In my opinion, GW2 is dying

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


Mind if I ask which game you’re playing, OP?

Do you have any hardcore evidence that the game is dying? Official numbers? Something to show the rest of us?

On Ehmry Bay, it takes 45 minutes to log into WvW when the matches reset. My guild continues to grow. Maybe you’re in a terrible guild or terrible at running a guild?

Living Story has been a little weak, but given it’s their first shot at it, I’ll hold judgement for down the road.

I don’t think focusing on sPvP for one patch is a bad thing. It needed some help and now it’s getting it.

Emotional doom and gloom threads with no factual evidence are growing tiresome.

And your evidence that this game is not losing players? (i mean daily logins) Oh, arenanet said it and it shows high pop on some servers so it must be true?

Mind pointing out where I say the game isn’t losing players? Fact of the matter is, no one knows. That’s the only TRUE, FACTUAL statement anyone can make right now.

Well around 200 players from my first guild that LEFT FOR GOOD (not paused) and many guilds after that that i joined and had at least 100 players that never logged in tells me that. Also wvw activity. Yes, there are some guilds growing (i’m in one of them now) but that is just because small ones are dying.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


You don’t even have to transfer to check out other servers. Try guesting over to Tarnished Coast or Sea of Sorrows. You’ll see plenty of people.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mimir.4690


You need to check the game during prime time – not a lot of people in NA play at 6:30 in the morning!

That said, Tarnished Coast (TC) always has players. In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s gotten even more busy the last several weeks.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Mind if I ask which game you’re playing, OP?

Do you have any hardcore evidence that the game is dying? Official numbers? Something to show the rest of us?

On Ehmry Bay, it takes 45 minutes to log into WvW when the matches reset. My guild continues to grow. Maybe you’re in a terrible guild or terrible at running a guild?

Living Story has been a little weak, but given it’s their first shot at it, I’ll hold judgement for down the road.

I don’t think focusing on sPvP for one patch is a bad thing. It needed some help and now it’s getting it.

Emotional doom and gloom threads with no factual evidence are growing tiresome.

And your evidence that this game is not losing players? (i mean daily logins) Oh, arenanet said it and it shows high pop on some servers so it must be true?

Mind pointing out where I say the game isn’t losing players? Fact of the matter is, no one knows. That’s the only TRUE, FACTUAL statement anyone can make right now.

Well around 200 players from my first guild that LEFT FOR GOOD (not paused) and many guilds after that that i joined and had at least 100 players that never logged in tells me that. Also wvw activity. Yes, there are some guilds growing (i’m in one of them now) but that is just because small ones are dying.

And that is an anecdote, which is not data.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Legend.6941


I have to get to the dragon wb spawns early now, otherwise I’m put in the dreaded.. Overflow.. If that doesn’t say the world is dying, I don’t know what does

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hoyvin.3241


I think this game will have a bigger turnover of old players leaving and new players joining than GW1 did, there’s no real content to keep old players here and people get bored.

See, I don’t get this. I’ve played GW2 for far longer than every other MMO I’ve played because there’s more to do. And the list of ones I’ve played is pretty long, starting with vanilla Everquest. I have seven toons (everything but necro which I will roll someday), four of which are level 80. I’ve never had that many in an MMO before. I don’t even have dungeon master, world completion or 100% of fractal frequenter yet. I have I think 900 hours in the game, which is not small.

What’s “real” content? The current raid that everyone grinds until the next one comes out, making all that crap you ground for useless?

Don’t take this wrong, it’s not a personal attack, just genuine lack of understanding of the attitude. Seems like lots of people have it.

(edited by Hoyvin.3241)

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


Mind if I ask which game you’re playing, OP?

Do you have any hardcore evidence that the game is dying? Official numbers? Something to show the rest of us?

On Ehmry Bay, it takes 45 minutes to log into WvW when the matches reset. My guild continues to grow. Maybe you’re in a terrible guild or terrible at running a guild?

Living Story has been a little weak, but given it’s their first shot at it, I’ll hold judgement for down the road.

