Is Guild Wars 2 Good Enough to Pick Up?

Is Guild Wars 2 Good Enough to Pick Up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grendelie.8692


Hi. Former World of Warcraft addict who is fed up with the game and who has lost all of his friends, thus giving me no more reason to play that horrible game. I was wondering… what is the state of Guild Wars 2 right now? I bought the game during the summer and played in the beta for a few hours, but never went far beyond that because I didn’t want to get ahead of my friends. Well, the friends caved and went back to WoW, so I followed. Now I’ve been ditched from the group and am on my own again, so I’m looking in to various games for a good experience.

TL;DR: How is Guild Wars 2 doing? Is it fun? Are people nice and sociable? Is it active? Does it look like its going to press on in to the future? Give me the scoop!

Is Guild Wars 2 Good Enough to Pick Up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

I think it’s fun, my server is really sociable and active, and since there have been 1 large content update (and one more on the way in a few days, and another one in december coming), I don’t see the game dying anytime soon.

But fact is: it’s a lot different from WoW. I don’t know what you liked in WoW and what you think it’s fun or not, but it might get you some getting used to. Mainly the lack of a “gear treadmill” or “vertical progression” is something most people who are not used to the GW concept struggle with.

In the end though, it’s best to find out on your own. You have a forum account, so you own the game. Go ahead and play it and see if you like it. And remember: no sub fee, so no pressure

Is Guild Wars 2 Good Enough to Pick Up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824


I have been playing since the jumpstart, and have yet to complete even a fraction of the content available. There are so many different aspects of the game you can get into, it has a lot to keep you busy.

The immediate future looks good, with a new update coming november 15, adding a special event, a new dungeon, map and a beta PVP map to the world. Then Christmas will certainly add more content, and January is rumored to have an update planned as well.

I have never run out of people to group up with or party with or WvW, and when special events are held, the game is absolutely busting with people. It definately will press on for the long haul.

Is Guild Wars 2 Good Enough to Pick Up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ehnpi.7035


You stated you bought the game already. Try logging in? Its free to play… kitten

Is Guild Wars 2 Good Enough to Pick Up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grendelie.8692


In terms of what I liked, I enjoyed the lore of World of Warcraft until it ventured off in to the… well… popular culture reference crap that it is now. Some culture references are okay, but when you dedicate multiple quest lines in each zone to that crap… just no.

I switched to PvP when I got tired of that, but quickly grew frustrated at World of Healcraft. Seriously, me and two other players fought two paladins and a mistweaver monk (three healing classes for the non-WoW savvy) for 6 minutes straight in a battleground. They retreated when we killed the monk, but I left immediately after from being so exasperated as to how they could let imbalances like that happen.

After PvP I switched to playing the auction house. I enjoyed the simple things, like fishing and crafting, and making money was always a plus. If I like the story, I’ll be a PvE-type for sure, while doing crafting and such on the side. Think Guild Wars can lure me in and hold me on that front?]

Edit: I wanted to get some opinions before I start the long update, lol. I want to know its worth my time before I jump in, rather than jumping in, playing halfway through it, and then realizing I’ve wasted time I could’ve spent playing another game elsewhere. I just want to see what I’m in for before I commit.

Is Guild Wars 2 Good Enough to Pick Up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kiranslee.4829


I would suggest you to go read forums. Different parts of it. After that , make ur own opinion. TBH i think ull find more fun reading forums then in actual game. And dont compare it to WoW. Wow was once a good game. GW2 is , well, GW2.

Is Guild Wars 2 Good Enough to Pick Up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cloudwalkernz.1328


If you are expecting another WoW then you will be disappointed. I quoted IGN review " GW2 is a good game but it is not for everyone". Try it and see if you like it since you already brought the game. There is no monthly sub.

Is Guild Wars 2 Good Enough to Pick Up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

In my opinion, exploring is the most fun part of PvE in GW2. If you like to get yourself distracted getting from point A to point B, you will definately like the game. Crafting is more fun in GW2, but there is no fishing. There are other minigames though like keg brawling, with more they’re going to add along the way.

PvP is more balanced than WoWs, even though it’s not a perfect balance (yet? – but hey, the game’s only 3 months old). No gear progression means that gear isn’t as large a factor to win as in WoW, and everyone is raised to level 80. It still makes a difference, but it’s entirely possible for a talented level 1 to beat the crap out of a level 80.

The lore in GW2 is rich, but you have to look for it. You won’t get it by simply wandering the world mindlessy doing quests, ignoring the NPCs. The most lore you’ll find when you go out of your way to talk to NPCs, read tombstones and books and stop to listen to NPC conversations.

