Innapropriate Name is a joke
“We do not permit names that:
Have offensive racial, ethnic, national, or cultural connotations
Include hate speech or bigoted slurs
Reference sexual acts or real life violence
Are pornographic
Make inappropriate references to human anatomy or bodily functions
Reference illegal drugs or activities
Reference religious or historical figures
Reference real-life people
Reference names of copyrighted or trademarked characters, materials, or products
Use misspellings or alternative spellings of names that violate any of the above rules"
Your name was not only gross, but it also directly violates the naming policy. The end.
You’re correct, we are supposed to be adults.
Don’t name your character Peta File- it radiates immaturity. There is no purpose in attempting to use that name in the first place and there is even less reason to appear on the forums and fight for an appeal in its defense.
Well, you called it that so it sounded like paedophile, so what did you expect?
Did you do it because of the The IT Crowd?
You’re a joke.
You choose a name that sounds like the word for the sexual violation of a child and you think that is a fun, tongue in cheek name?
I bet you’re a blast at parties.
ANet may give it to you.
Either a really bad troll or a really sick “human”.
I would have reported your name the moment I saw it. I salute the person who did.
You choose a name that sounds like the word for the sexual violation of a child and you think that is a fun, tongue in cheek name?
I bet you’re a blast at parties.
To be fair, The IT Crowd episode he (almost certainly) got this from was funny.
However, there is a difference between something being funny within a comedy show storyline and it being found funny in abstract, as a name in a game, where most people probably didn’t even see the show.
Please explain the difference of my name to paedophile?
There is no difference; hence the enforced rename. Duh!
Do take care with your new name and any other character names (if you have other already-created inappropriate character names, report yourself) in the future to avoid a suspension or termination of the account.
Good luck.
It might not have been you, but I have actually reported somebody using the name “Peta File” or at least one very similar. This was a few months back mind you, so it is possible that the name got taken down and you managed to claim it on a new character (if banned names are at all available to be claimed).
Why? Because it’s obviously alluding to “paedophile”.
Just a flesh wound summarised pretty nicely, so I’ll leave it there.
OP, there aren’t too many professional comedians who can make kiddie fiddling funny (and I’d imagine most wouldn’t publicly try) so there’s no way your name would be deemed mildly amusing and acceptable. Don’t even try.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
You’re correct, we are supposed to be adults.
Don’t name your character Peta File- it radiates immaturity. There is no purpose in attempting to use that name in the first place and there is even less reason to appear on the forums and fight for an appeal in its defense.
You should just call your character ‘edgemaster’ because wow son, you edgy.
Some people get 3 day bans for lesser-offensive names. Considering how vile that name is, I’d say you got off lightly!
“We do not permit names that:
Have offensive racial, ethnic, national, or cultural connotations
Include hate speech or bigoted slurs
Reference sexual acts or real life violence
Are pornographic
Make inappropriate references to human anatomy or bodily functions
Reference illegal drugs or activities
Reference religious or historical figures
Reference real-life people
Reference names of copyrighted or trademarked characters, materials, or products
Use misspellings or alternative spellings of names that violate any of the above rules"Your name was not only gross, but it also directly violates the naming policy. The end.
funny i’ve seen condoleezza rice, gov chris christie on the same account that on player has, i’ve report them and nothing happend. few players made kim jong ill toons and they got acted on quick.
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao
funny i’ve seen condoleezza rice, gov chris christie on the same account that on player has, i’ve report them and nothing happend. few players made kim jong ill toons and the got acted on quick.
There is an element of discretion by the GMs involved too, which is also clearly stated in the naming policy.
wow you guys calm down
jokes are jokes and should not be taken seriously. sure it might have been really tasteless but tis still just a joke and it cant hurt nobody
This thread is a joke, it has to be. No way this person is serious about being THAT oblivious. Is he? It is a he, right? Has to be.
I think a forced name-change seems like an appropriate response.
When you choose an obviously controversial name like that, you should know what you’re getting into. This can’t possibly come as a surprise.
You might argue that there are worse names that are allowed (or you might try to argue that, anyway,) but that doesn’t make this name acceptable.
GW2 has a violence, drinking, swearing tag, and the whole purpose is to run around killing things.
This is a common excuse for bad behaviour from players as well. Guild Wars 2, like every other game, has an age rating, and the organisations (Such as PEGI) give it the appropriate age rating when taking into consideration these things that are included (such as deeming the game to not have too much blood to make it a 15 instead of a 12 for example).
If Guild Wars 2 allowed your name, or had references to Paedophillia, it would at best get an 18+ rating. If not, get banned from sale altogether.
funny i’ve seen condoleezza rice, gov chris christie on the same account that on player has, i’ve report them and nothing happend. few players made kim jong ill toons and the got acted on quick.
There is an element of discretion by the GMs involved too, which is also clearly stated in the naming policy.
yes i know but still they need to be to fair all across the board which they clearly are not.
