If you don't have your Precursor Quit Trying...

If you don't have your Precursor Quit Trying...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silverghost.4192


Watch this video on youtube.
This guy did 350 attempts and didn’t get the precursor.
Dusk is at 300g and by the time you save 300g it will be at 3000g so quit now if you don’t have a precursor because it’s not possible post patch to get one.

Disclaimer, this link does go to youtube so if you have something against youtube for some odd reason don’t click the link.

If you don't have your Precursor Quit Trying...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tomcat.8375


Since you mentioned the price of the precursor Dusk…

What I find EXTREMELY interesting:
Price has continued to rise ever since the first legendary weapons started cropping up. Dusk has quadrupled from 100g to 400g. Now we are all aware of people stock piling these weapons from exploits and forming a monopoly. BUT since now that people are going crazy AND Anet has acknowledged the price to be a concern, someone put up Dusk today for 315g…. Let that sink in, one is listed for 400g, the next is 315g… Why would someone with the rarest dropped/random item in game, sacrifice so much gold on an undercut? Especially when it would be extremely rare another would be posted for cheaper? Isn’t that the true value of the item?

It’s the first time the price has decreased since the bubble… I personally feel the people who are controlling Dusk’s monopoly are now threatened and scared by Anet acknowledging them. Now they are trying to drop the price so Anet doesn’t implement something that takes away their control.

This whole theory could be some crazy talking, but I remember reading posts of people stock piling precursors from using exploits. If some admit it, how many others have abused the system? Isn’t it funny that (generally) only 1 is in the TP at a time? It’s either forced to dance to the seller’s tune or gamble with the MF.

I don’t trust it, period. And I hope we get something concrete implemented.

If you don't have your Precursor Quit Trying...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calae.1738


Anything that involves gambling without knowing the odds is not worth your time and money. The most likely result is that you will lose.

I laugh when the clerk at the convenient store tries to sell me lottery tickets and can’t answer a simple question such as; what are the probabilities of winning?

If you don't have your Precursor Quit Trying...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loxias.2375


The reason someone put one up at 315 instead of 395 is probably the TP bug. They just did a basic search, saw the 9 day old price, and probably didn’t look any further, just keyed in something close. My friend did that the other day before realizing the bug was just the initial search and lost a few gold on an item that had skyrocketed. Then again, the person listing one at 315g may have 10 to get rid of one at a time, right now it’s hard to say.

If you don't have your Precursor Quit Trying...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


@Calae: Yeah, because the guy working part-time behind the counter of the convenience store is also the doctor of statistical mathematics that designed the lottery…so him not telling you all the data is likely just because he knows for a fact it’s rigged and is trying to deceive you.

Or possibly he’s just some guy working a part time minimum-wage job, and has about as much clue about statistics as he does about the ingredients in the hot dogs he also sells.

Putting the RNG into the equation for the legendary weapons makes them entirely a matter of being lucky and rich, not of being good at the game or even playing the game period. It was a…less than ideal…way to do things.

I recognize that it’s very, very difficult for a game designer in this genre to truly make epic, long-term goals…people are always going to go super fast, game the system, and get things much faster than you’d like. Also, if you make it take an incredible amount of time, you end up with something that people just don’t bother with because the reward can’t possibly justify the effort, and you put it out of reach for the vast majority of your players…which isn’t much fun.

It’s a hard nut to crack. I wish they would base it more around the things that make GW2 great. Make it less about grinding, and more about exploration, variety, and the open world.

As long as it’s a pure gamble, I’ll never get a legendary weapon. That’s a shame…because I’ll likely play and thoroughly enjoy this game for thousands of hours. I should be able to get one (and I totally don’t mind it taking a LONG time)…but I’m not willing to drop massive effort and time on repeatedly tugging the one arm bandit. The odds of getting the desired result never change. They are exactly the same on your 350th combine as they were on your first. It’s a complete waste.

If you don't have your Precursor Quit Trying...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phy.2913


Just because it’s listed at 300g doesn’t mean anyone will buy it at 300g.

If you don't have your Precursor Quit Trying...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Painking.4703


Just because it’s listed at 300g doesn’t mean anyone will buy it at 300g.

