If I delete all my toons to switch servers
You wont be able to pick a new server by deleting your toons. You picked a home server before creating toons.
I would think the trick is to sell off every thing burn off all your laurels for gold items and send them all to some one you know to send it back to you after you make a new hero on the new server.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Why would you do this?
I found out that a few of my friends are actually playing. I just started logging in again and never even reached 80 to begin with, and want to switch servers to be able to play with my other buddies, mostly due to WvW.
Also I read that it is free to switch servers if you have wiped all your characters and select a new home server, but I have already done the monthlies and dailies and stuff and just wondering if anyone knows if the laurels would stay on my account or not.
Dont know where you got the idea from that its free to switch servers if you wipe your characters.
It’s a risky thing to do.
in response to SneakyErvin
(edited by Rofocal.1360)
You retain everything account bound that’s not tied to a character, like your bank. Laurels are account bound.
You can delete all the characters on the account and then change servers for free. The transfer costs only kick in for accounts with characters on them.
Nice to know, havnt seen that before.