If you enjoy GW2 leave positive feedback plz
I enjoy gw2’s combat. That is all. Everything else is lacking, everything.
I enjoy the game…even after a year of changes.
GW2 is great in abolishing the “trinity”, a system about 15 years (?) old and paving the way for console type combat in MMORPG. A shame it only went halfway.
I enjoy GW2. So do my guildies. I find that the game is 10x more enjoyable when you surround yourself with people with great attitudes.
I’ve played GW1 since the birth of Factions, and have played GW2 since beta. While I enjoy the game, it does have it’s flaws. Nothing game breaking for me, but things that I hope with time will become better. Similarly to how GW1 grew over the years, I expect to see much the same with GW2, and unless they completely stick their head up their kitten, I’ll be here every step of the way to offer both my congratulations, and my criticism. ^.^
No game is perfect. I am not a game designer and so many things I want or feel should be in the game or be a certain way are very possibly my self interests.
That being said; I love the core of this game. I play more than casually, but less than “hard core”.
When I look at other MMOs currently out or coming out soon I instantly start to compare them to GW2. Even if those games do not have a direct comparison to GW2 I try to make one.
Does it have WVW?
What is the art style like?
What is the combat like?
How much is it going to cost me?
How frequent are the updates going to be?
Raiding / Dungeons? How many?
Lore / Story?
Etc, etc. I think you get the idea. There are lots of place for improvements. But currently and in the foreseeable future it’kittenting all the right notes.
One final note:
COMMUNITY. While at times I shake my head with the best of them, or can be astounded with some actions I see. This Community here in GW2 and on my server is excellent. We all want to sit and talk personally with Devs 1 on 1, but overall I would say we get a fair amount of response and feedback from them, from the community managers, etc. Even though some of my MMO experiences are perhaps a fair more limited than others here, I would be hard pressed to think of another MMO where I felt as engaged.
edit: Sorry I left out that “I enjoy GW2”
I really enjoy the game but I play a very limited amount of time. Since my game time is limited I focus on doing things I enjoy and I don’t go out of my way to grind things unless of course I decide I will enjoy that.
I have been a little disappointed in the last few living story updates but that again is more linked to my limited time. I didn’t have the time or didn’t want to dedicate the time to doing those 5 invasions that took 45 minutes a piece. That locked me out of the Pavilion which I was enjoying prior to that. I also wasn’t a fan of Stupor Adventure Box and the graphics almost made me have a seizure and that was after I smashed my computer against a wall, set it on fire and then sold it as “Slightly Used” on eBay.
I do enjoy the graphics but the removal of culling kind of made it worse for me as far as the quality of other players and even at max settings it does not change. I do like all the small details in the game and the thought that must have gone into them. I mostly enjoy the diversity of things to do in game and that fits great for someone like myself that does not play a lot. Some of the LS events have been the exception but I’m not an achievement point hunter so it isn’t a big deal.
I’d say I give Anet and GW2 a solid A- and I’m strict on grading so that’s pretty good.
I really enjoy the game but I play a very limited amount of time. Since my game time is limited I focus on doing things I enjoy and I don’t go out of my way to grind things unless of course I decide I will enjoy that.
I have been a little disappointed in the last few living story updates but that again is more linked to my limited time. I didn’t have the time or didn’t want to dedicate the time to doing those 5 invasions that took 45 minutes a piece. That locked me out of the Pavilion which I was enjoying prior to that. I also wasn’t a fan of Stupor Adventure Box and the graphics almost made me have a seizure and that was after I smashed my computer against a wall, set it on fire and then sold it as “Slightly Used” on eBay.
I do enjoy the graphics but the removal of culling kind of made it worse for me as far as the quality of other players and even at max settings it does not change. I do like all the small details in the game and the thought that must have gone into them. I mostly enjoy the diversity of things to do in game and that fits great for someone like myself that does not play a lot. Some of the LS events have been the exception but I’m not an achievement point hunter so it isn’t a big deal.
I’d say I give Anet and GW2 a solid A- and I’m strict on grading so that’s pretty good.
The truth is, you didn’t have to be locked out of the pavillion. All you needed to do was going with a group of people who had already unlocked the pavillion and do the dungeon with them (since you could enter the dungeon without doing all the prerequisite stuff as long as someone else started it).
