If only GW2 look this good!
On max settings without HUD that’s what it looks like.
looks like my game.
Going to have to agree with the other two, I see no difference in my game graphics vs this
Aye, I have to agree. That’s pretty much what my game looks like.
Just as my game, and there was a filter below to add FXAA filters, so it looks even more great.
Like everyone said, with max settings it looks this good.
And there is already a graphic enhancement (SweetFX) here on the forums that will tweak the graphics even more to your liking.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
I run this game with everything maxed and the picture does not do my gameplay justice, you jelly?
And yes it makes a huge difference going from lowest to medium to highest, trust me.
That is how the game looks, that’s just a normal screenshot.
Looks to me like that as well.
It actually looks even better, look at this video I did:
I started this game on low setting in the beta’s.
Then I realized I could turn the graphics up and my character died because I was so shocked at how beautiful the game was.
So yes, mine looks like that as well- No wonder I have such a huge screens folder.
Looks just like mine
That’s what it looks like with max settings.
That’s how it look like in my game too.
I played it in max setting.
Here’s my avatar that I’m proud of. I took this on max setting.
I portray her as a dark assassin style of character.
the only strange thing is the camera inclination. maybe the screenshot is taken from a downed player … but the game looks just like that.
Looks just like mine. Even the framerate is the same.
someone has crappy vga/pc
Now that I have a Radeon HD 7970 I think the graphics look amazing. This certainly goes for the armor textures too. My Ranger has the HoM Heritage set, and I have dyed them in a combination of Midnight Sky (Dark Blue-ish) and Ancient Silver, and it looks AWESOME! This from a guy that never bothered with dyes in other games…
Depending on the lighting in the area and the time of day, the ancient silver leather actually seems to shine in a different hue, ranging from dark gold to off-white. You can see the light bounce off certain details on the ancient silver leather when you circle your view around, while the midnight sky texture has a more matte, diffuse look. I will try to make a screenshot, but it reallly shows best in game where the textures literally come alive through reflections during movement.