Improvements for the next Winterdays

Improvements for the next Winterdays

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Personally I find Wintersday becomes more and more disappointing – another year in which we can do again only exactly the same things liketheyear before, like the year before of before and like the year before of all .

It becomes quite boring, especially when things that you have done already several years ago tons of times already paired with massive grind for just some new titles, without providing enough good alternatives and improvements of the old content to keep the old content entertaining enough for such a huge grind of playing like multiple hundreds of times the bells choirs for like 40 hours or so total or multiple hundreds of rounds of the Infinirarium or the Snowball PvP until your fingers bleed without getting appropiate rewards from that like it is the case also with the JP, which can be really frustrating for some people (me not included, just saying what alot of people write about it here- me personally annoy much more certain Bugs of those Minigames, which are more annoying this year than ever before)

So heres my List of Suggestions for Improvements for the next Wintersdays to come.
I hope they convince the Devs to make some changes for the next years, instead of repeating always only the same stuff and adding a few new rewards to the Gifts.

Bug Fixing

  • The Skill Set Change Bug in the Snowfall PvP has been fixed. Now your chosen Skill Set stays again permanent, until you choose a different one after you have been killed and respawned at Start (So annoying when you choose to be Infiltrator, you jump down and out of a sudden the dumb Game bugs and changes you into something else what you dont want to play…)
  • The World is Full Bugs ha been fixed. Snowball PvP will receive now a Queue and generate automatically new Map Instances, once enough players are in queue to start a Match to prevent that players get thrown out of the login process for a map
    With the queue you can join now first the maps, when the queue reaches zero and it generates a fresh new map.
  • The above point will work now also with the other Activities Bell Choir, Snowball JP ect. to guarantee the player that whewnever you join it, you get into a fresh map.
  • The Toypocalypse Party Bug has been fixed. Now you can make again like with Tixx’s Infinirarium 5 premade person parties, before going in and play the Toypocalypse with your friends whom you can trust that they are skilled players, instead if being mixed together oftenly with total clueless random people

Adjustments & Polishment

  • Gift Rewards have been rebalanced to fit alot better the Effort/Time/Difficulty-Relationships.
    • Bell Choir will give now Bonus Gifts based on the own Playing Skills plus a daily lane based Group Bonus (4 sides, so maximum 4x Group Bonus daily)
      The Player Skill Bonus is based on the Total amount of Points you make.
      A Player can reach maximun 600 Points = Bonus of 6 Gifts at the End of the Session if you played all 6 Songs perfect.
      The Group Bonus is given when all 3 Players in a Lane make at least at the end of the Round more than 400 Points
      Group makes more than 400 Points approx = Bonus of 10 Gifts for all 3
      Group makes more than 500 points approx = Bonus of 15 Gifts for all 3
      Complete Group makes 600 Points = Bonus of 25 Gifts for all 3
      With these 2 changes get players more incentivized to play good, instead of just afking half of the time and pressign just only a few times only right buttons just to survive to the end, because they know, they can easily heal themself up after each Song
    • Tixx Infinirarium will give now everytime 50 Gifts plus a daily Bonus of 100 Gifts if you complete it in lesser than xx Minutes. Additionally to these changes, will have by you defeated Skritt and destroyed parts now also a chance to leave Personal Gifts behind. Defeating Givvt will leave behind now also a huge Gift box full of 20 personal Gift Boxes for everyone.
    • Snowball PvP will give everyone for each brought Gift to the Homebase instead of 1 Gift for every now 5 Personal Gifts for everyone. Defeating Players grants now the Player who defeated someone else 5 Gifts. Reviving Players grants the Reviver now a Personal Gift. The Winning Team will receive now 25 Gifts and 15 Personal Gifts.
      The Losing Team will receive 10 Gifts and 5 Personal Gifts.
    • Snowball Wonderland will grant you now again Bonus Gifts or Bonus Personal Gifts whenever you reach the safe middle. Players will receive now for every Gift they hop on in the JP that can explode near the end of the JP 1 Gift
      There is now a daily Bonus at the end of the JP of 50 Bonus Gifts if you do the JP in lesser than xx Minutes
    • Toypocalypse will grant now alot more Gifts after each defeat of Givvt and also some personal Gifts. The Gift Bonus for completing Toypocalypse has been significantly increased to 250 Gifts daily once instead of lousy 10 , and from that point on after the daily big amount then 100 Gifts, as Toypocalyspe is from all activities, which needs the absolute longest time to complete

Improvements and new Content

Following thigns should be done with the existign content to improve it, so that the existing content will make more fun:

