In game marriage

In game marriage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edrenius.8204


Many times through out this game I have noticed couples playing together. Both those being a couple, married or engaged.

I met my own boyfriend here on Guild Wars. It was in the middle of Lion’s Arch back in the days and we just started talking. Now we’re a couple were I live in Sweden and he lives in England. We can hardly ever meet and the thing always connecting us, is guild wars. We play together everyday and we even run a guild together.

What I miss and would really wish to happen is in-game marriage. Not something fancy, not any quests to make it happen as others in games like Wow have suggested. Just a choice to propose with one character to another character. One may then accept and my suggestion would be that you then have the choice to choose that as a title. For example if the character you are married to’s name is Katie. Then the title should be “Married to Katie” Or perhaps if the character is a female. “Wife of Katie”. I do not think it should matter if they are of same sex, different sex or same race. It would just be an awesome way to tell everyone that you’re playing with your loved one. Especially if you rarely ever get the chance to met the love of your life.

For me this would really make a happy change. I would love to be able to express my love. Since I feel a special connection to Guild Wars and I’ll always remember it as the place I met my man. I would not only want him to be my man IRL but in-game too.

What do you guys think? Is this a horrible idea or something you can see happen?

In game marriage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hannelore.8153


One problem I’ve always had with this game is that it doesn’t really think about couples much if at all. Relationship and marriage systems are a staple of MMOs and that is why I find that is missing here, but given how they treat roleplaying its not suprising.

I usually play with my SO, and there’s just not much in this game for couples. I either have to complete open world content with her, which is meant for one person and thus trivializes its difficulty (and its already pretty easy), or I have to team up with 3 other randoms to do a dungeon or something which ruins the mood.

So while I would love for something like this to come to fruition, I doubt ANet would do it because they seem to think that everyone is either solo or partied up into five man groups. In my year of Guild Wars 2 I have run across many pairs and duos, and all of them have had more of less the same problem with the game’s content.

A simple title would be easy enough, but ANet can’t even reward those for most things that need it and instead reward them for meaningless feats (and far too rarely), so again, I don’t see it as something that is on their priority list..

Daisuki [SUKI] LGBT-Friendly Guild Leader | NA – Jade Quarry
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/

(edited by Hannelore.8153)

In game marriage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


I was shocked. Back in 2006 when I heard that couples play together WoW and Guild Wars. Dead were my dreams that only geeks and pizza eating nerds were playing games. No, MMOs destroeyed that dream and I always cringe if I here ‘me and my wife’ don’t like that blabla. kitten? Just play as an individual, you aren’t siamese twins.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

In game marriage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hannelore.8153


I was shocked. Back in 2006 when I heard that couples play together WoW and Guild Wars. Dead were my dreams that only geeks and pizza eating nerds were playing games. No, MMOs destroeyed that dream and I always cringe if I here ‘me and my wife’ don’t like that blabla. kitten? Just play as an individual, you aren’t siamese twins.

For some people online games are their entire meeting grounds, thus it is the only time that they get to be a couple outside of work or other real life time sinks.

Playing as an individual makes absolutely no sense at all.

Daisuki [SUKI] LGBT-Friendly Guild Leader | NA – Jade Quarry
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/

In game marriage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


If an online game is for some people their only meeting ground… I really feel sorry for them.

But aside from this: I was sarcastic and theatrical and wasn’t too serious.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

In game marriage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tagus Eleuthera.7305

Tagus Eleuthera.7305

I’d rather be able to marry an NPC than another player I think. It works in a lot of games… some games even let you have children, and quests pop up where your kid gets kidnapped and you have to rescue them and such things. It really adds a higher level of realism and makes you care about more than just your character’s armor or progression.

In game marriage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yinello.7068


I think it could be fun if you could have a purely visual item (think the halo or the devil horns) appear on you with a buff icon that says “Married to <character name>”. No special things needed, just a token of affection.

Ginni Gruesome, Necromancer of the College of Synergetics

In game marriage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GuzziHero.2467


Even if I have no interest in relationships at all, I would like to see more community options in the game. Even if it is only to be able to name your own ‘squad’, within or without a guild (profanity filter locked firmly to ‘on’ of course). Player/guild housing should be a staple and since this game is now 2 years old with no sign of it appearing, I cannot believe that it ever will.

The way that Anet treats the RP side of its game is nonchalant at best and callous at worst.

So yes, I think the ability to ‘marry’ or ‘bond’ a couple with a simple text function is both realistic and easy to implement. However, I highly doubt that such an option will ever exist. Anet doesn’t like giving people options, it seems.