I don’t think focusing on sPvP for one patch is a bad thing. It needed some help and now it’s getting it.

Emotional doom and gloom threads with no factual evidence are growing tiresome.

And your evidence that this game is not losing players? (i mean daily logins) Oh, arenanet said it and it shows high pop on some servers so it must be true?

Mind pointing out where I say the game isn’t losing players? Fact of the matter is, no one knows. That’s the only TRUE, FACTUAL statement anyone can make right now.

Well around 200 players from my first guild that LEFT FOR GOOD (not paused) and many guilds after that that i joined and had at least 100 players that never logged in tells me that. Also wvw activity. Yes, there are some guilds growing (i’m in one of them now) but that is just because small ones are dying.

And that is an anecdote, which is not data.

OK, you want data? GW2 playerbase at start – around 3 million
Gw2 playerbase now – around 500 000 active players
You happy? Anyone can give you any data, but that ’anegdote" i gave, can bi given by most of the gw2 players.

At to people that go to overflow in some maps is just cause players are grinding (afk, alttabing) events that give rare, try some meta event without rares at end in some mid level zone and you will see.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Medazolam.3058


We actually had wait times to get in to WvW on EB last night on Ferg Crossing, so there’s that. try checking in during prime hours. if you want want a server packed 24/7, FC is not the one for you.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


So these sites have some magical numbers that no one else have?
I can make a site aswell and tell everyone that GW2 have 1 billion active players and gets 10 million new players each month. That does not make it true.
The only ones that actually have any kind of real numbers are ArenaNet and they have stated that the number of players are INCREASING.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


well just did arah last night with guildies and was greatly dissapointed each of the miniboss loots consister of 3 blues 1 green even the boss at the end gave about 4 blues 1 green now the reward:
Arah- 60 tokens 26 silver

CoF:60 tokens 26 silver in about 1/20th of the time it takes to beat arah

my best arah reward was a Yellow Rampager coat i got from a random mage or illusionist.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


So these sites have some magical numbers that no one else have?
I can make a site aswell and tell everyone that GW2 have 1 billion active players and gets 10 million new players each month. That does not make it true.
The only ones that actually have any kind of real numbers are ArenaNet and they have stated that the number of players are INCREASING.

If Arenanet (company that made this game) stated that, it must be true!

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uncle Salty.6342

Uncle Salty.6342

So who’s just waiting for the next game of the year and just playing this to kill time?

Who reads Time magazine for game rankings anyway.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hoyvin.3241


The only ones that actually have any kind of real numbers are ArenaNet and they have stated that the number of players are INCREASING.

To be fair, and speaking as a business analyst with an accounting degree, they can say anything they want, too. You can make numbers say what you want them to say.

That being said, I’ve seen these types of threads in every forum from every MMO I’ve played. But you’re right, the only people that know for sure is A-Net.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Obsidian.1328


GW1 was not an mmorpg so to compare it to GW2 is a bit wrong.

Some people disagree with that…I am one of them. It wasn’t directly an open-world mmorpg, but it was definitely still there. I mean really…mmorpg stands for what? “Massively multiplayer online role-playing game”, correct?

  • Massively – There were large number of players who played – check
  • Multiplayer – You formed parties and guilds and achieved things with them – check
  • Online – check
  • Role-playing – Well I was playing a character I created, so – check
  • Game – check

If it isn’t an mmorpg, what was it? GW1 is definitely comparable with GW2 in many aspects, especially user interface and such, which is mostly what I was referring to anyway.

I somewhat agree with your post, but GW1 was no MMO. “Massively” is an adverb that describes “Multiplayer” here, they shouldn’t be separated when breaking down the acronym. An MMO is massively-multiplayer which means the multiplayer aspect of the game should be massive. GW1 has a cap of 8 for any out-of-town adventure…hardly massive. It’s a co-op multiplayer dungeon-crawler if you need a better descriptor.

