Incentive to help others...?

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Holgarf.6581


I’m rather disappointed with this game and I’ll explain why in a moment. I’ve had the game since the beginning of October and initially it was all fresh and exciting. However these past couple of weeks I’ve come to release that the game is borderline unplayable in certain areas because so many vets have absolutely no incentive to run dungeons or fractals. Those who have their particular materials or dungeon sets have little reason to return. Now whenever I discuss this with ANYONE and I mean anyone, in the game, it immediately becomes a BASH THIS ONE PERSON game and for the sake of what should be considered perfectly reasonable > DISCUSSION. I never say provocative things or chastise people and I reserve my own opinions but keep them separate from my own suggestions.

After being massively disappointed by spending ludicrous amounts of times in LFG to run what I would call dead dungeons, any discussion on the matter prompts abusive response. Everyone, absolutely everyone always becomes hugely biased and sees any negatives I put up as some kind of insult to their precious game. Now the excuses for this at first are… : “Go make some friends” or “If you don’t like the game, don’t play it”. I never said at any point I didn’t dislike the game, but I don’t like how this game appears to hate new players because it doesn’t take into consideration the remaining players who have been playing for several years, who have no desire to play in those dungeons. What this ends up doing is leaving lower levels in LFG, or asking people out in the wilds to join their PT – usually using map chat. Sometimes begging helps, but unless you’re in a guild (which in my opinion, shouldn’t be mandatory to have certain aspects of the game function effectively) or on at peak time, the remaining players online are not interested in dungeons at all.

I gave a suggestion to some people who I had a discussion with earlier, before they started flaming and being abusive all because of perfectly reasonable, unprovoked questions and suggestions, that there needs to be some sort of incentive for older, more experienced players (vets, elitists, etc) to help lower levels, or level 80s who haven’t played the game for a particularly long time and are looking for certain materials, rewards and currency for certain dungeon sets. I suggested Assist Badges… some kind of currency where people who have completed dungeons (in their entirety) and have spent a good deal of time on the game, can earn said badges which could be converted into certain high tier materials or perhaps some other rewards.

Unfortunately my idea is scoffed at, because it involves helping others in what I would say is a poorly designed aspect of the game, patched up by LFG which doesn’t work unless you are on at peak time – it is still very barren late evening even on weekends, which is disappointing.

Now the point to take from this, as I tried to explain to the kids earlier on was that instead of seeing my suggestions as some kind of insult, see them for what they are: a potential improvement for least played aspects of the game, that negatively impact newer players who struggle to find groups in LFG.

People in the game suggest quitting, but I don’t want to. Why should I? Why should the game only cater, mostly, to l33ts and the longest players? Is that not unfair? Wouldn’t you think it was a reasonable suggestion to help everyone? It irritates me when people often put up silly suggestions, like “maek frendz” or join a guild or “well it is like 1am”. These may not seem like stupid suggestions to those who take other aspects of the game with complete seriousness, like WvW players, PvP players and those who often run with Guilds… but in all essence what it is doing is bypassing the issue of helping others at lower experience levels and bypassing the fact that certain areas of the game aren’t as popular as they should be.

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Holgarf.6581


Part 2 – wow… sorry, had to split the message; character count.

Most people seem to be doing boss world events or champion trains. This is fair enough… but beyond that, and WvW, in PVE there is incredibly little incentive to help others or meet new people when certain aspects of the game do not scale rewards based on gear, experience, age < of character and those who aren’t flush with fancy gear and huge amounts of rare materials.

Now I’ve probably not covered all my points well in this, so please don’t sit and do what everyone else does and pick out parts to criticise, but instead try not to be like everyone else and realise that I am just trying to make this game better for everyone… and of course easier partying with newer players. It may be easy for you guys to find people to play with, but it isn’t for everyone and spending huge chunks of time in LFG is not how this game should be played. I have spent a great deal of time in LFG and I’ve found it rather disappointing. There are plenty of players on at off-peak times, but very few wanting to do dungeons. I don’t want to overstep the mark but there have been threads on Google that I’ve read in regards to peoples’ dislike with the dungeons, the lack of incentive to return and the fact they haven’t changed since their inception.

Can something please be done to benefit the community? I’m not threatening or anything, but I get such a negative experience from this game sometimes (often times, actually) and yet I can see potentially rewarding ways that can benefit all, but I’m just left with the feeling that the only thing done on here is Gem Store items and Living Word changes – now though these are of course appreciated, apparently dungeons haven’t changed in a long time.