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao
wow you guys calm down
jokes are jokes and should not be taken seriously. sure it might have been really tasteless but tis still just a joke and it cant hurt nobody
What about the poor person who was molested as a child and has memory triggers with this kind of this.
What’s worse is that they are trying to defend their name, it’s sick.
“We do not permit names that:
Have offensive racial, ethnic, national, or cultural connotations
Include hate speech or bigoted slurs
Reference sexual acts or real life violence
Are pornographic
Make inappropriate references to human anatomy or bodily functions
Reference illegal drugs or activities
Reference religious or historical figures
Reference real-life people
Reference names of copyrighted or trademarked characters, materials, or products
Use misspellings or alternative spellings of names that violate any of the above rules"Your name was not only gross, but it also directly violates the naming policy. The end.
funny i’ve seen condoleezza rice, gov chris christie on the same account that on player has, i’ve report them and nothing happend. few players made kim jong ill toons and they got acted on quick.
(Some speculation here)
I think there is an element of whether or not the person is a public figure. The part about being a real life person may be, if someone deliberately for example to harass you or get others to harass you in real life, named a char with your full name (first middle and last). Assuming that you aren’t a public person then you could report for using your name and hope to get it banned. The name Kim Jong Ill is a public figure name but his name is more controversial than that of other famous political figures so, imo, that what caused that name to be banned but not the others.
ANet may give it to you.
Wow I suddenly realize how much more sensitive than me people can be^^
I mean reading this I didn’t even remotely think of the incriminated word :o I thought of a really big file (peta = 10^15), maybe I studied physics too much in my life Honestly I feel saner not to have thought about it at all :x
But to be fair I would say it is fair to force the name change even though the pronunciation isn’t exactly the same.
Wow I suddenly realize how much more sensitive than me people can be^^
I mean reading this I didn’t even remotely think of the incriminated word :o I thought of a really big file (peta = 10^15), maybe I studied physics too much in my life
Honestly I feel saner not to have thought about it at all :x
But to be fair I would say it is fair to force the name change even though the pronunciation isn’t exactly the same.
for me it’s not about being sensitive at all, its about the rules while wondering if anything would be done by per said rules by said company.
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao
My Character was named Peta File, and I could not log in this character until I changed the name. Please explain the difference of my name to paedophile? I am disappointed and had no option but to do this. GW2 has a violence, drinking, swearing tag, and the whole purpose is to run around killing things. I don’t get it, to me this is the most pathetic thing that I have encountered so far, we are supposed to be adults, and their are a lot of names out their that are tounge in cheek which I enjoy, but really, in light of what this game is all about I find this totally unacceptable.
Why even try to name your character that? If you can’t think of any names to use in a fantasy setting go to . Their system has endless names and can even be customized. Obviously you were trying to be edgy by using a term associated with really bad people, but this would have been flagged in every map you go. It’s just not right.
we are supposed to be adults.
just like to point out that gw2 is rated T last i checked, which means not everyone is an adult playing the game. they can be as low as 13 (and obviously not everyone follows the ESRB so there’s probably people under that playing too)
That being said, while i personally wouldn’t get offended by it, there are thousands of people playing the game, and i’m not every single one of them, nor do i think every single one of them should get offended at exactly the same things as me.
also, is changing your name really that bad? i would be slightly ruffled if i had to change my name, but only because i use the same 2 names through 90% of the games i play. but it’d be more of an “oh darn. well i guess that sucks. carries on with day” kind of thing, rather than the “make an upset forum post” kind of ruffled
I can’t believe you’re upset that you couldn’t keep that name. The name is beyond inappropriate and doesn’t have a place here.
Thank goodness you had to change it.
wrong forum and also needs a full thread delete.
Pedophilia is just a tongue in cheek joke now?
(edited by Paul.4081)
Careful if you have a sense of humour in this game, there are lots of SJWs about.
Careful if you have a sense of humour in this game, there are lots of SJWs about.
I’m sorry that people don’t find child abuse a “humorous” subject. Maybe you could elaborate on why you think it’s funny.
Whether you are offended or not, it is clearly against their naming policy as set forth in the Rules of Conduct.
In order to receive a limited software license to play Guild Wars 2, you electronically signed their User Agreement. The User Agreement warns that violation of the Rules of Conduct can be punishable by account termination.
Consider yourself lucky. There is a saying that says God takes care of drunks and fools.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
As a non native speaker I would not have thought of “paedophile”.
Dunno if a name change is necessary, but it might be a good solution since it may be provocative.
btw.: “paedophile” is afaik describing the sexual preference, like hetero- or homosexual. Those words are not standing for any sexual violation.
People keep forgetting: it’s not about whether the name is offensive to ‘someone’ — it’s about whether it’s disruptive to the community. I’m sure someone could make a case for taking offense from just about any name, but that wouldn’t require ANet to act.
