In my opinion, the Guild Wars 2 box looks cheap
buy digital versions only, then the box doesn’t exist to complain about.
p.s. your spelling is shocking.
It’s not the box, but what’s in it, that counts. Also, bad box designs won’t keep me from buying the expansions.
I can’t remember the last time I bought a game in a box
I love the simplified look. Clean and classic.
I like it. It’s simple and stands out among the mess of darkly colored and overly-drawn games that compete with it on the shelves.
I actually looked in the stores and we don’t seem to have it in my (pathetically depressed former mill & factory) town.
Game box design is going the way of music album cover art and buggy-whips.
buy digital versions only, then the box doesn’t exist to complain about.
p.s. your spelling is shocking.
But wait… I can still see the cool box covers in the GW1 digital store? What then?
Less is more.
(Although apparently the forum doesn’t agree. /15chars)
I like it. It represent the elegance that makes the game.
The only thing is the lack of a manual. I remember Night Fall had a manual the size of a novella and a map amongst other things. I kinda miss reading something when the game is installing.
But it did used a whole lot of papers for almost no reason, so I digress.
This is the most humorous complaint I have ever seen. Thanks for the laughs.
It’s called artistic use of white space and it stands out nicely among other boxes – it was very much a planned decision on their parts.
Do you really care about a box think about it most people just install a game and the box go to a shelf just standing there. I don’t pull out the box from the shelf everyday just to look at it.
I like the minimalist look, but I can say I don’t think it really encourages impulse purchases. For instance, an uncle buying a gift for his nephew might know he likes swords, magic and role playing games. He is just going to pick up a box in the Best Buy isle that looks like it has that stuff. Poor kid ends up with Dark Souls II and learns at too young an age what true frustration, rage and pure hatred feel like.
As gamers we may look down on cliched box art. Especially since we have existing knowledge or at least awareness of most titles. But that box art gives cursory information to people that have no awareness otherwise. The game has monsters, swords, guns, fire, anime characters, race cars, et cetera. This helps guide people that aren’t gamers buy them for people that are. And the people that were going to buy it anyways aren’t going to change their minds because, just for an example, the cover art looks like the cover of the Collector’s Edition strategy guide (
I’ve attached the revealed Bioshock infinite box art as an example. Horribly cliched and uninspired. My mother, father, grandma, brother or girlfriend will buy that game for me for my birthday based on the cover art alone. No doubt about it. I wont even ask for it.
GW2, they wouldn’t touch because it doesn’t tell them anything.
Just a different perspective.
Yup, completely agree. Science has proven that half naked chicks on boxes don’t appeal to straight chicks like me.
Okay, I totally made that up. But I’m pretty sure I’ve never bought a game because I liked the cover art chick’s boobs. I think not putting something like that on the box is a smart move considering that a large proportion of gamers are now females (and statistically around %90 of us are heterosexual).
On the other hand, Cosmo magazine sells almost exclusively to women and they’ve always got a half naked chick with a matching pair of twin perkies on the cover, so what do I know?
Games come in boxes? How do you get it from your email?
Less is more. The boxes give me the impression of a higher quality game.
Also, GW1 expansion boxes should have little bearing on anything to do with GW2 which is a standalone game set in the same world as GW1 but most definitely not a mere GW1 clone/expansion.
Less is more. The boxes give me the impression of a higher quality game.
I like it. It’s simple and stands out among the mess of darkly colored and overly-drawn games that compete with it on the shelves.
I think it looks classy. Simple is the new
I like it. It represent the elegance that makes the game.
I agree with all of these.
People buy games in boxes still?
On a serious note I think it looks fine. Better than the usual assortment of floating heads, explosions, bad American artwork, solemnly posed soldiers with guns and other crap they slap on covers nowadays and call “box art.”
It’s kinda like Apple and their branded, the fact there is less on it, and the brand is easily recognisable says “This is a game, and you know what this game is without even having to look, and if you don’t know, then look us up – cus we are THAT good”
If I see a bland box with just a title I get drawn to it, as only the most ballsy or confident companies do it. So I am encouraged to see if they have a good reason for that approach. Doesnt mean I’ll buy it but I might research it more.
Final Fantasy has always had bland boxes in Europe, I belive however there were more art driven boxes in America? Maybe it is a demographic thing.