I want to enjoy this game more. I also want to spend those 800 gems on my acc lol, but earlier I was right on the edge of erasing Windows and installing Linux and just leaving the game (note: I only use Windows because of certain game compatibility and the fact I cannot be bothered with the hassle in getting non-compatible games to work on Linux).

For the first time ever earlier (not due to the discussions with others earlier) I felt an overwhelming feeling of being disappointed with a number of games… it’s the first time I’ve ever had a brief consideration to quit gaming. :\ Sad times.

Sorry for the wall of text and I apologise for any typos. I’d appreciate it if you could share your thoughts on the matter and consider my suggestions with openness.


Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dkspins.4670


I totally understand where you are coming from, and I’ve played the game for 2 years. The atmosphere in GW2 was much better in 2013, sadly and I’ve noticed that many do not want to help others as of late. This may be silly, but back then players would stop to rez NPC’s because it was the ethical thing to do. and not because it was a daily achievement. And, I can count the number of times that I’ve run dungeons this year on one hand, since 90% of my guildies left, and I refuse to use LFG.
It truly makes me sad that newer players are having issues like this, and I’ve seen more than a few leave the game because of the attitudes of others. I really like the idea of mentoring others, and the idea of Assist Badges, but would be more than happy to help out w/dungeons, leveling, whatever. You didn’t mention whether you were NA or EU player. I am NA player, and am online usually from 6am CST to 2 or 3pm CST so give me a holler, I’ll help in anyway I can.

7k hr, 13k AP, 16 char, all classes 80 Sadly, 3.5k hr. Ranger

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


In any game, players rush to the dungeon content, learn it, and then put it on farm until they move on to the next tier of content. This often leaves players who are late to the party in the lurch. This is true regardless of whether they’re late because they took their time leveling or got into the game late. There is little designers can do to entice players to do “old” dungeons other than revamp them, which few games bother with.

In GW2, the rush to 80 happened a long time ago. Unfortunately, other than one 3-path revamp, fractals and one replacement Twilight Arbor path, no dungeon content has been added since launch. There is no new tier for those players to pursue. ANet’s failure to pursue dungeons leads one to believe they are focusing their efforts on different types of content.

Yes, there are some players who don’t want to run dungeons with newer players. This is true in every MMO I’ve ever seen. However, because there has been no new dungeon content, there are more players running the launch dungeons than there might be if there had been new tiers.

What region are you in and are you playing at an off time? I see (and hear) about anything goes (including lower levels) parties all the time, but if you’re playing in the middle of the night for the region you’re in, there would be fewer players. That could explain the long wait times.

Starting a conversation such as you refer to in zone chat is not a good idea. Mega servers mean that the people in zones are from many servers in the region and are probably not in the zone to do dungeons.

If you’re just looking for casual runs, your best bet is to continue to hope for success through the LFG or to seek out a guild of like-minded players who want to do dungeons and play at the same time. I understand you don’t think the latter should be necessary, but bear in mind that MMO’s are social games, and joining a guild is a social option.

If you’re looking for serious dungeon running, the best thing to do is to research what serious dungeon runners look for. A place to start would be to search Youtube for a user who goes by Nike! (be sure to use the ! or you’ll get the sports equipment company.

Good luck.

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


You don’t need to be a vet to be a jerk. There are as much jerk who are newbie as much vet.

I spend a good month running AC on my low level in “anyone welcome group”. And the amount of newbie who rage quit is absurd. I suppose those newbie dont’ want to run with other newbies too.

I once run an AC when 10+ lowbies rage quit before it is finished. And I never failed an AC path in that month I’m doing lowbie runs. Just that the runs takes very long and many lowbies keep rage quiting.

So stop saying vets don’t want to take the time to play with lowbies, because as far as I see many lowbies dont’ want to play with other lowbies. It’s not like it take more than 5 minutes to form a non lvl80 AC group.

And no, you don’t need people to help you. Any group of 5 brand new players can finish any dungeon without any problem. It’s just takes hours which not everyone have. If you value your time so wisely yourself, you can understand why vets dont’ want to play with newbies.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Two words. Casual guild.

There are many helpful guilds in this game. That doesn’t mean you’ll get to run whatever you want, whenever you want, but I’ve yet to see someone need something in my guild that wasn’t helped out by others.

