If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Focksbot.6798


What would it be?

For me, it’s the targeting. The number of times an aggressive enemy has been standing right in front of me, hitting my character, I’ve quickly pressed tab, followed by a number, only to see my character turn 90 degrees to the left or right and shoot an arrow at a distant neutral animal. Why??

Secondary question: if you could CHANGE (not fix) one thing right now, what would it be?

For me, I would prevent nearby creatures respawning round a champion until it has been defeated. I quite like taking on champions by myself, preparing for a long-haul fight where I can whittle them down slowly over time. Unfortunately, I find this impossible while the game has the propensity to respawn one or more veterans I’ve previously killed while I’m in the middle of fighting the champ. I assume this was by design to make solo’ing of champs extremely difficult, but I still hate it.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zetherin.8372


If I could fix 1 thing it would be the selection errors caused by dragging the right mouse button when changing your view and accidentally selecting allies or different enemies.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rukia.4802


I would fix the still horrible optimization. I should not be getting 10FPS in wvw with a 650 ti

inb4 game is optimized…

“I find this rain quite pleasant, it feels as though raindrops are blessing our victory”

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bhuta.1480


I’d fix the bots then the economy and all the anti bot features wouldn’t be infringing on the normal players.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wumpusrat.4769


Hm, fix ONE thing? Probably the “mob randomly goes invulnerable” bug. It happens a lot under water, but occurs on land fairly often as well. This is especially bad when you get swarmed and a couple of the mobs suddenly turn invulnerable and heal back up to full while others are still attacking you.

As far as changing, probably the #1 thing I’d add would be a “preview” function on the trading post. I still can’t believe it doesn’t allow that. It seems so basic, since EVERY other merchant has it.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: paelen.3821


Enabling mouse mode.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zippo burntfur.9307

zippo burntfur.9307

All the class bug’s.

“We don’t need to make gear treadmills”
Colin Johanson on how arenanet measures success

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: whiran.1473


The way the points are calculated in WvW.

I would make them proportional to the population balance.

If a team that is outnumbered 2 to 1 takes over a single keep and holds it, they should get way more points than the team that outnumbers them and controls a single keep.

This would stop the complaining about ‘off peak’ (night) capping which, in turn, would reduce the server transfer issue.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


The clipping issue with the duelist pants that makes my daggers go straight up my kitten Really Anet? Did anyone even bother to try out the pants before launch?

Nesmee – Thief
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ciannait.1945


Hacking and botting.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azjenco.9425


Fix: Trahearne swooping in and stealing all the glory in the last quarter of the story. He took mah job!

Change: Boss fights. Less tank and spank, with a dodge here and there bosses and more fights with funky mechanics that keep changing throughout the fight. Make the bosses interesting, let us use the environment and our wits a bit. There’s far too many fights against mountains with a billion health and windup one-shot kills.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cernow.3974


I would like to see a fix for the poor fps performance and invisible enemies in WvW. WvW is unplayable for me at the moment. The way WvW maps are designed causes players to zerg, but the game engine cannot handle such a zerg and it turns into a slideshow where all you are doing is chasing (or avoiding) red circles on the floor. Since WvW is the main thing I want to be doing at level 80 endgame it’s killing my enjoyment to the point where I’m considering where else to spend my gaming time.

As for a change, I’d like to see less mobs with knockdowns / knockbacks. When you play melee you find this is a rather overused mechanic that very quickly becomes tedious because too many mobs have knockdowns / knockbacks which cannot be anticiptated, aren’t properly telegraphed (so can’t be dodged) or just plain don’t make sense or are inappropriate for the mob type. This mechanic has been given to far too many mobs in the game, many of them in an undocumented manner (not mentioned in the mob’s description).

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wumpusrat.4769


As for a change, I’d like to see less mobs with knockdowns / knockbacks. When you play melee you find this is a rather overused mechanic that very quickly becomes tedious because too many mobs have knockdowns / knockbacks which cannot be anticiptated, aren’t properly telegraphed (so can’t be dodged) or just plain don’t make sense or are inappropriate for the mob type. This mechanic has been given to far too many mobs in the game, many of them in an undocumented manner (not mentioned in the mob’s description).

I was just kvetching about this last night in map chat on my warrior.

