Hi all, it has been a while since I’ve posted a serious question to the community (and even longer since I’ve stepped online in-game for more than 5 minutes), but it has been something troubling me for a while now.
First some background as to where I’m coming from…
My first MMORPG was Final Fantasy XI. A game that most people nowadays refer to as a style of tedium and ‘old clunky battle’. For me it was a game that immersed me deeply to the brink of escapism and allowed me to really enjoy playing a game online. From the constant auto-attacks building up to a Weapon Skill event (Limit Break) and the grindiness of leveling – I was always extremely enjoying myself. After almost 7 years I left the game when they decided to increase the established level cap to 85 and introduce for lack of a better term ‘more easy/casual’ gameplay.
I then had a brief spurt with WoW. I had beta tested and watched friends leave FFXI to go play it, but the cartoon style and emphasis on quest exp over partying / grinding never appealed to me. I went anyways as I’d rather be with friends from FFXI and unhappy rather than unhappy and with all my friends gone. I played Vanilla up to the release of Burning Crusade. Watching raided gear become useless to a green item from the first quest was not a pleasant experience and by the time I spent a day in Zangar Marsh I had decided that I would say good bye.
To this day I’ve had an off/on again relationship with WoW due to those same FFXI friends still playing and wanting to socialize with them more than play the game. I couldn’t believe upon each return (usually for a stay of 1-2 months) how much more simplified / easier the game had become. Especially since I had viewed the game as so easy from the beginning even in Vanilla.
I went on to beta test/go live with LOTRO, Aion, Tera, and a few others. And one thing I noticed ever since WoW’s release was the common UI appearance with the action bar at the bottom, but most notable the hot keys. Which brings us to the reason for this post.
Hot Key Gaming
For the life of me I have never understood why personally this style of gaming was viewed so much superior to the group cooperative combo system I was so enraptured with in FFXI. However, I do know that is solely my opinion in the matter. Not to mention technical limitations with MMO engines, network bandwidth, coding, etc & ad nauseum.
The main problem with the majority of these games with exception of Tera is that the player stands generally stationary unless a ‘hot lava’ or ‘roaming’ mechanic is forced on them during the fight. Other than that there is no reason to move and just spam pre-configured animations that are your skills.
So when Guild Wars 2 talked about all its innovation with its combat system and how much it was going to revolutionize, nay replace the MMO genre with a new standard – to say I was interested was a gross understatement. Just previously I had been in Tera and had been blown away by the active combat / evasion system. Playing a warrior and hopping around all over the place and seeing the stronger emphasis on ‘auto-attack’ with timed hot keys was definitely an improvement over what I personally viewed as boring hot key gaming. The problem with Tera was everything that wasn’t the combat system and there were even some hiccups in the combat system.
So when GW2 I was torn. I wanted to experience combat in a game that was more than mere hot key gaming, but the lack of the trinity (which I am strongly against in the way it was developed in GW2) had me torn. I took the chance and got the game. And when I loaded it up I created an Asuran thief and started. I lasted all of 10 minutes the first time. I was dismayed to find out that GW2 wasn’t the ‘innovation’ in MMO combat that I had hoped. It was more hot key gaming and if anything it was a definite step back from what I had seen in Tera. I quickly uninstalled the game and despaired.
At the time I was still playing FFXIV (a game that for lack of better words never was fully released). The servers were coming down soon for the start of the new improved 2.0 that had been on the forefronts of all our minds / hopes for better than a year.
So I decided I was rash with GW2 and I’d re-install it and at least give it a complete go. I went down my normal style and chose a ranger instead of the thief. I got it to 80 and crafted a full MF set for myself. While the combat system was nothing new and not very enjoyable I viewed it as a no-monthly fee RPG (not MMO as after multiple parties / events I just prefer soloing or duoing). And that was something I suppose, but I was never IN the game. Never immersed or enjoying it like I had hoped.
And after looking and comparing between all the games I’ve played over the years I still can’t put an exact focus to it. The graphic style both appeals and appalls me, but its not an ugly game. There are nitpicks all over, but every game has those.