In my opinion, GW2 is dying

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


agree with all of it but would add that they are in severe need of ptr and a wake up call in balancing pve.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: offence.4726


Probably the worst and untrue thread so far in this forum. Game is constantly evolving , PvP finally gets the attention deserved alot of good things comming our way. I really dont see any other MMO get to this level in the near future. Sorry OP

play hard , go pro.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


I’m just advising Anet to actually listen the thousands of players out there trying to help them maintain their game.

One player says add mounts.
Another says don’t.

One says x class needs a nerf.
Another says that it needs buffing.

One player says do something.
Another player says don’t.

How can ANet listen to the thousands of people ‘helping’ when the people ‘helping’ don’t necessarily agree what they think is right to add?

Whatever they do, they’re going to appeal to some people (cue ‘fanboi’ jeers) and not to others (cue ‘hater’ jeers).

I personally think they should have brought a lot of things from GW into GW2 (in terms of systems [skill system, Vanquishing for dungeons, Bonus missions ect] and content [Nic, Filling in books ect]), and then built up upon that.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

It’s not good to see a game just in the view of PvE only. And that’s what you did. If you would have played PvP from launch till now, you would see that the playerbase in gerneal is decreasing heavily. In PvE it’s pretty stabile. But that’s not the whole game.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


It’s not good to see a game just in the view of PvE only. And that’s what you did. If you would have played PvP from launch till now, you would see that the playerbase in gerneal is decreasing heavily. In PvE it’s pretty stabile. But that’s not the whole game.

You mean SPvP…because WvW is PvP too. Guild Wars 2 has a strong WvW playerbase. Ergo it has a strong PvP playerbase.

But yes, SPvP probably needs a lot of help. On the other hand, I’m thinking they’re starting to work on that now, and I do believe it can be revitalized.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


In the past,

“Oh GW1 is dying!”

Lasted for 8 years and the servers are still open.

In the present,

“Oh GW2 is dying. GW1 was so much better”.

Still very active, and with official claims that the core fanbase is increasing.

In the future,

“Oh, GW3 is dying. GW2 was so much better”.

But let’s be patient, as that won’t happen anytime soon. :P

P.S. People need to understand that all MMORPGs are front-loaded; that not everyone who experiments with the newest, shiny mmo sticks to it after one month or two; and what truly matters is the more dedicated fanbase that likes it, sticks to it, sees the game grow, and grows with it.

As long as GW2 keeps growing, which it does each month, the dedicated fanbase will stick to it. This is a large contrast to, say, SW:TOR when it had a monthly fee, because in that game, nearly everyone left due to it being a less polished WoW reskin. It had an extremely small dedicated fanbase, because most of the people who would be willing to dedicate to that kind of gameplay, could just play the superior version (WoW) instead.

(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

I’m sure new players are joining all the time, and there will always be the “die-hards” that will stay whatever happens.

I think this game will have a bigger turnover of old players leaving and new players joining than GW1 did, there’s no real content to keep old players here and people get bored.

There are also up and coming games that will compete with GW2, MMO developers will have seen GW2 and will want to include some of the features in their games.

Of course old players leaving and new players buying the game is cash in the bank for ArenaNet.

And I guess my friends list say’s it all, lots of people logged in not so long back, now just 1 or 2.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Salamol.7963


Usually for an MMORPG to “die”, it has to lose players to other similar games. I don’t see any games out there that are growing, or games that people are leaving GW2 for. TESO will be the next big competitor, but from what I’ve seen it doesn’t look very impressive at all. The regular updates here far surpass any other game I’ve played, and imo GW2 has raised the bar so high that I don’t see myself leaving any time soon.

If your guild feels like it’s seeing less activity, or your server feels like it’s emptying, try a new guild/new server. My “medium pop” server still sees overflows in LA, the trading post still has sales/buy orders going through instantly and my guild (which has less than 50 people) has ~25 people online every evening. I’m also seeing new players starting all the time.

Sure, there are things that need improving on, there always will be… and there probably are less people playing now than at launch (launch saw 2 million players with some half a million logged in at the same time), that’s just the way things go. Not everyone will stick around forever.

