Is GW2 meant to appeal to only casuals?

Is GW2 meant to appeal to only casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Harcored gamers are the ones who get the good stuff while the casuals pay the bills

Fixed that for you. In the old, old times of MUD games, they were really for hardcores. Nowadays, however, no AAA class big budget game can survive without casuals – because that’s where the big numbers come from. Casuals however are far less likely to frequent game sites, forum, or generally speak up, and thus they are often ignored in planning.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Is GW2 meant to appeal to only casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Here is the thing; something often overlooked by pretty much everyone. So pay attention, you may learn something.

Guild Wars 2 was NEVER targeted at the so called “hardcore” MMO community.

Sorry but that is the cold, hard truth. Just look at the -lack of- marketing in the game’s early days of development. A trend that continued until almost release. Look at how everything they hyped up was counter to what the hardcore community wanted. No raids. No trinity. Most rewards being on a token system rather than drops. Heck, more than half of Guild Wars 2’s design document are the type of things that most hardcore players call “carebear.”

It wasn’t until certain (cough Total Biscuit cough) members of the youtube gaming media got to play the game at Gamescom that the so called “hype-train” went into over drive, and it was hype that was almost exclusively consumer created. Just like the concept of Guild Wars 2 being some revolutionary, genre redefining, “next great MMO” was entirely created by those same youtubers. Before that the official stance for Guild Wars 2 was “we’re not even trying to compete with WoW” and pretty much everyone who had been following the game to that point just expected the hardcore crowd to instantly hate the game. We were prepared for the bashing, the rage, and to even at some point be declared “not a real MMO” just like with the original game.

Then the hype started and all the hardcore players who knew nothing about the game and even less about the direction it was trying to take (including Biscuit and his shambling hoard of zombie-like followers) pounced on the game and all pre-ordered based on their own misinterpretation of what the game was and what it was trying to be. And now here we are; a bounce of players who by rights shouldn’t even be here complaining that the game isn’t doing enough to cater to them. Frankly I’m getting tired of this same song and dance, and even more tired of Arena Net betraying their own philosophies and promises to cater to your lot. So if you don’t like the game or the direction it is going then just leave. We’ll all be a lot happier, and it would have been better for us both had you never picked up the game in the first place.

Is GW2 meant to appeal to only casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Everyone seems to think they know what is a hardcore gamer and a casual gamer. But everyone have very different ideas of what is hardcore and casual.

There are more than two types of gamers!

Is GW2 meant to appeal to only casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


Here is the thing; something often overlooked by pretty much everyone. So pay attention, you may learn something.

Guild Wars 2 was NEVER targeted at the so called “hardcore” MMO community.

Sorry but that is the cold, hard truth. Just look at the -lack of- marketing in the game’s early days of development. A trend that continued until almost release. Look at how everything they hyped up was counter to what the hardcore community wanted. No raids. No trinity. Most rewards being on a token system rather than drops. Heck, more than half of Guild Wars 2’s design document are the type of things that most hardcore players call “carebear.”

It wasn’t until certain (cough Total Biscuit cough) members of the youtube gaming media got to play the game at Gamescom that the so called “hype-train” went into over drive, and it was hype that was almost exclusively consumer created. Just like the concept of Guild Wars 2 being some revolutionary, genre redefining, “next great MMO” was entirely created by those same youtubers. Before that the official stance for Guild Wars 2 was “we’re not even trying to compete with WoW” and pretty much everyone who had been following the game to that point just expected the hardcore crowd to instantly hate the game. We were prepared for the bashing, the rage, and to even at some point be declared “not a real MMO” just like with the original game.

Then the hype started and all the hardcore players who knew nothing about the game and even less about the direction it was trying to take (including Biscuit and his shambling hoard of zombie-like followers) pounced on the game and all pre-ordered based on their own misinterpretation of what the game was and what it was trying to be. And now here we are; a bounce of players who by rights shouldn’t even be here complaining that the game isn’t doing enough to cater to them. Frankly I’m getting tired of this same song and dance, and even more tired of Arena Net betraying their own philosophies and promises to cater to your lot. So if you don’t like the game or the direction it is going then just leave. We’ll all be a lot happier, and it would have been better for us both had you never picked up the game in the first place.

I think you’re missing the part where Anet tried reaaaaaaaaaaally hard to sell the game on the PvP scene…

Who know, “E-Sport” thingy ?

Yeah…didn’t deliver quite well.

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Is GW2 meant to appeal to only casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Here is the thing; something often overlooked by pretty much everyone. So pay attention, you may learn something.

Guild Wars 2 was NEVER targeted at the so called “hardcore” MMO community.

Sorry but that is the cold, hard truth. Just look at the -lack of- marketing in the game’s early days of development. A trend that continued until almost release. Look at how everything they hyped up was counter to what the hardcore community wanted. No raids. No trinity. Most rewards being on a token system rather than drops. Heck, more than half of Guild Wars 2’s design document are the type of things that most hardcore players call “carebear.”

It wasn’t until certain (cough Total Biscuit cough) members of the youtube gaming media got to play the game at Gamescom that the so called “hype-train” went into over drive, and it was hype that was almost exclusively consumer created. Just like the concept of Guild Wars 2 being some revolutionary, genre redefining, “next great MMO” was entirely created by those same youtubers. Before that the official stance for Guild Wars 2 was “we’re not even trying to compete with WoW” and pretty much everyone who had been following the game to that point just expected the hardcore crowd to instantly hate the game. We were prepared for the bashing, the rage, and to even at some point be declared “not a real MMO” just like with the original game.

Then the hype started and all the hardcore players who knew nothing about the game and even less about the direction it was trying to take (including Biscuit and his shambling hoard of zombie-like followers) pounced on the game and all pre-ordered based on their own misinterpretation of what the game was and what it was trying to be. And now here we are; a bounce of players who by rights shouldn’t even be here complaining that the game isn’t doing enough to cater to them. Frankly I’m getting tired of this same song and dance, and even more tired of Arena Net betraying their own philosophies and promises to cater to your lot. So if you don’t like the game or the direction it is going then just leave. We’ll all be a lot happier, and it would have been better for us both had you never picked up the game in the first place.

I think you’re missing the part where Anet tried reaaaaaaaaaaally hard to sell the game on the PvP scene…

Who know, “E-Sport” thingy ?

Yeah…didn’t deliver quite well.

I’ll agree to that point, so long as you admit that the e-sport crowd is not the same as the “hardcore” PvE crowd. Last I heard Starcraft and LoL didn’t have raids and endless character progression.