In contrast, it’s clear that even the OP expected there to be strong reactions from people before they chose the name.
ANet needs to make sure that their gaming environment is a safe place to have fun.
My Character was named Peta File, and I could not log in this character until I changed the name. Please explain the difference of my name to paedophile? I am disappointed and had no option but to do this. GW2 has a violence, drinking, swearing tag, and the whole purpose is to run around killing things. I don’t get it, to me this is the most pathetic thing that I have encountered so far, we are supposed to be adults, and their are a lot of names out their that are tounge in cheek which I enjoy, but really, in light of what this game is all about I find this totally unacceptable.
Please, tell me how you noted the various ESRB tags but completely failed to notice the Teen rating. Not everyone in the game is an adult and as a (supposed) adult you have to modify your behavior to match this reality.
Complaining about being reprimanded for acting inappropriately is not an adult thing to do.
Again, just as you found the action on your account ‘unacceptable’, the CS Team found your character name unacceptable.
Rename, and move on…keeping in mind the UA and ToS in the future.
Good luck.
Hm i had the same reaction as someone else thinking it was peta file as in a really large file but ofc i got the connection to that other bad bad thing. Kind of clever but yeah obv some people are rightfully sensitive to that so makes sense to have your name changed.
Wat i dont get is why every name change has to have its own thread?
Hm i had the same reaction as someone else thinking it was peta file as in a really large file but ofc i got the connection to that other bad bad thing. Kind of clever but yeah obv some people are rightfully sensitive to that so makes sense to have your name changed.
Wat i dont get is why every name change has to have its own thread?
You saw the connection and that was the intent.
Always amazes me when people think they’re being clever when in fact all they’re doing is trying to be noticed by using similar sounding names.
Like others have said, it kind of shows immaturity.
(edited by Azala Yar.7693)
Hm i had the same reaction as someone else thinking it was peta file as in a really large file but ofc i got the connection to that other bad bad thing. Kind of clever but yeah obv some people are rightfully sensitive to that so makes sense to have your name changed.
Wat i dont get is why every name change has to have its own thread?
Because these threads are against forum rules, they are closed whenever a moderator gets to them (probably none on at this time of night in the US). These people can’t post on a old thread for that reason and probably wouldn’t if they could as they all seem to believe their situation is a special case that deserves its own thread.
ANet may give it to you.
@ OP — The name is inappropriate and is clearly against the rules. I’m sure you know this, you just don’t like accepting it.
@ Everyone else responding in this thread — Please be careful that you don’t break rules yourselves when posting. Just scrolling through I can say there may be infractions slapped down on a lot of you.
@ Moderators — Please close this thread.
Inappropriate name is inappropriate, plain and simple. Humorous intent doesn’t change that.
RIP City of Heroes
Pedophilia is just a tongue in cheek joke now?
It’s ‘paedophilia’.
Pedophilia sounds like it should be the liking of feet.
People should learn Latin more. It would help their spelling.
Pedophilia is just a tongue in cheek joke now?
It’s ‘paedophilia’.
Pedophilia sounds like it should be the liking of feet.
People should learn Latin more. It would help their spelling.
Both spellings are actually correct. Ped is traditionally the US spelling, and Paed is the traditional ‘UK/Latin’ spelling. Like Color/Colour or Specialization/Specialisation.
You need to learn to be a bit more tolerant of the way different countries spell things, and also learn to stay on topic! :p
Whether you find it acceptable or not is irrelevant. You signed up to the ToS which is clear on name rules. If you skipped it and didn’t read it through, you can not complain about issues that arise.
The policy exists for a reason, a reason which seems abundantly clear to almost everyone in this thread.
Reminds me on a guy i saw named Cancer, yes even his display name was Cancer.xxxx. How that even got through the filter is still a mystery to me.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
Yes it certainly is quite pathetic, but do understand that there are many people playing this game who are really sensitive to these things, some of them just act sensitive and go through the whole reporting process to feel like they can stir things up. In some cases players will just report out of jealousy (counter me with calling it “competitive naming”).
When I started playing I even had a name that was reported after half a year charr guardian – ‘The Fookin Legend’ my friend even had a sylvari for over 2 years now named ‘Morning Wood’ and yep they all got sent renames.
Again, Anet would rather not deal with the upset and offended party who all seem affected by the name to the point where the whole being of the name shocks the players’ conscience. It would seem like a good idea to go with a set of rules and satisfy the middle ground.
In conclusion, I’d rate this system a 6.5 for Anet being too maternal and morally overprotective.
9/11 was an inside job
Ron Paul for president
the n word
(edited by saniok.8702)
Pedophilia is just a tongue in cheek joke now?
It’s ‘paedophilia’.
Pedophilia sounds like it should be the liking of feet.
People should learn Latin more. It would help their spelling.
a shame though Latin wouldn´t help all that much, as the etymology is ancient greek. So much for establishing superiority with classical education…