Follow me: @Salamolign
Mist Angels [Mist] – Piken Square

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kailin.4905


Although I really hate a lot of the decisions as to the direction of this game I think in large part the player base is doing as well as expected. Still for folks to post these threads I am sure to them, through there experiences in the game world, the game is dying. If your on a smaller server and all your friends leave because they are sick of waiting for balance or features that should have been in by now I bet it sure seems like the game is fizzling out. Still you gotta remember that a game like this, love it or hate it, is a totally different beast than we as mmo players have dealt with before. Its buy to play, extremely casual in many cases, and a very slight horizontal gear progression. All this allows new or returning players to immediately not be left in the dust like WoW, and lets you play a limited amount or leave and return at will without feeling like its pointless to come back because you missed too much. In this aspect Anet did do a good job, even if thats not leading to the game most of us expected this to be. This is coming from a staunch critic of this game on many fronts, but I would be remiss to not give them credit where it is due.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eladriel.7295


First off, let me state that I love this game, but I am also not afraid to be critical of it. Let’s face it: Guild Wars 2 is dying already.

  • Activity is nowhere near what it used to be.

Oh Really? Is that why my server is always on high or full? I can’t tell if the game is dying for all the people running around and me being stuck in the overflow… pfft… Get your facts before you spout off that mouth of yours…

Together we stand in the face of evil!

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eladriel.7295


Although I really hate a lot of the decisions as to the direction of this game I think in large part the player base is doing as well as expected. Still for folks to post these threads I am sure to them, through there experiences in the game world, the game is dying. If your on a smaller server and all your friends leave because they are sick of waiting for balance or features that should have been in by now I bet it sure seems like the game is fizzling out. Still you gotta remember that a game like this, love it or hate it, is a totally different beast than we as mmo players have dealt with before. Its buy to play, extremely casual in many cases, and a very slight horizontal gear progression. All this allows new or returning players to immediately not be left in the dust like WoW, and lets you play a limited amount or leave and return at will without feeling like its pointless to come back because you missed too much. In this aspect Anet did do a good job, even if thats not leading to the game most of us expected this to be. This is coming from a staunch critic of this game on many fronts, but I would be remiss to not give them credit where it is due.

As far as the sick of waiting… People these days have no kitten patience. They need to grow some. After all it is a virtue. The game is not even a year old.. Not like they have been waiting years for their balancing. When they have been waiting for 2+ years then they can be sick of the wait and complain about it..

Together we stand in the face of evil!

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farzo.8410


It’s hard to prove anything without evidence. It’s just as easy for me to say; my guild is healthy and wherever I level my alt I see loads of other players. The Zergs in WvW are strong and tear any other Zerg down. The game is obviously not dying.

It’s hard to prove anything without real numbers that only ArenaNet themselves got.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chuo.4238


All I know is I had around 10 thousand hours playing GW. I’ve only got a few hundred in GW2, and I’m frustrated and bored with it.

Overall, I think it’s just because the quality is so mediocre.

All of the content feels like it was rushed, and just wandering the open world gets to be pretty repetitive. F&F content was WAY over-hyped. There are clearly many mechanics designed to keep OCD types playing, but that kind of game lacks any imagination or flair to me. TBH, this game feels like it’s “the bare minimum” to keep people interested; rather it just seems to focus on driving people to the gem store.

So yea…thousands of hours in GW, just a few hundred in GW2.

GW2 is somewhat innovative in a few nice ways, but overall, the poor quality of the design/implementation has driven me out of it. Being bored and/or annoyed is not fun.

But hey, perhaps they’re laughing all the way to the bank because of gold/gem sales. You don’t have to make quality if you can get the annoyed or obsessive types to spend money in the cash shop, because RNG is so bad.

Whatever. GW2 is the biggest disappointment to me in gaming because I loved GW so much and this game has completely departed from that philosophy. Which sucks to be ArenaNet, because if they hadn’t driven off so many of the GW old guard, they’d probably be making lots of money from what would have been their most loyal fans.

So they clearly could give a crap about keeping the old community going. ArenaNet today is not the great company that made Guild Wars.

Sigh. I eagerly anticipated GW2 for years. It’s a shame, but I’m playing other things now.

(edited by Chuo.4238)

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Or perhaps you prefer a COORPG more than a MMO?
Comparing two completely different types of games and basing the “failure factor” on that is quite silly and incorrect.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aegis.9724


Xfire stats (for what they’re worth) as of April 29, 2013.

Total (xfire enabled) players:

 League of Legends 98,955
 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 55,148
 Call of Duty 2 30,310
 World of Warcraft  21,965
 World Of Tanks 9,730
 Guild Wars 2 9,545
 Minecraft 8,733
 Dota 2 8,570
 Battlefield 3 7,745
 Star Wars: The Old Republic 6,158

By any definition, that’s a hit. Right between World of Tanks and Minecraft.

