Infraction points.
Not sure, but I have a bunch.
posting about infractions on the forums will get you another one…
but the info you seek is stickied in the news and information section.
So if I would say infraction point I will get another one?
Where can I see how many I have ?
i think it’s 5 for a ban but idk for sure..
So if I would say infraction point I will get another one
Where can I see how many I have ?
Don’t say that word!
What word?
I cannot tell! Suffice to say, is one of the words the Knights of Ni cannot hear!
How can we not say the word if you don’t tell us what it is?
He said it again!
Is that not a point you get from the daily fractal.
hoorah got my first warning today!
Watch it boys we’re getting offtopic here, might get some points
i think it’s 5 for a ban but idk for sure..
I’ve had waaay more than 5. Worst thing that’s happened is a 3 day temp ban after I picked up like 4 in a day.
No idea, just got my first one for my first topic bump right after I bumped it again :P Still no answer to my question ofcourse…
But I have no idea how those work. For as far as I know you can only check your current total by counting the number of private messages you receive – the gold spams. Their is definitely no counter on your account or forum profile page.
Awesome, that ban they gave you after 4 on the same day, was that a forum ban or a ingame ban aswell?
EDIT: Nvm, just found this post:
They don’t want to tell us how many points for what consequence. And apparently my infraction total is still 0 since they didn’t specify a number in the message. Hope this helps.
(edited by Wesley.4590)
It was a forum ban only.
And if you get a warning infraction it will specifically say it in the PM you get (“this is just a warning”). Otherwise it’s a real infraction.
You will prob get a nasty gram saying how bad you are and a little time out in the corner to think about your issues.
But they wont tell what the limit is so you dont go right up to it and stop. But it would be a few days off from posting.
I just stopped opening my mail hence I dont have any infractions lol.
If you disagree with it you can always appeal it in the email @anet foums.
I think they are very busy tho.
I’ve had about 10 warnings.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
Edit: I found the quote of the moderator, I thought they explained the rules pretty well
Hi everyone,
Let me suggest you some points when you are about to post. Of course they won’t cover each and every possible infracton because otherwise that would make for a pretty extensive post but they cover the most important ones.
You are about to post, please review that your message has the following marks:
- It brings something constructive or contributing to the discussion. Meaning no posts like “+1” “this” “agree” or simple quoting. Be it something new or additional data that reinforces what is said, please be sure it is there. That way your provide us with something to give to the team.
- Does not attack or is aggressive to anyone. That includes trolling, personal attacks or insults of any kind. Needless to say that calling “noob” someone or “seems you are too stupid to understand this” are not acceptable behaviour.
- The post stays on topic. If we are discussing the ebb and flow of the TP, please dont come here to discuss dyes.
- Does not attack the staff or contest their actions. You think something done was wrong, please write to the given emails.
More or less, these are the main points. Of course there are a lot more, but the most common are these.
Thanks for your understanding everyone. We will have in account your proposals and believe us when we say that we do want a good forum environment.
This thread is closed.
There ya gooooo
50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want
(edited by Lunar Sunset.8742)
Community Coordinator
Hello everyone.
As Wesley has already pointed out, you can always check our official message about the infraction system, posted by Mark a while ago. As it is explicitly stated there, we rather prefer not to give too much information about the system as a whole as this could be misused by some users and this would not be overall fair, would it.
If you receive an infraction that does not carry a point, then consider it always as a friendly but firm reminder that a post of yours has gone against our Code of Conduct of the forums in one way or another. It´s quite simple actually. We do not ban people from the forums for first offences, that would not make any sense and would also not be fair. We rather prefer to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to contribute to these boards in a constructive and respectful way.
Hope this explains a little bit better our stance on this.
And now I proceed to close the thread.
EDIT: Ok, Lunar Sunset, you were even faster… Ok, so that message also explains it very well.