Is Gw only about PvE ?
If by PvE you mean zerg farming and doing easy living story that gives tons of ap, then yes, but if you mean dungeons/fractals then definitely no.
Is currently emotionally unstable because Breaking Bad is over
I have no problem with dungeon and fractals. It’s normal PvE, and still pretty fun
My problem is that I have the feeling that A-net focus too much on LS/world boss/temporary content and spend all its “engineering ressources” on it.
Moreover, the drop rate during these temporary event is just ridiculous… I have a friends that play only WvW and salvages all the craps he gets from loot bags.
He went once on LS and get 7 exotics in 1 hours.
PvE should be a third of GW, with PvP and WvW…. Currently it’s more like 70 % for PvE, 20% WvW and 10% PvP
PVE is definitely the majority. WvW is probably the 2nd biggest. Spvp seems so forgotten :’(
PVE gets a whole lot of maps and such, yes. But SPVP is where the ANet eyes and ears are when it comes to balancing. End result is a PVE that is all about damage output, and getting more and more tilted in that direction each balance pass. Meaning PVE gets a lot of fluff, but very little substance.
In sPvP you can get free $10,000. :o
If you really like wvw, you will do wvw for the fun, not the reward.
Because you really don’t want a bunch of pve player who don’t like wvw goofing around in battle ground for the reward, while serious wvw player are trying to play their game.
Am I just another whiner, or is it really happening ?
You’re not whining and this is really happening.
They wanted to call GW2 PvP an E-Sport if I’m not mistaken which is FAR from being such a thing. How do I put it…good morning sunshine? You’re kinda late at realizing this :-)
Unfortunately GW2 PvP is horrible and it’s all about zerging whether it’s WvW or PvP. I find the game tailored for PvE with little focus towards PvP.
The real PvP was in GW1.
GW2 is PvE centric, yes. This has been clear since the beginning.
If by PvE you mean zerg farming and doing easy living story that gives tons of ap, then yes, but if you mean dungeons/fractals then definitely no.
This is by player choice, not by design.
I’m noticing its kinda like this. Balance of skills and classes is PVP based, however overall content is dictated by PVE. WvW.. Kinda gets attention? IMO the best thing for WvW this year was the trait reset. But that isn’t much, to be fair, compared to what every other area got.