Obsidian Sky – SoR
I troll because I care

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mujen.5287


I never really understood the needed to try and convince other people not to like the game they enjoy because you don’t. If your’re not happy about the game just stop playing it? I know that idea seems far fetched to some. My friends and I are having a ton of fun, that’s all that really matters to me. GW2 is a casual game, so I play it as such.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


If Arenanet (company that made this game) stated that, it must be true!

It is at least way more likely that their numbers are true than that the number from some random sites from the internet with no kind of actual information what so ever, are.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Legend.6941


When lions arch is a ghost town, and no one uses gw2lfg, then ill consider it dead. For now I’m going to enjoy the game rather than divulge in the philosophical concept of “is gw2 to be[dying]? Or not to be [dying]? That is the question.”

Instead of stating its dying, what do you suggest we or anet could do to fix it?

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uncle Salty.6342

Uncle Salty.6342

When lions arch is a ghost town, and no one uses gw2lfg, then ill consider it dead. For now I’m going to enjoy the game rather than divulge in the philosophical concept of “is gw2 to be[dying]? Or not to be [dying]? That is the question.”

Instead of stating its dying, what do you suggest we or anet could do to fix it?

Suggest? Well you could.

But they’d much prefer refering to their “feedback and data”. Apparently they’re having great success with it! It aint coming from us though.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


When lions arch is a ghost town, and no one uses gw2lfg, then ill consider it dead. For now I’m going to enjoy the game rather than divulge in the philosophical concept of “is gw2 to be[dying]? Or not to be [dying]? That is the question.”

Instead of stating its dying, what do you suggest we or anet could do to fix it?

Suggest? Well you could.

But they’d much prefer refering to their “feedback and data”. Apparently they’re having great success with it! It aint coming from us though.

Hard modes for dungeon and maybe maps, fixed loot for ALL meta events (not some 5-6 that people just jump from one to another like now)
Balance pvp (lol), balance pve (bigger lol), STOP nerfing difficulty and STOP nerfing loot at only real difficult content left in game. Reall guild missions, that last for more then 15 min and not so expensive to unlock or start, so players can do it more then 2-3 times a week. (like raids are done :P)
At least more maps in spvp when they can’t make more modes, change to wvw server match ups (i’m in t1 and 2 servers are fighting to FALL to t2, while t2 servers are fighting NOT TO get to t2, witch is stupid)

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Mind if I ask which game you’re playing, OP?

Do you have any hardcore evidence that the game is dying? Official numbers? Something to show the rest of us?

On Ehmry Bay, it takes 45 minutes to log into WvW when the matches reset. My guild continues to grow. Maybe you’re in a terrible guild or terrible at running a guild?

Living Story has been a little weak, but given it’s their first shot at it, I’ll hold judgement for down the road.

I don’t think focusing on sPvP for one patch is a bad thing. It needed some help and now it’s getting it.

Emotional doom and gloom threads with no factual evidence are growing tiresome.

And your evidence that this game is not losing players? (i mean daily logins) Oh, arenanet said it and it shows high pop on some servers so it must be true?

Mind pointing out where I say the game isn’t losing players? Fact of the matter is, no one knows. That’s the only TRUE, FACTUAL statement anyone can make right now.

Well around 200 players from my first guild that LEFT FOR GOOD (not paused) and many guilds after that that i joined and had at least 100 players that never logged in tells me that. Also wvw activity. Yes, there are some guilds growing (i’m in one of them now) but that is just because small ones are dying.

And that is an anecdote, which is not data.

OK, you want data? GW2 playerbase at start – around 3 million
Gw2 playerbase now – around 500 000 active players
You happy? Anyone can give you any data, but that ’anegdote" i gave, can bi given by most of the gw2 players.

At to people that go to overflow in some maps is just cause players are grinding (afk, alttabing) events that give rare, try some meta event without rares at end in some mid level zone and you will see. and do not exist, forwards to, which seems like a shady f2p aggrigator. So now I know, you’re not only a troll but a spammer too.

Your anecdote is still appreciated but is not data no matter how much you insist it is.

(edited by rizzo.1079)

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


Mind if I ask which game you’re playing, OP?

Do you have any hardcore evidence that the game is dying? Official numbers? Something to show the rest of us?

