“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
At the moment, the Ascended Tier is really pissing me off.
So I’m ignoring it.
I have no aspirations to attain it, no will to farm for it.
I’m just going to play the game like I was a week ago.
And if (or when) people start demanding I wear ascended gear, I just won’t play with them. And if everything I enjoy doing requires ascended gear, I’ll just stop playing all together.
MAYBE if (or when) it becomes easier to obtain AND ANet admits to their mistake and declares this is the final additional tier, I’ll be alright.
Until then…nope, not worrying about it. Right now, it’s the only thing that pisses me off.
Yeah. I am doing the same thing. I was about to spend the mats and karma to get 1 of my lvl 80 more exotic gears. But I don’t know what to do now. I don’t want to waste them on exotics now knowing that I might need them for the Ascended.
Just playing my lvl 20 alt.
I’m not worrying either, and am still in the progress of slowly attaining my Legendary. The price is just too much, especially when ascended armor and weapons come into play. I’ll just stay at exotics, thanks.
Ditto, I really don’t see why people want to hammer the same dungeon and grind the same mobs for this, even if it has slightly better stats.
mr e-pein " woo I got all ascended"
mr who gives a **** “yeh!! cool, proof it”
Yep, ignoring it altogether as well. I will just run some Fractals with my guild mates for fun, and if I get Ascended… well fine. If I don’t… well, that’s totally fine too.
I am just really looking forward to experiencing the FotM with my friends. The gear doesn’t interest me in the least. Playing with my friends is MUCH better than any gear out there
PS. Yes, my guild is not the fastest moving guild in the world, so we really haven’t done much in FotM. There’s no race though, we will eventually get around to it
Yep, ignoring it altogether as well. I will just run some Fractals with my guild mates for fun, and if I get Ascended… well fine. If I don’t… well, that’s totally fine too.
I am just really looking forward to experiencing the FotM with my friends. The gear doesn’t interest me in the least. Playing with my friends is MUCH better than any gear out there
PS. Yes, my guild is not the fastest moving guild in the world, so we really haven’t done much in FotM. There’s no race though, we will eventually get around to it
I love the fractals, by the way. The only thing i don’t like about them is that they will eventually require ascended gear.
I’m pretty much doing this, too. I did try Fractals, and while I like the overall design idea (and was thrilled by the fractured voice-overs, for some reason), I didn’t have too much fun doing them so I probably won’t spend much time in Fractals in the future.
I’m just really worried that this will hamper my chances for enjoying future content updates…
I have read that above lvl 10 in Fractals Ascended gear is requirement to provide you with resistance against some damage.
So as long as you are not end game player i guess you can live without it quite well. If you want to clear all content in the game however, u will HAF to get it.
Same. My priority at this moment is getting exotic/cultural armor for my main, while waiting for my friends to reach 80 so we can do the fractals and other dungeons together (did fractals during the weekend, was Fun)
I am slightly worried that I might get locked out of future content, but at the moment I’m willing to wait, be patient and enjoy the game.
Maybe if I manage to get some Ascended gear, someone will love me.
But then, maybe no-one loves me because Ascended gear exists and I don’t have it?
Love is hard, guys.
I have read that above lvl 10 in Fractals Ascended gear is requirement to provide you with resistance against some damage.
So as long as you are not end game player i guess you can live without it quite well. If you want to clear all content in the game however, u will HAF to get it.
There are only 9 fractals, you see 3 per level. You can do all the content still well before exceeding level 10. You can even do some difficulties multiple times. Therefore you do NOT have to get it. Agony is also easily dodgeable up to level 20, so even after level 10 you do not actually need it.
I have read that above lvl 10 in Fractals Ascended gear is requirement to provide you with resistance against some damage.
So as long as you are not end game player i guess you can live without it quite well. If you want to clear all content in the game however, u will HAF to get it.
Depends how you define “clear all content”. I don’t even have full exotic yet, yet I’m able to enjoy the fractals, WvW, Orr, Lost shores and everything in between. Sure, I can’t do the higher levels of the fractals yet, but that is only a slightly higher difficulty. The content is basically the same as level one, which I’ve already enjoyed.
So no, you do not need ascended gear to experience all content.
I tend to just use cheap gear in all MMOs I play. Not going to bother with any sort of treadmill at all, and I play in ways where lower stats don’t matter. (eg. play with friends in PvE, or just for fun in WvW, and I won’t bother with any gated content.)
Currently running in all greens, I was using all blues until lvl80.
