If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neural.1824


And if you have the thick enough skin to actually admit it…

Speak up.

I’m not talking about poor social ability, or personality issues. I’m talking about simply being the bottom end of the “gamer” list.

For myself, I feel often that I’m the bookend on that list. I don’t solo veterans very well, I have difficulty surviving even in groups, and I find level 1 Fractals to be next to impossible to contribute to (in reality, the four friends I run with can finish them on their own, I’m just cannon fodder).

One of the reasons I came to GW2 was the rumors I heard about it being more casual friendly, and I think that overall it is. I’ve enjoyed it a lot more than I have any other MMO (otherwise I wouldn’t be around, because I believe Anet is obsessed with forcing people to the gem store).
Still, no matter how casual, it still is somewhat depressing when all I hear in regards to dungeons and fractals is how “easy” they are.

Does anyone else look at dungeons/fractals and boggle at how “easy” can be used to define them?

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goettel.4389


I find fractals and other instances doable, but certainly wouldn’t describe them as “easy” compared to many WoW instances (which is my baseline).

Compared to WoW (if I may), individual GW2 dungeon encounters take a lot more time than the average 5-man non-heroic boss, simply because of the huge (comparatively) pool of HP’s of most mobs. What this boils down to is you have to not only go through the correct motions to contribute to a fight; you have to repeat them a lot more than I’m used to

Don’t let other people’s skill (well, gaming skill – if only life came with a joystick ) put yours in a bad light, just go with content best suited to you, and have fun, you’ll improve without doubt.

Maybe it’s your class ? For example, I find surviving in instances on my mesmer far easier than on my warrior, and easier on my thief too. Open-world, the survivability of my guardian (and mesmer) easily trumps that of my thief and warrior, up to and including soloing champions.

So maybe try a some other professions and/or weapons ?

Send an Asura who knows math. Problem solved.

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pirlipat.2479


Tbh, I can not tell you how easy or how hard fractals are because I’ve never done them. Veterans, hm it highly depends on the veteran I would say. Some are quite doable some are pretty tough. However I’m definitely not the most awesome player in the world, but I highly suspect that all that “awesomeness” of players is very often just made up. There is a lot of social pressure involved to pretend to be good and that everything is a piece of cake.

No, it’s not. I’m not denying that there are players out there who have alot of playerskill, but I doubt that everyone finds dungeons and stuff “easy”. I’m clearly ultimately horrible when it comes to jumpingpuzzles and when playing my thief I’m definitely showing a really bad performance. I’m kinda ok when playing my necro, but I still can’t say that nothing is a challenge and everything is ultimately easy.

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Oh yea.

I’m terrible at PvP.

I have problems jumping up on a low ledge more times than I’m willing to admit to (oops, I just did). Forget the hours it have taken me to do the handful of jumping puzzles simply to get to the vista or skill point challenge so I can finish the map.

I’m a liability on dungeons because I haven’t done this path, ever, much less than done it so many times it’s like driving the car to the grocer, no thought at all. Plus if this is my first time I really would like to watch the cut scenes.

While I have better luck than you with vets soloing they can still be a problem at times, especially if they have friends that join in.

I played with nearly all blues until I did Orr. Sometimes I didn’t upgrade my armor for 10s of levels (I did try 1st and 2nd stage cultural armor when I had enough to afford it).

None of my traits were above 10.

I don’t even go near fractals. Flashback to teams in dungeons.

If you are shortcutting content to get the prize at the end. Repeatedly. Everyday. You aren’t casual anymore. You are a rat in a box with a lever.

I rather roam the land fighting the good fight, joining in to help when I can than run the same things everyday, as fast as possible so I can do the other path or get to the other event.

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If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: goodbugs.5409


Sounds like a song, LOL. I fit this category, but still hammer away at areas. If I do a dungeon (rarely) with the guild I am in, I always feel like I’m holding everyone back or making it more of a chore. Luckily, they are a good group of people and tolerate my joining up on occasion and help out where they can. It doesn’t seem to matter as to which profession it is either. I think my reaction time is a tad slow or something because I often am just a little late in dodging =). I definitely would not categorize dungeons or fractals as easy.

