If you deny diminishing returns as a farmer..

If you deny diminishing returns as a farmer..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: glehmann.9586


I checked back to the beginning of April, you haven’t hit DR since that time.

Depends on how you look at it. 1 thing i’m 100% sure with makes your claim at least partly wrong: The event reward diminishing return for sure has kicked in to the player you are referring to.

John Smith explicitly clarified that he was talking about DR from monster drops.

If you deny diminishing returns as a farmer..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: John.8507


Can any player find out their DR rating? As I seem to be on the unlucky end of the scale.

If you deny diminishing returns as a farmer..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Can any player find out their DR rating? As I seem to be on the unlucky end of the scale.

Unfortunately no.

Serenity now~Insanity later

If you deny diminishing returns as a farmer..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: John.8507


Can any player find out their DR rating? As I seem to be on the unlucky end of the scale.

Unfortunately no.

Would be nice to if I had hit it at all, as loot is pretty poor most the time.

If you deny diminishing returns as a farmer..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaklex.6308


I checked back to the beginning of April, you haven’t hit DR since that time.

Depends on how you look at it. 1 thing i’m 100% sure with makes your claim at least partly wrong: The event reward diminishing return for sure has kicked in to the player you are referring to. 15 (around) Events in Silverwastes is enough to lower the 18000 experience to drop to 17k 16k very fast down to almost nothing (600 exp if you keep spamming Silverwastes). That DR has definitely been reached by him who plays more Silverwastes then me, and I got it already by playing SW 1 hour. Sure it’s technically not loot, but the exp, (can give loot if use wisely), Karma (also sort of loot) and money (definitely loot) of events are nerfed heavly this way.

You’re completely wrong about the Event DR Phoebe, and all you need to do is look up above at my previous post with the number in it. That third level of 12k Exp, etc. that continued for the next 3 times doing the same event without going any lower…and based on the previous 3 and your statement it should have continued to drop each and every time I did the same event over and over. I believe there’s a cap on how much DR affects events to where it reaches a plateau…and John Smith only oversees monster DR, he has nothing to do with event DR.