Trying to LFG instead of joining a guild of like minded players is the problem here.

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thepinkthingy.5921


Firstly, there is zero obligation to help other players in-game. You’re going to find players who are very friendly, and those who do not want to help for some reason, and those who are jerks. While it is unfortunate that you have bad experiences do not let these experiences ruin your enjoyment for the game. While I can understand your idea on incentive to help others, I do not think it is a good idea. The whole point of this game is to have fun, and should there be a rewards system for helping others, I feel that many players are “forced”/obligated to do so in order to get rewards. You do not want to meet players who are helping you just because they want their shinies, and the real motive for being helpful to other players would be lost.

Indigo and Vayne has provided good ideas if you are keen on dungeon runs. If there are no parties in LFG, I would start one party which is something like “Path 3, new player need help” and the chances of getting friendlier players is higher. I would avoid joining parties like “exp run, lvl80” because the motive is to complete the dungeon as quick as possible. If you joined one of those parties with no knowledge of the dungeon do not be surprised that you will get kicked out immediately. Join a party which does not have any specific requirements, or better if you started one yourself.

Good luck

They Came We Lag [LAG]
Isle of Janthir

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cuddy.6247


I read you, OP, and I see what you’re saying. I’ve never had the issue when I was active – I spent 16 months searching for a guild that was worth doing content with and stuck with it.

Anyway, the verbal assaults by others can be tiring. I read almost on a daily basis of someone shooting down someone’s complaint as a “MMO genre problem” or some other nonsense when the fact is these usually aren’t problems with the MMO genre. The problem is something that has a lot deeper roots than just development and ANet is hard pressed by circumstances with the enormity of their success.

Just keep fighting, though. Eventually you’ll be able to do all of that content with good people and then you can quit like everyone else. :P

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192

Allisa Wonderland.8192

I once said to a close friend, “if you have the same complaint about all of your exes, chances are the problem is you, not them.”

It’s amazing how far a little honesty with yourself will get you.

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Make a LFG, “anyone welcome”. Problem solved.

If you dont’ want to play with other people like yourself, no one will.

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Holgarf.6581


Two words. Casual guild.

There are many helpful guilds in this game. That doesn’t mean you’ll get to run whatever you want, whenever you want, but I’ve yet to see someone need something in my guild that wasn’t helped out by others.

Trying to LFG instead of joining a guild of like minded players is the problem here.

No, the problem is the lack of incentive and anti-group ideology. I’ve sent lots of invites out to people, but if I don’t know them and randomly send them out, tons of people either don’t accept or decline – does this mean that I have to work to become buddies with each person until I have some people in a guild, just so I can get a working dungeon run?

I have only a few people in my guild, lol about 4, but I’ve sent upward of 20-30 invites out and when I check the guild page, most people don’t even know they have one! The fact that invites are hidden until you open the guild panel may be part of the problem, but I don’t see why a guild must be mandatory for dungeons to be playable. I know they are playable without, but again I point to time spent in LFG, off-peak player population being an issue and of course not everyone in a guild is on at the same time, nor may they wish to all do the same thing.

The way I see it, is that incentive for other more experienced players to return can only be a benefit for everybody, whereas doing nothing and bypassing this player decline issue, isn’t going to help anyone at all and instead put people off. Right now, aside from just having to find waypoints, POI and JPs, I’m finding it quite boring trying to get groups together.

Also, shame on those selling dungeon runs to people wanting to finish them… that is ridiculous.

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dasenthal.6520


Two words. Casual guild.

There are many helpful guilds in this game. That doesn’t mean you’ll get to run whatever you want, whenever you want, but I’ve yet to see someone need something in my guild that wasn’t helped out by others.

Trying to LFG instead of joining a guild of like minded players is the problem here.

No, the problem is the lack of incentive and anti-group ideology. I’ve sent lots of invites out to people, but if I don’t know them and randomly send them out, tons of people either don’t accept or decline – does this mean that I have to work to become buddies with each person until I have some people in a guild, just so I can get a working dungeon run?

I have only a few people in my guild, lol about 4, but I’ve sent upward of 20-30 invites out and when I check the guild page, most people don’t even know they have one! The fact that invites are hidden until you open the guild panel may be part of the problem, but I don’t see why a guild must be mandatory for dungeons to be playable. I know they are playable without, but again I point to time spent in LFG, off-peak player population being an issue and of course not everyone in a guild is on at the same time, nor may they wish to all do the same thing.

