If you could have only one character?
Skritt thief. So I can backstab people’s ankles.
My little ranger.
my fully abys dyed human thief
Server: Darkhaven (fb.com/groups/guildwars2darkhaven)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheJayvux
I’m a althoholic but i always end up playing my warrior the most because he just does everything more efficient.
My main, a norn ranger.
I wouldn’t survive, though. I need my alts and I love them.
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
Idk. Which one of your children would you keep and the others you show the door and say, go find a JP and stay there for a daily farm.
Human Ele.
15 charr
My asura engineer .
My asura necromancer. I have a lot of fun on my asura mesmer, too, but my necro is still my favourite child.
(Yes, I have alts from other races, too, but really, they don’t stand a chance.)
The manbearpig!
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Of my 8 characters, either Nyoka Gorefell or Nergal Junior. Nyoka Gorefell is my main now, and Nergal Junior was my main in Guild Wars 1—recreated here. I honestly don’t know how I’d pick…. Nyoka gets a lot more play time., but I have stronger feelings of nostalgia for Junior.
Honestly, I think I’d convince Nyoka to hide Junior somewhere, so I could keep them both.
I will play as Grenth.
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs
Asura ranger! I have an 80 necro to but I love my little ranger.
My Norn Necro….she’s a ball to play.
But I am very happy that we don’t have to choose. I love all my alts…especially my up-and-coming human thief (lvl 53)
Mesmer .Cause Mesmers are awesome and will rule you all one day .
I’d start looking for another game.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
Nothing, I’d go back to Diablo 2.
[PVP] Fort Aspenwood
Asuran Mesmer. Portal bomb too strong.
Though it would kill me to have only one, I’d have to go with a necro. The question now is which one. I have a human, charr and asuran necro and I’d probably have to keep the Asuran or Charr. I don’t really like the human story that much (though I love the character).
Probably the charr necro, with the asuran coming a close second. That would have been an easier choice if Asuras didn’t have a huge advantage in jumping puzzles.