Is Guild Wars 2 Good Enough to Pick Up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FluffyDoe.7539


It’s not an MOBA or RTS – IT’S AN MMORPG. Don’t let the actiony graphics fool you —- PVE combat is still consist of the traditional “HP Watching” mechanics. I would suggest you try it before buying it (I let all my friends try GW2; some of them liked it but not all).

Is Guild Wars 2 Good Enough to Pick Up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NetherDiver.6079


Read the forums, but make sure you play it yourself, this is a different breed of MMO.

If you’re into story, you’ll enjoy the main story missions. There are cutscenes and VO, and multiple story paths to choose from. It’s not SWTOR, but it isn’t completely linear. In addition to that the story is laid out in the form of optional NPC dialogue and dynamic event chains.

You mentioned you’ll do some crafting on the side, do a lot of it as gathering and crafting nets you experience as well.

Be warned, there is very little gear progession post-80. That’s not to say there’s nothing to do, there’s plenty to do. 100% completion, dynamic events, 33 dungeon paths, sPvP and WvW. They also give out their own rewards, but don’t expect a gear treadmill.

Personally, I have a full set of exotics (highest tier equipment), have 480 hours in my main, but have still plenty of reason to log in. I’m 50% world completion so I’m working on capping it. When I get bored I’ll run some dungeons for a few hours to finish out my armor set collection. When I get bored of that I’ll check out if there are any world bosses up. Once I take care of those and if I haven’t done so allready I’ll work on my daily, then do some jumping puzzles and mini dungeons with a few guildies to end my day.

Is Guild Wars 2 Good Enough to Pick Up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Graill.8596


@OP, Kiranslee stated it best in their last sentence. Make your own opinion after trying the game out. In my opinion there are ALOT of areas that need work and the devs are not communicating regularly, only when they feel they need to silence people because the rabble are making to much noise.

Anet is like a person sitting in a lawnchair with a garden hose wearing dark sunglasses holding a drink in one hand that randomly splashes water around to put out the really hot spots on the lawn. You will find this out for yourself soon enough. They do smile alot though, if you ever watch their dev vids…they do smile alot.

There is no worse feeling than that during an argument, you realize you are wrong.

Is Guild Wars 2 Good Enough to Pick Up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NetherDiver.6079


@OP, Kiranslee stated it best in their last sentence. Make your own opinion after trying the game out. In my opinion there are ALOT of areas that need work and the devs are not communicating regularly, only when they feel they need to silence people because the rabble are making to much noise.

Anet is like a person sitting in a lawnchair with a garden hose wearing dark sunglasses holding a drink in one hand that randomly splashes water around to put out the really hot spots on the lawn. You will find this out for yourself soon enough. They do smile alot though, if you ever watch their dev vids…they do smile alot.

Did you watch the new dev interview? He addressed a few concerns. Not everything, and they are communicating, but with the new content update a few days from now they have their hands full.

Is Guild Wars 2 Good Enough to Pick Up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FluffyDoe.7539


@OP, Kiranslee stated it best in their last sentence. Make your own opinion after trying the game out. In my opinion there are ALOT of areas that need work and the devs are not communicating regularly, only when they feel they need to silence people because the rabble are making to much noise.

Anet is like a person sitting in a lawnchair with a garden hose wearing dark sunglasses holding a drink in one hand that randomly splashes water around to put out the really hot spots on the lawn. You will find this out for yourself soon enough. They do smile alot though, if you ever watch their dev vids…they do smile alot.

Did you watch the new dev interview? He addressed a few concerns. Not everything, and they are communicating, but with the new content update a few days from now they have their hands full.

I’m watching for the Nov 15-16 Update. Ain’t buying to any junk they say on the interview until I see results…. they’ve had many QAs and each one seems very nice but didn’t really get anywhere. And at this point of playing the game (since getting into the Beta in April), I’d like to start heading somewhere. So far though – I haven’t really seen the first step; just some occasional shuffling of the feet (The Halloween events was nice… but that was more like jumping than actually moving forward).

Is Guild Wars 2 Good Enough to Pick Up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NetherDiver.6079


@OP, Kiranslee stated it best in their last sentence. Make your own opinion after trying the game out. In my opinion there are ALOT of areas that need work and the devs are not communicating regularly, only when they feel they need to silence people because the rabble are making to much noise.