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Why don’t you ask for advices on how to improve?
Honestly gaming is not rocket science, and GW2 is not that challenging considering we now do solo Lupicus and can plow throw frac 40-50.
I mean you’re a human like the others here, unless you have some genetic impairments I’m pretty sure you can do just as well as others.

I believe the main issue though is keybinds and how you play.
Having a gaming mouse with 5 buttons for instance allows you to take all the utilities, elite and heal off your left hand’s burden.
Then you use left hand only for skills and profession skills.
Move with mouse if melee, if ranged you need wasd but ranged is so much easier to play than melee in pve so it pays off.

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoRo.8270


Most fights revolve around dodging and bringing the right utilities

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Why don’t you ask for advices on how to improve?
Honestly gaming is not rocket science, and GW2 is not that challenging considering we now do solo Lupicus and can plow throw frac 40-50.
I mean you’re a human like the others here, unless you have some genetic impairments I’m pretty sure you can do just as well as others.

I believe the main issue though is keybinds and how you play.
Having a gaming mouse with 5 buttons for instance allows you to take all the utilities, elite and heal off your left hand’s burden.
Then you use left hand only for skills and profession skills.
Move with mouse if melee, if ranged you need wasd but ranged is so much easier to play than melee in pve so it pays off.

Casual games aren’t the ones who would spend money on a game controller, gaming mouse, gaming keyboard, gaming keypad. And equipment isn’t going to improve my jumping skills.

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If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Auesis.7301


While there is nothing wrong with not being as good as other players, have you considered that perhaps it’s more of an experience issue than anything else?

I was rather bad at launch, too. I didn’t understand most of the game mechanics, got killed very often and shouted a lot of "WTF"s at those deaths because I didn’t know enemy animation tells, tactics or how my own skills worked.

Over time, I started to get to grips with how things in the game work, and it’s come to the point where I only ever die because I made a stupid mistake that I never should have made or haven’t made in a while.

Don’t give up, lay down and admit that you’re not very good if you can help it. Skill and proficiency in these sort of games come with time. Not everyone is an expert immediately – you just have to find your comfort zone, specifically in professions, builds and a control scheme that suits you best.

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If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I can solo vets and champs pretty easily (on my Mesmer anyhow) but I’m terribad at any kind of PvP or dungeons. Never been good at pvp all the way back to MUD days and dungeons are more about rote memorization than skill, and I’ve always been horrible with rote memorization.

Oh also I’m an antisocial person who doesn’t like to talk to people I don’t know, especially when I"m playing video games, so I’m bad at the social aspect also:)

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calae.1738


Being bad at something doesn’t mean you’ll never be good at it. Go ask how hard professional “anything” has to practice in order to get good.

There’s a big difference between people who don’t want to get better versus people who want to get better.

People who don’t want to get better use the game in the same way they use a radio or a television. It’s a relaxing non stressful environment that they can do while eating and socializing at the same time. Like going to a bar or a restaurant. All you have to do is show up, talk, drink, eat and breathe.

People who want to get better have a desire to learn new skills, develop new strategies and master elegant techniques. Like hockey players, football players, basketball players, tennis players ect…

(edited by Calae.1738)

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


I am good at some things, all vets outside of Southsun. Some champs scattered around can be solo’d. I am not fast enough at jumping puzzles to be able to do fractals and CoE. Given enough time sure but getting crap dumped on me has made me lose any interest I had at fractals. I don’t do runs of dungeons often enough to have a mental map of where anything is. If someone leads I follow and the group will get through. I can’t lead and if I do not ‘run’ fast enough past the trash that is left I will probably get lost or killed. Leaves little joy in doing these. ‘find a guild’ great song but frankly not really true.

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


I started WvW and I would say I was really bad. I listened/read conversations, picked up items, and experimented. I wouldn’t say I’m a gift to WvW but I don’t consider myself cannon fodder anymore, and it’s because I practiced.