I took many many people in my guild through that dungeon to open the pavillion for them, even though many didn’t have time to do the invasions.
I enjoy gw2 alot, its the best MMO i have played, has everything that i want mmos to have, but it obviously still has it’s flaws, which highlights another good part of the game: no subscription. I know i paid 50€ for an always improving game, i know that one year from now this game will be even better at no extra cost for me.
GW2 is the best time i ever had in online games.
I really enjoy the game but I play a very limited amount of time. Since my game time is limited I focus on doing things I enjoy and I don’t go out of my way to grind things unless of course I decide I will enjoy that.
I have been a little disappointed in the last few living story updates but that again is more linked to my limited time. I didn’t have the time or didn’t want to dedicate the time to doing those 5 invasions that took 45 minutes a piece. That locked me out of the Pavilion which I was enjoying prior to that. I also wasn’t a fan of Stupor Adventure Box and the graphics almost made me have a seizure and that was after I smashed my computer against a wall, set it on fire and then sold it as “Slightly Used” on eBay.
I do enjoy the graphics but the removal of culling kind of made it worse for me as far as the quality of other players and even at max settings it does not change. I do like all the small details in the game and the thought that must have gone into them. I mostly enjoy the diversity of things to do in game and that fits great for someone like myself that does not play a lot. Some of the LS events have been the exception but I’m not an achievement point hunter so it isn’t a big deal.
I’d say I give Anet and GW2 a solid A- and I’m strict on grading so that’s pretty good.
The truth is, you didn’t have to be locked out of the pavillion. All you needed to do was going with a group of people who had already unlocked the pavillion and do the dungeon with them (since you could enter the dungeon without doing all the prerequisite stuff as long as someone else started it).
I took many many people in my guild through that dungeon to open the pavillion for them, even though many didn’t have time to do the invasions.
I didn’t know that. I’m also part of the “doesn’t read up on stuff much” crowd.
I really enjoy the game but I play a very limited amount of time. Since my game time is limited I focus on doing things I enjoy and I don’t go out of my way to grind things unless of course I decide I will enjoy that.
I have been a little disappointed in the last few living story updates but that again is more linked to my limited time. I didn’t have the time or didn’t want to dedicate the time to doing those 5 invasions that took 45 minutes a piece. That locked me out of the Pavilion which I was enjoying prior to that. I also wasn’t a fan of Stupor Adventure Box and the graphics almost made me have a seizure and that was after I smashed my computer against a wall, set it on fire and then sold it as “Slightly Used” on eBay.
I do enjoy the graphics but the removal of culling kind of made it worse for me as far as the quality of other players and even at max settings it does not change. I do like all the small details in the game and the thought that must have gone into them. I mostly enjoy the diversity of things to do in game and that fits great for someone like myself that does not play a lot. Some of the LS events have been the exception but I’m not an achievement point hunter so it isn’t a big deal.
I’d say I give Anet and GW2 a solid A- and I’m strict on grading so that’s pretty good.
The truth is, you didn’t have to be locked out of the pavillion. All you needed to do was going with a group of people who had already unlocked the pavillion and do the dungeon with them (since you could enter the dungeon without doing all the prerequisite stuff as long as someone else started it).
I took many many people in my guild through that dungeon to open the pavillion for them, even though many didn’t have time to do the invasions.
I didn’t know that.
I’m also part of the “doesn’t read up on stuff much” crowd.
Well, I’d have gladly run you through too…keep that in mind for next time. lol
I quite enjoyed GW2 at launch, and I enjoy it more now. I enjoy most aspects of the game (don’t really care for jumping puzzles, don’t like SPvP at all, but enjoy pretty much everything else). I’ve enjoyed most of the elements of all of the Living Story updates, and really enjoyed some parts like the Scarlet invasions.
I want to let ArenaNet know that I appreciate their efforts, as well. I enjoy playing their game, and I like the Living Story releases most of the time. When their is a release that doesn’t quite suit me, there are a 101 other things to do. I just bought two more character slots, since they are on sale (I’ve been waiting..yay!), so I have plenty to do whenever I’m not busy with the latest release. Thank you for so much pleasure, Devs! =)
Still here after a year, have to admit they’re doing something right.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
The art director deserves a promotion, because I always loved the artworks of this game, and the vibe it gives.
