Increase the ori and ancient wood nodes
Send a few characters to Orr/Frostgorge/Southsun and you’ll walk away with quite a bit of ori and ancient wood.
Sounds like these mats are actually worth farming now… maybe go farm them? I beleive there are 10 nodes available to you of both resources every 24 hours. At a minimum that is 30 ore and 30 wood per character per day.
wasn´t much different when we all had to get our first sets of exotics. No, leave it as it is.
You don’t actually need a lot of those materials for the actual ascended weapons.
What you do need it for is crafting exotics to level up your craft skill. I expect a high demand over the short term, which will taper off as people finish leveling.
Tarnished Coast – Dissentient [DIS]
All classes
More ancient wood, but no additional Orichalcum. I noticed quite a disparity in loot with the Scarlet invasions. The scrap metal drops and such were revealing a decent increase in overall orichalcum ore intake when salvaging, but not ancient wood.
Making changes right now though is not the best idea, because the amount of ancient wood should increase with the rush to salvage every blue/green on the planet for luck essence. Unfortunately this will eventually taper off as many accounts hit 300%
I think they should consider increasing the wood nodes, but Orichalcum is acceptable as is. Salvaging exotics for Globs of Dark Matter will keep the Ori and Ancient wood value high, and the lack of supply will keep the value of exotics up.
With such a high demand ori now more than ever we need to be able to farm this stuff on our own without the need for the TP. Currently i think the amount of nodes present needs to increase so that ppl who do not actualy have a butload of cash can actually compete in this market a little. I honestly do not want to have to spend tons of gold just to get my ascended item because exotic discoveries are the only way to hit 500
Was kind of clearly that you are gonna need some mats when they mentioned the new 500 cap. Just because your were lazy and did not collect some of them and now you have to pay doesn`t make it necessary to have more nodes. They are fine the way they are.
What should be changed: orichalcum ingot only requires two pieces of ore yet the plank recipe requires three pieces of wood.
Unlike orichalcum, most players have ignored ancient wood for months. When the price per log was < 1 silver each harvesters would happily run past ancient saplings to get to the ori nodes faster. Quite a bit of ori has come out of salvaging as well, yet the price remained much higher for ori than wood.
If people start to actually make a point of harvesting wood now, the price should correct itself pretty quickly.
All valid points! Thanks for the insight
With such a high demand ori now more than ever we need to be able to farm this stuff on our own without the need for the TP. Currently i think the amount of nodes present needs to increase so that ppl who do not actualy have a butload of cash can actually compete in this market a little. I honestly do not want to have to spend tons of gold just to get my ascended item because exotic discoveries are the only way to hit 500
Good luck with that. That’s like asking that the new TIME GATED mats not be time gated.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
Harvesting is probably the only thing alting rewards anymore. Let the altoholics have their bone.
. Unfortunately this will eventually taper off as many accounts hit 300%
I doubt we’ll see people hit 300% for a long time.
Tarnished Coast – Dissentient [DIS]
All classes
Sounds like these mats are actually worth farming now… maybe go farm them? I beleive there are 10 nodes available to you of both resources every 24 hours. At a minimum that is 30 ore and 30 wood per character per day.
In two of the Orr maps, you have 4 orichalcum nodes and 2 orrian wood nodes. In Southsun and Frostgorge, you have 2 orichalcum and 2 ancient wood.
My suggestion is to add two extra orrian wood nodes into the two Orr maps to balance it out, and possibly introduce “wood stumps” which is like a rich sapling version from the metal ore nodes, haha.
many accounts hit 300%
it will take quite a while before someone hits 300%
more luck is required to increase that 1% at higher levels.
% – luck required to level up mf %
132% – 8130
133% – 8290
Did someone say… SUPPLY AND DEMAND!!!?
Instead, would everyone please throw tomatoes and potatoes at the person(s) face who increased Ancient wood by sooooooooooo much? Thanks.
(edited by Moderator)