What I do stink at is accumulating gold. I never buy anything, and yet still have under 10g. Maybe I just don’t play enough, but I can’t figure out how people are so good at getting so much gold.

(edited by Mysticjedi.6053)

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


What I do stink at is accumulating gold. I never buy anything, and yet still have under 10g. Maybe I just don’t play enough, but I can’t figure out how people are so good at getting so much gold.

I don’t play the market like some. When I sell at the TP I undercut the lowest sale and I know that if I can’t sell it for 20% over the price a merchant will buy it from you, then it’s better to sell it to the merchant.

If you are leveling up crafting skill then keep the mats for that skill (or two since you can have two active at a time) and sell the rest (except for the rarer ones) on the TP. It will require you to get to a bank or crafting area to pull the mats from your bank that you sent there from the field (pull down on the inventory screen) so you can sell it, some fetch some nice money.

I never pass up to gather mats as I’m moving through an area. Just make sure you have the right level harvesting equipment or you will get junk. Don’t forget to loot bodies.

And buy bigger bags. 10 slots are quite cheap when compared to the 12/15/20 variety

When you pass a merchant/armor repair/completed heart take a moment to sell off any blue drops you don’t want. 95% of the time the price at the TP (O key) isn’t worth it. Salvage whites and transfer the mats. Basic salvage kit is good enough for whites.

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(edited by Behellagh.1468)

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amadan.9451


i can fight well only on my mesmer.
fractals and dungeons are doable only with players that know what to do, random pugs end in random wipe in my experience.
never believe people that say everything is easy.
there are people that think that mad clock tower and southsun jumping puzzle were easy. i think they are nearly impossible and never managed to complete it

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If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calae.1738


i can fight well only on my mesmer.
fractals and dungeons are doable only with players that know what to do, random pugs end in random wipe in my experience.
never believe people that say everything is easy.
there are people that think that mad clock tower and southsun jumping puzzle were easy. i think they are nearly impossible and never managed to complete it

You can’t say that. Some people were able to master the clock tower. They failed plenty of times but eventually; they were able to master it.

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pirlipat.2479


He is talking about his experiences. I think it’s not helping anyone if they get constantly told that they can become good if they only try hard enough. Ofc everyone can become better with more experience but I think it’s also important to accept that it is ok not to be the best player in a certain area. That’s no excuse to lay back and complain how hard and undoable everything is but I think it should not be talked down that not everything is like nothing for everyone.

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amadan.9451


i can fight well only on my mesmer.
fractals and dungeons are doable only with players that know what to do, random pugs end in random wipe in my experience.
never believe people that say everything is easy.
there are people that think that mad clock tower and southsun jumping puzzle were easy. i think they are nearly impossible and never managed to complete it

You can’t say that. Some people were able to master the clock tower. They failed plenty of times but eventually; they were able to master it.

that’s ok, but after that they don’t kitten about how easy it was, they say it was hard, fun, challenging maybe, but not easy… easy it’s another thing

edit: i didn’t explained myself well, i wanted to say that those were hard imo, and when i see people saying it was easy that gets on my nerve, probably i’m just jealous but still…

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If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


I think this game is a bit different because if you stink, you can’t just use gear to cover up the smell. It helps, but if you are bad in green gear, you will still suck in orange gear. Though I can’t imagine a level 80 having trouble with most types of veteran.

As for dungeons and fractals, those are different from the rest of the game and a lot of them required preexisting specific knowledge and actions. I think if you are able to master it on your first try, then hats off to you. But at least story mode dungeons are accessible to everyone.

Of course, you only gain the skillsets you regularly use. Just because you are good in combat doesn’t automatically make you good at jumping puzzles.

Finally, the underwater fractal exists, and umm… yea I’ll never say those things are easy.