It’s even worse if you end up fighting 3-4 mobs at once and they all have it. I’ve run into several fights where my warrior was just getting punted all over the place in rapid succession. Or stunned, and the split-second it wears off another mob slaps another stun on me. I’d end up being stunned/helpless for sometimes up to 10 seconds at a time. And worse, they seem to have REALLY short cooldowns on their moves, compared to ours…

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krathalos.3461


Server transfers

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deggon.8152


Getting rid of all the bots, was not a problem at my level range at the time but the higher I get the more and more I am seeing.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nukeyak.1786


FOV, for me nothing else comes close. The narrow field of view makes me feel claustrophobic and makes playing very fatiguing. Apparently, Anet is nearing a fix for this, we’ll see.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


If I could fix one thing I would fire the entire design team that has ruined this game since launch, roll back their nerfs and replace them all with a new team who’s main directive would be to make no changes that infringe on normal players activities.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healingpistol.5829


Right now urgently I would say:
1. Tab targeting.
2. Changing targets when casting AOE and the pointer happens to be over someone.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Direwolf.7812


If I could change one thing in the game.

I would delete all the legendary weapons from all players inventory and banks that were created within 1-2 months since the game released since it is blantly obvious that those players used the exploits to get them.


I would remove the Mystic Forge from the game as it is a stupid stupid stupid RNG sinkhole that does not even make sense to be in an MMO.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kuroi.5467


Hm, fix ONE thing? Probably the “mob randomly goes invulnerable” bug. It happens a lot under water, but occurs on land fairly often as well. This is especially bad when you get swarmed and a couple of the mobs suddenly turn invulnerable and heal back up to full while others are still attacking you.

As far as changing, probably the #1 thing I’d add would be a “preview” function on the trading post. I still can’t believe it doesn’t allow that. It seems so basic, since EVERY other merchant has it.

amen to both of these. but also, we need to be able to check what dungeon paths we have on diminished returns. that’s something so little that can so save so much time.

also, each dungeon needs it’s own serverwide LFG chatfilter. i don’t know how practical that is, and i know people are beating LFG to death, but anything that can be done to facilitate that nonsense would be welcome.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eridani.8317


I’d roll back the change in ori nodes so they respawn every 6hrs again. That and bots would help fix the economy and improve the game a lot.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alucardrx.8930


I would remove level scaling.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nirvash.3018


I would fix optimization for WvW

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Hard to find any one thing, but for starters in no particular order:

1. Camera is too low and it’s hard seeing anything behind me unless I autorun and switch the camera behind me.

2. Targeting. Makes no sense to hit tab and something way off screen is targeted instead of the mob right next to my rally monkey.

3. Add resolve to PvE (for players only) to prevent mob and catapult stunlocking.

4. Scale mobs’ HP with how many people are doing an event, so everyone doing the Plinx chain and the after events could get loot, even mesmers and eles.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


I would remove level scaling.

Griefing lowbies by KSing them or one-shotting them in WvW would be fun wouldn’t it? On a serious note it’s so firmly established within the coding of the game and is such a fundamental part of it, and far too much would have to be reworked if they were to remove it. From a story perspective it’s hard to reconcile it as an acceptable break from reality… unless you interpret the actions of your character as not being within a linear time frame. In other words, everytime you’re in a level 10 zone you’re actually seeing a few months to a year ago while teleporting to Orr means you’re viewing your character in his/her present, while going to a level 60 zone you’re looking into your character’s past from a month ago, etc.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

DE scaling.

I actually don’t have any other request other than this and “water mobs going invulnerable” thing.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dejan.3856


Removing coming back (and continue the fight) to dungeon bosses after dying (not geting downed).

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jabronee.9465


Primary : Ability Delays
This is the first thing that Must be fixed a.s.a.p as an action mmorpg.
Seriously feel like playing the game with an old typewriter instead of my keyboard.
Why? Because skills will blink once or twice before my toon start to do anything.

Secondly: Melee Attacks
Melee attacks should stop attacking once target is out of range or better, could not be activated if target is out of range or already dead.
Why? Cause the skill will go on recharge. Its a waste of cooldown for a melee class.
I bet in real combat you wont keep swinging your sword at the same spot when your target is already out of reach. Its silly.
Its either the skill could not be cast or it should stop immediately.
A good example is Flurry. Once activated and target with condition removal is running away or gonna bash you up, you cant even dodge or move at times cause the skill keep doing the full effect.

Once again Arenanet, please look into all these. Other than that the game is fine and with the Expansions later on it will be Awesome! But please fixed all these a.s.a.p.

(edited by Jabronee.9465)

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: coglin.1496


Targeting is fine. Use all 4 manners of targeting and it is not an issue at all. If your tab targeting to scroll through targets, you get exactly what you ask for. Use the “nearest target” button solves all those issues.

