Improving Mail

Improving Mail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The V.8759

The V.8759


The mail system in my opinion too basic and could be worked out to a bigger and much more convenient system in my opinion.
Here are several suggestions:

  • Outbox
    One of my most important point of these suggestions. As some1 like me from the EU who has quite some contacts in USA we mainly mail to eachother because of time difference. I sometimes forget what I last sent to a certain person and can’t compose a good email because of that. Checking my mails in the outbox would be great.
  • Organize options/increase capacity
    It would also like to see a way to organize my emails to a certain extend. Dropping them in a folder. For example important Guild Messages and that sort of stuff. To make this effective a larger capacity of mail memory is needed.
  • Multiple adresses (CC)
    For people sending mail to a group of friends, guild members and others a group mail could be very usefull. There is one problem I can imagine and those are gold sellers. A solution has to be found first before this could be implemented.
  • Linking
    Linking items, waypoints etc should be made possible in mails. This can help in meeting places (Example: Meet at 8:00 at [….waypoint]).

Any other ideas would be very appreciated. Let’s improve mail together

Greetings, Fvux.

One of the Firstborn Channel of Fvux

Improving Mail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emikochan.8504


Being able to send to 4 people by default instead of 3 so I can give consumables to my instance party.

I’d be happy with just that.

Welcome to my world –

Improving Mail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853

1. An outbox would certainly be useful, or even if it was to work similarly to how e-mails do currently, where you can see previous messages from the current conversation in a string underneath the message you have received/the reply you are writing now.

2. This would be nice, however I think that there is a reason why maximum capacity is quite low, at 10. If I had a full inventory, in a dungeon/fractal for example, I could send 5 items to some friends in each message for them to send back to me. This means I could hold a total of 50 items in my mail box. It is a work around if you don’t have large bags, or if you don’t want to purchase extra bag tabs from the gem-store. Allowing even more “mail box storage” space could undermine this. Perhaps a total of 10 item-laden mails could be stored at once and after that you cannot receive more until you’ve opened and deleted some mails, but could continue receiving text-only mails.

(Just want to reiterate that I understand that a player could receive more than 10 item-laden mails currently, just that a new one won’t appear until one of the has been deleted. It “floats around in the nether” until received, which could be worrying for a player who has sent valuable items to be returned.)

3. I absolutely agree- handy, but I’d never want it in-game if it meant more gold-selling spam. Perhaps you could only CC people who were in your guild roster, or both have each other on your friends list. Another solution could be that sending a mail with many recipients would have some kind of disadvantage as well- maybe an attached cost (e.g. a guild commendation), or you’d have an extended period of time where you can not send any more mails.

4. This is a great idea! I currently can’t really see any downsides, apart from the obvious associated development time that would be present with any upgrade or overhaul to the mail-system.

Improving Mail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The V.8759

The V.8759

Crimson, I have never tought of sending items as more inventory space and what you are saying is a very optional solution to this.
Indeed some of these things need quite some work to be good and effective in game, but small things like linking doesnt seem like it can harm anything if they put of in soon:)

One of the Firstborn Channel of Fvux

Improving Mail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Menadena.7482


I have only ONE suggestion at the top of my list. Get rid of the kittening throttle!!!!!

The scammers have ways around it, like hopping accounts. Meanwhile, party and guild leaders keep hitting the throttle after we have messaged gasp 2 players. If I am trying to distribute a needed item to my party ASAP I do not want to play the (send)(wait)(send)(wait)(send)(wait)(send)(wait)(send) … game.

Yes, I can use multiple people to send to but it is MUCH easier just to select a person and click the ‘mail to’ menu option.

(edited by Menadena.7482)