Of course this is coming from someone that can’t avoid anything. I usually don’t do dungeons or fractals unless a friend really needs a 5th or for some reason I want to halfheartedly aim for ascended stuff. You know that fractal where you need run up the escalator and dodge electrocution? I never did. I just turned on plague form to tank them and go past. :p

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Being bad at something doesn’t mean you’ll never be good at it. Go ask how hard professional “anything” has to practice in order to get good.

There’s a big difference between people who don’t want to get better versus people who want to get better.

People who don’t want to get better use the game in the same way they use a radio or a television. It’s a relaxing non stressful environment that they can do while eating and socializing at the same time. Like going to a bar or a restaurant. All you have to do is show up, talk, drink, eat and breathe.

People who want to get better have a desire to learn new skills, develop new strategies and master elegant techniques. Like hockey players, football players, basketball players, tennis players ect…

Using pro athletes as a comparison is not a good one. I’m sure there are people who don’t want to get better. I am also sure that there are people who want to get better, but are not able to spend the time needed to do so. Professional athletes make money playing a sport. How many gamers make money by gaming? You’d be better served referring to amateur sport players competing in city leagues, who actually have limited time, than to pros whose life is about their sport.

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

I do’t consider myself a bad player, but I’m not a good one either. I can solo vets, some champs, and do reasonably well in dungeons as long as the team is working efficiently. Gone are the days of being a hero in dungeons and pulling your team back from the brink like GW1, so I don’t expect to do stellar in them anymore. I think it all comes down to your personal expectations and whether or not you’re enjoying yourself. I’m fine with not being good at pvp, or not being able to solo dungeon content. I find ways to play that I have fun with and to kitten with the rest of the clowns out there that cry about the game being too easy. I don’t think it’s too easy, I don’t think it’s too hard. Its fun if you want it to be. And to all of you posting in this thread claiming to be horribad, don’t sell yourself short. With enough time, practice, and getting more in-tune with your class and builds you’ll do just fine

~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neural.1824


After some discussion with a couple very decent folks, it would seem that I am not alone, and that it may not be just a skill issue. At least I have some goals to shoot for now. Glad I’m not the only one in this boat.

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Casual games aren’t the ones who would spend money on a game controller, gaming mouse, gaming keyboard, gaming keypad. And equipment isn’t going to improve my jumping skills.

Casual game means catering to people who don’t play a lot of time, period.
It has nothing to do with the skill or hardware required to play the game.

(edited by Red Falcon.8257)

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Casual games aren’t the ones who would spend money on a game controller, gaming mouse, gaming keyboard, gaming keypad. And equipment isn’t going to improve my jumping skills.

Casual game means catering to people who don’t play a lot of time, period.
It has nothing to do with the skill or hardware required to play the game.

Yes but if I don’t play a lot of games because I don’t have a lot of free time why would I spend money on a bunch of hardware that won’t get much use? See my point.

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If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


An interesting take on this may be that it is Anet that is bad at MMO’s. That is, the 2/26 changes buffing the krait and undead as well as entry-level dungeons have created a situation where groups fail, time and time again. It has a lot to do with how they scale them in terms of players in the vicinity and the like. But, bottom line, the MMO is not about crushing challenge in open world PvE and in many instances that’s what you now get. Where I diverge from the common thinking is that I believe it has more to do with Anet’s level of experience around MMO’s than it does with the players.

(edited by Raine.1394)

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thisolderhead.5127


Casual game doesn’t mean that a poor player will be able to experience every part of it.

Casual game doesn’t mean that a poor player will be accepted by better players for party play.

I don’t understand this “Casual” at all – transient / occasional / bad… its worse than “hardcore” for failure of definition.

I’ve seen players who identify as “Casual” really they are transient players who are bad at games (strangely good at forum sympathy lol) with no desire to improve their gameplay as they are “just not that into it”… and I’m considered the bad guy for suggesting they log off and uninstall before they waste anyone elses time or resources any further…

Feeling bad due to my response does not mean it was a personal attack.
It may just be that your original statement was wrong.
Please try again.