Right now there’s only back pieces and rings to shoot for anyhow, and the only time you should see anyone “requiring” those are groups heading deep into Fractals, so if you’re not doing Fractals you’re effectively ignoring nothing and it really shouldn’t have any detrimental effects on your game.
At the moment, the Ascended Tier is really pissing me off.
So I’m ignoring it.
I have no aspirations to attain it, no will to farm for it.
I’m just going to play the game like I was a week ago.
And if (or when) people start demanding I wear ascended gear, I just won’t play with them. And if everything I enjoy doing requires ascended gear, I’ll just stop playing all together.
MAYBE if (or when) it becomes easier to obtain AND ANet admits to their mistake and declares this is the final additional tier, I’ll be alright.
Until then…nope, not worrying about it. Right now, it’s the only thing that pisses me off.
I ignored a dripping faucet once and came home to a flooded basement, true story!
I ignored a dripping faucet once and came home to a flooded basement, true story!
If your basement was damp-proof, congratulations – indoor swimming pool!
My experience with grindy MMO’s is that eventually there is no question about hopping on the treadmill to keep up. That’s just the nature of allowing power creep’s foot to get in the door. So, yeah, for those who bought the game because of the manifesto the question will eventually be whether to hop on the treadmill or find another game. Right now I’m still playing and studiously avoiding the grind. But, I realize that will only be viable for a short time. It’s sad as I love playing the game and love everything GW was.
It was good while it lasted guys. I’m just happy I got to play it when it was the best MMO in the world for those 3 short months.
Maybe if I manage to get some Ascended gear, someone will love me.
But then, maybe no-one loves me because Ascended gear exists and I don’t have it?
Love is hard, guys.
I will make love to you. Er, wait no, I mean, crap, I will love you. kitten it. kitten it kitten it kitten it. I will love you. (I always do that, crap!)
I’ll be skipping Ascended gear mostly because I don’t care. I kill stuff at the same rate as my buddies in full exotics, and I’m only wearing the Ancient Karka Shell and a Orichalcum Candy Corn amulet. Whatever, it is not a big deal.
My end game consists of friendly dungeon runs and falling off of cliffs with my friends. I’m not a dungeon jockey. I don’t need to constantly chase something to feel accomplished. I don’t need to constantly kill foes to feel accomplished. I spend more time wandering around looking at how the world was made and discussing with friends where I’d hide secret passages and kitten than I do turning my nose down at other players, thanks.
It was good while it lasted guys. I’m just happy I got to play it when it was the best MMO in the world for those 3 short months.
Yeah, there’s always the historical aspect to all this. I guess I’ve experienced everything that’s right and wrong with MMO’s firsthand. It’s too bad this experiment didn’t last a bit longer than 3 months though. I was finally relaxed and enjoying myself in an MMO.
I’m all for new dungeons, and all for the idea of a seemingly bottomless dungeon where every level is more difficult than the last one. I even like the new fractal maps. I also really enjoy challenge in games in general.
This new system just makes the challenge be more about gear than actual player challenge. I don’t think that grind equals challenge, grind is just a useless and boring time sink. I had a blast in the Realm of Torment in GW1. There was no gating content via heavy stat/resistance grind.
I’m going to ignore all this ascended gear for now. I cannot be bothered to start the grind. I’m choosing to skip the FotM for now. It was fun, but I don’t want to invest that much time in it. Hamsters can have it :P
I’ll try to have fun in the game with my sub-par-to-be exotics.
So far the only thing you need the new gear for is to do higher/deeper levels of FotM.
At the moment, the Ascended Tier is really pissing me off.
So I’m ignoring it.
I have no aspirations to attain it, no will to farm for it.
I’m just going to play the game like I was a week ago.
And if (or when) people start demanding I wear ascended gear, I just won’t play with them. And if everything I enjoy doing requires ascended gear, I’ll just stop playing all together.
MAYBE if (or when) it becomes easier to obtain AND ANet admits to their mistake and declares this is the final additional tier, I’ll be alright.
Until then…nope, not worrying about it. Right now, it’s the only thing that pisses me off.
Completely agree! However they’ll have to do one more thing if they wish to salvage what is left of their reputation.
They’ll have to remove open world DR, fix MF so it works on drops from critters and chests properly, expand the infusion gear to crafting, and make the important drops that make ascended gear drop in open world.
This game was never meant to be a dungeon only gear treadmill and turning it into one even for 1 tier of armor is a slap in the face to their community.
100 gold for the ascended backpack with current markerting prices of T6 crafting mats and Ectos’: then another huge grind to get the thing infused…What choice have we but to ignore Ascended gear. The average casual player may have enough mats for an ascended back slot item in another year or two …
At the moment, the Ascended Tier is really pissing me off.