And just because people don’t want to buy it at 300g doesn’t mean the sellers will stop putting it up for 300g+.

See the problem here?

If you don't have your Precursor Quit Trying...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Trock Bronze.9625

Trock Bronze.9625

those that exploited and stock piled will be dealt with in time and things will balance out.

If you don't have your Precursor Quit Trying...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SimianChaos.3219



I laugh when the clerk at the convenient store tries to sell me lottery tickets and can’t answer a simple question such as; what are the probabilities of winning?

Flip over the back of the ticket for scratch lotto and it will say you have a 1:X chance of winning, including ratios for overall prizes and higher prizes. The same can be done with the daily lotto drawings by looking at the back of the slips used to pick your numbers. Either you never actually asked or you asked someone who had only worked at that store for a few days. I learned these things within a month of working at a 7-Eleven.

If you don't have your Precursor Quit Trying...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025


There’s nothing legendary about the “lottery weapons” nothing at all, you grind, you either spin the wheel or not.
To be fair it’s not something that would inspire awe in other players or even respect, all people will think is

A: Wow (s)he must have exploited
B: Wow (s)he must have farmed a heck of a lot mindlessly, maybe they’re mentally ill
C: Wow (s)he got REALLY lucky
D: Any number of the above in any order

They’re nice, but I question why anyone would want to farm non stop to blow it all on terrible rng like that :S

Then we’ve got the whole problem of those putting them up at 300+ gold, clearly they’ve worked out that’s how much it takes max, to get a new one and thus are selling off their (potentially exploited) precursors at a rate that will net them some profit, however with this kind of thing going on, and with this rng system, ultimately only a few will win, and if they stop playing the game, that’s money that disappears from the economy. Problem is, the prices may not reflect that when and if it does happen, given that if they are exploiting it will shorten the games longevity for them, this is a real concern.

Irony…. xD

If you don't have your Precursor Quit Trying...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

There’s nothing legendary about the “lottery weapons” nothing at all, you grind, you either spin the wheel or not.
To be fair it’s not something that would inspire awe in other players or even respect, all people will think is

A: Wow (s)he must have exploited
B: Wow (s)he must have farmed a heck of a lot mindlessly, maybe they’re mentally ill
C: Wow (s)he got REALLY lucky
D: Any number of the above in any order

They’re nice, but I question why anyone would want to farm non stop to blow it all on terrible rng like that :S

Then we’ve got the whole problem of those putting them up at 300+ gold, clearly they’ve worked out that’s how much it takes max, to get a new one and thus are selling off their (potentially exploited) precursors at a rate that will net them some profit, however with this kind of thing going on, and with this rng system, ultimately only a few will win, and if they stop playing the game, that’s money that disappears from the economy. Problem is, the prices may not reflect that when and if it does happen, given that if they are exploiting it will shorten the games longevity for them, this is a real concern.

I would argue that nobody was supposed to have legendaries at all yet.

My way of looking at it is that legendaries are an extremely long-term goal that you can achieve by playing the game normally over the course of several months. How? If you just do all of the things available in the game—WvW, dungeons, and Orr/Frostgorge events—and save all of the orichalcum, wood, and rare mats you come across, as well as saving your money, you could probably have your legendary within a few months.

The people who have them already either got extremely lucky or had help. Which is fine, by the way! Several guilds were made pretty much just to make a legendary as quickly as possible—it’s a prestige thing. But doing it alone will take a longer time. If you’re singleminded—if that’s all you want to do in the game—then yeah, it’s going to be a grind. But if you just play the game, play the new content that’ll be coming out within the next couple of months, and don’t unreasonably blow all of your money and materials constantly, you’ll get it eventually.

If we all had legendaries, or were well on our ways, a month and a half into the game I’d think there was a serious problem.

If you don't have your Precursor Quit Trying...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daendur.2357


3000 gw2 players banned for karma weapons exploit.
more than 1.5m weapons bought
375k mystic forge attempts
I firmly believe that some precursors have not been destroyed.

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

If you don't have your Precursor Quit Trying...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


The weapons themselves aren’t worth nearly as much as they’re being auctioned for. A lot of the problem surrounds the simple fact that many players are putting up weapons that are highly sought after at ridiculous prices that almost no-one is going to be able to afford at this point in time or even in the immediate future.