Bell Choir:
- Add like 6-12 new Songs to play. Seriously, after 3 years playing over and over permanently the same songs, it becomes boring
- Remove the Freeplay Part at the End, it slows only unneccessary down the process of creating a new fresh map and players leave anyways before the game refreshes the map automatically due to this thign here getting forced to wait a minute, before you can continue with a fresh map

Tixx’ Infinirarium
- Add a Hard Mode with its own Achievements
- Add the Miniature Infinirarium next time as a Meta Achievement Reward from HM
- HM is longer, Enemies have stronger/different skills and Anet can add other mechanics, that make it in this mode not so easy to complete it compared to NM
- Completing HM once unlocks for you the either personal or group based Infinity Mode, where you can combat against unendless spawning toys and earn Gifts over time so longer you can survive, which become round per round very slightly more and more

Snowball JP
- Rebalance the Skills
- Add 2-3 new Snowball Classes with new Skills
- Add some new Buffs instead of only Speed, Might, Regeneration and Recharge, how about a Protection Buff, that makes you temporarely immune against damage? Or how about a Reflection Buff, that if you take damage, that the damage dealer takes the same damage too. Or a Skill Change Buff, that allows you on spot to swap your Class Skills out within 5 seconds by pressing often enough Weapon Swap until you have the skills that you want after activating the Buff. or add a Range Buff to increase your Throwign Range or add a Piercing buff, so that you can hit multiple targets in line of sight or a Explosion Buff, so that your snowballs explode on impact and hit multiple targets in near of your main target .

- Like with Tixx, add here a HM together with its own achievements
- Add Miniature Festive Golem as Meta Reward for it
- Add after doing successfully once HM the Toycatasrophe Mode where your job this time it isn’t to protect Dollies, but instead to protect the miniature town from beign destroyed completely

Snowball Wonderland
- Add new JPs with different Themes so that it isn’t always the same thing with the same 3 paths

New Features/Activities

Wintersday needs back some of its nostalgia back that it has had in GW1, so I suggest these thigns to add for the next Wintersdays to come:

  • Grentch Wars
    Grentch Wars will be a new Wintersday Activity that will be like some kind of concept based around dynamic town invasions with the intention to give the Grentch (and Humbugs) a comeback.
    Grentch Wars will be basically played in ALL PLAYER TOWNS as it will be a constant running Dynamic Event in them, where Grentches and Humbugs invade the towns to steal gifts and need to be defeated by the players with class based snowball skills from the Snowball PVP
  • Wintersday Dungeons
    While Wintersday is up, will all enemies in the Dungeons get replaced with Wintersday Versions, while dropping also unique loot, that can be found only in Dungeosn while Wintersday is active
  • Wintersday Quests
    Special one time doable Quests you can do (and once done dont need to repeat year for year again), while Wintersday is active that basically count as Dailies but in fact are more than just that. Example: Grawnk.
    More of that please in the future.
  • The Return of Nine Rings
    A simple good old minigame, that should return for Wintersday that you should be able to play in the towns.
  • Wintersday Gift Tours
    Each day will be in different Maps Gift Tours, dynamic events where players need to escort Gift Dolyaks through the map on their tours to towns ect to brign gifts to the people. Basically what we have currently in towns, but just also for the PvE maps as dynamic events with longer routes, where you need to protect them from Grentches and Humbugs that try to steal the gifts

New Items and Rewards

Following Items should return for Wintersday:

- Snowman Summoner (Userable in PvE to summon Snowmans that attack enemies for you with ranged attacks and heal players)

- Glob of Frozen Ectoplasm (Currency that should be turned in for new unique Rewards/normal Globs of Ectoplasm)

- Wintergreen/Rainbow Candy Canes (With different effects than the normal onces that got introduced this year)

- Miniature Polar “Jingle” Bear

- Mischievous Tonic (including endless version)(to transform you into a Grentch)

- Chaotic Tonic (including endless version) (to transform you into a Humbug)

- Gingerbread Weapons (Focus, Shield, maybe more)

- Wreath Crown Headgear (Gemstore?)

- Grentch Cap Headgear (Gemstore?)

- Snow Crystal Crest Headgear (Gemstore?)

- Ice Shard Crest Headgear (Gemstore?)

- Festive Winter Hood Headgear (Gemstore?)

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Improvements for the next Winterdays

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


What about giving us simply some real gifts where we don’t have to grind
for hundreds of hours ? Just take a look here for example :

Oh, and the gift we get there at the 24th is very similiar to the new shoulder
piece here.

Or at least go back to the format we had 2 years ago, where we could
complete the meta with dailys, so that people who are not good at
jumping or othere mini games at least also had a chance to finish it
and are not already unmotivated after the first look to even do anything.

And yes, i haven’t played anymore since after the first day of the event.

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.