In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quicksilver.1578


As title says. These aren’t “puzzles”, they are just jumping annoyances having to jump perfectly extra. So I’ve just not bothered. I’ve attempted but once I’d realised they were puzzle I just gave them a miss.

These need to be tweaked to make the actual puzzles.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


I think they’re great. Luckily for you, if you don’t like jumping, you don’t have to do the “jumping puzzles”.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cancer.9065


The puzzle part is knowing were to jump next/where to jump from, some are obvious some are not.

If you still feel that they are not puzzles then rename them in your mind to “jumping mini games”. Problem solved.

Cancer is also a Zodiac sign.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: holodoc.5748


They should be renamed to “wannabee-platform-yet-missed-by-a-mile” assignments. An MMO engine is simply not cut off to be as precise as its required for platforming gameplay. In GW2 there are too many situations where the ground bellow the player acts inconsistent and unpredictable.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Denial Of Service.5732

Denial Of Service.5732

They should be renamed to “wannabee-platform-yet-missed-by-a-mile assignments. An MMO engine is simply not cut off to be as precise as its required for platforming gameplay. In GW2 there are too many situations where the ground bellow the player acts inconsistent and unpredictable”.

“wannabee-platform-yet-missed-by-a-mile assignments. An MMO engine is simply not cut off to be as precise as its required for platforming gameplay. In GW2 there are too many situations where the ground bellow the player acts inconsistent and unpredictable”

that name would be… too long?

I like them, many like them they are not gamebreaking nor you need to “farm” them they are for fun, so, if you dont have fun doing it… then dont do it, simple as that.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: paelen.3821


A breath or fresh air. I like them and hope jumping puzzles remain as a main stay in mmo’s.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phasmophobia.5398


One of the best parts of the game. So feel like you’re truly exploring.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Focksbot.6798


I like them in theory, and I get a thrill from them, but by gum, they need to improve the physics and camera so that you can control your character reliably. Some puzzles require you to actually stand on thin air to get to the next bit.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Curuniel.4830


Oh come on Focksbot, that kind of thing has been integral to video games for years

They’re not puzzles in a grand, Myst-like sense… but I don’t think it’s feasible for them to be. Figuring out the route is enough for me. Yes, sometimes I fall or make stupid mistakes and have to start over, but isn’t that the nature of platforming? If it gets too frustrating, I just go away and resolve to try another day if I’m in the area.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enigma.3950


I have liked every single jumping puzzle this game has to offer. I’ve completed all 42 of them and loved them all. Some were extremely thrilling and quite enjoyable. They are anything but annoying. Annoying maybe because you suck at platforming and want stuff easily handed to you. I have 2 suggestion: cry to a mesmer to portal you, or go play some megaman or banjo kazooie

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rgrwng.4072


listening to House of Pain makes the jumping puzzles way funner for me. any other in-game music kills the mood.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

please do not blame the jumping puzzles if you do not have the ability to complete them.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


Ditto what Deimos said. Jumping puzzles are awesome, fun, and challenging. You aren’t required to do them. It’s an optional part of game play, so there’s no real use of complaining about them existing. However, if you wanted to provide CONSTRUCTIVE feedback on how to improve them, or how to implement new ones, themes, etc – do so.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarisa.4731


Any sort of puzzle, dexterity challenge, or precise task tends to have very polarized opinions about them.

It was like that in my previous game DDO (people either LOVED or HATED the puzzle oriented quests, with very few in between). Jumping puzzles just happen to be that here.

The good thing is that most are optional. Only three are required to get 100% map completion (for the Legendary parts), and one additional one to get the “Been There, Done That” title.

Those are:
Tribulation Rift Scaffolding – to reach a vista.
Wall Breach Blitz – to reach a skill point and a vista.
Vizier’s Tower – to reach a skill point.

Morgan’s Spiral – to reach the Dreamdark Enclave map discovery point. That is the entrance to the Dark Reverie puzzle, but all you have to do is step into that second one, not complete it.

Lille of the Valley [WHIP]

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vespers.1759


i like them minus awful cameras and slipping and falling for no apparent reason. it’s less about skill and more about memorizing which surfaces you will fall off for the next attempt.

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

And replace them with, what, Sudoku puzzles?
Then we’ll have to deal with people complaining about having to do math instead.

Obvious strawmen aside, they are simple 3d platformer puzzles. There’s nothing especially sinister about them nor are you required to do them. The puzzle element is judging spacial distance and identifying what is and isn’t a way up/over. If they are too hard for you that’s not really Anet’s fault nor should it mean that the rest of us be subjected to whatever you deem is a “proper puzzle”.

Try some of the old Mario 64 levels and maybe you’ll get some perspective on what makes a jumping puzzle annoying.

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In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


They’re a lot of fun. I particularly enjoy the ones that have traps, since that adds an extra level of depth! My favourite puzzle if the large one in the eternal battlegrounds due to the threat of traps and PvP skirmishes.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Josher.9612


Nice addition for a MMO. I stress MMO, since they’re terrible by any other standard. If not for the bugged out camera(chaar problem), they would be much easier, some of them. Its a nice change of pace, like the vistas. Breaks up the kill, kill, kill monotony that can creep into the game over longer play sessions.