So I’m ignoring it.
I have no aspirations to attain it, no will to farm for it.
I’m just going to play the game like I was a week ago.
And if (or when) people start demanding I wear ascended gear, I just won’t play with them. And if everything I enjoy doing requires ascended gear, I’ll just stop playing all together.
MAYBE if (or when) it becomes easier to obtain AND ANet admits to their mistake and declares this is the final additional tier, I’ll be alright.
Until then…nope, not worrying about it. Right now, it’s the only thing that pisses me off.
Maybe you should admit YOUR mistake for being presumptuous and having 0 faith in a company that clearly has a better understanding of game development
100 gold for the ascended backpack with current markerting prices of T6 crafting mats and Ectos’: then another huge grind to get the thing infused…What choice have we but to ignore Ascended gear. The average casual player may have enough mats for an ascended back slot item in another year or two …
there’s 5g backpacks any casual can buy after farming a day or 2
You should ignore it because it has such little, if any impact on your gaming experience. The grind is totally optional, not mandatory.
PVE – no effect… There’s literally no content other that factors in Ascended gear. Yes, fractals get harder and Ascended gives you a little more wiggle room with the agony res and +stats, but mainly the agony res will help more than +stats given the rate of scaling.
WvW – highly overrated… No offense, but even in the current WvW you have a handful of lvl 80s for any given server running full exotics whereas the majority is usually non-lvl 80 green/blue gear folks. Those lvl 80 exotic wearers can be a handful on a 1v1 or group basis, but it takes more than a small group of folks to take towers/garrisons/keeps. Ascended gear, which there are only 3 pieces at this point, take a bit of time to get. By the time Ascended gear becomes noticeable in WvW, I’m guessing there will be recipes to get the gear though other means (as Anet has already mentioned they’re going to do that).
I’m ignoring it as well. It’s there to bring is cash to the gem shop. Anet needs to make money. Requiring 100g in mats for 1 slot is a good way to do it. That’s a lot of gems and people will buy them to get the stuff fast.
I don’t think this side effect of free to play is worth not having a sub. I’d rather pay $15/month for a “pure” game but until one comes out, I’ll probably still be playing this because it is still very fun.
Maybe you should admit YOUR mistake for being presumptuous and having 0 faith in a company that clearly has a better understanding of game development
I had placed a lot of faith in a company that i though knew what it is doing. The company was named Anet. I ended up quite disappointed not so long ago, and my faith misplacd. So, your point was?
Just play and have fun. If you get caught up in the gear treadmill and feel a need to always have the best-in-slot everywhere, MMO’s will break your spirit.
I would even say its safe to ignore exotic gear. Even fractals was cake in my set of rare gear for my thief. I chose power/toughness/vitality for my armor and weapons while taking power/precision/condition for my jewelry. Damage was great. Survivability was great.
Honestly I don’t see a good reason to whine to someone about not having good gear. Skill is what makes a dungeon group amazing.
I wish they had made a rare or exotic quiver. It seems like there will be a lot of people who chase after cosmetic items (which was supposed to be the end game) will be indirectly supporting the data in favour of ascended items.
Anet has done a good job of putting exo rewards at the end of most major gameplay types. Crafting, WvW, Dungeons, farming karma — all roads eventually lead to oranges. You don’t need to do anything grindy or painful to get them, unless you’re in a terrible rush.
I’m planning on upgrading my backpack (once mind you, no desire to get the extra better version of the same item) but I have no desire to run the fractals all the way down.
Even though I do like the idea behind it, the added gear is something I don’t like. Especially since there’s even a power difference between the different pieces of ascended gear.
No, I’ll take the fractal fun but the ascended gear can go someplace the sun doesn’t shine…maybe that underwater fractal.
Pretty much the same thing here. I have personal goals that I’m trying to achieve in game that have nothing to do with the Ascended gear so I’m going to continue to play and ignore it. If it comes down to I HAVE to have it in order to play, well then I’ll just stop playing.
Personally I like the Fractals dungeon. It’s fun to me but the moment that I have to go into higher levels with Ascended I’ll just start back at 1.
I won’t be bothering with it either but that goes for all dungeons. If it’s going to make GW2 a living hell without having it in future expansions, I won’t be buying them, simple as that.
yeah i’m just hording all my mats, karma, gold, dungeon tokens, and WvW badges to see what other options they add.
Once I saw what was required to get ascended gear I just said “nope.” Eventually they will have to hand it out like candy (ie see “welfare” epics from WoW) or the less grind-happy player-base will just stop playing.
