Is Botting bad everywhere?

Is Botting bad everywhere?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lachash.2781


This guy has been at it for nearly 2 days now on Nothern Shiverpeaks. Hes multiboxing 5 Elementalist in event areas . He has been reported numerous times., not just by me. How is he still going after 2 days of botting? And hes not the only botter I have run into, but hes the only one doing it 5 times any of the others.

Is Botting bad everywhere?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kietay.2345


I dunno, why havent you found the other 15000 people doing this? Oh yeah because there are another 15000 doing this and you might notice one, and they might notice 10000 different ones.

Is Botting bad everywhere?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


One would think there should be a good reason for him not being banned yet.
Lets hope it’s not because no mod has taken their time to look at the reports yet.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Is Botting bad everywhere?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrNobody.4357


Oh this is bad, but as the game become popular and we’ve seen gold seller spam rising i’m afraid we’d see this raising too and more often.

I’m not sure what it is in GW2, but generally multi-boXing is tolerated, excusing the player by the fact that he is a such good customer to the company that he is paying x5… sad.


Is Botting bad everywhere?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hi everyone.

Lachash, thanks for reporting this issue here. I will forward it.

For the rest, every time you notice something like this going on, please, do not hesitate to report it and keep on doing the same with exploits and the like. This is the best way you can help us.

I will proceed now to lock this thread.