The way I see it, is that incentive for other more experienced players to return can only be a benefit for everybody, whereas doing nothing and bypassing this player decline issue, isn’t going to help anyone at all and instead put people off. Right now, aside from just having to find waypoints, POI and JPs, I’m finding it quite boring trying to get groups together.

Also, shame on those selling dungeon runs to people wanting to finish them… that is ridiculous.

I believe Vayne meant join a guild… Not start your own. (Which BTW I agree with vayne on). Second: Casual should not be confused with small and tight knit. Casual should be interpreted as large guild filled with new players and generally helpful vets. That doesn’t care or at least doesn’t enforce the meta.

I’m not sure what dungeon selling has to do with your topic… But those sellers provide a service believe it or not, most of the people selling Arah solo/duo that content. If they weren’t selling you’d be here complaining that the Arah LFG is always empty

“A conquered people will always resist you,
Edair. But allies-allies will fight by your side”~Cobiah Mariner

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cormac.3871


Also, shame on those selling dungeon runs to people wanting to finish them… that is ridiculous.

The way dungeon selling usually works is that one or two people run the dungeon by themselves and then sell the spot at the last boss. The buyers either want the tokens or to get the Dungeon Master title. It’s annoying that the ads stay up so long and seem to be the only option for dungeons like Arah, but it would be naive to assume that if these people weren’t selling they would be using that time to mentor more players. Some sellers mentor, others don’t. To be honest the fact that they are allowed to sell has probably kept them around for longer.

On a related note, look for the dungeon mentors sticky in the dungeons forum.

Disclaimer: I neither buy nor sell dungeons, nor am I involved in n00b (the mentors guild).

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azhure.1857


This is an MMO so joining a guild that shares your interests will only be a good thing for you.

I must admit that I felt the community was much better before the megaserver system was introduced. I cared for my neighbors, so to speak, but now I don’t. One of those old wounds that will not heal.

Isle of Janthir Megaserver

(edited by Azhure.1857)

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Two words. Casual guild.

There are many helpful guilds in this game. That doesn’t mean you’ll get to run whatever you want, whenever you want, but I’ve yet to see someone need something in my guild that wasn’t helped out by others.

Trying to LFG instead of joining a guild of like minded players is the problem here.

No, the problem is the lack of incentive and anti-group ideology. I’ve sent lots of invites out to people, but if I don’t know them and randomly send them out, tons of people either don’t accept or decline – does this mean that I have to work to become buddies with each person until I have some people in a guild, just so I can get a working dungeon run?

I have only a few people in my guild, lol about 4, but I’ve sent upward of 20-30 invites out and when I check the guild page, most people don’t even know they have one! The fact that invites are hidden until you open the guild panel may be part of the problem, but I don’t see why a guild must be mandatory for dungeons to be playable. I know they are playable without, but again I point to time spent in LFG, off-peak player population being an issue and of course not everyone in a guild is on at the same time, nor may they wish to all do the same thing.

The way I see it, is that incentive for other more experienced players to return can only be a benefit for everybody, whereas doing nothing and bypassing this player decline issue, isn’t going to help anyone at all and instead put people off. Right now, aside from just having to find waypoints, POI and JPs, I’m finding it quite boring trying to get groups together.

Also, shame on those selling dungeon runs to people wanting to finish them… that is ridiculous.

I have casual guild with a couple of hundred players, about fifty of which long in frequently. You don’t have to make friends with every person to run a dungeon. You do have to have some contact with people.

This is what you’re arguing for. Walking into a bar and shouting at the top of your lungs, anyone want to help me?

You might get 10-20% of the people asking what you need. You’ll get 80 or 90% rolling their eyes. You don’t get to define human nature.

If you reward people for helping, people will help just enough to get the reward or find ways to exploit it.

A percentage of people are helpful but most people aren’t. They’re either selfish or simply self-focused, or unaware that other people need help.

I wouldn’t randomly walk into a bar and ask strangers to help me. I’d find some like minded people ( people who enjoy helping others) and hang out with them, helping them in turn when they need help.

That really is the best way to handle it.

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Two words. Casual guild.

There are many helpful guilds in this game. That doesn’t mean you’ll get to run whatever you want, whenever you want, but I’ve yet to see someone need something in my guild that wasn’t helped out by others.