What I would prefer to see focused on nest is the broken or bugged profession traits and skills.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Benkei.6293


B*tch pls

“For me, I would prevent nearby creatures respawning round a champion until it has been defeated. I quite like taking on champions by myself, preparing for a long-haul fight where I can whittle them down slowly over time. Unfortunately, I find this impossible while the game has the propensity to respawn one or more veterans I’ve previously killed while I’m in the middle of fighting the champ. I assume this was by design to make solo’ing of champs extremely difficult, but I still hate it.”

and ur name is “fockbots”, u could have done a better wish list

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lothefallen.7081


Gut downstate…

Add more elite skills or possibly re-introduce elite skill capping and unique bosses in areas that aren’t just veteran #234. It’s just lazy design and unappealing to fight nameless champions and veterans.

Give more reason for players to play and stay in different maps..

Give more reason for players to group up and play together meaningfully..

Fix AI to suit the combat..

Make it less brain-dead and more mentally engaging.

Create more maps..

More PvP modes..

Traits overhaul..

Make character progression and customization through traits more solidly defined and tangible.

Weapon skill overhaul..

Decrease the number scale in the game to a tangible level. In GW, i knew how powerful things were because they affected my health bar, in this game, it just adds to the homogeneous feel.

Re-introduce some semblance of trinity roles so that combat isn’t just a homogeneous zergdaddy with a **** ton of skill effect particles.

De-homogenize the utility – to – buff system.

The Ardent Aegis

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Focksbot.6798


and ur name is “fockbots”, u could have done a better wish list

I think you may have misread my name.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arsenal.2601


Hard to find any one thing, but for starters in no particular order:

1. Camera is too low and it’s hard seeing anything behind me unless I autorun and switch the camera behind me.

This – and getting attacked from behind by mobs when I was mining, bothered me. So I key-bound the “Look Behind” command to “Z”.

“I’m always achieving greatness!”

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ziggy k u.5631

Ziggy k u.5631

I agree totaly with all who are upset with the respawn rate .I love GW1, when you killed the foe that was that .The respawn just makes it grrrrrrr log off and wonder if i should go back to GW1.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leto.5642


1 thing? Bots definitely. Since I hate Orr I spend all my time in Frostgorge Sound (WTB more L80 maps btw), bots really are all over the place. I systematically report them, which isn’t that easy when it’s a huge group constantly moving, but it’s extremely depressing to see that there are more bots than real players. When you see that you’re really wondering what you’re doing there.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

I’d fix me paying 60$ for GW2.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RaoZaoku.5289


The lack of skills.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narcz.9813


Too much to get into – im 100% certain this will go the way of many a poorly designed mmo before it. Sad really, bitterly dissapointed. Far too much emphasis on Anet making money – had enough.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lobo.1296


Rangers…I would fix Rangers.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GSTim.8094


WvW rendering issues. This is the only thing that’s annoying me in this game.
I even got used to op thieves, but this infinite invis thing drives me crazy.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xeno.3289


Been said a million times already… but I’d love to be able to zoom in to a first person view. Being able to zoom out a little more would also be very welcome. FOV is fine for me, but obviously not for others… so why not add an FOV adjustment slider and give folks a choice as to their personal preference? It can’t be that difficult to integrate as there are readily available hacks that already do all of these things.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: raesirecks.4325


Targeting, no question.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: K Smooth.5426

K Smooth.5426

I wish that customer service would respond to my ticket so I can actually play this game and have my account reinstated. Was wrongfully banned along with thousands of other players for real world trading…. Check out the account issues forum: it’s sad.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrNobody.4357



playing on 16:10 screen i feel like watching the world through a car window, standing way too close the window.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Konrad Curze.5130

Konrad Curze.5130

and by fixing it, I mean scrapping it entirely and starting anew

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aequitas.6402


The camera.

Oh, you want to do a jumping puzzle? Sure thing, go ahea- Oh, woops, a stone got in the way. But isn’t the view of your character’s legs nice?

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shootsfoot.9276


The forum community.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stonberg.4198


Camera, its behaviour induces the Howling Rages in me at times.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Logun.2349


If I could fix ONE thing right now….
I like to see a fix for all of the event chains that seem to get stuck on occasion. (Looks like this patch fixed a number of those and added an additional 30 Dynamic events to the game.)

If I could change one thing….
I would really like to see all Champion classified open world bosses spawn chests (if part of a DE or not) and reward a small amount of Karma so we don’t see packs of people waiting for events to start or running the same 3 or 4 DE over and over again.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mak.9027


The camera that is constantly showing ground, just ground . No doubts.