No one cares about xfire anymore, except those who need it as FL to play old games ( cod4). Dota2 has 250k-300k concurrent players every day – so about 3% of the dota playerbase uses xfire, and that % changes on a game per game basis.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


If you honestly cannot deal with class balances,fixes and game updates…Then the game is not for you.But still,what’s the point in trying to get people to feel the same way as you ? Also my servers population is not decreasing,at all,unless you have any numbers to back this up or play on all servers,you have no clue.

How are dungeons "falling"when a certain dungeon is just prefered more over the other ?,it’s the same in Every mmo..
Then you say this…

“PvP…I believe Anet is focusing way too hard on PvP right now, especially when even that is dying.”

What..? So youre saying pvp is dying,yet they should not waste their time on it ? Do you have any clue what it is youre spouting ? Because to me it all seems like a big pile of bull.You list a few nonsense complaints,then end it with “Many things aswell” it suddenly sounds serious..Why dont you list them aswell,because the first few arent even worth mentioning or are based on simply..your own opinion,wich seems to me that not many people share that same view.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sebulon.7683


With the effort that I put in to get my legendary, I can say I’m not going anywhere.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Delgan.7624


All I know is I had around 10 thousand hours playing GW. I’ve only got a few hundred in GW2, and I’m frustrated and bored with it.

Overall, I think it’s just because the quality is so mediocre.

All of the content feels like it was rushed, and just wandering the open world gets to be pretty repetitive. F&F content was WAY over-hyped. There are clearly many mechanics designed to keep OCD types playing, but that kind of game lacks any imagination or flair to me. TBH, this game feels like it’s “the bare minimum” to keep people interested; rather it just seems to focus on driving people to the gem store.

So yea…thousands of hours in GW, just a few hundred in GW2.

GW2 is somewhat innovative in a few nice ways, but overall, the poor quality of the design/implementation has driven me out of it. Being bored and/or annoyed is not fun.

But hey, perhaps they’re laughing all the way to the bank because of gold/gem sales. You don’t have to make quality if you can get the annoyed or obsessive types to spend money in the cash shop, because RNG is so bad.

Whatever. GW2 is the biggest disappointment to me in gaming because I loved GW so much and this game has completely departed from that philosophy. Which sucks to be ArenaNet, because if they hadn’t driven off so many of the GW old guard, they’d probably be making lots of money from what would have been their most loyal fans.

So they clearly could give a crap about keeping the old community going. ArenaNet today is not the great company that made Guild Wars.

Sigh. I eagerly anticipated GW2 for years. It’s a shame, but I’m playing other things now.

Same here. Although, I don’t believe it’s because the quality is mediocre. I think it’s down to a far too shallow learning curve. Someone somewhere in the design process forgot that computer games are about learning and exploration. As soon as a player has learned everything and explored everywhere within a game, you’re going to have a bored user who will most likely want to do something else. I am, of course, ignoring the social aspect of the game.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chopps.5047


Sonder, bro. Gw2 is alive and well for me.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chuo.4238


All I know is I had around 10 thousand hours playing GW. I’ve only got a few hundred in GW2, and I’m frustrated and bored with it.

Overall, I think it’s just because the quality is so mediocre.

All of the content feels like it was rushed, and just wandering the open world gets to be pretty repetitive. F&F content was WAY over-hyped. There are clearly many mechanics designed to keep OCD types playing, but that kind of game lacks any imagination or flair to me. TBH, this game feels like it’s “the bare minimum” to keep people interested; rather it just seems to focus on driving people to the gem store.

So yea…thousands of hours in GW, just a few hundred in GW2.

GW2 is somewhat innovative in a few nice ways, but overall, the poor quality of the design/implementation has driven me out of it. Being bored and/or annoyed is not fun.

But hey, perhaps they’re laughing all the way to the bank because of gold/gem sales. You don’t have to make quality if you can get the annoyed or obsessive types to spend money in the cash shop, because RNG is so bad.

Whatever. GW2 is the biggest disappointment to me in gaming because I loved GW so much and this game has completely departed from that philosophy. Which sucks to be ArenaNet, because if they hadn’t driven off so many of the GW old guard, they’d probably be making lots of money from what would have been their most loyal fans.

So they clearly could give a crap about keeping the old community going. ArenaNet today is not the great company that made Guild Wars.

Sigh. I eagerly anticipated GW2 for years. It’s a shame, but I’m playing other things now.

