better choice for a movie. Better maybe… a story about another group of adventurous people banding together, like Ghosts of Ascalon. Doesn’t have to be in direct relations to our story imo. Could tell something about something happening pre-game story, or post game story. Imo a more independant story like that would be the best choice.
Despite the risks of it becoming a low quality movie… I would watch it yes.
.. that was based on the personal storyline ..
It would suck.
This lol, no way that could ever work. If it was based on Ghosts of Ascalon book though, it could be nice.
You couldn’t pay an actor enough to act as stupid as Trahearne.
You couldn’t pay an actor enough to act as stupid as Trahearne.
Except they kinda did…. Granted it was just his voice.
if done properly, which would require Hollywood budget, Peter Jackson-like director, and with a story well related to both games and books, developing parts of the main plot which haven’t been covered anywhere else, then it would have chances to be very very veeery cool.
Trahearne would be played by Macaulay Culkin and take credit for everything.
Meanwhile Tybalt would be played by Ving Rhames and would make a surprise return to bust some heads.
The movie would be only 3 minutes long since the group of the heroes would get instakilled by a culling thief once they would get out of the tavern where the mission was handed to them.
The second half would suck.
The first few mins would be awesome then the 15th would happen and the rest of the movie would be a massive rant and grind followed by the director stating he doesnt know which way the movie should go up or sideways. The ending will be blank as nexon takes over and puts it to an end.
Great start bad finish.
But there is Tybalt the hero of the flick who dies heroically saving the movie from the horrible ending/15th.
It would Contain 2 fantastically talented “nerd idols” like Neil patrick harris, or nathan fillion etc. And possibly a fantastic and under-appreciated “coming into their own” talent such as anne hathaway etc. then it would be comprised of a god awful script, and toss said talents to the back row, whilst they cast kim kardashian, paris hilton and possibly some other no talent z-list talentless fool into a major role, both getting our hopes up, and letting said giant nobody’s pull any chance of it performing well into the ground, All the while twitter would be ablaze with “omg kim kardashian is such a talent best movie ever” posts often said posts will enter into real discussions online about leading to many questioning the sanity of the posters.
Internetmoviefan2057: “There is the bare bones of a salvageable movie in here, if it wasn’t for the involvement of those god awful characters and the complete hackjob of the script to paste them into the underlying story and continuity issues”
Movelover2758: “Well there wasn’t much better out at the time, and I was in the mood to turn my brain off, but yeah I guess it could have been much better and had greater potential than was met but I think you’re being too harsh”
Candygyurlxxox50675: “OMG I loved kim kardashians dress in that bit in the middle! best movie EVAR”
the internet reads and facepalms
Well tecnicaly you can just make the books into movies. I remember that Ghosts of Ascalon was quite good but probably not as a movie. Haven’t read Edge of Destiny but it might work.
que movie trailer guy…..
In A word where anything is possible, one man, and his epic voyage to find the ultimate weapon. Follow dood while he acquires the rare stones of power, his quest to seek and find the weapon suitable for transformation.
This is GW2: The seeker of the legendary.
It would end with 5 random people you never saw before sitting on a turret in front of the dragon for about 3 minutes spamming attacks.
Epic ending.
The end fight will result in the player getting killed. The “boss” will become invulnerable, fully heal, then continue to attack an already weakened hero until the hero dies. This invulnerability glitch will happen about 5 times before the hero dies.
It wouldn’t be as good as the prequels…
If Guild Wars 2 was a movie…..
It would have to be a saga spanning several parts:
1) Destiny’s Edge gathering, training to fight Zhitan
2) DE’s fall, the death of Snaff, and the coward human running away.
3) The build up of the armies of the Pact, Trahern shutter, and the airship armada that invades Orr.
4) DE’s gather back again, through their trials facing their own ghosts. This includes defeating the Nightmare Court, obtaining the Foefire blade, killing the Inquest guys, defeating the Flame Legion, and helping the Koden.
5) Zhitan’s fall (in great battle glory better than that of LotR’s 3rd movie ending).
6) The death of Trahern. (audience cheers, votes it movie of the year and for an Oscar).
i think it would be FRIGGING funny if our band of great heroes vanquished an evil ghostly spectre and a slice of garlic bread falls out from under his skirt.
or if they kill a marauding bandit only to find that in his sack of stolen goodies, he stole a few torn pieces of cloth and a few sticks of butter.
(edited by alcedonia.7831)
i think it would be FRIGGING funny if our band of great heroes vanquished an evil spectre and a slice of garlic bread falls out from under his skirt.
or if they kill a marauding bandit only to find that in his sack of stolen goodies, he stole a few torn pieces of cloth and a few sticks of butter.