On Ehmry Bay, it takes 45 minutes to log into WvW when the matches reset. My guild continues to grow. Maybe you’re in a terrible guild or terrible at running a guild?

Living Story has been a little weak, but given it’s their first shot at it, I’ll hold judgement for down the road.

I don’t think focusing on sPvP for one patch is a bad thing. It needed some help and now it’s getting it.

Emotional doom and gloom threads with no factual evidence are growing tiresome.

And your evidence that this game is not losing players? (i mean daily logins) Oh, arenanet said it and it shows high pop on some servers so it must be true?

Mind pointing out where I say the game isn’t losing players? Fact of the matter is, no one knows. That’s the only TRUE, FACTUAL statement anyone can make right now.

Well around 200 players from my first guild that LEFT FOR GOOD (not paused) and many guilds after that that i joined and had at least 100 players that never logged in tells me that. Also wvw activity. Yes, there are some guilds growing (i’m in one of them now) but that is just because small ones are dying.

And that is an anecdote, which is not data.

OK, you want data? GW2 playerbase at start – around 3 million
Gw2 playerbase now – around 500 000 active players
You happy? Anyone can give you any data, but that ’anegdote" i gave, can bi given by most of the gw2 players.

At to people that go to overflow in some maps is just cause players are grinding (afk, alttabing) events that give rare, try some meta event without rares at end in some mid level zone and you will see. does not exist, and forward to So now I know, you’re not only a troll but a spammer too. Your anecdote is appreciated but is not data no matter how much you insist it is.

I was just trying to prove a point, i know it’s hard to understand….for some.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: somsom.5201


Gotta love the posts that start with hyperbole and end with “oh what I meant by dying is that activity is decreasing”…gee such an insightful topic OP.

Please refrain from further making posts where the sole purpose is to say “well we are going to move to X MMO”. No one here cares if you are moving on to ES:O. Really. We do not care. If you think that janky looking game will be the future of MMOs for you, then go right ahead. But mark my words: in 6-9 months after release, you’ll find someone making the EXACT same post you did OP, saying the EXACT same things, but this time it will be about ES:O.

Everyone should know by now that MMOs have a fairly rocky playerbase(at least during the first year). You should also know by now that GW2 has no sub. So go ahead and play something else if you are feeling things getting stale(which it sounds like you are). Come back if you want when another patch/expansion hits and test it out.

No one is keeping you here OP…no one but yourself.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Mind if I ask which game you’re playing, OP?

Do you have any hardcore evidence that the game is dying? Official numbers? Something to show the rest of us?

On Ehmry Bay, it takes 45 minutes to log into WvW when the matches reset. My guild continues to grow. Maybe you’re in a terrible guild or terrible at running a guild?

Living Story has been a little weak, but given it’s their first shot at it, I’ll hold judgement for down the road.

I don’t think focusing on sPvP for one patch is a bad thing. It needed some help and now it’s getting it.

Emotional doom and gloom threads with no factual evidence are growing tiresome.

And your evidence that this game is not losing players? (i mean daily logins) Oh, arenanet said it and it shows high pop on some servers so it must be true?

Mind pointing out where I say the game isn’t losing players? Fact of the matter is, no one knows. That’s the only TRUE, FACTUAL statement anyone can make right now.

Well around 200 players from my first guild that LEFT FOR GOOD (not paused) and many guilds after that that i joined and had at least 100 players that never logged in tells me that. Also wvw activity. Yes, there are some guilds growing (i’m in one of them now) but that is just because small ones are dying.

And that is an anecdote, which is not data.

OK, you want data? GW2 playerbase at start – around 3 million
Gw2 playerbase now – around 500 000 active players
You happy? Anyone can give you any data, but that ’anegdote" i gave, can bi given by most of the gw2 players.

At to people that go to overflow in some maps is just cause players are grinding (afk, alttabing) events that give rare, try some meta event without rares at end in some mid level zone and you will see. does not exist, and forward to So now I know, you’re not only a troll but a spammer too. Your anecdote is appreciated but is not data no matter how much you insist it is.

