Include everything in the patch notes.
It’s good to see a ‘Missing Patch Notes’ post, but I’d rather see what was actually missing, and not a complaint that something was missing. In their defense, a lot of things don’t merit the space to include on the patch notes (would you really want to see “we removed one of the rocks near the Spider Queen in Ascalonian Catacombs” and more?)
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
It’s good to see a ‘Missing Patch Notes’ post, but I’d rather see what was actually missing, and not a complaint that something was missing. In their defense, a lot of things don’t merit the space to include on the patch notes (would you really want to see “we removed one of the rocks near the Spider Queen in Ascalonian Catacombs” and more?)
A lot of the things changed do merit the space to be included on the patch notes. But yeah, I wouldn’t mind it
(edited by wKmike.6318)
(would you really want to see “we removed one of the rocks near the Spider Queen in Ascalonian Catacombs” and more?)
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
(would you really want to see “we removed one of the rocks near the Spider Queen in Ascalonian Catacombs” and more?)
Yeah, I tend to agree. More detail is better than less. But I don’t even think that is related to this. The changes to HotW troll were no minor things… That was a complete rework, and quite a shock that I wasn’t expecting…
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80
Anet has responded to requests to include “everything” pretty much with a “no.” I agree that not absolutely everything should be included. Particularly bug fixes and exploit fixes. Exploit fixes in particular are what I’ve seen people rage the most about in dungeons that weren’t included in the patch notes. They shouldn’t give people any clues as to how a dungeon was broken before and how they might be able to break it again. As someone alluded to earlier, “everything” is way too vague or perhaps way too unreasonable. Be specific. Bug fixes are usually explicitly mentioned, exploits are not. This troll change may very well be a bug and should probably be treated as such and reported. What reason do people have to believe that this isn’t some wacky mishap since it is apparently dropping AC tokens?
Sometimes, the things they leave out are nice surprises. Like the Halos and Horns. =)
It would have been nice to have a note about Weyndt’s JP entrance. Several forum posts so far, and it was never mentioned.
TMI to include anything that doesn’t make a difference to game play. But, if it changes how the game is played, we should know about it. For example, adding a higher ledge to a keep is important to know as we can’t fire over it.
I do agree that all skill and trait changes should be listed for all professions, regardless if devs think they are important or not.
Exploit changes? No. Let the cheaters enjoy finding those as nice easter eggs for the rest of us to read about in map chat, lol.
Anet has a long history of not including everything it has changed in the patch notes, particularly to changing of dungeons and fractals paths.
In this case, I am referring to the changes to Sorrow’s Embrace, and Honor of the Waves.
It’s almost commonplace now for me to expect something to be fixed/buffed/nerfed in every patch now that is not listed.
It would be nice to see some of the dungeon problems fixed, instead of all the particular speed paths fixed. You never see that being stealth fixed.
What exactly changed?
Anet has a long history of not including everything it has changed in the patch notes, particularly to changing of dungeons and fractals paths.
In this case, I am referring to the changes to Sorrow’s Embrace, and Honor of the Waves.
It’s almost commonplace now for me to expect something to be fixed/buffed/nerfed in every patch now that is not listed.
It would be nice to see some of the dungeon problems fixed, instead of all the particular speed paths fixed. You never see that being stealth fixed.
What exactly changed?
In sorrow’s embrace. they put a fence in the first area when you run across the bridge. I see very little point as you can still AOE the barrier, or just run past and destroy it. Very pointless
In Honor of the waves, they changed the troll to be like the AC troll. Whether this is lazy copy/paste(seeing as they drop AC tears) or unintended has yet to be seen.
The HotW Troll feels like an early April Fools joke. Except a violent painful one.
(edited by Doggie.3184)
Anet has a long history of not including everything it has changed in the patch notes, particularly to changing of dungeons and fractals paths.
In this case, I am referring to the changes to Sorrow’s Embrace, and Honor of the Waves.
It’s almost commonplace now for me to expect something to be fixed/buffed/nerfed in every patch now that is not listed.