When you think of it like that, most of Tyria’s menaces are actually just bums who have nothing of value mostly, so we’re technically killing the down and out
When you think of it like that, most of Tyria’s menaces are actually just bums who have nothing of value mostly, so we’re technically killing the down and out
that is so… depressing =(
it’s like forced euthanasia.
can you also imagine a little asura carrying around like, 80 logs of wood? i will laugh my pants off.
with the recent stealth drop rate nerf, i’m pretty sure in the end the main hero in the guild wars 2 movie will:
1.feeling unappreciated saving tyria only to get Trahearne stole all the glory and the fact he/she only gets rare weapon from defeating zhaitan will either sucide or corrupted by loot greed and become the new arch villain :p
2.goin afk or stop fighting during final battles against any arch villains and said screw it DR hits, i’m off cya!
3.when asked by common tyrian folks where he/she gets the Legendary weapon, the hero will either said oh i wipe this “magic card” that spits money!
4.blame Trahearne for all the mess and executing that plant traitor!
When you think of it like that, most of Tyria’s menaces are actually just bums who have nothing of value mostly, so we’re technically killing the down and out
that is so… depressing =(
it’s like forced euthanasia.can you also imagine a little asura carrying around like, 80 logs of wood? i will laugh my pants off.
I’m pretty sure they’re made massive leaps in hernia treatment and/or they have the excuse of MAGIC for how they have massively space and dimension altering bags :P
still doesn’t mean we’re not monsters for killing the down and outs of Tyria maybe adventuring was a conspiracy to encourage mass euthanasia to keep the poverty levels of Tyria from becoming rampant.
The movie would be only 3 minutes long since the group of the heroes would get instakilled by a culling thief once they would get out of the tavern where the mission was handed to them.
Hey!, don’t ruin the movie, you should’nt post plot spoilers?
The heroes of the movie would take arrows in the knee from risens all the time and they would fall off a cliff while trying to mine some orichalchium
Then they would lag in LA to farm fractals and finally go in WvW for no reason and get all pwned by a thief.
I’d rather see a movie made about GW Prophecies. That story is complete and was wonderful. GW2’s story is still ongoing and any liberties taken with the movie (and knowing Hollywood there’d be a lot) would skew the canon.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
i would watch it until the tanks and laser beams showed up, never finish the movie and just watch the first half hour over and over and over again.
I’d rather see a movie made about GW Prophecies. That story is complete and was wonderful. GW2’s story is still ongoing and any liberties taken with the movie (and knowing Hollywood there’d be a lot) would skew the canon.
Prophecies story was not great.. it was decent.
People get all rose colored glasses around it.
The best part was the charr invasion and the escape from ascalon. The Kryta part had no real tie in to were the story started… and the crystal desert took it in a whole different direction. It was like 3 little stories in 1 game that just happened to center around your char.
One axiom in video games — Games based on movies almost always suck
The only more certain proposition concerns Movies based on video games…
Well in this case, the Sequel can’t be any worse that the Original.
400 Tailor/400 Weaponsmith
I beat the Game in less than 2 Months.
The title screen would display:
and yeah it pretty much would predictably go from there
Blah, sorry but the DE story isn’t a good one, at least in my opinion. Maybe the stuff that happened before gw2, but the stuff that goes down during is just a bunch of supposed heros whining and crying and looking for every opportunity to blame one of their “friends” for Snaffs death.
About halfway thru doing story modes for the dungeons I decided I wanted to sign up with the dragon and end those tools. Thankfully none of them have any power at all so all die over and over and over again during dungeons anyhow.
Still, DE is as bad as Trahearne. At least the tree man doesn’t whine like a mule the whole time.
This reminded me of this old video so I thought I’d share.
Or…perhaps, you will find adventure first!
it would span 200,001 movies long. (grind)
And you would have to use the gem shop for real money for the tickets, the glasses (3D), entry into the bathrooms, carpet on the floor, the soda/popcorn, the chair to sit in, and the ability to leave when it’s over.
There wouldn’t be any reward because the reward for viewing it wouldn’t drop anything even if you had “Fun Find” armor and food equipped.
You would be able to watch 2hrs of it alone, but the last 10mins you would need to find 3 other people to watch it with you because the movie wouldn’t continue otherwise.
1) If based in the game content, it would be a short movie.
2) If based on Lost Shores, a 3 hour movie about walking in circles and killing big crabs
3) If based in personal story, a game about someone who is searching for a lost heirloon and saves some children.
4) If based in dungeons or fractals, you wont be able to watch some parts of it and there is a chance you wont see the final part.
5) If based on customer support, the girl who sells tickets will dress like a stripper and smile at you while the guy who take the tickets will beat the hell out of you with a baseball bat.
6) If based on progression, it will have 20 minutes, but it will keep repeating over and over again.
Problem is that like LOTR its too big for one movie, you would need to release it in segments. Based on my experience as i played through areas…
Queensdale and human starter areas felt like Wizard of OZ
Moving on to the Sylvari areas felt like Avatar
The continual war of the Charr areas felt like Apocolypse now
Orr, Dawn of the Dead ( the 2004 remake where zombies learn to run )
The Lost shores….Titanic.
I think there is enough depth to make GW2 into a movie. The final boss gameplay may be bad but if Michael Bay were to make it…
Do not click this link!
Someone will leave the theater and you will have to find someone else. Then start the film again from the beginning.