Is 5 characters all we are able to have?
You can have 64 character slots on an account. Expansions are available in the gem store.
You can buy additional character slots from the gem store.
Check out the gemstore, under “Upgrades” I think.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
You probably won’t need more than 8, unless you are into Roleplaying and creating alts for other reasons.
I’m currently on 25 so far. 26 when Revanant class arrives. Think I’ll finish at 30 xD
Check my signature. That’s all I have to say
So long Treeface.
“…Kormir? I know not of whom you speak.”
Guessing earning gems is a long term investment then? Doubt i’ll get the 800 for an extra slot any time soon without buying some.
Guessing earning gems is a long term investment then? Doubt i’ll get the 800 for an extra slot any time soon without buying some.
Yeah the quickest way is just to buy them with cash, but it is possible to farm the gold and buy gems that way. It does take a bit of self-control and dedication though.
So long Treeface.
“…Kormir? I know not of whom you speak.”
Guessing earning gems is a long term investment then? Doubt i’ll get the 800 for an extra slot any time soon without buying some.
Depends on what you think is long term.
1 week?
2 weeks?
1 month?
2 months?
6 months?
1 year?
eh I wish they would up the cap to 90 so I can have one of every class (including Revenant) of every race of both genders.
Check my signature. That’s all I have to say
Phew.. was starting to feel crazy for having 25.. xD
Well done. :P
What do you mainly make them for though? Mine is for Recreating characters from other classic games/shows.
As long as you’re farming for gold for chara slot, remember: Always wait for a sale.
Working on: Engineer
It’s been a while since the last char slot sale. I’m out of slot at 10 already. Gonna need 2-3 more!!!
Check my signature. That’s all I have to say
Phew.. was starting to feel crazy for having 25.. xD
Well done. :PWhat do you mainly make them for though? Mine is for Recreating characters from other classic games/shows.
Dress-up and testing out different builds, but mainly dress-up >:3
Before I bought a bunch of bank spaces, I also used them to store my stuff in.
So long Treeface.
“…Kormir? I know not of whom you speak.”
Here’s what I’m doing with my 41 character slots:
1. 1 character of each class of each race of one gender. [Completed except Revenant]. 14 are at level 80. Others are between lvl 21-34 intentionally to farm Silver Doubloons
Fully gear all 40 characters. Full ascended armors and weapons. [11 Ascended Armors/43 Ascended Weapons made]
2. All characters 100% map completion. Working on Charr Ranger. [8 of 45 completed]
3. All characters personal story completed. [1 of 45]
4. All Dungeons unlocked for all characters.
Here’s what I’m doing with my 41 character slots:
1. 1 character of each class of each race of one gender. [Completed except Revenant]. 14 are at level 80. Others are between lvl 21-34 intentionally to farm Silver Doubloons
Fully gear all 40 characters. Full ascended armors and weapons. [11 Ascended Armors/43 Ascended Weapons made]
2. All characters 100% map completion. Working on Charr Ranger. [8 of 45 completed]
3. All characters personal story completed. [1 of 45]
4. All Dungeons unlocked for all characters.
You have 41 too? :O
Yeah I’m working my way through them all in world completion, gearing and leveling. I’m at 10 80’s. One is at 74 and one’s at 50. The rest are between 20-25 (thank goodness for those insta lvl 20 scrolls, right?). I used to have them all parked at the end of the Not So Secret jumping puzzle for the blade shards, but now I have enough to make all 3 versions of the backpiece, I’ve moved them to an ore farming location.
Peronal story is probably the very last thing on my list. When a toon hits ~60 I go through the personal story to “The Battle of Claw Island”, so I get all 3 keys from them. That being said I’ve run Arah story through with about ~4 of my characters. I’m so confident with it now I’ll take an entire group of players who have never done it before and just explain to them what needs to be done and when.
I’m saving 5 of my insta-20 scrolls for the 5 revs I’ll be making. The rest I use on key farming if I can be bothered to do so.
So long Treeface.
“…Kormir? I know not of whom you speak.”
16 slots, 15 l80’s, 8 world completions. No engineers, no asura.
Now I do not have to worry anymore, I’m completely normal… so normal it’s special….
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
You probably won’t need more than 8, unless you are into Roleplaying and creating alts for other reasons.