Music is nice too, always love to hang around the grove and sit down for a while.
The rest ? Blergh.
Positive feedback? differentiates the scrubs through skill! not gear (in pvp at least)
I love that Anet went with a stylized art style rather then realistic art style. Stylized art styles generally last a lot longer then realistic. Just look at World of Warcraft, which opted for a ‘cartoony’ art style.
I love the atmosphere, the game can be very immersive at times.(When you’re not simply waypointing from one area to another, at least.)
While the personal story is generally disliked, there is a few gems in it. The Charr 1-20 storylines are a very good example.
The combat system, and I think it’s a crime that a lot of the mobs(at least, in the open world, not much of an instance runner) don’t do it justice. I’ve had some very fun encounters with mobs and players alike.
Those are just a few off the top of my head. Oh, and I think I’ll end with something I’ve heard from somewhere that I can’t remember…
People don’t complain about a game they hate. They complain about something they dislike in a game they like. :P
-Rayn Brightclaw, Tarnished Coast
Been playing a year now and still give GW2 9/10.
A lot of the recent 2 weekly updates have been very, very good in my opinion.
Loved Cutthroat politics, Queens Jubilee and Clockwork Chaos and the upcoming one looks excellent Tequatl Rising, across the game boss make over, LFG tool and a big WvW update/change.
Some people would complain on a forum if you give them a million $…no pleasing them…
I know many people will be surprised that I’m posting in this thread. lol
I like a lot of stuff about this game. There are things I don’t like as well, but the positive for me far outweighs the negative.
I particularly love being able to do most things in small sound bites. A bit here and a bit there, and still feel like I’m getting something out of it. This is something many games have lacked in my opinion.
Am grateful that the game is based on 5-man groups. The number one reason my guild came to this game.
Enjoy the non-static combat. Enjoy not having to have a trinity. Enjoying the dungeons and Fractals for the most part. And the concept of the outdoor events and raids (number two reason we came to the game.)
The community on our server feels old-school for the most part, and I appreciate ANet creating / promoting that community-oriented feel at release.
Enjoy most of the races for the most part. (Still on the fence about the voice acting as it is both funny and yet interferes with feeling like the characters are totally mine.)
Enjoying most of the humor found in the game. There are one-liners that are just priceless.
The things I have concerns over (platform play, temporary content, among others) are things I’m tolerating at the moment. There’s been a few “trust” issues as well. Nothing game breaking so far.
I voice concerns as I see them, for my guild as well as myself. And try to take an objective view as much as possible, striving for balance in my perspective.
Overall, as I’ve said before, there are issues I have with the game and the developers and they are far, far less then ones I’ve had with other games/developers over the last 13 years.
-“Likes” GW2 enough to have 45 alts and 16 at 80.
I feel like I don’t need to specifically leave positive feedback, because what I do in game is going to show up on their metrics that the game surely collects. For the fact that I am in the game and playing means that I am enjoying the game, and then the activities I do in the game will show what I enjoy the most. I’ll come to the forum if there is something specifically that I want to leave feedback on for improvement.
Like the game, hate 95% of the forums (per MMO). I’m bored and haven’t played in a week, but I think it’s decent.
I love this freaking game!!! I’ll admit, there are things that I don’t like about it, but what game is perfect? Over all, I love it and it’s been worth every minute and every dollar I’ve spent on it. Keep it up!!!
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
I started playing mmorpg in 2001, starting from darkage of camelot and had went through several big titles along the way, I have to say that GW2 is the only mmo, in my opinion, that is able to rival or surpass darkage of camelot in terms of pve, wvw, crafting and fun factor. The constant new events and also I can see fantastic ideas from the devs, eg. Ghostbuster-end boss ac2?
Fantastic job anet, I am glad to have chosen this game to play which I feel worth every penny despite some run-ins last christmas.
I enjoy gw2 and think anet does a good job.
Before GW2, I really thought it would be cool to play a jedi in an MMO.
Forget jedi’s. GW2 elementalists are way cooler
Exploring the world is a big step up from other mmo’s, and I do hope they continue improving this (as it can go much farther).
GW2 is a very good MMO. It could have been great if they chose to evolve the game according to its DNA.
