Is Bloodstone Dust working as intended?
Well its used for leveling your ascended crafting as its 100 per brick. If you have leveled all 400-500 lvl crafts then save some for if we need it for armor.
That’s one frustration I have with ascended crafting. I’ve dabbled a little with it, getting my artificer up to 450 so I could start refining all the Bloodstone Dust and Dragonite Ore I’ve been picking up, but at the moment, it’s not worth it to me to keep refining materials, since ascended weapons aren’t yet worth the cost (for other materials) to me. I’m about ready to start destroying whole stacks of materials simply so I won’t have to store them.
I just don’t get why the numbers are so high. They’re not tradeable, so I don’t see why the numbers (both for drops and for costs) have to be so high compared to the stack limit. (250/stack)
I’ll probably hold onto it until we learn more about ascended armor, but when I’ve got more than enough Dragonite Ore and Bloodstone Dust to equip my main and more than one alt, I’m ready to just start dumping that junk.
I crafted 85 bricks before starting to just throw it away. I’ve used ten of them so far so still plenty in reserve.
It can’t be working as intended. All it does at the moment is clog up bag space until you need it. Everyone will collect enough bloodstone to craft an ascended weapon while they are getting the dragonite and empyreal (unless they collect the other stuff in an extreme way). Dust has zero cost or effort apart from using container space.
The second problem is that it drops in high quantities and is needed in high quantities. This mean it takes even more container space than it needs to. The amount required and amount dropped could be dropped by a factor of 5. I’m guessing it was set at the same quantitiy as empyreal and dragonite just to look tidy.
I got 10k bloodstone and still going up daily, this is ridiculous, i should delete them, but then next week i know i’ll be screwed by Anet giving them new bonus. So i’m stacking up, but my bank is getting full (AGAIN even after buying the new tabs). Ridiculous.
What’s worse Bloodstone dust STEALS t6 material drop rate, wich is spiking heavely in price. Powerfull venom sac 28 silver… C’mon Anet this is stupid, this used to be very cheap t6 mat. This counts for all the t6 mats.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
What’s worse Bloodstone dust STEALS t6 material drop rate, wich is spiking heavely in price. Powerfull venom sac 28 silver… C’mon Anet this is stupid, this used to be very cheap t6 mat. This counts for all the t6 mats.
…no, it just replaced karma in the champ boxes. It doesn’t affect the other drops.
I think the issue is more champ farm trains rather then bloodstone dust. If players were limited to 1 chest per day per champ the drops would have been more normalised. But doing champ trains for hours then you get massive piles of bloodstone.
T6 materials prices are merely reflective of the massive demand for them recently due to ascended leveling up on weapon discoveries ie t6 material based inscriptions. They’ll stay high too due to investors hoarding for the demands of ascended armour and 400-500 armour race.
Meow? Working as intended, inventory space-filler wise I guess.
I think the issue is more champ farm trains rather then bloodstone dust. If players were limited to 1 chest per day per champ the drops would have been more normalised. But doing champ trains for hours then you get massive piles of bloodstone.
T6 materials prices are merely reflective of the massive demand for them recently due to ascended leveling up on weapon discoveries ie t6 material based inscriptions. They’ll stay high too due to investors hoarding for the demands of ascended armour and 400-500 armour race.
No champ farming required. This is what I have with just killing some of the champs that I run across(those I know I can solo with whichever character I happen to be on) and doing dungeons a couple of times a week it still and whatever bonus chest event that includes a legendary/champion.
There is just a huge disparity between the drop rate for the dust, ore and fragments. For example the Ulgoth event chain, even if you are doing just the last part so that you miss out on a few champions you can still easily end up with 40 Piles of Bloodstone Dust and …. 3 Dragonite Ore. Do a dungeon run? 30 Piles of Bloodstone Dust and 20 Empyreal Fragments. There are just a lot more sources of Bloodstone Dust than any of the other things and trying to get the other materials is very likely to get you more Bloodstone Dust at the same time.
As for the t6, IIRC they replaced the liquid karma so that seems irrelevant as far as Pile of Bloodstone Dust is concerned.
rather have lots now than needing lots later but not enough. Kinda like karma, where i am glad i stockpiled a lot back when it was so easy to get in abundance.
rather have lots now than needing lots later but not enough. Kinda like karma, where i am glad i stockpiled a lot back when it was so easy to get in abundance.
But we have absolutely no idea if anything will require this excessive amount they’re giving us. :o You only need 5 bricks for an ascended weapon.
I was wondering the same thing as the OP, why the heck would ArenaNet make this one mat so needlessly common while making the other mats so much less readily collected?