Trying to LFG instead of joining a guild of like minded players is the problem here.

No, the problem is the lack of incentive and anti-group ideology. I’ve sent lots of invites out to people, but if I don’t know them and randomly send them out, tons of people either don’t accept or decline – does this mean that I have to work to become buddies with each person until I have some people in a guild, just so I can get a working dungeon run?

I have only a few people in my guild, lol about 4, but I’ve sent upward of 20-30 invites out and when I check the guild page, most people don’t even know they have one! The fact that invites are hidden until you open the guild panel may be part of the problem, but I don’t see why a guild must be mandatory for dungeons to be playable. I know they are playable without, but again I point to time spent in LFG, off-peak player population being an issue and of course not everyone in a guild is on at the same time, nor may they wish to all do the same thing.

The way I see it, is that incentive for other more experienced players to return can only be a benefit for everybody, whereas doing nothing and bypassing this player decline issue, isn’t going to help anyone at all and instead put people off. Right now, aside from just having to find waypoints, POI and JPs, I’m finding it quite boring trying to get groups together.

Also, shame on those selling dungeon runs to people wanting to finish them… that is ridiculous.

I’m an addicted gamer who play 24/7. Most of the dungeon, you can find a group 24/7. Some of the unpopular ones you proably have to wait 20-30 minutes at 5am since most NA players are sleeping. That is a big probable, since usually it’s filled pretty fast even for unpopular dungeon.

I dont’ know why you think people have to help you 24/7 and do what you want to do, whenver you want to do it.

If you are really that nice, I’ll add you to friend, and you can be my ****. And when I need help 24/7, I’ll ask you to stop what you are doing and help me.

Hey, maybe you want to pvp or wvw or do daily. But if I randomly send invite to you to do dungeon, you better accept it? Because that’s what you ask of others.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serophous.9085


i know you said joining a guild shouldnt be mandatory, and it isn’t, but to now use a feature like it is just handicapping yourself.
Can LFG suck at times? Yes. Should you stop using it? No. There will always be bad apples in the bunch, but dont throw away the whole basket because of a few. When i feel like a dungeon run, I just hop into any group and go. If people rage quit or yell, I stay till kicked or everyone leaves, then i just reform the group and continue on. I mean, am I honestly going to let some stranger over the net’s opinion define me and judge me in a video game? No, so people need to lighten up when in LFG.

Now, as stated before, joining a guild seems to be the best way to go. Hang out in LA, or the starting zones, or the Looking for… forums and find a guild that does dungeons. I know I’ve seen them marketing themselves in map chat.

As for vets doing dungeons…unless they are going for either a Gift for a legendary, or the collections, there really is no incentive to do dungeons. Heck, if they make the rewards a bit better for the collections….MAYBE more people would do them

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Typhus.3502


I guess we’re playing different games, I do dungeons pretty regularly at off-times, and groups never take more than 10 minutes to fill. Though I guess if you’re putting up your own group and its for new players, than yeah, I could see it taking forever.

[TW] Pumped

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


I don’t understand OP’s post, at least not from my personal POV.
I’ve met a couple of newbies over the last months and I always took my time to explain them stuff, give them tips or running content with them.
I enjoy a chilled faceroll far more than speedrun, so I don’t mind to bring 2 or more new players into it. The same attitude is widely spready troughrough my whole guild as well.
I don’t even try to recruit them, unless they directly ask for an invite, and playing with and knowing the rest of RoScomm personally, I don’t see a reason why a whole Server should be so dramatically different to all the others.
Be it [AT], or the other guilds, we have supportive people spread all over Ruins of Surmia from what I know.
So if you really have that huge issues with your current one, you maybe should consider to transfer, or join a less hostile guild.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dave.2536



  • writes giant ranting essay
  • passes knee-jerk—and unnecessary—judgment about unrelated issue (dungeon sellers)
  • claims to be unbiased and unprovoking he is
  • immediately calls any and all dissent biased, abusive, and flaming
  • fails to heed (or even acknowledge) most advice given out in this thread
  • refuses to join a guild

Nope, it’s certainly not you at all. Definitely us. Definitely…Yep…

Most of us here would and do help newer players. But we will help them on our terms, not theirs. The way you try to guilt trip or demand something you are not at all entitled to…

No offense, but I don’t think you would be missed by many if you erased Windows and never came back here.

