In game voice chat?
Does not exist. Do not think Anet will make one. Would be hard for them to monitor for people that violate ToS with bad language. With 3rd party voice program Anet not responsible for what people say on it.
There’s Teamspeak. Not a gw2 voice chat but most people have that downloaded.
ANet may give it to you.
Integrated voice chat is nice when it’s done right, but with the availability of teamspeak, vent, etc. it isn’t something I’d want Anet to work on at this point.
downloading is one thing…but finding a server for my guild has been the issue. I don’t particularly want to pay cash for server hosting. Are there free resources for that sort of thing?
Please no. I have been in mmo’s that are RUINED by a game voice chat!!!
Reason being is everyone will REQUIRE you use it and not allow you to type.
I don’t know why but people get pushy when an in game voice chat is avail. You get kicked from guilds for not using the in game voice chat. Those who are established on Teamspeak loose their mini community (some paid money). Players WILL troll people when their voice reveals:
1) you are male with effeminate voice
2) you are under the age of 12
3) you don’t speak english
4) you have an accent
5) you are playing from another country not usa (i’m usa but i’m sorry for some reason many fellow country citizens – esp the teenagers – can be wicked stupid biggots)
6) you are ghetto / hillbilly (your accent)
7) you are elderly / mother / basically anything not teenage or young adult
8) you cuss / don’t cuss
9) you are quiet and don’t want to talk / you talk to much
10) you sing, whistle, or play music while you game