I was just trying to prove a point, i know it’s hard to understand….for some.

What is that point and how are you trying to prove it? Because offering anecdotal evidence and then putting up nonexistent and falsely linked websites only proves that you’re wrong.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


Mind if I ask which game you’re playing, OP?

Do you have any hardcore evidence that the game is dying? Official numbers? Something to show the rest of us?

On Ehmry Bay, it takes 45 minutes to log into WvW when the matches reset. My guild continues to grow. Maybe you’re in a terrible guild or terrible at running a guild?

Living Story has been a little weak, but given it’s their first shot at it, I’ll hold judgement for down the road.

I don’t think focusing on sPvP for one patch is a bad thing. It needed some help and now it’s getting it.

Emotional doom and gloom threads with no factual evidence are growing tiresome.

And your evidence that this game is not losing players? (i mean daily logins) Oh, arenanet said it and it shows high pop on some servers so it must be true?

Mind pointing out where I say the game isn’t losing players? Fact of the matter is, no one knows. That’s the only TRUE, FACTUAL statement anyone can make right now.

Well around 200 players from my first guild that LEFT FOR GOOD (not paused) and many guilds after that that i joined and had at least 100 players that never logged in tells me that. Also wvw activity. Yes, there are some guilds growing (i’m in one of them now) but that is just because small ones are dying.

And that is an anecdote, which is not data.

OK, you want data? GW2 playerbase at start – around 3 million
Gw2 playerbase now – around 500 000 active players
You happy? Anyone can give you any data, but that ’anegdote" i gave, can bi given by most of the gw2 players.

At to people that go to overflow in some maps is just cause players are grinding (afk, alttabing) events that give rare, try some meta event without rares at end in some mid level zone and you will see. does not exist, and forward to So now I know, you’re not only a troll but a spammer too. Your anecdote is appreciated but is not data no matter how much you insist it is.

I was just trying to prove a point, i know it’s hard to understand….for some.

What is that point and how are you trying to prove it? Because offering anecdotal evidence and then putting up nonexistent and falsely linked websites only proves that you’re wrong.

Ok, i will use bigger letter so maybe you get it:“ANYONE CAN PUT ANY STATS, IT DOESN’T (DOESN’T) MAKE THEM TRUE!”

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HawkMeister.4758


Stop telling him he should transfer!

It´s totally counterproductive and actually costs money if that server is so empty.

And downright useless, as he can easily Guest for PvE grinding purposes but probably has nice access to WvW due to his WvW que not being so overrun like on other more populated servers.

Polish > hype

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Mind if I ask which game you’re playing, OP?

Do you have any hardcore evidence that the game is dying? Official numbers? Something to show the rest of us?

On Ehmry Bay, it takes 45 minutes to log into WvW when the matches reset. My guild continues to grow. Maybe you’re in a terrible guild or terrible at running a guild?

Living Story has been a little weak, but given it’s their first shot at it, I’ll hold judgement for down the road.

I don’t think focusing on sPvP for one patch is a bad thing. It needed some help and now it’s getting it.

Emotional doom and gloom threads with no factual evidence are growing tiresome.

And your evidence that this game is not losing players? (i mean daily logins) Oh, arenanet said it and it shows high pop on some servers so it must be true?

Mind pointing out where I say the game isn’t losing players? Fact of the matter is, no one knows. That’s the only TRUE, FACTUAL statement anyone can make right now.

Well around 200 players from my first guild that LEFT FOR GOOD (not paused) and many guilds after that that i joined and had at least 100 players that never logged in tells me that. Also wvw activity. Yes, there are some guilds growing (i’m in one of them now) but that is just because small ones are dying.

And that is an anecdote, which is not data.

OK, you want data? GW2 playerbase at start – around 3 million
Gw2 playerbase now – around 500 000 active players
You happy? Anyone can give you any data, but that ’anegdote" i gave, can bi given by most of the gw2 players.