In game marriage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heraldusluminare.2946


Or, you could make a nice two-man guild emblem with the guild tag (KATI) – considering you can actually join multiple guilds now. Plus, if you can get the little guild flag, it’ll be an even more striking evidence of your mutual love. Make sure you both have bouquets of roses for an added lovey-dovey touch. ;D

In game marriage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grimezy.5679


I’ve played MMO’s for a while whereas my girlfriend has never gamed in her life. I recently got her creating characters on GW2 which she enjoyed and she finally started playing so I built her a PC. We live 90 miles apart (let me re-iterate that we’d already been going out for 3 years in real life before GW2 came into the mix) and see each other every weekend but during the week we’re just left to texting/calling which I don’t always feel like holding much of a conversation after a full day at work.

Anyway we both play GW2 most nights now in the week and love it. It lets us chat together on skype for hours while doing something we both enjoy, we’re both level 80 and are part of a really friendly guild that is always doing fractals/dungeons, etc.

It would be nice to have a title or just marriage in general. I know in a game I used to play you had to pay for marriage and you basically got a ring for it which let you go into a party quest for married characters only (still completed in a group of 5 or 6 and didn’t necessarily have to be with your other half). It would also do some gimmicky animation whenever the two of you were close together like a heart or doves or something.

But at the end of the day I don’t think I NEED marriage in the game. It’d be a nice touch but at the end of the day you shouldn’t need to crave that much attention to say that you have a boyfriend/girlfriend even though you play MMO’s. All our guildies know that me and my other half are a couple and therefore we’re invited into a lot of activities as a couple. I don’t care if some random person thinks I have a ‘wife’.

In game marriage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heraldusluminare.2946


I knew a couple who were both elementalists who wore the same outfits, had the same colour scheme and cast the same spells. Such a romantic and majestic sight to behold.

In game marriage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maxan.7836


Get over it- It’s a Game- This isn’t the real world- If you married Fine- If your not – Hello Real world—- Want to get married in game- Hey do it the real world- Court each other fine- But when it comes down to it – In a game – No one cares -

In game marriage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schumi.4285


I opened a similar thread in the german forum. Including a story about how they came into Guild Wars 2.

Actually, there is already something in the game:
[&AgHE+gAA] = Engagement Ring
[&AgHF+gAA] = Ring Box

Dunno if and when it will be implemented...

In game marriage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dkarpostag.5849


If an online game is for some people their only meeting ground… I really feel sorry for them.

But aside from this: I was sarcastic and theatrical and wasn’t too serious.

I met my wife in MMO and we are now living together and happily married for 3 years (IRL of course). What was your point again?

Norn Necro
Marching with ZDs
Seafarer’s Rest

In game marriage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GuzziHero.2467


Get over it- It’s a Game- This isn’t the real world- If you married Fine- If your not – Hello Real world—- Want to get married in game- Hey do it the real world- Court each other fine- But when it comes down to it – In a game – No one cares -

So by your low standards, there is no point in communicating at all with other players other than to achieve an objective? No roleplaying should be allowed? Why are we not all using 100% stock characters that we cannot adjust, since its only a game, who cares about our customisation?

To some people, this game is their best or only way of socialising. Other social options should always be recommended.

In game marriage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


While I would Love to have some Kind of In game thing where I could have a " married to …" over my head… I can see a couple of problems right off the bat.

One is… what if Like me and My wife.. Same sex couple ..representing :P… we each play multiple alts?

“Married to..” is cool if you only each have 1 character. but then you are with alts….

The second issue I see is for same sex couples. There are many players that are homophobic. There are also many griefers. My issue is to the extent that this would be griefed by others. Whether immature people, or Homophobes, or people that want to " preach them to heaven"

I simply feel that this…for same sex couples Invites a Lot of grief and potential ridicule.

VBut for heterosexual couples I do not see that there is anything bad about it.

And…since same – sex couples may see they are not being treated the same, it just becomes a can of worms that Anet may wish to stay out of.

I remember the big Brouhaha because The Old Republic did not Include same sex courting of NPC or followers In game. was not pretty. It was supposed to be included at launch, then it was delayed, then they promised it would be a part of an upcoming patch… then I stopped playing ( for other reasons)…so I never experienced it.

Part of it may have been the reaction of many people that simply do not want to see Homosexuals as a part of mainstream entertainment.

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

(edited by Nerelith.7360)