There is just a huge disparity between the drop rate for the dust, ore and fragments. For example the Ulgoth event chain, even if you are doing just the last part so that you miss out on a few champions you can still easily end up with 40 Piles of Bloodstone Dust and …. 3 Dragonite Ore. Do a dungeon run? 30 Piles of Bloodstone Dust and 20 Empyreal Fragments. There are just a lot more sources of Bloodstone Dust than any of the other things and trying to get the other materials is very likely to get you more Bloodstone Dust at the same time.
Exactly, one has to wonder what the developers doing crafting were thinking. Why make one single mat orders of magnitude more common? If it’s meant to be a cheap, throw away material, then why bother with it at all? A little more effort toward balance in the crafting system would be appreciated by the players I think but then looking at the cost variation in the different tiers of fine crafting mats it’s pretty clear ArenaNet doesn’t have that down yet.
(edited by DoctorOverlord.8620)
inb4 we need a stack of bricks for ascended armor
hope not….
I was wondering the same thing as the OP, why the heck would ArenaNet make this one mat so needlessly common while making the other mats so much less readily collected?
There is just a huge disparity between the drop rate for the dust, ore and fragments. For example the Ulgoth event chain, even if you are doing just the last part so that you miss out on a few champions you can still easily end up with 40 Piles of Bloodstone Dust and …. 3 Dragonite Ore. Do a dungeon run? 30 Piles of Bloodstone Dust and 20 Empyreal Fragments. There are just a lot more sources of Bloodstone Dust than any of the other things and trying to get the other materials is very likely to get you more Bloodstone Dust at the same time.
Exactly, one has to wonder what the developers doing crafting were thinking. Why make one single mat orders of magnitude more common? A little effort toward balance would be appreciated by the players I think.
necro much… and not even a good necro… the dust was heavily nerfed and new recipes were added that use a ton of dust…
necro much… and not even a good necro… the dust was heavily nerfed and new recipes were added that use a ton of dust…
Not trying to troll or necro, I was looking up to see if there was any point to this junk and this thread was the first thing Google brought up. You seem to indicate there are more uses now (without actually providing any helpful info, but thanks nonetheless).
Edit – checking the wiki, those three new recipes are fine if people happen to have one of those three crafting professions but I will admit it is better than nothing particularly for a material that cannot be sold and is Account bound. And it still feels like I’m collecting the stuff at a silly rate, the drop rate probably needs further adjustment.
It still seems odd how this one material could become so absurdly available even after the system went through testing. /Shrug
(edited by DoctorOverlord.8620)
ohai old thread. o.O
Considering they nerfed it without any further information I guess they just implemented it incorrectly. Still no idea if they’ll be used for anything else in the future. Just leaving my entire bank box worth on my least played alt for now.
ohai old thread. o.O
Considering they nerfed it without any further information I guess they just implemented it incorrectly. Still no idea if they’ll be used for anything else in the future. Just leaving my entire bank box worth on my least played alt for now.
Well they did add new recipes to use the dust. They are used by some of the recipes sold by Marjory. Their availability(the recipe sheets) might be going away next patch.
The bloodstone is definately excessive in amount while the Dragonite is very rare for me (I dont really get to do world bosses).
I would have loved it if the sources were not fixed and you could get one of the 3 Ascended mats randomly. Atleast that would even out the mats and I wouldnt end up having 20 Bricks of Bloodstone and not one Dragonite Ingot
Random is not good nor does it guaranteed that won’t happen. Just ask the people who had to use 300+ ectos/shards/etc for their 77 clovers. The current system allows people to choose what to do based on what items they are missing.
Some sort of conversion recipe similar to Nougat Centers, Chattering Skulls and Plastic Teeth would be a more sensible solution.
Yeah a conversion recipe would be great. I’m sitting on almost 100 bricks but I don’t do any activities regularly that drop empyreal shards…
The scary part is that someone thought this all to be a good thing. That is, expanding your crafting solely to manage mats or craft weapons for yourself. That’s really not what crafting is about, at least what I’ve experienced it to be in every other MMO I’ve played.
All this is around managing vertical progression more than it is around crafting. I’ve always seen crafting as a way to make coin in other games. Here it’s a way to level and a way to grind out gear. I wish they would focus crafting on crafting.
Since this is regarding the original topic, this was nice to read in the latest update:
All of the ascended back-item pieces that required 1 vial of Condensed Mists Essence can now be forged with Bloodstone Dust instead.
Now that seems like a good use for the Bloodstone Dust. The earlier recipes needed Pristine Spores and we have no idea how rare those will be once the Tower goes down. Nice to see I’ll finally have a more reliable reason to use Bloodstone Dust.
(edited by DoctorOverlord.8620)