Regarding their difficulty, when the camera completely flips out mid jump, that IS ANET’S problem, not the player. Can’t judge a jump when every direction goes reverse and the camera is whippping in and out 20X a sec. Highly annoying.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alexander.4827


I was so surprised and delighted to find out that jumping puzzles existed. I really love them weirdness and all.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


Sounds like the OP just can’t do them. I love them and have them all completed (except 2 of the new ones, I have to find them first) yet keep going back on my alts.

Some of the jumping puzzles require certain things before you can get to the chest, some are basic jumping and some have very little jumping at all.

My homeworld is Blackgate.
I am a GW2 player in New Zealand.
Check me out on the GW2 wiki.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


They definitely can add a social aspect that isn’t always present in the rest of the world, since you’re committed to them for a certain length of time and there might be times when you want to exchange information.

Today there were quite a few people exploring the new Malchor’s Leap, after finding about half the energy sources I ended up pairing up with another person to figure out where the rest were, it still took us a couple hours.

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In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


Idea is fun, execution is debatable, especially with that camera. Especially if you have a larger character (Norn, Charr), seeing where you must go to next can be a pain in the backside. Give us perfect first-person view (like GW1 had) so we can actually see where we are going…

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maxxian.3980


Aside from having horrible camera issues while doing some of the puzzles they are what they are.

I personally don’t like them very much, except for the Eternal Battlegrounds one that’s a love hate relationship.

I view them as “something to do”…that I don’t do

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smitt.8602


I really like the puzzles. I love to explore the world and come across them. It really pleases the explorer in me. I am glad they are optional as well, if you don’t like them don’t do them.

Have none.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pants.8315


Love them, done most of them more than once, and have the 4 new ones completed. Bit dissapointed I’m going to miss the Mad Kings Clock Tower, but never mind.

My only real gripe is that since they “fixed” the camera it seems to go through walls a lot.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tobi.4259


Well the puzzles are nice but there are some quite annoying problems you notice when you try them.
First it seems there are some mesh problems, for instance I needed 10 trys for the first plank with winds of the jumping puzzle in Metrica Province. Because when I passed the winds and tried to jump from the plan to the floating island there always was some sort of invisible wall (most likely the stone there was somehow glitchy) which pushed me to the left and I fell down.
Another big problem is the camera.
Try the jumping puzzle in the sylvari starting area.
At least with a human character there are some points where the camera just stutters around making it quite hard to aim for the next jump.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


I did all the puzzles with a maximum sized Norn warrior (huge shoulder guards too).

It can be done, camera isn’t that bad if you get used to maneuvering it.

My homeworld is Blackgate.
I am a GW2 player in New Zealand.
Check me out on the GW2 wiki.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


They’re not a terrible idea, but the controls, camera and collision detection are really far too poor to make them work. I agree with the OP, they’re really jumping annoyances.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


i think they’re terrific, personally. I found one last night that I hadn’t been to before. I didn’t even know it was a jumping puzzle until I got to the top.

I looked up, saw what looked like a ledge and decided to jump to it. I was so excited when I saw the chest at the top (even though it gave me NOTHING I could use – this was disappointing).

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In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


they’re my favorite part in the game’s exploration. stumbling upon one always makes me as happy as a 10 year old with a brand new nintendo 64.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jelle.2807


If you don’t like them just don’t do them, I don’t see the problem here.
Me for one I much enjoy these puzzles, great addition and a change of pace of the regular adventuring. The more challenging the better as far as I’m concerned.
I agree that the camera issues kind of dampen the fun a bit but it’s still plenty fun.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skolvikings.5132


A lot of people are saying “don’t do them if you don’t want to.” Maybe we do want to do them, but think they need to be improved.

Personally, I hate the camera. It starts having seizures randomly for who knows what reason.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Finaldeath.1059


My only complaint with them is that almost all of them are crammed into tight spaces making the hardest part about them fighting with the camera so you can see. The best example for this is the one in la in the north west part of the map that starts in the well. (forget the name of it) That one is a nightmare, especially with a norn.

The ones in bigger areas and not so cramped are pretty fun.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Creeper.9360


I enjoy them. My only complaint is the camera. A first person view would help a lot I think.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Echo.7634


Agreed with you completly finaldeath.

I did a fair number of them with my human character. They were not that terrible. But now I Am doing some with my charr and norn and ….its miserable. I fall and die or miss a jump because the camera gets forced close or clips my character out of view making it a matter of luck getting to the next platform.

I know they are working on some camera fixes. Hopefully those will do the trick.

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gillius.2856


jumping puzzles are one of the few things that are fun in gw2

In my view, Jumping Puzzles not puzzles just Jumping annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Generally speaking I love the idea and concept of JPs.

However many clipping issues and collision detection errors can really frustrate at times. I really hope they have a review team that can iron out some of the more wonky jumps out there.

I want to fail because I executed the jump poorly not because I jumped into some invisible wall or odd clipping error.