I like playing dress up
Also I realised I have no female heavies!? So obviously I now need 1… or 2… probably not more than 3… Going to go for a female Norn Revenant… Also thinking of doing a female Charr Revenant…
Here’s what I’m doing with my 41 character slots:
1. 1 character of each class of each race of one gender. [Completed except Revenant]. 14 are at level 80. Others are between lvl 21-34 intentionally to farm Silver Doubloons
Fully gear all 40 characters. Full ascended armors and weapons. [11 Ascended Armors/43 Ascended Weapons made]
2. All characters 100% map completion. Working on Charr Ranger. [8 of 45 completed]
3. All characters personal story completed. [1 of 45]
4. All Dungeons unlocked for all characters.You have 41 too? :O
Yeah I’m working my way through them all in world completion, gearing and leveling. I’m at 10 80’s. One is at 74 and one’s at 50. The rest are between 20-25 (thank goodness for those insta lvl 20 scrolls, right?). I used to have them all parked at the end of the Not So Secret jumping puzzle for the blade shards, but now I have enough to make all 3 versions of the backpiece, I’ve moved them to an ore farming location.
Peronal story is probably the very last thing on my list. When a toon hits ~60 I go through the personal story to “The Battle of Claw Island”, so I get all 3 keys from them. That being said I’ve run Arah story through with about ~4 of my characters. I’m so confident with it now I’ll take an entire group of players who have never done it before and just explain to them what needs to be done and when.
I’m saving 5 of my insta-20 scrolls for the 5 revs I’ll be making. The rest I use on key farming if I can be bothered to do so.
These are my other goals
All Dyes Unlocked. Completed
All Miniatures Unlocked. [LLamas, Mordrem Teragriff, Mordrem Troll, Mordrem Husk, Black Bear Cub remaining]
Full Wardrobe unlocked. 70k gold worth of skins to go. Working on the last 10 legendaries before I go on to the rest. Current progress
Guessing earning gems is a long term investment then? Doubt i’ll get the 800 for an extra slot any time soon without buying some.
Yeah the quickest way is just to buy them with cash, but it is possible to farm the gold and buy gems that way. It does take a bit of self-control and dedication though.
Taking the “where the kitten is that ascended trinket?” to the next level.
Here’s what I’m doing with my 41 character slots:
1. 1 character of each class of each race of one gender. [Completed except Revenant]. 14 are at level 80. Others are between lvl 21-34 intentionally to farm Silver Doubloons
Fully gear all 40 characters. Full ascended armors and weapons. [11 Ascended Armors/43 Ascended Weapons made]
2. All characters 100% map completion. Working on Charr Ranger. [8 of 45 completed]
3. All characters personal story completed. [1 of 45]
4. All Dungeons unlocked for all characters.You have 41 too? :O
Yeah I’m working my way through them all in world completion, gearing and leveling. I’m at 10 80’s. One is at 74 and one’s at 50. The rest are between 20-25 (thank goodness for those insta lvl 20 scrolls, right?). I used to have them all parked at the end of the Not So Secret jumping puzzle for the blade shards, but now I have enough to make all 3 versions of the backpiece, I’ve moved them to an ore farming location.
Peronal story is probably the very last thing on my list. When a toon hits ~60 I go through the personal story to “The Battle of Claw Island”, so I get all 3 keys from them. That being said I’ve run Arah story through with about ~4 of my characters. I’m so confident with it now I’ll take an entire group of players who have never done it before and just explain to them what needs to be done and when.
I’m saving 5 of my insta-20 scrolls for the 5 revs I’ll be making. The rest I use on key farming if I can be bothered to do so.
These are my other goals
All Dyes Unlocked. Completed
All Miniatures Unlocked. [LLamas, Mordrem Teragriff, Mordrem Troll, Mordrem Husk, Black Bear Cub remaining]
Full Wardrobe unlocked. 70k gold worth of skins to go. Working on the last 10 legendaries before I go on to the rest. Current progress
Holy mother of kitten
I bow to your obvious supreme gold/item farming skills! I’m in the middle of making my third legendary. But then again I don’t hardcore farm. I often stand around in LA and kitten while eating or watching a movie. I’m just working on 100% on all my 80’s atm. I find it relaxing, and I often get keys for it too
So long Treeface.
“…Kormir? I know not of whom you speak.”
Wow, some of you posters really need to have another hobby Now, I understand how some players have 7k+ hours… Don’t you… have to work, or study or do SOMETHING?
‘would of been’ —> wrong
eh I wish they would up the cap to 90 so I can have one of every class (including Revenant) of every race of both genders.
:O I think I’d get stumped thinking up 90 character names!
Wow, some of you posters really need to have another hobby
Now, I understand how some players have 7k+ hours… Don’t you… have to work, or study or do SOMETHING?
We have the hobbies we want to have. That’s why they’re called hobbies.
Not that I’m at their level yet. I am far too inefficient in the ways I spend my time in game. <.<
eh I wish they would up the cap to 90 so I can have one of every class (including Revenant) of every race of both genders.
:O I think I’d get stumped thinking up 90 character names!
Ha. I could help you with THAT part easily. You could pay me in character slots that I could also name! XD
curse my dependence on sleep for survival!
(edited by Raeysa Penrose.8450)