I like the fractal dungeon, but I’m fine with the level 1 version. If more “challenging” equals large hp pools, more annoying traps, and an ever present damage aura then count me out. It’s the same content! I didn’t fall for that in WoW and I’m not going to fall for it here either.
I think we all need to pile onto one server and make a guild(s). The game will be much more pleasant if we stick together and have like minded people to adventure with.
I acknowledge that forgoing the gear grind might also mean forgoing expansions, but that’s a tradeoff that I’m willing to make.
I think we all need to pile onto one server and make a guild(s). The game will be much more pleasant if we stick together and have like minded people to adventure with.
I acknowledge that forgoing the gear grind might also mean forgoing expansions, but that’s a tradeoff that I’m willing to make.
Do you roleplay?
I think we all need to pile onto one server and make a guild(s). The game will be much more pleasant if we stick together and have like minded people to adventure with.
I acknowledge that forgoing the gear grind might also mean forgoing expansions, but that’s a tradeoff that I’m willing to make.
<—- waves violently I want that guest-system so badly
So far the only thing you need the new gear for is to do higher/deeper levels of FotM.
This +1, and personally by the time Ill “need” Ascended gear Ill be sick of running Fractles anyway.
Plus exotics are “easier” to get now, or at least other dungeons reward more gold/karma than they did. I dont need Ascended gear to run any content, and I dont need it to kick someones kitten in WvW or PvP even if they outgear me. So Ill wait and see what the future brings, because even looking ahead I dont see much changing.
I ignore ALL the things I don’t like about the game and just do the stuff i DO enjoy. Thanfully there are a lot of things I do like and I’m still having fun playing it. They gave us great variety…as promissed. If the time comes I stop finding ways to have fun, I’ll stop playing. I won’t remember the stuff I didn’t do, Just the fun I had playing the game the way I wanted to play it.
After going back and forth on the subject in my head for a few days I decided I would try to get some ascended gear, but then I noticed that there was nothing with the stats I want in back pieces… So I guess I’m not going to get some any time soon. And if they don’t release all of the usual stat combos in the future I will probably join in with you folks and totally boycott it.
I think we all need to pile onto one server and make a guild(s). The game will be much more pleasant if we stick together and have like minded people to adventure with.
I acknowledge that forgoing the gear grind might also mean forgoing expansions, but that’s a tradeoff that I’m willing to make.
<—- waves violently I want that guest-system so badly
As far as I know, free server transfers are still on option. Seriously, as a community, let’s designate one server for this.
I’m only going to get the quiver. I almost have enough gold to purchase the mats. Honestly, I’m only getting this quiver because of the look, not because it’s ascended. ANet could’ve made it exotic and I still would’ve went for it.
I’m going to ignore the rest though. I’m definitely not going to grind FotM and hope for the rings to drop.
Hopefully ANet either scraps the idea of ascended gear or adds other ways of getting it. Otherwise I’m going to continue running in my exotics.
you must become a fractal hamster, it is your destiny.
I’m only going to get the quiver. I almost have enough gold to purchase the mats. Honestly, I’m only getting this quiver because of the look, not because it’s ascended. ANet could’ve made it exotic and I still would’ve went for it.
I’m going to ignore the rest though. I’m definitely not going to grind FotM and hope for the rings to drop.
Hopefully ANet either scraps the idea of ascended gear or adds other ways of getting it. Otherwise I’m going to continue running in my exotics.
what would suck is if they put a quiver or other back items on the cash shop. I am honestly shocked there are no current back skins on the cash shop, it’s the perfect time to take advantage of the fact that there are so few in game.
I’m only going to get the quiver. I almost have enough gold to purchase the mats. Honestly, I’m only getting this quiver because of the look, not because it’s ascended. ANet could’ve made it exotic and I still would’ve went for it.
I’m going to ignore the rest though. I’m definitely not going to grind FotM and hope for the rings to drop.
Hopefully ANet either scraps the idea of ascended gear or adds other ways of getting it. Otherwise I’m going to continue running in my exotics.
what would suck is if they put a quiver or other back items on the cash shop. I am honestly shocked there are no current back skins on the cash shop, it’s the perfect time to take advantage of the fact that there are so few in game.
They need to scrap the idea of town clothes and turn them into costumes that you can display in PvE, like you could in GW1. Then make a killing selling cool costumes in the cash shop. I know for a fact that I’d buy them as I purchased many costumes in GW1.
I only did the fractals enough to play experience them once each. I refuse to grind for stats. I would have preferred if they left out the ascended gear and just kept the exotics while still increasing the difficulty of the dungeon but not requiring better gear for higher difficulties
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