Anet is like a person sitting in a lawnchair with a garden hose wearing dark sunglasses holding a drink in one hand that randomly splashes water around to put out the really hot spots on the lawn. You will find this out for yourself soon enough. They do smile alot though, if you ever watch their dev vids…they do smile alot.

Did you watch the new dev interview? He addressed a few concerns. Not everything, and they are communicating, but with the new content update a few days from now they have their hands full.

I’m watching for the Nov 15-16 Update. Ain’t buying to any junk they say on the interview until I see results…. they’ve had many QAs and each one seems very nice but didn’t really get anywhere. And at this point of playing the game (since getting into the Beta in April), I’d like to start heading somewhere. So far though – I haven’t really seen the first step; just some occasional shuffling of the feet (The Halloween events was nice… but that was more like jumping than actually moving forward).

They’re adding a new zone and a dungeon. Seems like a step forward to me.

Is Guild Wars 2 Good Enough to Pick Up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


At Op. By all means pick it up it is a very fun expeirience.
just keep in mind that you should start fresh if it is possible for you, with no ideas of how it should compare to other games. Throw yourself into the world and enjoy. Do not rush, you will miss the coolest things.
Also for your own sanity take what you read on the forums with a bag of salt and make up your own mind
Welcome to the game and enjoy your time in Tyria.
PS If you are looking for a EU server go Gunnar’s Hold.
The community is great, the maps are busy and people are generally fun and helpful. You will have no trouble finding people to do stuff with.

Gunnar’s Hold

Is Guild Wars 2 Good Enough to Pick Up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frotee.2634


Personally, I would actually advise to play before you start reading the forums – we have a very vocal, very….“whiny” minority here.
Yes, there are bugs. Lots of them, if you care to look. But there are quite a lot that you wouldn’t notice if you hadn’t read up on it before >_>
There is a lot more to enjoy than to argue about though, if you like the way GW2 is handling things in general.

Polka will never die

Is Guild Wars 2 Good Enough to Pick Up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adine.2184


Well firstly the trinity is gone and "raids " have been replaced by meta events so lets get that out of the way right away.

As far as is it fun i think so. It will take you some time to adapt to the lack of trinity DEs and Hearts instead of Quests etc but its definitely worth it .

as far as the social element . probably the most helpful MMO community ive seen . Oh and yes its active

Since you are Lore person try picking up the 3 Guild Wars books they will fill you in on some of the details that you may not otherwise get lore wise going in .

Is Guild Wars 2 Good Enough to Pick Up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HawkMeister.4758


If you´re lucky and have no bugs, play the kitten out of it. If you have the performance bug, forget it.

But don´t make the typical WOW kitten error of racing through the content just so you can be max level. The content here is actually best before endgame, IMHO.

The automatic down leveling somewhat ensures you can come back and explore lower level areas.
But it´s actually too expensive to do so at high character level as the travel costs are too high.
Getting killed is also costly, as you must wear your expensive to repair high level gear or your stats are too kittened.

Polish > hype

Is Guild Wars 2 Good Enough to Pick Up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alloy.2839


OP, the answer to your question about liking GW2 depends as much on you as it does on the game. Some people like, and others dislike, every game ever made. You should try it since you already own it. You can do the initial large download overnight.

Is Guild Wars 2 Good Enough to Pick Up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lutinz.6915


@OP, Kiranslee stated it best in their last sentence. Make your own opinion after trying the game out. In my opinion there are ALOT of areas that need work and the devs are not communicating regularly, only when they feel they need to silence people because the rabble are making to much noise.

Anet is like a person sitting in a lawnchair with a garden hose wearing dark sunglasses holding a drink in one hand that randomly splashes water around to put out the really hot spots on the lawn. You will find this out for yourself soon enough. They do smile alot though, if you ever watch their dev vids…they do smile alot.

So…. A game that is what? 2 months old? that has released on content patch already and is about to release another is a person sitting in a lawnchair? Pray tell what your comparing it too? People siting in lawnchairs must be very productive from where you come from.

The game is in a pretty good state. Its two biggest issues when it launched was endgame activities and bugs. Both are still in need of work but are improving on both fronts. The community has been for the most part great. Ive had alot of fun running with people.

The game isnt for everyone but no game is. Give it a try. For the game it is GW2 is quite solid and Arenanet are certianly working hard at it, which considering they arent charging us a sub fee is pretty kitten good.

Is Guild Wars 2 Good Enough to Pick Up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


You stated you bought the game already. Try logging in? Its free to play kitten

Haha,that’s what i was thinking aswell,what are you waiting for ? Just log in and go see for yourself.