If new expansion hits in 2-3 months...
I would want the level cap to stay at 80 but for expansions to add more level 80 maps.
More story, more open world content, new classes, races and new crafting professions.
As far as I know all they said about raising level cap in the future is that they might consider it- it is not definite.
I can see it creating many problems to be honest and I really don’t think it is necessary
Are you refering to the big upcoming January/February-update? If I remember correctly they were not labeling it as an expansion, just that it would be “bascially an expansion” because of the size of it. If they’re going to do real expansions in the future you’ll have to pay for it.
I’m not sure if anyone here can tell you if it’s gonna be good or bad:)
I wouldn’t say most people finished everything. Most people probably did not finish everything there is to do in GW2.
“In GW1 we never advanced the level cap through four campaigns/expansions. The game design didn’t allow for it. But GW2 was designed without those restrictions, and we’ve always expected that we will someday raise the level cap in GW2.”
its one source i found there are more ofc.
This doesn’t make it fact but this firm also predicted we’d get a launch date 3 weeks before we actually did get one so they have SOME credibility.
(edited by Moderator)
It could be awesome and i would probably come back and play this beautiful game.
but it could also be awful, like introducing new content before fixing the old one.
New expansion is all fine. In fact, new contents is always good. That said…
Increased level = hell no. The good thing about GW1 was that the level cap was set to 20 and the stats for max gear was never increased. Period. THIS was the holy grail of GW1.
The game (expansion) offered quite a lot of content, so you played through it for a while. Naturally, you’ll get bored after a while, so you’ll set aside the game and play something else. However, the game was good so you’ll come back after a while. And that holy grail promised you one thing. You were never left behind. Your character remained as strong as before (minus the new skills that the expansion offered) level and gear wise. It was easy for people to just jump right back in and have fun. There weren’t silly level grinds or gear grinds that you had to do to become effective again. You remained pretty much effective once you reached max status, and this was a big factor for me.
Ascended gear broke that promise in GW2 (Well, sorta. It’s not fully implemented yet, and people cried a lot so Anet backpeddaled on that one. It’s a bit too early to pass judgement so I’ll reserve my coment for now). That’s why many people are kitten off, and worry the future of GW2. I’d like to know where Anet said they’ll raise the cap in the future. Link please. But if that’s to happen, that’s two pillars broken from the original design and I’m sure there will be more cries heard from the community.
So all in all, new expansion = good. Deviating from the original design = bad. There’s enough MMORPGs out in the market. No reason for GW2 to become one of them and disappear.
New expansion is all fine. In fact, new contents is always good. That said…
Increased level = hell no. The good thing about GW1 was that the level cap was set to 20 and the stats for max gear was never increased. Period. THIS was the holy grail of GW1.
The game (expansion) offered quite a lot of content, so you played through it for a while. Naturally, you’ll get bored after a while, so you’ll set aside the game and play something else. However, the game was good so you’ll come back after a while. And that holy grail promised you one thing. You were never left behind. Your character remained as strong as before (minus the new skills that the expansion offered) level and gear wise. It was easy for people to just jump right back in and have fun. There weren’t silly level grinds or gear grinds that you had to do to become effective again. You remained pretty much effective once you reached max status, and this was a big factor for me.
Ascended gear broke that promise in GW2 (Well, sorta. It’s not fully implemented yet, and people cried a lot so Anet backpeddaled on that one. It’s a bit too early to pass judgement so I’ll reserve my coment for now). That’s why many people are kitten off, and worry the future of GW2. I’d like to know where Anet said they’ll raise the cap in the future. Link please. But if that’s to happen, that’s two pillars broken from the original design and I’m sure there will be more cries heard from the community.
So all in all, new expansion = good. Deviating from the original design = bad. There’s enough MMORPGs out in the market. No reason for GW2 to become one of them and disappear.
In regards to raising the level cap, chris whiteside mentions it in the latest AMA he hosted on reddit. Im too lazy to find it for you cuz im on my phone but trust me when i say its there. Lol
Let me find back that article where Colin says they aren’t focusing on an expansion…
Speaking of the updating process- that’s one of the beauties of making a game that’s based in online, that you can constantly be updating it. But aside from continual updates for Guild Wars 2, are there any plans for bigger expansions that are kind of in the works?
Yeah, yeah, we are actively working on a bigger expansion as well. But that’s something we don’t have a real timetable set on yet. Our major focus now, like most of the companies, is live updates. But we do have a small group of people that is working on expansions and stuff down the road as well. But our big goal, what we wanted to do, is really kind of do something that no one’s ever done before in an MMO after it came out. And that’s every single month, adding giant updates to our game and do a huge release that really gives the players the sense that they’re paying their monthly fee, and every four to five months, they’re getting free expansions’ worth of content as part of logging into our game.
