Interest in the classes.

Interest in the classes.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Efaicia.3672


There is a distinct difference between the classes in this game and I am wondering why.

I started as an Elementalist, I got her to 80, I had SO much fun getting her to max everything seemed challenging , it never stopped being interesting.
I have made a ranger, which I thought would be interesting because of pets and the things they offered, and yes, eventually, when I gather them all and discover what they offer, maybe so. Though the weapons were purely a matter of preference. Why? ..Why is there no strategy to figure out like there was with my Elemetalist? why was it ..just…whatever I felt like using? My Necromancer? somewhat interesting, it is the same though, it doesn’t even matter what weapon I am using just, whatever I prefer, no strategy to figure out.

Why have all the other classes been made so shallow? Why was the Elementalist the only class blessed with depth?
I want to level another class, I want to make one that is interesting to level with my husband. But everything I try is just…boring in comparison.

If I could have one wish granted, it would be to have every other class have combos between weapons, with specific weapon switches offering as much as the Elementalists’ element swapping. Maybe if I had the option of swapping between 4 weapon sets with other classess? shrug …something needs to give though, the other classes are boring after leveling and succeeding as an Elementalist.

Interest in the classes.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RizziVanizzi.1532


That’s what I thought. Then i tried a Mesmer. And then a Guardian. And they were both awesome. And then i realized, it’s in the detail of the skills.

Interest in the classes.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WannabeHero.5489


Play an Engineer, you can make extensive use of the different kits to get all sorts of combos and have an extensive selection of abilities at your disposal in combat.

Interest in the classes.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


“Classes” in DnD and its copycats are called “Professions” in GW2

I like so many of them, it’s hard to decide which is favorite. I like Ele a lot, very active. I like my ranger, too, even tho it’s just about the opposite in play style.