At to people that go to overflow in some maps is just cause players are grinding (afk, alttabing) events that give rare, try some meta event without rares at end in some mid level zone and you will see. does not exist, and forward to So now I know, you’re not only a troll but a spammer too. Your anecdote is appreciated but is not data no matter how much you insist it is.

I was just trying to prove a point, i know it’s hard to understand….for some.

What is that point and how are you trying to prove it? Because offering anecdotal evidence and then putting up nonexistent and falsely linked websites only proves that you’re wrong.

Ok, i will use bigger letter so maybe you get it:“ANYONE CAN PUT ANY STATS, IT DOESN’T (DOESN’T) MAKE THEM TRUE!”

Ah ok, because that’s not actually what you were saying in the post I initially quoted, you were saying the game was dying because your guildies had quit. Commendable moving of the goalposts though. And thanks for proving my point: Just because all of your guildies quit doesn’t mean anything about overall numbers.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hawk.7628


  • PvP…I believe Anet is focusing way too hard on PvP right now, especially when even that is dying. Yes, I understand some things need urgent nerfs and such, but don’t neglect other aspects of your game then. Also, don’t make PvE players suffer from PvP nerfs. I’m glad you’re finally realizing that there needs to be a split between balancing PvE, WvW, and PvP.

uh.. wut?
Its taken 8 months to get a simple leaderboard and now that they release it and spectator/CA they are focusing too much on PvP? PvE and WvW have gotten significantly more attention than PvP so I’m glad they are trying to show it some love. Not to mention every month being “ok this month is big PvP patch” only to be let down again and again.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


So put the game down for a month or 3 games like GW2 even GW1 where not made to be played every day with out any other games alone with it. This is no “WoW owning your life type game” so play any of the countless single player games that has what you want.

It was possible to do this prior to the daily patch that introduced a poor time gated system. Currently, GW2 has more of a daily pull and “owning your life type game” feel to it that WoW had when I quit. They had a few flaws in WoW with time gated content with their weekly caps, but you could spend the time as you liked to get those caps done.

GW2 forces me to atleast do the dailies every day, it’s still much much much more alt unfriendly than even WoW was. Atleast in WoW you could do dailies on each toon everyday and progress them individually. Something you cant do in GW2 “the no grind MMO”.

This is out of a perspective that you want to maximize your character, which I enjoy doing, it’s part of the end game progress, instead of getting perks and stats from levels, you get it from your gear.

For me, WvW is also starting to lack alot, sPvP is dull and small, dungeons feel old, fractals feel old and pointless. Leveling another toon to 80 (have 5 so far) feels pointless since it requires another 2 months to fully gear it with what is currently available.

From being a really casual game that was about fun, where you could level alts, gear them and enjoy other aspects of the game, it has turned into (in my opinion) the slowest MMO to progress in that I have played. Not only that, but farming isnt even enjoyable, since loot is too kitten random and boring.

I log in once per day to do dailies, then there is nothing else to do, and I doubt the patch today will change it.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Simon.3106


YESS!! YESss yess its dead!!!! =) Lol! Why the hell am I on the forum if this game is dead? Silly rabbit.

~Way of the Ranger~
Legendary Ranger, Simon

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


nevermind, I just read your post more closely.

Ascended gear is a lousy carrot, put it out of your mind until they introduce some real vertical progression. I like bigger numbers too but with such a small reward for such a major grind it’s not even worth it.

(edited by rizzo.1079)

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Obtuse.1504


Yes, there are only 2 players on FC. You and, well, Ferguson. When you log off it is on him. But he is OP as he currently has FC in second place in WvW.

I say we nerf Ferguson.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


No the parrots dead this games very much alive and well…

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Simon.3106


Gentlemen! This is serious matter! I am ashame to be your colleagues… -_-

This is a hefty problem, and we must not sit back and relax as this… hyenous crime continues! We must… tell Anet to merge small servers together so those small servers:
1) dont feel like a ghost town
2) have a chance to face me in WvW and win for once! I’m a LEGEND baby!!!

