Improve Trait unlocking - Simple guidelines
I’m currently leveling an alt and feeling the frustration here. Many of the trait unlock requirements aren’t really achievable when you have enough points to enable the trait skill.
I’d like to see the trait unlocks in a similar manner to Personal / Living Story quests. One quest line per skill line, where the quest steps are reasonably achievable to start around level 20 to unlock minor traits, and challenging to a lvl 80 at the grandmaster level. These would run as a parallel to the personal story, like training missions to seek out trainers, hostile creatures to learn skills from, or skill artificats, and what not.
The unlocks could be organized then so that they make sense in a story progression, rather than random events attached to skills. This would also ensure that the trait challenges are level appropriate for that tier.
I think time gates in general ruin it. Like the Taidha Covington skill point.
Personally, I would rather complete a zone than do a mini-dungeon, but everyone has their own preferences in games. /shrug
I think both traits and utility skill slots should start unlocking at lower levels. Waiting until level 30 to finally get a trait point feels too long. My brother’s not even level 20 yet and getting bored already because nothing really changes as he levels up and it feels like it’s taking forever to really reach a point where the game starts to get fun.
Traits should unlock at level 15, and you should get 1 point every 5 levels. As for things to do in order to earn traits, someone suggested in the traits megathread that they use a similar system to skill challenges- mark them on the map with a trait symbol (hex), and let us start the event when we get there and anyone who participates also gets credit. This is basically the best idea I’ve heard, and it would buy a LOT of goodwill from me.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
I think adding multiple options per trait unlock would also help alot, right now you either do X event or spend gold and skillpoints. What if you can choose between 3 events or activities instead? Either do a boss event, a jumping puzzle, maybe a dungeon etc. Having more than one way to obtain it without spending gold would probably make it alot more fun.