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Holgarf.6581



  • writes giant ranting essay
  • passes knee-jerk—and unnecessary—judgment about unrelated issue (dungeon sellers)
  • claims to be unbiased and unprovoking he is
  • immediately calls any and all dissent biased, abusive, and flaming
  • fails to heed (or even acknowledge) most advice given out in this thread
  • refuses to join a guild

Nope, it’s certainly not you at all. Definitely us. Definitely…Yep…

Most of us here would and do help newer players. But we will help them on our terms, not theirs. The way you try to guilt trip or demand something you are not at all entitled to…

No offense, but I don’t think you would be missed by many if you erased Windows and never came back here.

Instead of blaming anyone and doing what others have done in the past – which I tried suggesting people avoid in the first place – maybe try and see the popularity of dungeons first before you bash me and come out with such nonsense.

The “knee-jerk” reaction you come out with is also nonsense, since it is obvious. I’m willing to sing the praises of the game and its strengths, but people already know those, all I’m trying to do is make it easier for others.

Again, joining a guild just to get something to function properly shouldn’t be mandatory! How can you not get that?! What then if for whatever reason your guild isn’t on? Then what? Why are people always so defensive or hostile towards new suggestions? I’ve already been in another guild and the dungeon thing didn’t exactly improve. In fact I’ve been in 2 or 3. Do I have to hop to several, or be a part of multiple guilds just to be able to get something to work? Why? You’re not seeing the biggest picture but instead you’re being borderline hateful; it’s blatantly obvious in your post. Why do you think I claim people have such bias when after such discussion, this is what they revert to?

Don’t cherry pick things because it suits your view but instead try to see things from others perspectives. How is something that benefits everyone such a difficult thing for people to grasp? I’m at a loss… it’s almost like politics, where any viable point put across is fought with a counter just because they’re on the other side… no matter how reasonable it is.

I couldn’t give a crap if people cared whether or not I erased Windows and stopped playing the game. An the “no offence” thing followed by such a statement serves to help in what way?

It’s already degraded. Yes my post was massively long but I didn’t chose or force people to sit and read through the entire thing, all I asked was that people see what I see. Why should my post length have anything to do with my an issue in the game anyway?

For the record, I’m an EU player.

Why must everything be watertight before an argument, no matter how reasonable, be deemed acceptable? All I’m trying to do is help, kitten it?! It’s as if people lack the ability to understand or simply refuse to understand (and no, don’t say that I’ve resorted to name-calling instead of try things), the problem is not the way I go about things, but that the majority of people are failing to see what the problem is. If it wasn’t an issue to begin with then they would’t have needed to add LFG in the first place.

Go try non-specific routes, or early phases of dungeons, random encounters, non-elitist runs and you may see what I mean. Having to buddy up with people shouldn’t be necessary and being in guilds or starting your own is not always the perfect solution and to me it just seems like an excuse to get around the issue of a unpopulated area of the game.


It’s impossible to explain. It seems some people would rather find gaps in an argument and argue than step back and try to see things as whole.

Weekend is the perfect time for this stuff and even then it shouldn’t be a requirement or a necessity for some people to see what I’m on about.

Oh well… I did try.

Well… it wasn’t a total failure. Some people see where I’m coming from. In fact I’ll see that as a plus, since it appears some folks are just plain dead against reasoning (seems folks like Dan have a Gan have a history of bashing those who want change to Dungeon / Fractals).

Anyway, peace.

(edited by Holgarf.6581)

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Joining a guild isn’t mandatory. You can find a guild with nice people who you like who fit your play style (not just any guild) or you can take a chance and spin the LFG roulette wheel. I’ve played a whole lot of MMOs and it certainly wasn’t better in WoW, or AoC or Rift than it is here.

It’s like saying it shouldn’t be mandatory to pay for electricity. Well it’s not. You can live without electricity. But you then have to deal with the consequence of your choices.

And yeah, finding the right guild might take some work. But when you do, the game improves drastically.

Seems to me, right now, you’re not having that much fun. I could be wrong.

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: joe.7684


Joining a guild isn’t mandatory. You can find a guild with nice people who you like who fit your play style (not just any guild) or you can take a chance and spin the LFG roulette wheel. I’ve played a whole lot of MMOs and it certainly wasn’t better in WoW, or AoC or Rift than it is here.