Thanks to the dynamic combat system, this is about the only MMORPG I can play. I cant stand point and click or turn based RPG.
The world is amazing, the personal story is… adequate, and I love most things about GW2.
Good work, Anet <3
I love this game. Could improvements be made? I’m sure. But I’m happy to play every single day regardless. I won’t get into a discussion of what I think should be improved.
There are a couple other games I really like but I am spoiled by being able to move and cast and I can’t go back to standing still to cast spells. Mobile is awesome.
I saw this on the web.
Tap those kittens.
I saw this on the web.
Tap those kittens.
Lol, what is that??? :P
Thanks a lot for all the positive thoughts and reply.
Since the last update I’ve seen so many complains.
Even thought I enjoy them a lot making all world bosses harder, people who don’t complain a lot.
It’s nice to see people liking stuff for a change.
I enjoy guild wars 2 forum not the game as it is fun
I love the new gear, I love huge seas of people hitting one mob, I absolutely adore short stories, huge permanant new zones with new skills, abilities, classes, additions to the personal story
(edited by cesmode.4257)
i love zerg fest, i love time-gating , i love grinding , Arena Net should make Ascended and Legendary gear more harder to get by setting x10000 for each mats required so that’ll be uber difficult to get those gear and make me feel special and respected when i get them.The drop rate of precursor should be set to 0.0000000001% so that it will even be more epic and legendary……..I love 1 day temporary content………………. I love 1 bit games………………I love so many things
GW2 is an amazing game. The Art, audio, and design are wonderful. The combat is great (if a little “press 1” at times). Moving about isn’t overly difficult, and the waypoint system is very useful. Crafting, while somewhat limited, has enough options to keep you busy for a long time. There are many wonderful things to be said about the game.
Every last one of them is negated by the monetization methods used by Anet.
So the point of this post is to stifle discussion of flaws in the game? We surely do live in an era of rampant political correctness.
The fact is that most people only bother to write something up and post it to the forums when they feel there is something broken about the game and they only do that because they care about the game. Hopefully it is done in a constructive manner but unfortunately that is not always the case. But in this case I feel like this post is some weird attempt to “balance out” critical posts with happy talk posts.
So the point of this post is to stifle discussion of flaws in the game? We surely do live in an era of rampant political correctness.
The fact is that most people only bother to write something up and post it to the forums when they feel there is something broken about the game and they only do that because they care about the game. Hopefully it is done in a constructive manner but unfortunately that is not always the case. But in this case I feel like this post is some weird attempt to “balance out” critical posts with happy talk posts.
Well, you can’t expect every post to be constructive. Its like you expect everyone to be rich.
I have no positive feedback, so I’ll leave it at that.
I will say I did enjoy the game for the first 2 months, then I got kinda bored, then they decided to go with the living story, and it all went down hill, but if I’m a new player, and just starting out, the game is fun, till you realize there is only new content for like 2 weeks and you have to hurry to do it or you miss it (lame), people have lives, they don’t want to live in this one, that’s why a lot want permanent content so it’s always there, I have friends that took breaks from the game for the summer, came back, saw how much they missed and decided it wasn’t worth playing anymore, and that’s upsetting.
Thanks Anet.
Välkyri – 80 Warrior
JQ[Lulz] – Kill fur Thrillz…
(edited by Rama.6439)
I would enjoy GW2 much more if the developers actually delivered on the stuff they said in their manifesto.
Fact is, they are not making an MMO for the players, they are making the same kind of MMO as everyone else, and there is lots of grinding.
ASUS Sabertooth Z77 | 16GB Corsair Dominator Platinum 1866MHz @ 2400MHz
Samsung 840 PRO 512GB SSD | Windows 10 x64
I would enjoy GW2 much more if the developers actually delivered on the stuff they said in their manifesto.
Fact is, they are not making an MMO for the players, they are making the same kind of MMO as everyone else, and there is lots of grinding.
True, they don’t care if tequatl is hard to beat they’re just curious what it will drop
Not sure what you’re trying to accomplish here. ANet has already stated that the players who post on these forums represent a minority, so if they live true to that premise they will ignore your praise just as they have our complaints.
