Iron Ore Mining Node for home instance

Iron Ore Mining Node for home instance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Baron Von Graymouse.7801

Baron Von Graymouse.7801

Hey all,

I am actually surprised this hasn’t been brought up in recent times. Is there another way to get the Iron Ore Node for your home instance besides the BLTC? If I recall I do believe that the Iron Node was in a BLC for a bit when Guild Wars 2 launched. I would like to request that AN add the Node back to the BLC again and/or put it in the Gem store as a bundle with other Nodes? Much like the basic mining node package that was in the Gem store before. I would be very grateful if they did.

Iron Ore Mining Node for home instance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

The nodes that are a rare drop from Black Lion Chests change with the BLC offerings. Thus, given enough time, each node should make an appearance, I’d guess.

Good luck.

Iron Ore Mining Node for home instance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Some nodes are TP, some are gem shop. It’s good to have a mix. While I covet having all of the nodes, I don’t think it’s necessarily good for the game to make them available at a fixed price; the variety is good too. (And especially it’s nice for those who get lucky with the BL keys.)

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Iron Ore Mining Node for home instance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheOrlyFactor.8341


If I remember reading right, it’s a super rare BLC drop. I’ve been looking for it on the TP for some time as well but haven’t seen it. I know I’d buy it up if I did see it though. It’s the only home node I am missing from my home instance.

Playing GW2 for the story is like expecting plot in a porno. You’ll be left disappointed.

Iron Ore Mining Node for home instance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Baron Von Graymouse.7801

Baron Von Graymouse.7801

If I remember reading right, it’s a super rare BLC drop. I’ve been looking for it on the TP for some time as well but haven’t seen it. I know I’d buy it up if I did see it though. It’s the only home node I am missing from my home instance.

It is currently on the TP at 5999 gold. Which for me, is out of reach. It showed up a couple of times in the past couple of months.

Iron Ore Mining Node for home instance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheOrlyFactor.8341


If I remember reading right, it’s a super rare BLC drop. I’ve been looking for it on the TP for some time as well but haven’t seen it. I know I’d buy it up if I did see it though. It’s the only home node I am missing from my home instance.

It is currently on the TP at 5999 gold. Which for me, is out of reach. It showed up a couple of times in the past couple of months.


I’d have to buy a lot of gem cards for that (which I’m not going to do; Anet has a ways to go before I spend that kind of money on them again). ._.

Playing GW2 for the story is like expecting plot in a porno. You’ll be left disappointed.

Iron Ore Mining Node for home instance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ameepa.6793


Before BL chest change, all tradeable nodes had a possiiblity to drop from the chests at all times, but now after the change it’s only two nodes at a time and they change every time the loot in chests changes.

This was something like a year ago and Iron node has not been in loot rotation even once after the change so the supply has ran out. It might return when the loot next time changes, or it might be seen next time 3 years from now. It seems to be all RNG since there has been two same nodes twice in a row too.

I am waiting for this node too, it’s the only one I miss. :P

Iron Ore Mining Node for home instance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hannelore.8153


Love to play game where I spend 5k of gold for a node or some shoes. Sinks like this aren’t needed—many other things, like legendaries, ecto gambling, cosmetic auras, etc. already serve those purpose and are much better choices.

I’m just glad I got the other ore nodes before they inflated by 10,000%.

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Iron Ore Mining Node for home instance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I’d really like the node drop changes being returned to their original values. It’s not only that most are inaccessible and only 2 are in rotation at each moment. It’s that those two also apparently had their drop chances reduced (as the price of nodes that are in rotation is also many times higher than before the changes).

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Iron Ore Mining Node for home instance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion



it be nice if anet did make some type of new node pack for these or increase the rate they drop from chests .but sadly to say I believe that not ever happen .

other idea be nice if they put some more of them on the Laurel as they have done with some of the ls 1 nodes .but sure they will not do that too .

sadly to say right now the most easy way to get these nodes is off the trade post for 900 gold or so but will also point out some of them other nodes are not as costly as the iron node case in point if I remember right Orichalcum Ore node is only 600 gold or so if I remember right .

same goes for the other nodes as well with the tree nodes and the food nodes tho some you can buy but I do not recall with out looking that the food nodes like berry’s and such is not able to be bought off the trade post at all. sadly to say be nice if they did change these things for the new players coming in as well as us players of the game right now

no new system upgrades coming