~Way of the Ranger~
Legendary Ranger, Simon

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danbuter.2314


Gotta love these threads. You know what other forum loudly denied the game was in trouble and that anyone who said it was dying was just lying?

city of heroes.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danbuter.2314


It is dead unless you stick to starting areas, certain dungeons, wvw, or Orr.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Eternal Grace.3157

The Eternal Grace.3157

I will admit to all the blind fanboys, “dying” was an extreme word to use. It definitely isn’t going anywhere for a long time, but the point remains that Anet does not have their priorities where they need to be. Many people are upset at where they are headed, and the decrease in active players shows this (and no I’m not just talking about myself).

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shootsfoot.9276


Gotta love these threads. You know what other forum loudly denied the game was in trouble and that anyone who said it was dying was just lying?

city of heroes.

And those same posts exist in the WoW forums, yet it’s still here.

Anecdotal evidence is just that.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shootsfoot.9276


I will admit to all the blind fanboys, “dying” was an extreme word to use. It definitely isn’t going anywhere for a long time, but the point remains that Anet does not have their priorities where they need to be. Many people are upset at where they are headed, and the decrease in active players shows this (and no I’m not just talking about myself).

Wish people would grow up and stop throwing the term “fanboy” at those who disagree with them.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


It is dead unless you stick to starting areas, certain dungeons, wvw, or Orr.

There’s a server where people got to Orr? Where?

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danbuter.2314


Wish people would grow up and stop throwing the term “fanboy” at those who disagree with them.

Some people earn the title. If you blindly defend a corporation, even when it is making poor decisions, you deserve to be dismissed out of hand. That is what the fanboy moniker was created for. (Especially when said corporation could give a crap about you or anyone else, as long as it gets its money).

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Gotta love these threads. You know what other forum loudly denied the game was in trouble and that anyone who said it was dying was just lying?

city of heroes.

Yeah also every Blizzard game is dying in perpetuity…yet they’re still rolling in the dough.

Wish people would grow up and stop throwing the term “fanboy” at those who disagree with them.

Some people earn the title. If you blindly defend a corporation, even when it is making poor decisions, you deserve to be dismissed out of hand. That is what the fanboy moniker was created for. (Especially when said corporation could give a crap about you or anyone else, as long as it gets its money).

What do we call people who constantly say a game is dying even though they have no way of having any idea of knowing whether or not it really is then?

I’m gonna start calling them Sad Sack Sallies, or SSSs for short:)

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danbuter.2314


It is dead unless you stick to starting areas, certain dungeons, wvw, or Orr.

There’s a server where people got to Orr? Where?

Tarnished Coast usually has 10 or so people on it, and we even group together!

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


It is dead unless you stick to starting areas, certain dungeons, wvw, or Orr.

There’s a server where people got to Orr? Where?

Tarnished Coast usually has 10 or so people on it, and we even group together!

Cool! I love you TC guys, will have to guest there sometime and try to finish up Orr. It’s a shame we have to kill each other right now

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danbuter.2314


I like gw2, and I don’t think it is dying. It is in trouble, though. The current direction of anet appears to be “nerf everything except the popular classes, which get buffs”, ignore long lists of broken skills and traits, don’t hotfix important things like world bosses not working, etc.

I suspect that when Elder Scrolls Online is released, if it is a decent game, that gw2 will become a ghost town. I really hope not, as I like this game. I’m just hoping that anet wakes up and actually looks at what is going wrong. Threads like this might (though not likely) get them to start fixing stuff that should have been fixed months ago.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shootsfoot.9276


Wish people would grow up and stop throwing the term “fanboy” at those who disagree with them.

Some people earn the title. If you blindly defend a corporation, even when it is making poor decisions, you deserve to be dismissed out of hand. That is what the fanboy moniker was created for. (Especially when said corporation could give a crap about you or anyone else, as long as it gets its money).

I don’t give a rip what it was created for. The point is when somebody posts a diatribe about what THEY think is wrong with a game the first thing they do when somebody dares disagree with them is toss that sophomoric term around.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


OP, you make valid points. But the way you delivered them is subpar. You cannot immediately expect Anet to cater to you and your small groups (unless you have like 1000+ people backing you up, which I hardly see in this dicussion). IMO, because they haven’t locked up this thread already, they are taking your criticisms to heart. However, whatever priority they set them as to work on, who knows. But seriously, lay out your criticisms, there’s no point in saying unncessary negative connotations.

