Now, GW2 is said to be an innovative MMO, but I sat down and thought about it for a while, and I want to share some thoughts with you (and feel free to do the same, if you have a different perspective with me to share).
GW2 offers a stylized Open World and prides itself with not being like any other MMO, and if we look at the game design, then yes, they do bring in some new ideas that are very cool.
- I look at it more as in terms of concept sometimes in which we have:
- Open World (and it has been improved with these Jumping Puzzles, which I look upon as a reward in itself, as the adventurous player ventures out and discovers a place he did not expect. Kudos to ANet for those. I enjoy stumbling upon them to be one of the most satisfying PvE experiences I’ve had in MMO’s)
- Combat (ANet found that they wanted it to be more Dynamic, which they’ve made. I’d still like more skills to play with, since I find having a favorite weapon becoming stale over time. Room for improvement, but generally the dynamic combat makes for a fresh and awesome change to how MMO’s would design combat)
- Quests (they are quests, but the game design is different, and calling them something else doesn’t really make it any different concept-wise)
- Public Events (Dynamic Events is what GW2 is calling it, but a general term has become Public Events)
- PvP (in this case a Massive PvP was introduced with WvW, but it is still players against each other)
- Dungeons (which for some reason is restraining itself to only five man dungeons. Raids would do better anytime over these zergfest Living Story events, provided they’d be designed for players to organize and structure themselves)
All the concepts are pretty basic stuff, and GW2 has taken out some parts that MMO’s would have because they were about playing together (such as Raids). In terms of concepts, GW2 doesn’t invent something new, really.
- Concepts can be referred to as ideas, what the Devs want their players to be able to do. The Game Design, as the name suggests, is how these ideas gets designed and implemented into the game.
Now, many other MMO’s that are on the way, others already out, have made use of many of these concepts, and GW2 looks to be falling a bit behind. I don’t mean to say that GW2 is a bad game or that it will die, nothing of the sort. Rather, I’d like for you, the players (that includes me as well) to look at GW2 and say: Which idea (concept) would be tremendously awesome to see implemented? What could really kick this game into its second year?
- I’d like for many of you to snap out of the fanboy’ism and look at the game with constuctive criticism. Look at it and think to yourselves “This game is great. How can it become even greater?”
- As for me, just to get things started, I’m no fan of Aetherblades with their huge ships coming out of nowhere (never met them on my journeys through Tyria, but suddenly, there they were), however, I try to look positively on the situation.
- I’d love to see them take the idea and put it to use.
Give players (or guilds) the opportunity to get a hold of such a magnificent piece of equipment. They are there, what possible reason can you think of why your character or guild wouldn’t acquire an airship?
- Don’t be afraid to think big, ANet! I would’ve loved to be given the opportunity to ride along one in Orr and fight off dragons in the skies (I’ve wanted that before Aetherblades) or drive a tank while some of my friends occupied the cannons and we’d fight our way through Orr.
- I don’t see any radical thinking on the suggestion page really, so I’d like to spread the word to all of you (the devs included): Think innovatively!
(edited by Sinifair.1026)