Same here. Although, I don’t believe it’s because the quality is mediocre. I think it’s down to a far too shallow learning curve. Someone somewhere in the design process forgot that computer games are about learning and exploration. As soon as a player has learned everything and explored everywhere within a game, you’re going to have a bored user who will most likely want to do something else. I am, of course, ignoring the social aspect of the game.

As a friend of mine put it: “GW2 is a mile wide, but an inch deep.” Sounds like you’re saying pretty much the same thing.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Delgan.7624


All I know is I had around 10 thousand hours playing GW. I’ve only got a few hundred in GW2, and I’m frustrated and bored with it.

Overall, I think it’s just because the quality is so mediocre.

All of the content feels like it was rushed, and just wandering the open world gets to be pretty repetitive. F&F content was WAY over-hyped. There are clearly many mechanics designed to keep OCD types playing, but that kind of game lacks any imagination or flair to me. TBH, this game feels like it’s “the bare minimum” to keep people interested; rather it just seems to focus on driving people to the gem store.

So yea…thousands of hours in GW, just a few hundred in GW2.

GW2 is somewhat innovative in a few nice ways, but overall, the poor quality of the design/implementation has driven me out of it. Being bored and/or annoyed is not fun.

But hey, perhaps they’re laughing all the way to the bank because of gold/gem sales. You don’t have to make quality if you can get the annoyed or obsessive types to spend money in the cash shop, because RNG is so bad.

Whatever. GW2 is the biggest disappointment to me in gaming because I loved GW so much and this game has completely departed from that philosophy. Which sucks to be ArenaNet, because if they hadn’t driven off so many of the GW old guard, they’d probably be making lots of money from what would have been their most loyal fans.

So they clearly could give a crap about keeping the old community going. ArenaNet today is not the great company that made Guild Wars.

Sigh. I eagerly anticipated GW2 for years. It’s a shame, but I’m playing other things now.

Same here. Although, I don’t believe it’s because the quality is mediocre. I think it’s down to a far too shallow learning curve. Someone somewhere in the design process forgot that computer games are about learning and exploration. As soon as a player has learned everything and explored everywhere within a game, you’re going to have a bored user who will most likely want to do something else. I am, of course, ignoring the social aspect of the game.

As a friend of mine put it: “GW2 is a mile wide, but an inch deep.” Sounds like you’re saying pretty much the same thing.

Pretty much.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


If the root of the observation is ‘dungeon runs’ or the lack of people waiting outside the dungeon, your conclusion is flawed. After you complete the paths, there isn’t much reason to continue doing the dungeons.

Also, not too many people care for the dungeons. It’s not effective nor efficient to farm or do given that most players lack the skill or knowledge to survive them. Most people rather simply play than study or know what to do in the various dungeons.

The Lovers is a prime example, before the nerf, of how players generally lacked the skill or foresight to defeat this event.

My point is you shouldn’t base your ‘population’ observations on dungeon crawls or your server alone. While I cannot deny that some servers are dying, I wouldn’t be quick to say the game itself is as well.

With new events and the like, we tend to see a huge influx. When the events are complete and/or old, the influx dies out.

Keep in mind, the game is more or less free to play. The population will flux with events. New events? Population surge. Events getting old? Population decline.

That’s just the nature of Guild Wars 2 overall. And if the game is dying? What does it matter to you? People have predicted and said all games at some point are dying forever and a day. And eventually, you will be right like the others who have and will predict Guild Wars 2’s demise.

Just not today.

Gone to Reddit.

(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arcalas.9368


“Guild Wars 2 is dying.” I see this alot and not just in this game but in all new mmos after Wow has claimed its high numbers in subs but to tell ya this game has higher numbers than Swtor, aion, tera, and alot of other mmos in the market.

Yes dungeons are getting boring, yes u are bored after getting your legendary and do alot of other things this game has to offer atm but this game is not hurting from the “we need a subscription to keep the game going”.

I could just make a long post on alot of things but i hate walls of text.

Just remember this game is free to play and u can take a break from it and its sometimes better to play more than just one mmo so just add another mmo or another game to your playtime if u get bored of gw2 its not that hard i play aion, wow, age of wushu and league of legends so i have other games i could play if i get bored of gw2. No game is perfect every game has something u like or love so its better to have more than one game to play.