It would be nice to see some of the dungeon problems fixed, instead of all the particular speed paths fixed. You never see that being stealth fixed.
What exactly changed?
In sorrow’s embrace. they put a fence in the first area when you run across the bridge. I see very little point as you can still AOE the barrier, or just run past and destroy it. Very pointless
In Honor of the waves, they changed the troll to be like the AC troll. Whether this is lazy copy/paste(seeing as they drop AC tears) or unintended has yet to be seen.
Thanks, hadn’t seen it yet.
It’s good to see a ‘Missing Patch Notes’ post, but I’d rather see what was actually missing, and not a complaint that something was missing. In their defense, a lot of things don’t merit the space to include on the patch notes (would you really want to see “we removed one of the rocks near the Spider Queen in Ascalonian Catacombs” and more?)
Well, I don’t think that changing a mob like Troll in HotW can be compared with “removed one of the rocks near the Spider Queen”, since it has totally new skills which require players to be prepared to a fight where you’ll end up feared-knocked down-dazed repeatedly with barely any cool-down and one-hit in the process. I doubt any team managed to avoid a wipe the first time they faced the new Troll honestly.
And what I find worse is that they would rather say they removed one of the rocks, than how they made a change to a dungeon. (“Changed description of x to match better with..”)
The whole point of dungeons have been to beat/figure them out. If Anet makes changes to bosses in dungeons and then lists the changes, there’s no point to having the changes at all. People have to figure out how to deal with them. It actually keeps dungeons from just being thoughtless speed runs…for a day or two anyway.
Random modifications:
- modified line 1213345243 from x to x+1 to avoid underrunning the network buffer stack.
- adjusted the particle flow system -1 particle to increase performance in large battles.
- removed cookies from plate in building 3324 to remove stuttering from internal environment.
- adjusted legendary drop rate to -0.000000001% to say that it is actually in game but so rare no one has ever received one as a drop yet.
- modified 9003 localization errors not including English.
- added 1200 new words to language filter in all supported languages.
- removed 22 rocks that were under the terrain but still requiring processing resources.
- removed stray pixel from Luminous Dust icon.
- increased the ear size of 2 Asura so that nearby conversations between 2 gossiping Asura females made sense.
- added greased pig to random maps and associated hidden ‘Greased Lightning’ achievement for players lucky enough to catch it.
- due to the abundance of zeros on the right side of the decimal for calculating drops we’ve added 200 more points to Luck as it was easier than removing the zeros.
Living Story:
- 5003 new textures added
- 54 new audio conversations added
- 22430 lines of code added
- 87 new dynamic events added
- 34 achievements added
- 6002 old textures removed
- 2 dynamic events removed
- 8 new recipes added to Mystic Forge
- 12 new items added to the Gem Store, each at the price of one leg
- 22 new npc’s added, 36 npc’s from previous update removed
- 6 new npc armors added that will never be available to players but they are so awesome that you will make hundreds of posts on the forum about them.
- Mounts (slug, snail, and sloth) added in gem store for 30,000 gems, mounts do not adhere to speed boosts(skill or consumable) or traits that increase speeds and their native speed is the walking speed of npc’s.
Gameplay changes:
- keybindings were accidentally zeroed out, you’ll have to manually rebind them until the fix in tomorrow’s update.
- dodge+space functionality removed in favor of double-jump combination of alt-f4 on windows, command+Q on mac.
- Character size now included in attack power calculation.
- Use Stack option now available in right-click context menu when right-clicking on a stack of items, though sometimes it consumes ALL stacks of everything in your inventory if they are in a normal bag regardless of consumability.
- 8 new healing skills that are sub-par or situational added.
- 2 new racial skills added to each race that you’ll never use because they’re underpowered for no reason.
- new global elites added that all characters can use but they’re also situational and you’ll probably never use them (except on fractal 51).
Click here to read the git repo logs for additional adjustments because it would take days for someone to write it all out in this format every time there was an update and then send it over to the translation team to have it translated into all supported languages…