In my opinion, Combat Controls are sloppy.
While I agree that holding down the right click button all the time can get tiring, I disagree that GW2 combat is “sloppy.” I think the difference is that you’re looking at Dragon’s Nest and thinking “this is smooth” when it’s really a hack-and-slash type of combat. Hack-and-slash combat is fun but lacks real depth… and that type of combat doesn’t really fit for GW2. How would it work for Wuvwuv?
While I agree that holding down the right click button all the time can get tiring, I disagree that GW2 combat is “sloppy.” I think the difference is that you’re looking at Dragon’s Nest and thinking “this is smooth” when it’s really a hack-and-slash type of combat. Hack-and-slash combat is fun but lacks real depth… and that type of combat doesn’t really fit for GW2. How would it work for Wuvwuv?
Isn’t it ironic that in the sense in which you described DN, GW2 could also be looked at as a hack-‘n’-slash game?
Dragon’s Nest PvP:
I fail to see how their combat system lacks depth. Just like GW2, timing your skills, evades, initiates, and counterattacks is such a big part in DN PvP. The difference is the controls are a lot better for DN.
(edited by IV Endu.8920)
I love DN (I rmbr it was about 2 summers ago, my buds and I were on mumble everyday hooking up dungeons… those were good times).
It was the same buds who I had convinced them to play GW2 (since one of the major issue with DN was the lack of contents!!!! ~ And GW2 has much more content than DN).
@ IV Endu – Yah I’ve noticed too; that GW2’s combat requires the same mechanics as games like DN…. ie. skill timings and dodge timings. But it’s pretty much a required skill for a gamer to play any skill-based game nowadays.
For my buds and I, we don’t look at game genres when we play a game; it really doesn’t matter if it’s RTs or MOBA… as long as the “team combat” of a game is fun, we will play it everyday. That’s why games like CS, TF2, League, Dota 2, DN, etc. don’t ever need to worry about players leaving…. because it’s got combat mechanics which hooks you.
I never really got into GW2 combat… because it’s sort of trying to do what Hirez Studios is trying to do with Smite; put an RTS gameplay into 3D graphics. But what they don’t realize is that by doing so – it really takes away the fun from ‘virtual 3D physics’. To make 3D interaction successful like DN did… it requires very good timing, or else it will be bad. Like in GW2’s combat (iunno if it’s the camera or the lag) but a lot of details on the screen doesn’t look right.
EDIT: Of course, part of the issue is with the camera. I’ve never seen another game which requires as much hassle to move your camera as GW2’s camera system. Like typically in an RTS game, you can move the camera just by simply pushing the side of the screen with your mouse, and in an FPS game it’s more simple; the mouse automatically moves with the screen. But in GW2 it’s always a mess… especially while in a huge battle trying to readjust my mouse after I’ve turned the screen… I have to always take a moment to wait for the screen to stabilize or else I would be slightly confused as to where everything is on the screen. Happens every time i turn the camera.
(edited by FluffyDoe.7539)
FluffyDoe I can totally agree that as long it’s fun, people will be playing.
But let’s not get off issue here. Holding Mouse 2 for extended periods of time is downright irritating and makes the combat in GW2 not as smooth as it should be.
GW2 has a dodge. The direction you dodge is critical in your survival. GW2 does not have 8 way run, so the fastest you move is moving forward. GW2 has bosses that have animations to watch out for but no other indicators to telegraph their moves. So it’s pretty imperitive to have a high control of your camera. But this is ruined with how easily it is to deselect your target when it is required to perform nearly all actions in this game while moving your camera.
“In Dragon’s Nest, movement of the mouse controls camera”
Then how are you supposed to move?
“Then we have the standard WASD movement and Space Bar as Jump.”
Eww, no thank you. When I played Alice: Madness Returns I went into the game files and switched movement to a right click movement, was far more agile and responsive. With mice you have many more degrees of movement whereas four buttons are only four buttons and are clunky and sloppy. Honestly, if you don’t have a gaming mouse you should just rebind WASD to abilities due to the ease of access through homerow. A could = 1 skill, W = 2 skill, etc. As it stands now W is my “profession” 1 skill and I use S for dodge. A is still strafe, but with a Razer Naga I use my thumb for attacking and utility abilities.