Also if you read everything they have said that they won’t make an expansion every 6 months as it too hard for the development team. It’s been 4 months since release and they have been working a lot on events…
But if you really believe everything Colin says you can expect a lot of content during the next months…
(edited by Keiran.1896)
Let me find back that article where Colin says they aren’t focusing on an expansion…
Speaking of the updating process- that’s one of the beauties of making a game that’s based in online, that you can constantly be updating it. But aside from continual updates for Guild Wars 2, are there any plans for bigger expansions that are kind of in the works?
Yeah, yeah, we are actively working on a bigger expansion as well. But that’s something we don’t have a real timetable set on yet. Our major focus now, like most of the companies, is live updates. But we do have a small group of people that is working on expansions and stuff down the road as well. But our big goal, what we wanted to do, is really kind of do something that no one’s ever done before in an MMO after it came out. And that’s every single month, adding giant updates to our game and do a huge release that really gives the players the sense that they’re paying their monthly fee, and every four to five months, they’re getting free expansions’ worth of content as part of logging into our game.
Also if you read everything they have said that they won’t make an expansion every 6 months as it too hard for the development team. It’s been 4 months since release and they have been working a lot on events…
But if you really believe everything Colin says you can expect a lot of content during the next months…
Wouldn’t be the first time a dev contradicted itself.
All this Xpac talk comes from that Korean securities firm KDB Daewoo predictingone would be coming.
They have some credibility since they predicted wed get a launch date 3 weeks before we did and plus they recently said they visited the NCsoft offices so maybe they saw something?
But who knows.
I like the idea of level 100 characters. 80 feels like a weird number. Maybe I’m just old fashioned. Regardless, since the level is set to 80 increases can complicate things. I’m on the fence about if I want an expansion with level caps or the traditional GW route of just more things to do. As long as other things do not become obsolete (like all of tyria). I’m on board for an expansion soon.
(edited by Aevic.9675)
New expansion is all fine. In fact, new contents is always good. That said…
Increased level = hell no. The good thing about GW1 was that the level cap was set to 20 and the stats for max gear was never increased. Period. THIS was the holy grail of GW1.
The game (expansion) offered quite a lot of content, so you played through it for a while. Naturally, you’ll get bored after a while, so you’ll set aside the game and play something else. However, the game was good so you’ll come back after a while. And that holy grail promised you one thing. You were never left behind. Your character remained as strong as before (minus the new skills that the expansion offered) level and gear wise. It was easy for people to just jump right back in and have fun. There weren’t silly level grinds or gear grinds that you had to do to become effective again. You remained pretty much effective once you reached max status, and this was a big factor for me.
Ascended gear broke that promise in GW2 (Well, sorta. It’s not fully implemented yet, and people cried a lot so Anet backpeddaled on that one. It’s a bit too early to pass judgement so I’ll reserve my coment for now). That’s why many people are kitten off, and worry the future of GW2. I’d like to know where Anet said they’ll raise the cap in the future. Link please. But if that’s to happen, that’s two pillars broken from the original design and I’m sure there will be more cries heard from the community.
So all in all, new expansion = good. Deviating from the original design = bad. There’s enough MMORPGs out in the market. No reason for GW2 to become one of them and disappear.
I agree with you 100%. You pretty much hit the nail right on the head. GW1 level cap was the most brilliant idea ever. Whenever I got some wow converts or people from other games come over they would ask about level cap and I’d get: “What?!? only lvl 20?!? well what do you do after cap then?” My reply:" You start playing the game". Cap was when the game actually started, and I was hoping the same for this one. As far as the gear goes, well we honestly have ourselves to blame for the way gear progression has gone. People getting legendaries within the first 2 weeks of the game and QQing about being out of things to do forced Anet’s hand on ascended gear. I don’t agree with it, but I understand why they did it. That being said unless they make the new gear required for most parts of the game I really don’t see how it will affect most people any. I hope they read your post and get reminded to stick to what you coined “the pillars of their design” because that’s exactly what sets it apart from other cookie cutter MMO’s.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
I generally prefer working on my own stuff, and not comparing to others in these games. When I reach cap, I do all I can without having to rely too much on group play, and call that the end for me. I then usually alt it up or just quit, which is odd as I am a 7 year FFXI veteran, and on release, you couldn’t even move your character without an 18 person alliance >_>
I just set my own little goals and reach them when I can, I don’t try to race others, or skip stuff. I just like the game to take me where it wants to.
I don’t think we will see any expansion for a long time, but a major content patch would be more likely, however people really need to get out of this endgame mentality thinking that games just need to be top heavy. I want to see the levelling experience expanded, as it’s all I do in GW2, and all I want to do. Would be great to see new lands and areas to explore while levelling instead of top stacked content.
A level cap increase won’t be for another 1.5 – 2 years. They still have to go through all the ascended slot items first, which is planned to take roughly a year.