Put yourself in the shoes of a new player. While you are suggesting things to fix the game and you, yourself still have faith in Anet; the new player reading your post will most likely feel like this game was a bad buy, and with the internet nowadays, gossip travels fast and can easily deter people from even considering a game.

Although your criticisms may do the game some good, your negative connotations will do the game some bad. Let’s just aim for the good.

Edit: And I want to make sure you understand OP, meaning is in the eyes of others, not yourself. Just because you know what you mean, doesn’t mean everyone else does. And clearly, you have a negative connotation and most people don’t get the purposes of your post.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

(edited by ArcTheFallen.7682)

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I like gw2, and I don’t think it is dying. It is in trouble, though. The current direction of anet appears to be “nerf everything except the popular classes, which get buffs”, ignore long lists of broken skills and traits, don’t hotfix important things like world bosses not working, etc.

I suspect that when Elder Scrolls Online is released, if it is a decent game, that gw2 will become a ghost town. I really hope not, as I like this game. I’m just hoping that anet wakes up and actually looks at what is going wrong. Threads like this might (though not likely) get them to start fixing stuff that should have been fixed months ago.

Because ESO will be perfectly balanced, won’t launch with any bugs, and everyone will love it. This is an MMO. Every MMO forum looks the same as any other MMO forum.

ESO will get a huge rush of people who’ll burn through the content and then complain about no end game and leave. And some people will stay. If enough stay it will be successful.

It’s really that simple.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


A few counterpoints -

Activity – This is really about your perspective on the game. If you are using your guild as a metric, its worth noting that my guild has grown considerably more active than it was in the early months of the game, primarily because of guild missions (and we’re not a huge guild). As far as the number of consistent players, what Im seeing is a consistent base with transient players coming and going (playing and taking breaks in waves). With no (real) gear treadmill and no sub fee, player fluctuations have less of an impact on the general game environment. I don’t see this “killing” the game any time soon.

Dungeons – I dont agree that the AC dungeons are horrible – the opposite actually. At the same time, I agree there are fewer people doing them. This is because the new AC is not pug friendly which makes it harder to form a group for that content. Whether or not this is a good thing (I think it is) depends on your particular play style. For those of us who run dungeons with guild mates and friends, it makes for a better play experience. Dungeons are not the core element of the game for everyone – and for those focus on them, they should be more challenging/require more teamwork. The AC change moves us away from the zergable dungeon, which I think is the best thing they could have done for the long term health of dungeons. I cant wait til they give the rest of the dungeons the same treatment.

Personal story ending – agreed this felt anticlimatic. I dont see this as a sign of the end times, however – just something they can learn from/do better in the future. The tools are there.

Living story – I’ve actually been enjoying the Flame and Frost LS content but agree there have been some growing pains as this model finds a place in the game. I see only good things for the future on this front.

PvP – I enjoy the sPvP model in the game, but also realize it is in its infancy. I like that they are taking their time and expect great things in the future here as well.

User friendly interfaces – agreed that there is a lot of polish needed here – most notably with the guild leader and party interfaces. Again, however, I dont see this as game breaking. It works fine as it is – it could just be better.

In the end, however, none of this matters. As long as the game remains entertaining for a large enough group of people (which it obviously is), there is no worry of it “dying.” That doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement – just that what exists now is (for many of us) a compelling and fun game.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolgarien.3152


Hi Guys, i’m a new one in this game (started yesterday hehehe), and i see SO MANY FEATURES that GW2 have that i’m very happy (and lost -.-") to start it (sorry about my language =/). And, i’d like to say that, reading this topic makes me feel a little sad, but i know that this stage always come to every game, unfortunately. But, if you like the game, keep trying to continue, maybe something change, i don’t know ^^’.

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

Dramatic much? I am of the opinion this thread should get locked for the over the top title alone.

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall