Income after HoT?
Play the game sell everything you dont want to equip and you will get gold mate.
Gather profitable mats.
“You will never make dosh again” – HoT
I have found a semi decent way but it’s not super great. Two words:
Shiny Baubles.
Find the map/maps (I believe there are 2 atm) that give these as bonus rewards and play in those maps doing events/gathering other resources. These shiny baubles are vendor trash but they sell to the vendor for 30 Silver each. The great thing about this method is DR can NOT hit them as they are rewarded for completing events.
I’m pretty sure completing a random event in these maps would be quicker than doing a dungeon run? I know that you don’t get them every event completed. It seems to be a mix of every second event in my exp mixed in with sometimes one of the other listed rewards. I would love to be corrected on this if I am incorrect. But still, it’s another option and may just give you something else to do when burnt out on other money making ways.
30 silver per bauble? Wow, my money problems are over.
30 silver per bauble? Wow, my money problems are over.
Yup got 3 yesterday just playing around in one of the new HOT maps. An easy 90 Silver as I was just exploring.
It’s not as much as one could make if farming Silverwastes I would hazard to guess (not really a farmer myself) or doing other grinds for easy/fast cash. So if you were being sarcastic that is my reply to that. However as I said it is another option when bored/burnt out of other ways that could just come naturally as you are exploring, gathering mats for crafting or whatever.
God bless baubles, I got 10 of it in 1 event at auric basin and it was insta 3g! Also I see people farming fractal 10 for the cubes and ar infusions but since those 2 are going down in price it might not be that profitable anymore.
God bless baubles, I got 10 of it in 1 event at auric basin and it was insta 3g!
Also I see people farming fractal 10 for the cubes and ar infusions but since those 2 are going down in price it might not be that profitable anymore.
Now 10 per an event sounds more like it. Assuming the event doesn’t take more than 30 minutes.
I suppose it’s a nice added value, but in general I don’t like vendor trash sources for income as they inflate the market by bringing in more gold into the system.
It was a somewhat long event chain for the northern pylon, I usually only get 1 per event though.
God bless baubles, I got 10 of it in 1 event at auric basin and it was insta 3g!
Also I see people farming fractal 10 for the cubes and ar infusions but since those 2 are going down in price it might not be that profitable anymore.
Now 10 per an event sounds more like it. Assuming the event doesn’t take more than 30 minutes.
I suppose it’s a nice added value, but in general I don’t like vendor trash sources for income as they inflate the market by bringing in more gold into the system.
Well, they did say with the dungeon nerf that that gold would be sent to other areas. It rather looks like this is one of the other areas. Instead of being concentrated in the dungeon runners, it’s smaller amounts spread out among people doing events in the open world.
ANet may give it to you.
If you are going to farm fractals, it is important to target specific levels that can be completed in an expedited fashion. The two quickest are likely molton duo and swamp. You chain farm the same one repeatedly and sell off everything. I prefer farming 40 molton duo, because you also get exotics/rares pretty frequently.
I have found a semi decent way but it’s not super great. Two words:
Shiny Baubles.
Find the map/maps (I believe there are 2 atm) that give these as bonus rewards and play in those maps doing events/gathering other resources. These shiny baubles are vendor trash but they sell to the vendor for 30 Silver each. The great thing about this method is DR can NOT hit them as they are rewarded for completing events.
I’m pretty sure completing a random event in these maps would be quicker than doing a dungeon run? I know that you don’t get them every event completed. It seems to be a mix of every second event in my exp mixed in with sometimes one of the other listed rewards. I would love to be corrected on this if I am incorrect. But still, it’s another option and may just give you something else to do when burnt out on other money making ways.
The issue here is that while DR cannot hit the reward itself, it CAN hit the rate at which you receive the rewards. While it may take only 2 events to get a bonus reward when you first hop in, after an hour or so it starts taking you more and more events to get the next reward. DR haunts you even here :/
Farm flax below Itzel village in VB just north of the WP. Price is dropping but still worth the effort. I usually get about a dozen flax per character.
Run the dungeons as before. Salvage the soldier exotic gear. Make 4 gold per item.