Norn “cows” go moot.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


I remember these dying threads a few months after gw1 was released…

At the end of the day, we didnt marry the game, playing other games is acceptable. Opinions of the game are wildly divisive, but i like it and am happy to see where it is going. Forums are only a small gauge of the playerbase. Their own metrics prob tell a very diff story to the forums and in which case, dying threads have no weight.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arcalas.9368


Ok i was thinking i was done but im not.

With anet doing patches each month they can bring out content and fix things alot faster than some other mmos that wait untill big content patches to fix things. Like pvp yes we all know pvp needs some help in the game but look at what anet is doing, they are looking at it and are trying to push is forward.

This game is doing very well atm thru my eyes and i think when the game hits it one year mark it will have alot of stuff to do in the game from doing pve stuff to core pvp stuff it will have a mouth full of stuff to do.

i just have to say this one last thing. League of Legends didnt become big untill after its first year and then it started season one.

Norn “cows” go moot.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Badmethod.4762


Just felt the need to ask this. I logged into Fergusons crossing after being away for a while and only found one person playing. I thought everyone might be doing RvR but much to my surprise there was nobody there either. My server selection screen said ‘very high’ but I can’t find anyone to play with. Anyone tell me what I am missing please?

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


Most of the players are 1) Grinding CoF
2) Grinding open world bosses that give rares.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Did you play at the servers prime-time? And did you check many areas or just the one you were currently in?

The game is far from dead.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Badmethod.4762


Did you play at the servers prime-time? And did you check many areas or just the one you were currently in?

The game is far from dead.

Please don’t get me wrong as I am not trying to say that the sky is falling or anything but I couldn’t find anyone but that one guy. I went all over the place from the start areas to the high lvl ones and nothing…. Why is the server load listed as very high if there’s nobody there?

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nachtnebel.9168


No, it’s risen.

Salix Babylonica (Necro), Tharnath (Guardian), N Faculty (Mesmer),
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Please don’t get me wrong as I am not trying to say that the sky is falling or anything but I couldn’t find anyone but that one guy. I went all over the place from the start areas to the high lvl ones and nothing…. Why is the server load listed as very high if there’s nobody there?

Because they are there. Did you play on the server-prime time? Or in the middle of the night (for the server) or in the middle of a work-day?

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hoyvin.3241


Did you play at the servers prime-time? And did you check many areas or just the one you were currently in?

The game is far from dead.

Please don’t get me wrong as I am not trying to say that the sky is falling or anything but I couldn’t find anyone but that one guy. I went all over the place from the start areas to the high lvl ones and nothing…. Why is the server load listed as very high if there’s nobody there?

No idea. Did you try Lion’s Arch? On Yak’s Bend, there are always a ton of people there. Depending on what’s going on, there can be an overflow there.

2) Grinding open world bosses that give rares.

There are always a ton of players at these, too. Dragons, Frozen Maw, Shadow Behemoth, etc. I always see a dozen or so trying to open Grenth, too. Never happens, but you gotta admire persistence.

(edited by Hoyvin.3241)

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lambent.6375


It may say very high, but FC is actually one of the least populated worlds among the NA servers. Did you just login, or did you login during primetime?

“Caithe, someday you’ll see, Tyria needs me. -Scarlet”

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Badmethod.4762


It may say very high, but FC is actually one of the least populated worlds among the NA servers. Did you just login, or did you login during primetime?

Just logged in before I wrote the post. Can you suggest a more populated server that I might transfer to or re roll on please?
Also, thanks to the the other guys who replied.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


You are on FC, unless it is prime time, that is a lower population server. Transfer to higher pop or play during NA prime time to find more people

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Saxon.4762

Beorn Saxon.4762

Check LA, DR, guild roster, friend list.

I always have 70/250 guild members on, and there is always a queue for WvW during prime time.

Tarnished Coast
Critical Impact [Crit]

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Mind if I ask which game you’re playing, OP?

Do you have any hardcore evidence that the game is dying? Official numbers? Something to show the rest of us?

On Ehmry Bay, it takes 45 minutes to log into WvW when the matches reset. My guild continues to grow. Maybe you’re in a terrible guild or terrible at running a guild?

Living Story has been a little weak, but given it’s their first shot at it, I’ll hold judgement for down the road.

I don’t think focusing on sPvP for one patch is a bad thing. It needed some help and now it’s getting it.

Emotional doom and gloom threads with no factual evidence are growing tiresome.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


Mind if I ask which game you’re playing, OP?

Do you have any hardcore evidence that the game is dying? Official numbers? Something to show the rest of us?

