Interview with Colin Johanson

Interview with Colin Johanson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Link.4039


One-time events that change the game… Me gusta.

Interview with Colin Johanson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: illgot.1056


One-time events that change the game… Me gusta.

I’ve heard this a lot in other games… and the devs pretty much always forced the event in one direction.

Interview with Colin Johanson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Qelris.6901


Asura’s Time Wrap Machine has got out of control and players were unable to protect the asuras while they were trying to control the situation. Orr is now a Lv1-25 area, Queensdale, Plains of Ashford, Wayfarer Foothills, Metrica Province and Caldeon Forest are now a Lv80 areas. Players will now spawn at Orr and must work their way through elder dragons(regular mobs) to save their home town from the skritts.

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

(edited by Qelris.6901)

Interview with Colin Johanson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Link.4039


One-time events that change the game… Me gusta.

I’ve heard this a lot in other games… and the devs pretty much always forced the event in one direction.

Well, it makes sense. If Anet is going to create a massive one-time event that will change the environment, having more than one possible outcome means spending time on content that might not actually end up in game.
That being said, it would be interesting for a one-time event to have say, 5 different bosses enter Tyria at different locations. Each boss would be giant meta-events, like The Shatterer. Whichever one is killed first, the environment in that area changes, and the rest of the bosses flee (a cutscene would be shown to everyone online at the time showing what has happened) . This would allow actual differences in the world between Servers. Players from “Anvil Rock” may have killed boss 2 first, while players from “Maguuma” may have killed boss 5 first. And with guesting, anyone can visit another Server and experience the changed landscape.

I think this would be a great way to actually “forge” each server into something over their own. Over time, each server’s landscape could look drastically different.

Of course, making 5 different outcomes would require a lot of work, but even 2 outcomes would suffice. If there were 2 outcomes for every one-time event, after 5 of these events, there would be 32(?) different possible landscapes for each server.

(edited by Link.4039)

Interview with Colin Johanson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onza.7165


That was a good read, exactly what i wanted to hear!
Now the waiting game…

More violence, less violets.