If you don't have your Precursor Quit Trying...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025


There’s nothing legendary about the “lottery weapons” nothing at all, you grind, you either spin the wheel or not.
To be fair it’s not something that would inspire awe in other players or even respect, all people will think is

A: Wow (s)he must have exploited
B: Wow (s)he must have farmed a heck of a lot mindlessly, maybe they’re mentally ill
C: Wow (s)he got REALLY lucky
D: Any number of the above in any order

They’re nice, but I question why anyone would want to farm non stop to blow it all on terrible rng like that :S

Then we’ve got the whole problem of those putting them up at 300+ gold, clearly they’ve worked out that’s how much it takes max, to get a new one and thus are selling off their (potentially exploited) precursors at a rate that will net them some profit, however with this kind of thing going on, and with this rng system, ultimately only a few will win, and if they stop playing the game, that’s money that disappears from the economy. Problem is, the prices may not reflect that when and if it does happen, given that if they are exploiting it will shorten the games longevity for them, this is a real concern.

I would argue that nobody was supposed to have legendaries at all yet.

My way of looking at it is that legendaries are an extremely long-term goal that you can achieve by playing the game normally over the course of several months. How? If you just do all of the things available in the game—WvW, dungeons, and Orr/Frostgorge events—and save all of the orichalcum, wood, and rare mats you come across, as well as saving your money, you could probably have your legendary within a few months.

The people who have them already either got extremely lucky or had help. Which is fine, by the way! Several guilds were made pretty much just to make a legendary as quickly as possible—it’s a prestige thing. But doing it alone will take a longer time. If you’re singleminded—if that’s all you want to do in the game—then yeah, it’s going to be a grind. But if you just play the game, play the new content that’ll be coming out within the next couple of months, and don’t unreasonably blow all of your money and materials constantly, you’ll get it eventually.

If we all had legendaries, or were well on our ways, a month and a half into the game I’d think there was a serious problem.

Oh no, I’m not assuming that you should have been able to sologrind a legendary weapon at this point in the game. I’m merely stating that the “how long is a piece of string” approach to obtaining them is an archaic and horrible system which forces players to grind not only in one aspect of the game, but in multiple aspects they may not even want to.
Thus you’re forced to grind for currencies and rewards, then you’ve the option to gamble those rewards for a chance at a legendary skin.
I’ve played enough MMO’s of all shapes and sizes to know, when you rely too much on rng many players change opinion towards the rewards and their value in the non monetary sense diminishes greatly, as does the prestige of ownership

Tell me though, what is wrong with a legendary being bought for say xxx wpvp badges? that would show that your wpvp skills are “legendary” I mean after all saving up that many badges, recapturing so many points etc etc would be something you achieved ingame, and without incessant farming

how about massive amounts of tokens from dungeons for the same “legendary potato peeler of the dungeon master” style reward or multiples therein?

Why, pres tel. Are we forced to farm and grind in content we have little to no interest in so that we can roll the dice on an RNG reliant mystic forge funnel of a system which in the end, doesn’t even once inspire respect from our peers ingame save for to say

“hey that guild did good grinding so one person could have a legendary”

Or any of the other assumptions that would be made for that matter?

Sure you’ll get the real try hard players that will inevitably work out the most stable ways of gaming systems, diminishing odds and playing in a way that just isn’t indicative of even a subjective idea of fun, but when it’s THIS much of a time sink, and THIS reliant on spreading players out “uncomfortably” into content they don’t give a hoot about, to then gamble (which they might not enjoy) the rewards of said content for something no one will give a poop about, even at some point you have to ask yourself

“Why bother”

Irony…. xD

If you don't have your Precursor Quit Trying...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phy.2913


Just because it’s listed at 300g doesn’t mean anyone will buy it at 300g.

And just because people don’t want to buy it at 300g doesn’t mean the sellers will stop putting it up for 300g+.

See the problem here?

It’s not a problem. If people aren’t willing to pay that price then the item sits, if the item sits no one makes money, and only the idiot listing it that high loses money. List fee is not a representation of value or even market worth.