Im happy with this event

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: purper dawn.2983

purper dawn.2983

Dear mr gates,

id like to buy some stock from your company at the introduction price,
or at a discount even,since it all old and stuff now,i know i whasnt even born
when you started out,
but i found this company anet,that lets me have stuff from times
i wasnt arround for,or that i needed to pay real money for to get b4 and i like to
be rich/have nice things too.
i think all of your current stockholders will be very exited to have me amongst there mids even though it might deminish what they have slightly…
you can make it hard or tedious for me by making me fill out endless forms
or perform silly acts to do so just as they have,i dont mind,it could be a fun and learning experience for the both of us and im sure it wont effect your past or future
shareholders or clients by doing so..

with love,purps.

just purp,fact.

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947


Hi Purps,

I’m suspecting there’s a little satire here. Are you basically saying you’re not happy to be playing the same game you paid for alongside other people that get this game for free?

On the surface, it may sound a little unfair, but remember, the F2P players might end up being your future guildies, in-game friends, and even companions that help you in dungeons, raids, WvW etc.

I personally support the Free to Play decision that ArenaNet took. I can imagine it was a decision they took lightly, and they’ve taken careful steps to ensure the disruption to the Trading Post economy and the threat of bothers and gold sellers will be kept to a minimum.

We must embrace and welcome our brothers and sisters who came to Tyria via F2P – they are our future friends, and future purchasers of HoT!

With Love,

Not Mr Gates!

Blood & Merlot [Wine]

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: purper dawn.2983

purper dawn.2983

oh no tony,
i like new players as much as any1,im sure thell love this event just as much as i do^^,
what i dont like is anet habit of making my shinies less rare,if you missed it you missed it and thats it,just like in rl..

just purp,fact.

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947


oh no tony,
i like new players as much as any1,im sure thell love this event just as much as i do^^,
what i dont like is anet habit of making my shinies less rare,if you missed it you missed it and thats it,just like in rl..

Ah, I understand now. You mean the Halo that you wear so proudly in Divinity’s Reach huh? I missed getting the halo even though I was around, but to some people, I guess that’s a good thing they have the opportunity to have a second chance at it.

But yeah, I can also imagine the flip side of that coin for people who worked so hard to get the halo (among other things) – but I guess ArenaNet can’t please everyone.

You will always look stunning though wearing your halo proudly, no matter the ‘value’ of it in the future

Blood & Merlot [Wine]

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: purper dawn.2983

purper dawn.2983

thx tony :P your to kind^^

i think there just forgetting the ppl who stoud by them trough this whole experiment and helped make it possible, i worked hard to look different from others and i value my individuality,the thank you we got (the outfit) just shows to me that anet doesnt rly understand howmuch ppl like to look different from others as it does exactly the oppiste,it covers it up,i just want them to understand that..

just purp,fact.

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dilligaf Wyt.1867

Dilligaf Wyt.1867

I actually got the selfish potion (horns) when it first came out. I am actually glad that new people get a chance to get this and a chance for me to get a second as I hate switching it between characters.

People are complaining about how hard it is to get and the gold cost. I have no problem with the current costs as it was also 10 gold to get and you needed to log in and run the event for five days to get. You only got 30 heirlooms a day and it took 150 plus 10 gold. So the re introduction of them should be just as hard.

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: purper dawn.2983

purper dawn.2983

in my opinion there job is to make NEW content,
how many rehashes or re-releases did we have this year? i lost count…
i understand they want to fill the gap till HoT comes out,but devaluing the past is no way to do it.

just purp,fact.

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ScribeTheMad.7614


I actually got the selfish potion (horns) when it first came out. I am actually glad that new people get a chance to get this and a chance for me to get a second as I hate switching it between characters.

People are complaining about how hard it is to get and the gold cost. I have no problem with the current costs as it was also 10 gold to get and you needed to log in and run the event for five days to get. You only got 30 heirlooms a day and it took 150 plus 10 gold. So the re introduction of them should be just as hard.

Except that you had what 2 weeks? 4 weeks? to get it done?
We have 4 days, and its 450 blooms.

“The short answer is that new content is not going to drive people away from the game.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


Scribe is right. I had time to get both potions. I don’t have a problem with the gold on THEM… except that this is aimed at level 18+. The Scarlet event was aimed at 80 players. The limited time means relentless grind… not a casual stroll every day to get your 30. And by relentless, I mean there is no time for sleep if you want both.

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exile.2745


I think letting new players get the old shinies is great. Don’t be so selfish with your toys, you got to enjoy them for a long time while others didn’t so play nice.

However, this in no way helps new players get shinies. F2P guys think the event is joke but they just aren’t vocalizing it in the map chat (because they can’t). If I was an F2P guy I’d think it was a joke too; if I was an F2P guy who actually took part only to realize the rewards were useless to me, I’d probably uninstall lest I make similar mistakes in the future.

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: purper dawn.2983

purper dawn.2983

whats the point of shineys if every1 has them? (yes i am a special little snowflake..)

just purp,fact.

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exile.2745


whats the point of shineys if every1 has them? (yes i am a special little snowflake..)

Haha I don’t think that (the special snowflake bit). It’s the same reason people try to get ferarris etc in life and it’s good you aim for the best rewards. The thing is eventually those things have to trickle down to the new guys – it’s just bad if they don’t eventually get a little taste of sweet mother nectar, right? You been chomping on that nectar for a while, let others have a taste xD

I’m sure there will be some new shiny for you to be first to coming up soon (why else drop the barrier on this one?) and then that can be yours for a long period too.

