Improving Black Lion Traiding Company
It may be frustrating when someone undercuts you by a coin, but that’s basic economics and it exists in games the same way it does in the real world (just watch how eBay works to see the same thing play out).
But I agree that it’s annoying
the reason why yours was the lowest before that undercut, was because you yourself undercut someone else, or u put it at the same price as someone else who undercutteti think they should fix it by doing reposting ur kitten cheaper. so u are not kittened and forced to wait for months or lose ur 5% for relisting.
they should make it so that u lose 5% first time u list one item, and then u should be able to scroll down that price of the item in TP for free.
example: i list zap for 1k, i pay 50g to list. Then 20 ppl undercut me and suddently the price is 800g for the cheapest. then i can choose to change the price from 1k to 799g so i have a chance to sell it, and then when its sold, i pay the last 10% of the fee (79,9g)
It may be frustrating when someone undercuts you by a coin, but that’s basic economics and it exists in games the same way it does in the real world (just watch how eBay works to see the same thing play out).
But I agree that it’s annoying
Like i said i don’t think that it sould be taken out just make it so there is an extra charge to under cut the lowest Seller
the reason why yours was the lowest before that undercut, was because you yourself undercut someone else, or u put it at the same price as someone else who undercutteti think they should fix it by doing reposting ur kitten cheaper. so u are not kittened and forced to wait for months or lose ur 5% for relisting.
they should make it so that u lose 5% first time u list one item, and then u should be able to scroll down that price of the item in TP for free.example: i list zap for 1k, i pay 50g to list. Then 20 ppl undercut me and suddently the price is 800g for the cheapest. then i can choose to change the price from 1k to 799g so i have a chance to sell it, and then when its sold, i pay the last 10% of the fee (79,9g)
You should ofcourse pay 10% of the original fee, otherwise you will put it high in hope of hitting it big then lower it without any harm to yourself. So even if you sold it for 799 the fee would be 100g
It may be frustrating when someone undercuts you by a coin, but that’s basic economics and it exists in games the same way it does in the real world (just watch how eBay works to see the same thing play out).
But I agree that it’s annoying
Like i said i don’t think that it sould be taken out just make it so there is an extra charge to under cut the lowest Seller
should there be a similar charge for upper cutting the highest bidder aswell?
Ofcourse not and then the reverse that you ask for is just as silly.
It may be frustrating when someone undercuts you by a coin, but that’s basic economics and it exists in games the same way it does in the real world (just watch how eBay works to see the same thing play out).
But I agree that it’s annoying
Like i said i don’t think that it sould be taken out just make it so there is an extra charge to under cut the lowest Seller
should there be a similar charge for upper cutting the highest bidder aswell?
Ofcourse not and then the reverse that you ask for is just as silly.
What a charge to lower the total value of an item is just silly no its not and no one is going to upper cut the highest bidder because that would be a wast of money
I wish just they would wave listing/exchange fees for filling existing orders.
The BL store has been kind of flaky since the update. When trying to sell something it’ll sometimes come up with the minimum sale price when there are existing orders. If you don’t watch it you can accidentally list high value items for the minimum sale. At one point I went to sell something and got an error saying it wasn’t allowed because I would need to purchase HoT. I’ve had HoT since beta. I only got that once.
In most cases it doesn’t matter if you’re undercut a few minutes after posting the item.
This is one of the ways the Trading Post is different from an auction house. Being undercut doesn’t mean someone has beaten you and now yours will never sell. It just means it’s not top of the list and you have to wait for someone to buy 2 instead of just 1.
Unless it’s an item that’s rarely traded and you get undercut multiple times yours will sell sooner or later.
I usually wait 15 days before re-listing an item, and I have to re-list maybe 1 in 50 items I sell.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Enough of this crap… I have stuff on the TP for over 2 years I’m still waiting to sell but I’m not complaining about it… If you can’t be bothered to wait, then sell it instantly and you will no longer have anything to complain about…
As for relisting an item, it is never worth it… As a general rule, nearly everything you list within a reasonable amount will eventually sell (this rule excludes high price items).
I think you should double the posting & Exchange fee if a person is undercutting the cheapest seller.
We have all been there when you post an item on the BLTC and then you come back on later just to see someone has put the same item up but for one bronze less and it’s irritating.
I do think it should be part of the game to under cut the price of the lowest seller just make it more of a burden to do it so it makes them think twice about doing it
The game already includes a 100%-guaranteed method to avoid being undercut:
- Sell to the highest buy offer.
The game already includes an 80%-guaranteed method to avoid being undercut on most items:
- Put in an offer that is halfway between the highest-buy and lowest-sell offers.
Putting in a custom offer that is high enough to be undercut is a risk that the seller chooses to take: trading a lot more potential money in the future for a chance that there might be no money at all.
tl;dr sellers are already well-compensated for taking a risk at being undercut. ANet doesn’t need to change the TP to accommodate them.
(edited by Illconceived Was Na.9781)
Haven’t seen this topic in a while.
No, you will always be undercut no matter what restrictions you can think of. The 5% posting fee is a barrier whose purpose is to encourage the poster to set the price where they think it will sell. So pick a price in the current range the item is selling for and even if you are undercut, it will still sell, just not right away.
RIP City of Heroes
It may be frustrating when someone undercuts you by a coin, but that’s basic economics and it exists in games the same way it does in the real world (just watch how eBay works to see the same thing play out).
But I agree that it’s annoying
Certainly the market needs better controls to prevent manipulation by players.
It may be frustrating when someone undercuts you by a coin, but that’s basic economics and it exists in games the same way it does in the real world (just watch how eBay works to see the same thing play out).
But I agree that it’s annoying
Certainly the market needs better controls to prevent manipulation by players.
No it doesn’t. It ain’t broke. You have the choice of buying/selling instantly or trying to improve the price by being patient. As stated by several people above, almost everything sells if the price is in the normal range. My stuff all sells within a day, the only exceptions being new items that have yet to find their price level.