It’s like saying it shouldn’t be mandatory to pay for electricity. Well it’s not. You can live without electricity. But you then have to deal with the consequence of your choices.

And yeah, finding the right guild might take some work. But when you do, the game improves drastically.

Seems to me, right now, you’re not having that much fun. I could be wrong.

That last sentence is the key one. The true point of this game is to have fun, and if you’re not having fun, then something needs to change.

I agree that having a guild isn’t mandatory, but being in a good, big, active guild is such a game enhancer that it might as well be. My own guild is the sort of guild you need, for instance – it’s got nearly 500 members and does literally everything, with every type of players. We have several players who go out and do dungeon paths almost every day and they never – I mean never – put restrictions on their guildies as to what sort of experience or gear they have to have; in fact, they often do runs to teach people new to them what it’s all about.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


Well just remade my 14th lvl character as I deleted my 2 asura… I used a lot of dungeon runs and ppl are a lot more biased then when starting gw2…

Before you could run AC and have a nice/good party with 5 ppl wearing rare armors. Now I run the group with 4 ppl using lower level armor of diferent levels and 1 lvl 80. The level 80 asked us : I thought you needed to be lvl 80 Exotic to run dungeons…? And I answered him anything lvl 35 and up would do as long as it is masterwork or better we had a lvl 36, a lvl42, a lvl 58, and a lvl 72 as others.. and we finished the whole run, just wiped at Kohler once… we had 1 actual newer person (the lvl 80) >1000 AP he wiped at all bosses. the others were experienced players ranging from 3000 to 16000 points. This just shows the wrong ideas people have, the fact you need some familiarity with paths, and the fact rares are plenty in AC, tbh CM and TA can be run in greens or yellows as well. without problems, so can SE and COF if needed, without wipes as long as you know how to dodge and use a character.

I do not mind doing dungeon runs, but it would be nice if people tend to respect the lfg codes normally,

I ran a nice 80 EXP Cof with my just lvl 80 new necro to find people who just started not being able to run balls and keep in the braziers for the door opening event. I was in CoF p1 for 25 minutes with 4 repeated allied deaths at the door before a lvl 80 warrior ragequitted, because he was explained he should stay at the brazier…

We got the door almost 3 times before (all same reason) and the fact people need teaching runs isn’t a problem. It is a problem people refuse to admit they’re new, use DPS, Zerk or Exp groups while oblivious what to do.

I have seen the return of the bearbow LB&SB, the 5 signet ranged warrior, condimancers, the clerics guard, and P/D & SB thieves all in groups they shouldn’t be….

I really hate running in with a D/D build and eventually killing a boss then noticing I’m the last one standing, it shows me I lost oversight, and nobody wants to res…

I hate leechers, people say DPS is everything, griefers, ragers, quiters, rangers (except ele’s and occasionally rangers), non-ressers, elitists, noobs, bigmouths, and people not being honest about builds when I ask them.

I do not mind teaching, advising, pointing, giving tips, wiping at somthing which is new to people, newbies, below 80’s as long as people stay respectful and patient.

The fact ppl finished their lvl 80 yesterday and bought a exotic/ascended zerk armor
doesn’t make ’m leet, nor does DPS or elitism.

1337 is being able to do whatever you need to finish, no matter what,not hitting the boss knowing you’ll die, but taking 3secs to stay alive then but killing it so you do not need to rerun, ressing when possible or running on if not, staying ooc if needed and 1337=/= speedrunning. 1337 is respecting all players even though they might not be your level as long as they’re trying and willing to learn. And I’m not 1337, I am me. I cannot melee Lupi because only 2 people ever tried to show me 2 yrs ago. And I do not care…I just run the basics. AC 1,2,3, TA fw/up, SE 1,3 CoF 1,2, CoE 1,2,3… I did all. Have been dungeon master for 18+ months or so.

And no I’m not a meta elitist but seeing 3 condi builds in1 group makes me sigh…., get on my Staff Nuker Ele and carry dungeons as long as people listen and stay respectfull. I’ll walk to the boss and cast 2 elementals, elemental powder, icebow, firestorm, MS and then hope for the best… And I’ll teach people if they want to, but I need to know they do NOT know. If people wipe and start raging everbodies bad while they couldn’t stay up…. well, GL & HF, alone…

Though member of dungon guilds before, just pugging for the last 18 months. less then 1 failed run /month. about 125-250 dungeon paths a month.

