In the spirit of kindness...

In the spirit of kindness...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarkOcean.8746


…could we possibly get a /thank and /welcome emote? I agree that it’s awesome that various forms of “thank you” are one of the most popular phrases used in Guild Wars 2. Unfortunately, I find myself wary of saying this term out loud, in /say, for fear of triggering the very harsh flood protection. When I find myself on maps for an extended period of time, I often find myself blocked via flood protection for using forms of thank you too often. It would be awesome to have this in an emote form not only so you can thank the person assisting you, but to give public recognition to them also (although a whisper in tell is nice also, but takes a bit more work to put together and is sometimes not as efficient as a /thank @ in the heat of combat).

I know making a custom emote works too, but once again, it takes a bit more time to put that together than a /thank @. I just thought this bit of information revealed at PAX South was pretty cool; why not celebrate it and make it that much easier to spread the love?

In the spirit of kindness...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elegy.2159


This would be nice. /salute or /bow works well for some situations though.

In the spirit of kindness...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Craray.2603


And a /nod a /meow and a /pat ! :o

In the spirit of kindness...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mental Paradox.3845

Mental Paradox.3845

How about the 20+ other emotes from gw1 that disappeared for no good reason? I want my air guitar/drums/violin/flute bands back!