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


whats the point of shineys if every1 has them? (yes i am a special little snowflake..)

Because they look nice, duh.

If you don’t see a point in it beyond scarcity, it’s probably not a good product in the first place.

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Absconditus.6804


I have both the Selfless- and Thoughtless Potions, and have wanted a way for players to get this again for the longest time. I hate having to answer that it’s not available anymore, when people ask me about the halo I tend to wear at all times. No, I do not need to be a special snowflake. It does not devalue it to me if everyone else can have it. I still appreciate it for what it is, a nice looking halo floating above my head.

It’s not as if these are handed out like candy either. 450 tokens and 10 Gold is quite a hefty cost, more so than I wish it were. At most you can get 15 tokens per hour (30 min for the meta event, then you have to wait another 30 mins for next map) + 20 Daily Map Bonus once a day. For three hours, you can at most get 105, and then another 3 hours is going to only net you 45. For six hours investment, you get 150 tokens, out of 450 needed. Only hardcore grinders with plenty of will and time will do that.

But yeah, I wish it were easier for people to obtain, even if I have them both and it’s somewhat rare to see the halo/horns anywhere. Not easier than it were for me to grind them, but easier than what this event is presenting as a way.

Vella Absconditus | Human Mesmer
Seafarer’s Rest

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jana.6831


Except that you had what 2 weeks? 4 weeks? to get it done?
We have 4 days, and its 450 blooms.

With the exception that the heirlooms had to be found all over LA – so you had to run through all LA each day to get your 30 heirlooms a day – I didn’t do it.

Edit: This is to the thread in general:
And there’s a pro and a con to each side – yes it’s nice to have exclusive stuff, yes it’s nice to get a chance to get stuff that has been in game before even if one hasn’t been around back then.
There’s quite a few skins from former events I’d like to have.

(edited by Jana.6831)

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


oh no tony,
i like new players as much as any1,im sure thell love this event just as much as i do^^,
what i dont like is anet habit of making my shinies less rare,if you missed it you missed it and thats it,just like in rl..

Boohoo, there are plenty of other games out there where you can be a special kittin and boast/show off your special “insert worthless item here” to be better than other players. :P

This is a care bear friendly game, do not try and destroy that, ty.

PS, I had both the Halo and Horns before this event and I think the effort put in this event is just as much as it was the first time we had a chance to get these items so I really can’t see what the issue is.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


whats the point of shineys if every1 has them? (yes i am a special little snowflake..)

So then in your mind, when a cool new toy, video game console or even new game comes out it is not worth getting it and having fun with it simply because many other people in the world already have it?

I think your view on things is messed up personally. :P

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: purper dawn.2983

purper dawn.2983

its about being a individual,
its about anet being lazy,
its about rarity…

just purp,fact.

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


its about being a individual,
its about anet being lazy,
its about rarity…

No it’s about selfishness.

“oh hey I can’t have fun with this thing if other people are also having fun with it”.

That kind of attitude is totally not what this game is about. Look how we don’t fight over gathering nodes (again people being greedy/selfish), look how trolling in game is near impossible to do unless you go to extremes. Look how there is no kill stealing (again no selfishness).

Again I say that’s not what this game is about and a lot of us play this game exactly for these reasons. Those games do exist however. I know this for a fact as I came to GW1 from one of them (cough Runescape cough).

“its about being a individual”

There are still plenty of skins to make your chars stand out and be an individual. I have 9 alts alongside my main and they all have their individual look/role-play story. There are also skins that are hard to get if you want that prestige that can go with that.

Having being in game on a certain day and doing minimal work (where I saw it as fun earning those potions the first time) really should not be in that category, while also denying others the same chance to get the same items; that’s just being selfish to it’s perfect definition imo.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

(edited by Paulytnz.7619)

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: purper dawn.2983

purper dawn.2983

well,im not a communist…

just purp,fact.

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


well,im not a communist…

Now that’s real mature.

Let me tell you something about communism if you are referring to Russia for example. It failed because it was corrupt, any government type can fail if corrupt including a democracy.

Back on topic now, oh who cares, you just wont get it…. I give up lol.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CandyHearts.6025


Can’t take this serious. The grammar and spelling is awful.

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chuck.8196


I too am happy with it. It requires people to fully participate to reach greater rewards. No exp, karma , or enemy drops? Who cares. Plenty of other places to do that (99% of Tyria). Also, the rewards vendor makes items available to players through direct game play that would typically be only accessible through Gem Store purchases. The only bad part is that there are items being offered that should only be available through special events from the past. Limited items that provide unique aesthetic appeal to players who witnessed and participated in the historical events of Tyria. Because they are available the forums are blowing up with players crying and complaining that the price is TOO HIGH. They simply need to remove the 2 potions from the vendor and all should be well again. Then again, “We can’t get all 4 skins so they’re too high” will most likely start showing up.

a·chieve·ment – a thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage, or skill
re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


They should have just let the events give karma, let the mobs rarely drop blooms and gave a zone bonus reward based on the number of events completed. It would have been fine.

As it is now, the event is okay if you assume the rewards are meant to be a last chance to get these items, and they’re intended for dedicated players. ArenaNet doesn’t want to just give away these veteran items, but at least you get a chance to get something you might have missed.

This event was originally advertised to find guilds however and for new players, this event is rather pointless. Can’t even level.

Im happy with this event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

No need to worry, there will not be swarms of players with horns and halos after the weekend. If anything, the 450 bloom transaction should also reward you with the “No Job, Family, or Social Obligations” title.