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cranked.3812



  • writes giant ranting essay

Ironically, he wrote another long essay ranting at your post that accused him of writing a long ranting essay. Good times!

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


That’s how MMOs are like. The experience is even worse in most other MMOs as there is no downscaling and therefore higher levels won’t even bother checking lower level areas or dungeons and if they do, they will usually ruin the experience for the new players since they can one-shot everything.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kondra.3860


When I posted above, I asked a question. “What region (North America or Europe) is your server in and at what time do you play?” You chose not to respond so I’m asking again.

Have you even read the text Holgarf wrote?

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


If you dont’ want to play with other people like yourself, no one will.

^^So much this .. like the old Woody Allen joke.

Woody Allen

I’d never join a club that would allow a person like me to become a member

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


When I posted above, I asked a question. “What region (North America or Europe) is your server in and at what time do you play?” You chose not to respond so I’m asking again.

Have you even read the text Holgarf wrote?

Thank you, missed the part about the weekend, deleting comment.

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elegy.2159


OP, which “dead dungeon” are you trying to run? I’m not experienced with every path of every dungeon, but I’m more than happy to run it with you. If it’s one I know less about, we’ll figure it out.

This is an MMO so joining a guild that shares your interests will only be a good thing for you.

I must admit that I felt the community was much better before the megaserver system was introduced. I cared for my neighbors, so to speak, but now I don’t. One of those old wounds that will not heal.

Megaservers just expose you to a greater number of people, so your probability of encountering someone who isn’t helpful is greater as a result. There are still lots of people who want to help others in gw2! Even in the LFG tool, I’ve met some awesome people there! I’ve had people disappoint me as well, and it is easy to give up on caring when that appears to be (but isn’t necessarily) the norm.

A guild can be an incredible asset if you find one that you clique with. Give a guild a shot. And like I said, if you message me in game I’ll be more than happy to do any dungeon with you!

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thefinnster.7105


personally i don’t relay see a prob with lfg or have a problem getting decent pug groups when using it admittedly i haven’t used lfg to do dungeons since silverwastes got released but prior to that i had no problems and i would do most dungeons daily
i don’t run with guild mates and i don’t run with friends mainly coz they are not interested
witch i suppose supports your point that a lot of us older players have no reason to go back there
tho only recently they did add the collection achievements with got players going back to dungeons i personal y still don’t have all the items from all dungeons so will be doing more soon enough
as far as going out of my way to help someone well times have changed for alot of us take my story for example back in the early days i was very enthusiastic about helping other players and went out my way to help loads of new players who where struggling to get to grips with the game
along the way i even managed to get 4 players there precursors for free to help them get there first legendary s but over time i had failings out with some of those guys over relay petty things or they just stopped playing leaving me alone to make new friends and on and on
i still do take a liking to the occasional genuine noob in the game and try and help them but not like the old days im somewhat more jaded as time went on and have become more of a loner who dosent reach out to players very often and makeing friends isn’t as easy as it used to be
i imagine its like this for a lot of us old school players who have been through similar things
i guess the best advice i could give you is not to get to upset about it it is after all old content and there is all-ways new stuff to focus on that pretty much everyone is doing

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dave.2536


Again, joining a guild just to get something to function properly shouldn’t be mandatory!


  • This is an MMO—massively multi-player online game
  • You play at “odd times”
  • You want to do “odd content”
  • You have the ability to join multiple guilds

Instead of populating one or two of your five available guild slots (four if we discount that joke bank guild that probably doesn’t have a bank), you demand that ANet solve the problem for you and go as far as stalking post history of people who disagree with you.

Face it, you have nobody to blame except yourself right now. Stop playing the victim card, overcome that social anxiety like the rest of us and put in your own initiative to help yourself before demanding it from us or ANet.

Once you’ve exhausted all of the options where you have initiative, then come back here and post, and we’ll be much less “hostile” or “defensive”.

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

Incentive to help others...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Holgarf.6581



  • writes giant ranting essay

Ironically, he wrote another long essay ranting at your post that accused him of writing a long ranting essay. Good times!

That’s not irony. And DaveGanElitist… I’m not playing the victim at all. Anyway, since you’re about as blind as can be, and I’m done “stalking” your posts (playing the victim there?), I’ll leave it be.

Have a nice WintersDay wiping the dribble off your chin.