On Ehmry Bay, it takes 45 minutes to log into WvW when the matches reset. My guild continues to grow. Maybe you’re in a terrible guild or terrible at running a guild?

Living Story has been a little weak, but given it’s their first shot at it, I’ll hold judgement for down the road.

I don’t think focusing on sPvP for one patch is a bad thing. It needed some help and now it’s getting it.

Emotional doom and gloom threads with no factual evidence are growing tiresome.

And your evidence that this game is not losing players? (i mean daily logins) Oh, arenanet said it and it shows high pop on some servers so it must be true?

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


It was like 6:30 am server time when you made this post. Of course it will seem empty. If you want full servers at this time of day you may want to go to an EU server.

Prime time NA is about 12 hours from now. I would check back then. If it is still empty move to TC, I have never been in game when I could not find other people around.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Personally I see more people than ever while I’m running around the world and doing events. My anecdotal data is equal to your anecdotal data so game is just fine. Close thread please, no worries.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hoyvin.3241


Yak’s Bend seems to do pretty well. Plus, its name is Yak’s Bend.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


Personally I see more people than ever while I’m running around the world and doing events. My anecdotal data is equal to your anecdotal data so game is just fine. Close thread please, no worries.

I’m guessing you run events in Lornar’s Pass, Timberline Falls, Bloodtide Coast?

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terkov.4138


Haha, just like WoW forums…


In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: r z.7261

r z.7261

Apparently, someone did not like my post. So I’ll repost it.

All you people defending this game need to open your eyes. The OP is 100% correct in every point he makes is a valid one.

And if any of you want to come back at me with some overly-used internet meme’s — don’t waste your time. Instead, provide some intelligent reasons why the OP is wrong.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Riss.1536


Again with the “game’s dead”… I played in FC during Wintersday, I transferred as soon as I saw that you could go visit shatterer, no one would kill him and he could stay alive all day lol.
Ok I’m exaggerating a little but if I had stayed there I would have the impression the game’s dead when it’s kicking and alive on other servers.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Apparently, someone did not like my post. So I’ll repost it.

All you people defending this game need to open your eyes. The OP is 100% correct in every point he makes is a valid one.

And if any of you want to come back at me with some overly-used internet meme’s — don’t waste your time. Instead, provide some intelligent reasons why the OP is wrong.

No he’s not, and neither are his points.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Personally I see more people than ever while I’m running around the world and doing events. My anecdotal data is equal to your anecdotal data so game is just fine. Close thread please, no worries.

I’m guessing you run events in Lornar’s Pass, Timberline Falls, Bloodtide Coast?

No I run events all over the map and I see loads of people all the time…not sure where you guys are hiding. I’ve seen more people every month since I’ve gotten the game. Maybe you’re doing dungeons or something? People tend to not do them because they’re not very fun, I think.

Apparently, someone did not like my post. So I’ll repost it.

All you people defending this game need to open your eyes. The OP is 100% correct in every point he makes is a valid one.

And if any of you want to come back at me with some overly-used internet meme’s — don’t waste your time. Instead, provide some intelligent reasons why the OP is wrong.

Post the server usage statistics you’ve got access to then, eh?

(edited by rizzo.1079)

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Apparently, someone did not like my post. So I’ll repost it.

All you people defending this game need to open your eyes. The OP is 100% correct in every point he makes is a valid one.

And if any of you want to come back at me with some overly-used internet meme’s — don’t waste your time. Instead, provide some intelligent reasons why the OP is wrong.

And all you people attacking the game need to open your eyes and understand that there are other games out there and you can simply leave this game and play one of those instead of fill the forums about baseless posts and try to influence people to hate the game.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Mind if I ask which game you’re playing, OP?

Do you have any hardcore evidence that the game is dying? Official numbers? Something to show the rest of us?

On Ehmry Bay, it takes 45 minutes to log into WvW when the matches reset. My guild continues to grow. Maybe you’re in a terrible guild or terrible at running a guild?

Living Story has been a little weak, but given it’s their first shot at it, I’ll hold judgement for down the road.

I don’t think focusing on sPvP for one patch is a bad thing. It needed some help and now it’s getting it.

Emotional doom and gloom threads with no factual evidence are growing tiresome.

And your evidence that this game is not losing players? (i mean daily logins) Oh, arenanet said it and it shows high pop on some servers so it must be true?

Mind pointing out where I say the game isn’t losing players? Fact of the matter is, no one knows. That’s the only TRUE, FACTUAL statement anyone can make right now.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lLobo.7960


No, it’s risen.