For the record, there are many things I like about GW2. I like the game interface (mouse control for movement, keybinds for abilities), I love that there is no trinity, I like the way downscaling lower level zones works, and I like the way leveling works. There are many other things I don’t like, however, particularly the way that sPvP and WvW have been so badly mishandled, and I absolutely hate the way that ANet has interfaced with their player base. For all it’s warts, Rift devs were able to maintain an active and viable dialog with their players, and they responded very well to most suggestions and complaints. Why ANet is incapable of doing the same is beyond me.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
Not sure what you’re trying to accomplish here. ANet has already stated that the players who post on these forums represent a minority, so if they live true to that premise they will ignore your praise just as they have our complaints.
For the record, there are many things I like about GW2. I like the game interface (mouse control for movement, keybinds for abilities), I love that there is no trinity, I like the way downscaling lower level zones works, and I like the way leveling works. There are many other things I don’t like, however, particularly the way that sPvP and WvW have been so badly mishandled, and I absolutely hate the way that ANet has interfaced with their player base. For all it’s warts, Rift devs were able to maintain an active and viable dialog with their players, and they responded very well to most suggestions and complaints. Why ANet is incapable of doing the same is beyond me.
The bigger the company and the game, the harder it is to do this. Even smaller companies that grow larger have trouble doing this.
Rift has far less players and far fewer employees. It’s a whole different situation.
Not sure what you’re trying to accomplish here. ANet has already stated that the players who post on these forums represent a minority, so if they live true to that premise they will ignore your praise just as they have our complaints.
For the record, there are many things I like about GW2. I like the game interface (mouse control for movement, keybinds for abilities), I love that there is no trinity, I like the way downscaling lower level zones works, and I like the way leveling works. There are many other things I don’t like, however, particularly the way that sPvP and WvW have been so badly mishandled, and I absolutely hate the way that ANet has interfaced with their player base. For all it’s warts, Rift devs were able to maintain an active and viable dialog with their players, and they responded very well to most suggestions and complaints. Why ANet is incapable of doing the same is beyond me.
The bigger the company and the game, the harder it is to do this. Even smaller companies that grow larger have trouble doing this.
Rift has far less players and far fewer employees. It’s a whole different situation.
I played Rift for almost 18 months, primarily for the PvP and eventually for their version of WvW (Conquest). I can assure you that Conquest had as many players every match as any I’ve personally seen in WvW, at least up to the middle tiers.
And if Rift had so many fewer employees, how is it possible that they managed to be so FAR more communicative while still putting out patches and upgrades every week or so? The difference isn’t one of size or numbers. The difference … as any manager in almost any industry will tell you .. is attitude. I can give you countless examples of companies, large and small, that prioritize customer service and are highly valued for it. And I can give you just as many examples of companies, large and small, who consider customer feedback to be mostly an irritant and are abandoned at the first sight of something better. Guess what is going to happen to ANet next year.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
Everyone has a right to post what they want (related to the game); it’s up to Anet to decide which claims are worth considering.
I enjoy GW2 a lot. It completely changed the way MMOs work. I dont need to grind for the best gear in the game. It has tons of fun, meaningful and bug free content and updates. It rewards the player no matter what he prefers to do in the game or how he does it. The new trinity of support/control/damage is so much better than the old supporting build variety further enhanced by the fact that you can acquire the best gear in many different ways in a short amount of time. Action combat is so much fun even when there are 50 people around me.
GW2 is very alt friendly and doesnt lock you out of getting rewards or time gate things for the sake of prolonging bad gameplay.
The game is completely bug free and fully utilizes my CPU. WvW battles are just like something out of a LOTR movie and sPVP is fun and rewarding. Esports is in full swing with many pro teams making a living of it and hundreds of thousands of players enjoying a single perfect game mode.
Oh sorry, you meant the real GW2 a year after release? It doesnt even reach to the balls of GW1 in the same time frame.
Coherent game design based on a solid foundation with proper testing and listening to feedback while not compromising said things. No. This game is far and further from what it should have been with every month that passes by.
-Mike O’Brien, President of Arenanet
solid game, though lacking any long term motivation, that will push the genre into the right direction when it comes to combat.
I enjoyed GW2 greatly back when it was released. It was a fun game with a great future ahead of it. That future has been grossly squandered and the game we have today is not one I can claim to enjoy.