In my opinion, Magic Find is Horrible

In my opinion, Magic Find is Horrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arnath.2319


Implementing Magic Find has to be the worst decision Arenanet has ever made, i dont understand why this stat was put in the game and why it continues to stay, let me explain…

I only finished my personal story recently and have been spending my time crafting the exotic draconic gear from armoursmithing for my guardian. I finally have a good set of gear, im using the stats i like, and spent most of my money getting the materials to craft it, i was happy….

…sadly tho this gear that i have spent so much time requiring is almost completely useless, why? Because it has no magic find…

Im just starting to work towards my legendary, and magic find is required if you want to make money in this game or get the mats you need from mobs.

Now, the only time i get to use my orginal gear is in WvW or in Dungeons, but even then you can easily get away with wearing magic find in a dungeon…

Magic find is being forced upon us, it encourages players to gear badly, be selfish, and play at the worst.

Magic Find is destroying this game and it needs to be removed from all gear.

In my opinion, Magic Find is Horrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exphryl.3857


MF is great for open world, solo grinding.

Actual gear is better for anything else.

In my opinion, Magic Find is Horrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: No Walking.6349

No Walking.6349

Your gear is useless because it has no MF on it?………

And saying magic find is destroying this game? Again….lol….no….

In my opinion, Magic Find is Horrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I actually find that I get less loot and mats when I use magic find.
So I don’t at all, not even food.
I get rares regularly and have even had exotics drop for me, so I really can’t be bothered with it.

Gunnar’s Hold

In my opinion, Magic Find is Horrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shifty.5187


Just make a cheap Rare set with magic find properties? You’ll use the MF set for situations where optimal performance isn’t ‘needed’, and switch to your uber set for kitten kicking. Sounds reasonable and makes your uber-set even more special.

In my opinion, Magic Find is Horrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shifty.5187


I’d like to give a shout-out to Anet for changing a variation of butt kicking to kitten kicking. Now I sound absolutely horrible, instead of just profane. =P

In my opinion, Magic Find is Horrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jam.4521


I do agree to a certain point, but proper exotic gear will always be better in a dungeon, if you need magic find buy some rare gear for open worlding with, its easily good enough for most situations.


In my opinion, Magic Find is Horrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arnath.2319


I hate that 99% of the game i am forced to wear magic find, Arenanet wants us to play as we like and gear as we like yet if you want to make money in this game or make a legendary before 2015 you have to use magic find.

I have been farming charged loadstones for a week now and not a single one has droped, when i tolled people i wasn’t using magic find i got abused by other players for being “stupid”.

Meanwhile those with magic find get one charged loadstone an hour, sometimes more sometimes less.

Every guide that explains how to make money in this game uses magic find.

Every world event, every pug dungeon run there are always people wearing magic find.

I hate magic find so much.

In my opinion, Magic Find is Horrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hermes.7014


Actually I do wonder if magic find has any effect at all or if it’s just a useless stat.
My +85% magic find doesn’t seem to make any difference in drop rates.
Maybe +1% magic find means +0,1% in drop rate…

Whether something is either wrong or right, someone will always complain about it.

In my opinion, Magic Find is Horrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shifty.5187


I hate that 99% of the game i am forced to wear magic find, Arenanet wants us to play as we like and gear as we like yet if you want to make money in this game or make a legendary before 2015 you have to use magic find.

I have been farming charged loadstones for a week now and not a single one has droped, when i tolled people i wasn’t using magic find i got abused by other players for being “stupid”.

Meanwhile those with magic find get one charged loadstone an hour, sometimes more sometimes less.

Every guide that explains how to make money in this game uses magic find.

Every world event, every pug dungeon run there are always people wearing magic find.

I hate magic find so much.

I do agree with this. Magic Find is simply the obvious choice to use when roaming Tyria, so it removes all variability (i.e., choice).

Perhaps we would be better off without.

In my opinion, Magic Find is Horrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shifty.5187


Actually I do wonder if magic find has any effect at all or if it’s just a useless stat.
My +85% magic find doesn’t seem to make any difference in drop rates.
Maybe +1% magic find means +0,1% in drop rate…

The way I understood the mechanics of Magic Find is that 100% MF turns a 1% droprate into a 2% droprate.

In my opinion, Magic Find is Horrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StarWolfer.1459


I must say, I agree with the OP, the system doesn’t work well and your constantly in doubt if you aren’t “missing out” without a good MF set.

If I had a choice: drop it all together or at least from gear/armor. I would prefer a few cooking recipes (+10%/20%/30% ones) for people that want to have a little higher chance of dropping something nice in Dungeons or World/Dragon events or general World roam, and that’s it.

In my opinion, Magic Find is Horrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


I like the idea of magic find, I liked it in Diablo 3 as well.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.