(edited by thisolderhead.5127)

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


Since no one else mentioned it, or at least I didn’t see it, maybe it is the profession you chose. Not every profession is created equal and there are better ones. I would suggest picking up another profession and just playing around some to see if you like it better. I would suggest shying away from melee professions if you have a hard time playing games, because melee in this game, in the majority of areas, is severely punished for a single mistake. Best of luck to you.

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thisolderhead.5127


Since no one else mentioned it, or at least I didn’t see it, maybe it is the profession you chose. Not every profession is created equal and there are better ones. I would suggest picking up another profession and just playing around some to see if you like it better. I would suggest shying away from melee professions if you have a hard time playing games, because melee in this game, in the majority of areas, is severely punished for a single mistake. Best of luck to you.

Actually good point mate – better yet, the professions that some people like are not played in a manner that meshes with the player.

One may have a bow, three dogs, and spend each weekend eating what they catch on the land, but be most suited to playing a Guardian due to mindset and prior game experiences…

Feeling bad due to my response does not mean it was a personal attack.
It may just be that your original statement was wrong.
Please try again.

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SadieDeAtreia.8912


Since no one else mentioned it, or at least I didn’t see it, maybe it is the profession you chose. Not every profession is created equal and there are better ones. I would suggest picking up another profession and just playing around some to see if you like it better. I would suggest shying away from melee professions if you have a hard time playing games, because melee in this game, in the majority of areas, is severely punished for a single mistake. Best of luck to you.

I tend to agree with this but would like to add that maybe the exclusion of a dedicated healer class made it difficult for some who came to GW2 from a game / background where a decent healer in the group can carry some of the less skilled players through challenging content.

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JemL.3501


Iam pretty good in everything, doesnt matter what it is.

I took an arrow to the knee

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sostronk.8167


Im a bit confused about the concept of “being bad at an MMO”. I came from a different gaming background which viewed MMO players as being casual players who were bad at gaming.

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bleach.9074


My friend has over 300 hours of game play and still doesn’t understand how auto-attack works even after I tried to explain it to him. He still uses 5-slot bags and has trait points to spend.

You can’t imagine how much butt-clenching I do when I watch him play.


If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rukia.4802


I’m a hardcore gamer no matter what it is I’m playing, from mortal kombat to cod to MMO’s… makes no difference to me, I’m always an exceptional player… no to boast or anything, but I’ve been a gamer all my life so.

“I find this rain quite pleasant, it feels as though raindrops are blessing our victory”

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


I consider myself an elite gamer when I push myself, I’ve been quite hardcore back when I was a student. However I just don’t feel like that’s a good past-time anymore. Work, friends and fiancée are far more hardcore than any videogame. Besides, I try to train for a triathlon, so even the most hardcore videogame is pretty dull in comparison.

Sure, I can pwn FotM every day of the week if I wanted, after work, training and chores, I feel more like killing some lvl 5 mobs in Queensdale

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pirlipat.2479


Casual game doesn’t mean that a poor player will be able to experience every part of it.

Casual game doesn’t mean that a poor player will be accepted by better players for party play.

I don’t understand this “Casual” at all – transient / occasional / bad… its worse than “hardcore” for failure of definition.

I’ve seen players who identify as “Casual” really they are transient players who are bad at games (strangely good at forum sympathy lol) with no desire to improve their gameplay as they are “just not that into it”… and I’m considered the bad guy for suggesting they log off and uninstall before they waste anyone elses time or resources any further…

Oh guess what; I don’t want to group up with guys like you. Who’s resources do I waste then, hm? What do you provide to a community so you are not a waste? There are enough people out there who blame the “mechanics” for their own failures, because it never ever occurs to them that “they” could be the problem. Oh the game must be wrong because they fail at it. So it either is always a piece of cake, or just “bad” mechanics for them. I am not throwing my own mistakes at something else to cover my failurs. I can admit that I’m not perfect at something.

When I fail at something I try to think and learn and master it. But that does not mean that I am uberawesome and nothing is a challenge.

(edited by Pirlipat.2479)

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Well this thread was a good idea. Started as a place to commiserate with other more casual players and has now turned into a thread where hardcore players boast about their "leet"skillz and tell the less skilled players to shoo, MMOs are serious player games.

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If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pirlipat.2479


I got no problem with people admitting they are good players. I just do not like this “uhhh noob log out and leave us pros alone” attitude.

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


Casual games aren’t the ones who would spend money on a game controller, gaming mouse, gaming keyboard, gaming keypad. And equipment isn’t going to improve my jumping skills.

Casual game means catering to people who don’t play a lot of time, period.
It has nothing to do with the skill or hardware required to play the game.

Yes but if I don’t play a lot of games because I don’t have a lot of free time why would I spend money on a bunch of hardware that won’t get much use? See my point.

Because it’s fun to have a killer machine, especially for a hobby you don’t have much time for. It’s like buying an expensive racebike which you use 3 times a year.

I spend more money on hobbies I rarely do, than on active ones actually. Gaming is my most favourite hobby, yet real life is and videogames expect 2 hours dedication at the very least which is rarely feasible for a working, married guy with children.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


Oh and because I actually have money. Instead of playing hardcore, I’m at work earning money.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thisolderhead.5127


Casual game doesn’t mean that a poor player will be able to experience every part of it.

Casual game doesn’t mean that a poor player will be accepted by better players for party play.

I don’t understand this “Casual” at all – transient / occasional / bad… its worse than “hardcore” for failure of definition.

I’ve seen players who identify as “Casual” really they are transient players who are bad at games (strangely good at forum sympathy lol) with no desire to improve their gameplay as they are “just not that into it”… and I’m considered the bad guy for suggesting they log off and uninstall before they waste anyone elses time or resources any further…

Oh guess what; I don’t want to group up with guys like you. Who’s resources do I waste then, hm? What do you provide to a community so you are not a waste? There are enough people out there who blame the “mechanics” for their own failures, because it never ever occurs to them that “they” could be the problem. Oh the game must be wrong because they fail at it. So it either is always a piece of cake, or just “bad” mechanics for them. I am not throwing my own mistakes at something else to cover my failurs. I can admit that I’m not perfect at something.

When I fail at something I try to think and learn and master it. But that does not mean that I am uberawesome and nothing is a challenge.

Reread what I said – you state you try to think and learn and master it, I like you.

There is an example further up of someone who is willfully (I would hope) unwilling to learn auto-attack, traits and spending the point, etc. closer to what I was referring to.

Also – reread the part where I was highlighed there is a difference between casual and poor as an adjective for a player (and a game incidentally), and also said that terms like “casual” and “hardcore” are poorly defined.

It never was about uberleetpronesscopters – though to clarify – it was about engagement with the game via its mechanics and the willful belligerent being a waste of time.

Feeling bad due to my response does not mean it was a personal attack.
It may just be that your original statement was wrong.
Please try again.

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Well, I am going to bypass parts of this conversation and return to the original post.

OP: Does it matter if it is hard to solo the veteran? From the way you worded it, I got the impression that you still can and do solo them. Is it fun? Are you happy when ther opponent goes down? Especially if it was a hard fight that could have ended badly? If so, great.

For contributing in lvl 1 fractals it may not be that you are a problem. The problem is that your friends are far too efficient. If you have four that can solo the whole thing, or at least think they can, it is no wonder if only crumbs get left to the fifth. I am not suggesting you team up with complete beginners unless you like teaching and are prepared to be frustrated. But maybe you could try finding people with some experience? Or one really experienced person and three beginners? I bet you’d feel more valuable in that kind of a group.

When starting, nothing worthwhile is easy. Fractals and dungeons are hard when you don’t know them by heart. Repeating the content over and over will not make them easier, but you will find what are the best ways to act in what instance.

And in answer to your last question, I am not at tle level of learning yet that I would call them easy. I am at the level where I don’t call them Impossible anymore. (Save for Arah Explorable. That scares the living daylights out of me.)

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


Casual game doesn’t mean that a poor player will be accepted by better players for party play.

I don’t understand this “Casual” at all – transient / occasional / bad… its worse than “hardcore” for failure of definition.

I’ve seen players who identify as “Casual” really they are transient players who are bad at games (strangely good at forum sympathy lol) with no desire to improve their gameplay as they are “just not that into it”… and I’m considered the bad guy for suggesting they log off and uninstall before they waste anyone elses time or resources any further…


Maybe the correct advice for people who want to play a game isn’t to log off but actually to have fun?

Elitism has no place in games played as a relaxing past-time. As such your advice indeed makes you the bad guy. Wasting time is the core reason for playing videogames. That’s what games are for.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pirlipat.2479


Reread what I said – you state you try to think and learn and master it, I like you.

There is an example further up of someone who is willfully (I would hope) unwilling to learn auto-attack, traits and spending the point, etc. closer to what I was referring to.

Also – reread the part where I was highlighed there is a difference between casual and poor as an adjective for a player (and a game incidentally), and also said that terms like “casual” and “hardcore” are poorly defined.

It never was about uberleetpronesscopters – though to clarify – it was about engagement with the game via its mechanics and the willful belligerent being a waste of time.

I appologise, I missinterpreted your post then.

What I’m up to is that there are limits how good someone can become. I can play kinda decent but I will never become an keyboard-artist, doing every jumping puzzle like nothing for example. And I would wish that people come to accept that some might try and indeed improve but still are not comparable to some who a) play alot and got more practise and b) are more skilled when it comes to reaction and whatelse, instead of beeing told they do just not try hard enough.

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: solvejg.3720


Had an interesting experience last month. The monthly came up and, oh my gosh, we have to do dungeons! I’ve made a few friends, randomly, since launch, and so I asked around with the intention of forming a dungeon group. Turned out these guys hadn’t really explored the dungeons either. A few were game. I posted an LFG in LA: ‘Need fourth and fifth to join friendly, relaxed bunch for monthly dungs.’ In that way, I got to meet more like-minded people.
We had a blast! We ran story modes on TA and HotW, and did a few exp paths. We weren’t great, and were very inexperienced, but had no trouble making it through. Mostly the group chat was silent – I think we were all concentrating so hard – but we’d relax and chat briefly during the little respites, and do the group pat on back at the end of a run.
One of our group had to prepare dinner for her daughter, and we found another fifth from one of our friends lists. He was great fun too. Man, that butcher in HotW took it out of us!
There are loads of us out there. We’re not hardcore gamers, and we don’t enjoy the pressure associated with many of the group-only events. Moreover, we won’t tolerate that kind of pressure. We miss out on a lot of stuff, but we don’t mind so much because we just don’t want the stress. My worst GW2 experiences have been running dungs with guys who scurry away shouting ‘LEAVE THOSE WURMS!’ over their shoulder; and trying to keep up with some arbitrary zerg in WvW, throwing gold at the armor repair guy every few minutes, all to fulfil the requirements for the Gift of Mastery.
Conversely, my most enjoyable experiences have been slaughtering multi-limbed, googly-eyed critters with friendly people whom I’ve never met before!

I think it’s these kinds of pressures that put a lot of people off the social aspects of MMOs. You don’t have to be any good; but, if you do want to improve, there are some super suggestions in this thread.

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I’m pretty good. I wouldn’t call myself awesome, or even maybe very good, but I can hold my own just about anywhere.

Yet I still find myself enjoying runs with fun people who don’t know as much, a lot more than the runs that go flawlessly with very experienced people who just want to get the job done.

That’s why the guild I’m in is relaxed and social. Sure I could get the dungeon run faster with an experienced group of guys…but I wouldn’t have fun. Some of the most fun I’ve had is going in a dungeon with people who really don’t know what’s going on. Sure we have silly wipes and it takes a lot longer, but you know, I’m not running any races.

For me, being good is only a small part of the equation. Having fun is the bulk of it.

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thunderbrew.7034


I have sympathy for the OP but did you ever thing perhaps
MMOs are not for you? I mean that politely.

The last thing I want to see is the game “dummy downed” like
WOW was. Most probably dont remember when the talent
trees got cut in half because players found them “too complicated.”
I could give many more examples, but dont need to.

IMO Rift was a challenging and more complicated game (the skill
level in PvP was much higher). I want to see more challenge in games.

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TooBz.3065


Why don’t you ask for advices on how to improve?
Honestly gaming is not rocket science, and GW2 is not that challenging considering we now do solo Lupicus and can plow throw frac 40-50.
I mean you’re a human like the others here, unless you have some genetic impairments I’m pretty sure you can do just as well as others.

I believe the main issue though is keybinds and how you play.
Having a gaming mouse with 5 buttons for instance allows you to take all the utilities, elite and heal off your left hand’s burden.
Then you use left hand only for skills and profession skills.
Move with mouse if melee, if ranged you need wasd but ranged is so much easier to play than melee in pve so it pays off.

Casual games aren’t the ones who would spend money on a game controller, gaming mouse, gaming keyboard, gaming keypad. And equipment isn’t going to improve my jumping skills.

Regarding jumping, frequently the ledges you are jumping to are sloped. Try jumping to the lowest point. Often you can’t jump only the higher side.

In jumping puzzles, look to jump from the high side of your current platform to the low side of the platform you want to get to.

Regarding keybindings, it will take some time to get use to, but if you don’t have a gaming mouse this is a good setup.


I am certainly not a great player. another tip is to let auto attack auto attack and not mash the 1 button. It buffers a little and can slow down your other skills.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

(edited by TooBz.3065)

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yoji.5610


It is really good to read that many casual players also think they are something better than the hardcore crowd because it is oftentimes the same the other way around.

For me it is okay for players to be not as good as others. Not everyone has a hardcore gaming background. As long as people in dungeons tell me upfront they are not as experienced with a dungeon or a specific path so I know I need to explain things. I do the same if I am new to a dungeon.
I find it annoying if you ask for “experienced players” because you want to do a quick dungeon run before lunch/bedtime/gf gets home etc. and a total newbie comes by and clearly has no clue what to do. But many players think they are so kitten pro and never do anything wrong nor would they ever need to take any advice.
So thumbs up for you guys who tell and admit they are not experienced gamers and make everyones gaming experience easier and more enjoyable that way!

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

Well this thread was a good idea. Started as a place to commiserate with other more casual players and has now turned into a thread where hardcore players boast about their "leet"skillz and tell the less skilled players to shoo, MMOs are serious player games.

If you leave the door open long enough the trolls will inevitably wander in. It’s forum fact. Best thing to do is have a little chuckle off them, because, well they’re trolls no one gives a kitten about them. You learn which ones they are and start to skip their posts when you see them

~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

If you're terrible at MMOs and you know it..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

I’d say I’m on a different scale as an MMO player as I don’t consider myself good at them but I do consider myself decent at games in general.

In MMOs that I’ve played, I only ever reached max levels in about 2 of them and only got around to doing the ‘end game’ stuff in 1 of those (not including GW2). I do love me some retro-games or your typical twitch based beat-em-up like Devil May Cry series (Oh! Or Castlevania…love that series). But I consider myself horrible at MMOs because I don’t care much for the stat-grind. Even in this game, I tend to get my exotics and am happy with that (although my Elementalist has ascended).

When it comes to actual control, I was tainted by my first MMO FFXI and its unadjustable controls. I ended up migrating that same control scheme to every MMO I’ve played when possible but it really isn’t viable here as you NEED to be constantly readjusting the camera and aiming area skills with the mouse. So I learned the wasd movement scheme from scratch and bought a gaming mouse/keyboard (was a deal! came free with my new 2nd monitor…there were speakers too but they weren’t very good).

What I like about this game is it’s like a console game…but it’s an MMO. I’ve technically reached ‘end game’ for PvE stuff but it doesn’t require you to have maxed gear (tried 30+ fractals…it’s cool but also very limiting).