Invisible ground and generic models?

Invisible ground and generic models?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sylar.6827


Since culling was removed i noticed my gw has been loading things a bit differently

Now characters “load” so they have the generic weird looking skin with no face, then they slowly look normal again after a few minutes/when they’ve loaded

Another problem is the ground, i never had this problem before the patch and now when i get into a map, sometimes the ground is see through and it again, takes a few minutes to load properly to look normal again

Just wondering why this is happening or if anyone has the same experience. I know my GPU and CPU aren’t tope end but it i never had this problem before the “end of culling” patch >< maybe they’re loading things in a different way now?

My graphic settings are still exactly the same btw on “auto-detect”


Invisible ground and generic models?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Change the bottom two settings…character model limit and character model quality. They’re both set to low. That’s your problem.

Invisible ground and generic models?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sylar.6827


ahh thanks,
i just had a look at my settings again closely
seems like my “auto-detect” are setting things lower now xD now sure why

Invisible ground and generic models?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I think it has to do with how you had your WvW settings before, since this took over from them.

Invisible ground and generic models?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sylar.6827


i changed it, character and on max for both and terrain on all, still have generic models and they have to “load” before i see them properly again =((

Invisible ground and generic models?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: funkylovemonkey.3097


The generic model thing is the solution to culling. Before the models would just be invisible. Now you have a low polygon generic model as a placeholder until your computer has time to load it up.

Invisible ground and generic models?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JFetch.8932


I have the ground problem every time I log into DR. It’s weird looking straight to the ground from the top level. I’ve noticed the generic “doll” models when I load near an event. Models will stand there arms and legs spread frozen for about 20 seconds before they switch to normal.

Invisible ground and generic models?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nausiation.1469


yea this happens to me also. this patch absolutely ruined the games optimization.

Invisible ground and generic models?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: randomly.6395


I’m experiencing the same problem, specifically the ground becoming invisible. Specifically happens in Divinity’s Reach when loading in. Both bottom two settings are on low.

Divinity’s Reach is also insanely more laggy after the patch, for myself, at least. I would prefer to adjust my settings exactly as they were before the patch, as this appears to have made things worse for myself.

Invisible ground and generic models?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


Same problem with DR too. It’s the only place I get this but the ground looks like a mirror for about 10 seconds or so until it loads. It doesn’t happen in LA or any place else. Also with “character model quality” set at the highest (for some reason the only highest option I have is medium) other players colors now look flat and dull unless they have really bright colors like bright blue but even that doesn’t seem as good as it used to. It’s odd because hair still has good color. NPC still look like they did before.

I don’t know, this update seems to have been a big step back as far as the quality I get now. I’d rather just have the culling than this mess. The quality of other players images went from good to poor.

The Burninator

Invisible ground and generic models?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


The loading funkiness is a change. I posted photos in this post.

I also seen it in LA if I choose to run to the MF from the portal area, the bridge between the MF and the town “circle” didn’t get drawn for quite some time. It was like a Road Runner moment as I hung in thin air.

As for the placeholder models, well the two settings govern how many players should be visible and how many should have their actual character model. It appears to be range base as to who gets their character initially drawn vs placeholder.

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(edited by Behellagh.1468)

Invisible ground and generic models?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


I’ve seen the ground disappear in front of the TP in LA since I’ve been playing. Usually it is in peak times or a bunch of people are loading into the area.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Invisible ground and generic models?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sylar.6827


yeah div reach is quit bad too, invisible floors there
maps are getting much, much longer to load too.. which sucks (almost or about twice the time i think, maybe 20-30 seconds) for me

I don’t know, this update seems to have been a big step back as far as the quality I get now. I’d rather just have the culling than this mess. The quality of other players images went from good to poor.

I agree >< i’d rather have them culled rather than my map looking weird and seeing generic models everywhere most of the time (by the time they load, im not looking at them anymore anyway)
yeah quality seems to be “worse” now because of this
Idk if it’s cause it still needs improving or if this is the solution to no culling, but hopefully not =(