“EDIT: Of course, part of the issue is with the camera. I’ve never seen another game which requires as much hassle to move your camera as GW2’s camera system. "
I matched my camera speed to my mouse DPI (which is 5000) and don’t have this issue. To move while moving your camera just hit autorun then left click.
(edited by Agemnon.4608)
DN controls are pretty much GW2’s without the right click hold. I think you’re misunderstanding my whole explanation.
That is the sole reason why GW2’s combat controls are sloppy. If you don’t use mouse 2, you’re kittening yourself. So in that moment when you need to switch targets, you’ve lost 100% efficiency in controlling your toon.
Umm, I don’t understand what’s so hard about using the right mouse button to move your camera. This is how it has always been in all MMO’s. Are you clicking your abilities with your mouse? If so then that is your own fault for not hot keying. I can literally switch targets and move my camera to where It needs to be in under a second, this is not the games fault, it’s your own.
Umm, I don’t understand what’s so hard about using the right mouse button to move your camera. This is how it has always been in all MMO’s. Are you clicking your abilities with your mouse? If so then that is your own fault for not hot keying. I can literally switch targets and move my camera to where It needs to be in under a second, this is not the games fault, it’s your own.
We’re not saying that it’s anybody’s fault. Just it doesn’t feel quick and smooth to have to switch between two states constantly. I know we have to though… there’s really no other design around this.
But it be nice if they would put another option in where it becomes the other way around: if you need to see your mouse appear on the screen then you hold right click, so the default state is where your mouse sync. with the camera movement. And changing between these two options can be done with a toggle key.
It’s not about how skilled we are Liquid, it’s about how much more convenient it would be and how much more smoother (even if it was a little) it would be if we didn’t need to hold right cilck 24/7/365.
I’d like to bind my auto-attacks to mouse 1 and free up mouse 2 for another skill. The mouse itself will control camera angle so i don’t have to right click for kitten ever.
This thread isn’t about fronting. We couldn’t care less if you’re so much better at controlling the game. This thread is about making the game EASIER to control. I never understood the reason why we have to suffer holding mouse 2.
We can only hope that Arenanet will at something like the Combat mod to the game..
for one it’s so much beter and the other reason is that people with RSI (me) that simpely cannot hold down the right mouse button all the time need something like the combat mod.
I am actually using it but i prefer not to because it’s not supported by Anet and i really wouldnt like to get banned..
But for me it’s either risking it or not playing at all.
I am actually always play in full screen so i can’t even see the cursor .. it’s all about holding down that right mouse button.. and the auto center is nice.
Yup, an ANet supported Combat Mode Mod would be a nice option.6
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
Wait… I’m really confused by this because when I play this game, the only time I actually have to turn the camera is if an enemy runs directing behind me and I’ll be using left mouse click to do this. Camera is set to auto centre and stays that way when you strafe.
Never has there been a moment where I’ve held down right click in combat. :/
all this can be solved with a piece of sellotape and a key bind
(edited by Player.9621)
Wait… I’m really confused by this because when I play this game, the only time I actually have to turn the camera is if an enemy runs directing behind me and I’ll be using left mouse click to do this. Camera is set to auto centre and stays that way when you strafe.
Never has there been a moment where I’ve held down right click in combat. :/
Yah… I guess that’s why Anet hasn’t implemented mods like this. They know that some players play it like an RTS (where pre-fight position accounts for all the necessary time to turn your camera), and some play this MOBA style (where it’s constant turning of the camera while brawling the mob).
Problem solved.
I agree that ANet needs to add an option for Action-MMO controls though.
Since GW2 is a hybrid between traditional MMOs and Action-MMOs, you’ll have players who prefer either style.
Problem solved.
I agree that ANet needs to add an option for Action-MMO controls though.
Since GW2 is a hybrid between traditional MMOs and Action-MMOs, you’ll have players who prefer either style.
Ty for the post man! I’m going to go ahead and try it. Although yes, I hope they do introduce a type of Action-MMO control so players can choose between playing MMO or Action-MMO style without having to manually mod scripts.