Is Magic Find Still Worth It?
Magic find never was worth it in my opinion.
Anything else besides opinions here? I’m wondering if anyone has had good experiences with full magic find.
I’m in full magic fing gear on my engi and I do notice a difference in drops. I hit DR thwn go do something else.
opinions are based on personal experience, almost everyone I know including myself has seen that, after removing MF they were getting better results, so take it or leave it but most people on the forum will at least say its not worth it. MF only increases the possible rarity of things though not the amount that drops.
I put on some MF and did a few Orr events. Got a rare or two. Who do you believe? Me? The guy above me? Arenanet? Why would they lie to millions of people? So people buy gems to convert to gold to buy MF gear? Why would I spend real money for MF gear, is that even practical?
Point is, it’s RNG. You can’t trust anecdotal evidence.
opinions are based on personal experience, almost everyone I know including myself has seen that, after removing MF they were getting better results, so take it or leave it but most people on the forum will at least say its not worth it. MF only increases the possible rarity of things though not the amount that drops.
Nah (no offense intended) MF gear helps, even a lot-thing is that it generally weakens many of your builds by taking too many good stats that could otherwise help you kill things faster or survive better against the multiple mobs you are trying to farm (making MF gear ideal in group farming situations vs solo). Indeed, you can farm with zero MF, no problem as well, but the rarity of the drops is indeed increased with MF%, and depending on the player, worth the sacrifice of other useful stats.
As for myself, my Guardian has 3 exotic armor sets, one of which is full explorer’s (with accompanying Wayfarer’s Trinkets/Exquisite Opal Jewels) and the drops are almost always better with the full gear on-I even once got 5 rares in less than twenty minutes (though I admit, never happened again), and remember quite well I got an Exotic from a random mob within an hour of having crafted that particular armor set. I do HATE using the gear, as if I am not running in a low level map, I do feel quite weak and vulnerable vs my infinitely better stat-wise gear. That said, if I know that I will be farming hardcore, I have no problem using it, though I would never use it on very difficult content, for my own’ sanity/peace of mind’s sake.
I have decided not to get MF gear for my Warrior except her Syzygy and Ancient Karka Shell Accessory (but even that has an Exquisite Ruby, not an Opal.) MF will be weak, but her normal stats-and thus, builds-will remain largely untouched, which I very much prefer and enjoy.
(edited by Star Ace.5207)
I have 3% x6 armor + 60% (5 combo pirate + 1 traveler) runes + 3% weapon + 15% sigil of luck + 3% x6 accessories + 4% x6 exquisite opals + 30% from food = 192% of magic find (with 202% sometimes with guild banner – I never used the magic find 50%).
I get about 4 rares, about the same rate of greens and blues and very, very low whites per hour in Orr. I never droped an exotic. I never tryied go there without magic find, so I can’t compare. (I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong)
The problem is the luck. Sometimes you can get a lot of yellows, sometimes don’t. I prefer go with magic find than good stats, becouse low chance is better than none for me.
I am considering to get full exotic Explorer MF with my guardian becouse the Rare Explorer set (Power, Precision, MF) is too ugly (REALLY UGLY) and i’m using the Traveler set instead (Power, Condition Damage, MF) =/. Condition Damage + Guardian = Useless!
It could be a knife of two edges, can worth (get better items) but have awful stats.
@edit Sorry for my english!
(edited by Mikau.6920)
Magic Find does make a difference, I made a crappy green set of pure magic find with pirate runes for dirt cheap, I find random yellows quite frequently and sometimes even exotics, while I have some guildmates who don’t have a MF set complain that they never find a yellow. Spend 50 silver for a set of greens and the runes, farm with that.
-Willy Wonka(Gene Wilder)
Heck just running omnomberry bars it seems to me like I get more random rares from regular mobs.