If gear diversity becomes a requirement..

If gear diversity becomes a requirement..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lambent.6375


(By the title I mean, if in the future it becomes common place to be required to swap to different stat sets depending on what encounter you’re doing in order to successfully complete them.)

Can we get “merged gear”, or something like that. Through crafting, mystic forge, or whatever.

Merged gear = Exotic tier gear that can be switched between 2-3 different stat sets.
Example: You can create a set of exotic armor that can be switched between berserker’s and soldier’s. Similar to legendary, but you only have 2-3 options, and it has exotic stats.

The reason is, I’m sure I’m not the only one who doesn’t want to carry around a bunch of different armor and trinket pieces, constantly switching between them, filling up bank and bag space in the process.

“Caithe, someday you’ll see, Tyria needs me. -Scarlet”

If gear diversity becomes a requirement..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


That’s quite an often requested feature for ascended armour, though. Something to “forge”, “infuse” or “upgrade” for a partial cost of a new item to get limited amount of switcheable stats. (And for runes and sigils as well).

20 level 80s and counting.

If gear diversity becomes a requirement..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Just let us freely allocate our stats but yes stat/gear switch is great “dream”. If this prevents them from creating diversity in pve then we have a creativity issue.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

If gear diversity becomes a requirement..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thefantasticg.3984


When geargate is put in place it’ll be at the same time legendary armor gets put into the game so you can change the stats on the fly.

RNG is a bell curve. Better hope you’re on the right side.