Depending on what an expansion covers, they also still have to release the currently locked zones (ie, crystal desert, ring of fire, deep sea), unless they’re going to be considered an expansion.
It is possible however that they think ascended gear is a bigger mistake than they originally thought and planned not an expansion, but a level cap increase with the unlocking of the zones to reset it. Then they could properly implement a slower gear progression. I doubt they would do this however, since it wouldn’t be something that was originally planned for and a lot of things would have to be changed or redesigned because of it (skills, traits, legendaries, crafting).
I highly doubt the first expansion will leave the level cap alone. With the introduction of new gear, stat increases will eventually push certain stats like crit % up to 100%, and the only way to add new gear after that is with a gear reset. That comes in the form of raising the level cap.
I wont be buying the expansion if this is the case. I bought GW2 on the basis that new gear wouldn’t be added, and that I wouldn’t need to grind the same gear again and again. I simply don’t have the spare time to devote to a game of this nature.
If I had known ArenaNet would do a U-turn regarding adding gear (lying kittens never mentioned that in April when they were accepting pre-purchase orders) I would have passed. All I want is an online game I can play with friends, without the tedious grinding. This game isn’t that, and I don’t have the time to devote to it like I did with WoW unfortunately.
Just think of all those people who spent real life money getting their Legendary Weapons, and how soon it will be before a junk weapon in the expansion will be more powerful.
Why not ask ArenaNet if they have plans to make current Legendary Weapons scale when the level cap is raised I predict they will give us a nice place to store them for free when they become obsolete.
I won’t pay another 60$ that soon you can be sure, or i can play something else with monthly fee and that would be way more cheaper… ask this maybe 6-7 months later. But if you talking about free expansion i welcome it since i’m bored with the things now.
Judging by how many are “taking a break” … If a tree falls in the forest …
If new expansion hits in 2-3 months… then there is no point in me working towards making a legendary.
New expansion = new legendaries, new and fresh is always cooler, people want what most people dont have, they want to stand out.
So basically for 99% of players we might as well give up on our legendaries until the next expansion.
This doesn’t make it fact but this firm also predicted we’d get a launch date 3 weeks before we actually did get one so they have SOME credibility.
I believe that firm is saying sometime in the 2nd half 2013 (which would put an expac 6-12 months out)
If new expansion hits in 2-3 months… then there is no point in me working towards making a legendary.
New expansion = new legendaries, new and fresh is always cooler, people want what most people dont have, they want to stand out.
So basically for 99% of players we might as well give up on our legendaries until the next expansion.
I think you have it confused with other games where your legendary becomes obsolete at expac.
Your legendary will always be BIS here in GW2.
If new expansion hits in 2-3 months… then there is no point in me working towards making a legendary.
New expansion = new legendaries, new and fresh is always cooler, people want what most people dont have, they want to stand out.
So basically for 99% of players we might as well give up on our legendaries until the next expansion.
Not necessarily. There are numerous ways to deal with legendaries come a level cap increase, and adding new legendaries is just one of them. I imagine that they aren’t even sure how they plan to deal with that as of yet, as the expansion is so far away.
@OP Aside from the X amount of cues that they want the expansion timeline to be much longer than GW1 was, there would not be an expansion right after a couple major monthly patches that were described numerous times by developers as equivalent to an expansion pack.
If new expansion hits in 2-3 months… then there is no point in me working towards making a legendary.
New expansion = new legendaries, new and fresh is always cooler, people want what most people dont have, they want to stand out.
So basically for 99% of players we might as well give up on our legendaries until the next expansion.
I think you have it confused with other games where your legendary becomes obsolete at expac.
Your legendary will always be BIS here in GW2.
When it comes to stats that is true, but cosmetically when new legendary greatsword skins are released it will become “uncool” to own a Twilight or Sunrise. Everyone will want the new shiny graphic to show off.
If new expansion hits in 2-3 months… then there is no point in me working towards making a legendary.
New expansion = new legendaries, new and fresh is always cooler, people want what most people dont have, they want to stand out.
So basically for 99% of players we might as well give up on our legendaries until the next expansion.
I think you have it confused with other games where your legendary becomes obsolete at expac.
Your legendary will always be BIS here in GW2.
When it comes to stats that is true, but cosmetically when new legendary greatsword skins are released it will become “uncool” to own a Twilight or Sunrise. Everyone will want the new shiny graphic to show off.
So much fail in these two replies.
Only the skins will have any value when an expansion is released, unless ArenaNet deliberately allow them to scale with character level. And if they do that, then why would anyone grind for the new ones, with presumably identical stats?
No, you can expect your current Legendary Weapons to be eclipsed when an expansion arrives. There is no benefit to ArenaNet in letting you keep them and avoiding the grind for new ones. This is a gear treadmill remember.