Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: An Oak Knob.1275

An Oak Knob.1275

After Anets supposebly small start on fixing the culling in this patch, I don’t know anymore, It just seems it has gotten worse.

I won’t trust Anets word on it anymore, It’s bad enough that something as horrific as culling still exists after the launch of the game.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edge.4180


They claimed to have fixed culling in an upcoming patch which was referenced in an interview on another website. Problem is, they specifically mentioned WvW and not PvE, so it’s difficult to tell if that’s just an oversight or their fix doesn’t apply to the PvE maps.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pants.8315


They are implementing a new system. Culling will be switched off. The new system renders everything, but in varying levels of detail.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gestankfaust.4216


They claimed to have fixed culling in an upcoming patch which was referenced in an interview on another website. Problem is, they specifically mentioned WvW and not PvE, so it’s difficult to tell if that’s just an oversight or their fix doesn’t apply to the PvE maps.

If you actually knew anything about culling…you’d know the answer. Culling happens game wide. It’s a graphical issue that affects everyone. But WvW might see it more than PvE because it affects player models. So if the fix is working, it will work both ways. There isn’t a WvW culling system.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edge.4180


They claimed to have fixed culling in an upcoming patch which was referenced in an interview on another website. Problem is, they specifically mentioned WvW and not PvE, so it’s difficult to tell if that’s just an oversight or their fix doesn’t apply to the PvE maps.

If you actually knew anything about culling…you’d know the answer. Culling happens game wide. It’s a graphical issue that affects everyone. But WvW might see it more than PvE because it affects player models. So if the fix is working, it will work both ways. There isn’t a WvW culling system.


I know more than a little bit about culling.

I’ll cut you some slack since perhaps you didn’t read the interview. But what you’re not understanding is that the issue goes beyond just player characters, and yet in the interview in question he was specifically referencing player characters repeatedly.

According to his statements, they’ll be providing several options for us to choose from, which decide how other player characters are presented to us (which sure makes it sound a lot more like a workaround than an actual fix), but goes into no details about culling issues with mobs, environmental structures, etc. Will they also be providing options for us that allow us to choose how to display mobs? What about structures, like the bank in Lion’s Arch (which is missing in the image below)? Maybe there will be generic options that cover every model, maybe not.

Like I said originally (which is the part you should have probably focused on before hopping into lecture mode), it’s difficult to tell from a simple interview whether the lack of comments regarding other problematic areas was simply an oversight. We’ll have to wait and see. Nothing unreasonable about that statement, you can relax.


Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conner.4702


I fear my system will just melt into nothing. Unless the fix specificly targets WvW.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethics.4519


@ OP

That was addressed in the interview. We can only take their word for it (which has kittened us in the past) but he said there was a completely new system. The mini-fix they did in Jan was a mini-tweak to the system, but this release is a whole new system.

They said they will allow client-side (in option) to pick what level of detail you want people to render, (this is where I start to add in my own insight) that way it will be based on your computer instead of the server. Previously high-end computers still experienced culling no matter what graphic settings were. Hopefully now, high-end computer won’t while still keeping graphics up, and low-end computers might have to just let players render with minimum detail.

RIP in peace Robert

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gestankfaust.4216


Who’s in lecture mode…you?

You just detailed what I said. Wasn’t talking about mobs. Was saying that WvW is talked about or maybe more affected because it DOES affect player models more. If you don’t think so…then you don’t know as much as you think. Mobs are not rendered as highly as player models in any game.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Salacious.7358


it really better or I will demand a refund

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StormageddonBK.9842


Since the latest patch WvW is unplayable and PvE is only just. I’ve found myself logging on less and less because of this. If the next patch doesn’t fix culling I may stop playing altogether and just wait until a fix is confirmed.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edge.4180


I fear my system will just melt into nothing. Unless the fix specificly targets WvW.

Yeah, I’m concerned the problem is just being pushed off to the players. As in, the problem will be fixed as long as you max all the culling options and have a fairly new/beefy system that can handle the additional workload.. otherwise you’re out of luck. Hopefully not.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: An Oak Knob.1275

An Oak Knob.1275

Since the latest patch WvW is unplayable and PvE is only just. I’ve found myself logging on less and less because of this. If the next patch doesn’t fix culling I may stop playing altogether and just wait until a fix is confirmed.

Yeah, agreed.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conner.4702


Who’s in lecture mode…you?

You just detailed what I said. Wasn’t talking about mobs. Was saying that WvW is talked about or maybe more affected because it DOES affect player models more. If you don’t think so…then you don’t know as much as you think. Mobs are not rendered as highly as player models in any game.

And yet he is correct. Depending on the fix it might not remove all culling from PvE. Culling is more than just player models it is just the most talked about.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: An Oak Knob.1275

An Oak Knob.1275

I fear my system will just melt into nothing. Unless the fix specificly targets WvW.

Yeah, I’m concerned the problem is just being pushed off to the players. As in, the problem will be fixed as long as you max all the culling options and have a fairly new/beefy system that can handle the additional workload.. otherwise you’re out of luck. Hopefully not.

Sadly this is proberly going to happen. Anet don’t want to fix their engine (too lazy, too much work, not enough time, B____S____), they just want to add some easy menu options so that the problems will fall on the players fault.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lexandro.1456


I read that piece and it actually said that culling would be “player controled” iirc. That means its just a slider or setting in the game now. High end systems can push the slider out and get less noticable culling or possibly eliminate it.

A LOT of people are still going to have culling issues, now though Anet can say its all their fault since they give you the control over it.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gestankfaust.4216


Who’s in lecture mode…you?

You just detailed what I said. Wasn’t talking about mobs. Was saying that WvW is talked about or maybe more affected because it DOES affect player models more. If you don’t think so…then you don’t know as much as you think. Mobs are not rendered as highly as player models in any game.

And yet he is correct. Depending on the fix it might not remove all culling from PvE. Culling is more than just player models it is just the most talked about.

Which is what I said…it is more talked about. I replied to the WvW thing. It’s more talked about because the player models are affected first or more…right? We don’t notice the mobs as much…right? AM I talking German? Cause I could get a great job if I could speak German.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: An Oak Knob.1275

An Oak Knob.1275

I read that piece and it actually said that culling would be “player controled” iirc. That means its just a slider or setting in the game now. High end systems can push the slider out and get less noticable culling or possibly eliminate it.

A LOT of people are still going to have culling issues, now though Anet can say its all their fault since they give you the control over it.

Exactly my point in the above reply. Just Arenanet being bad at actualy fixing something, their solution will always be the lazy one and the least time consumeing, resulting in a bad experience for the players, they are basictly handing over the fault of the problem onto the players now.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: critickitten.1498


I don’t think that it will. Their last attempts to “tweak” the system into producing less culling only made the problem even worse. They keep saying they’ll fix it, but….we’re now six months in, and it’s worse than ever. It’s understandable that people would look at that and have a lack of faith in their bold predictions that they’ll “eliminate” it entirely when they have yet to even improve it, much less get close to eliminating it.

Unfortunately, culling’s one of the big problems plaguing this game, so if this patch goes through and doesn’t actually fix culling, I think the forum reaction will be much worse than the Feb patch produced.

Remember when our developers talked about “strengthening the core game”?
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edge.4180


For those interested, here’s one of the interviews:

MMORPG: Can you explain, in layman’s terms, what Culling is, and why it’s such a hot topic with WvW?

Habib Loew: Culling is essentially a process by which the server chooses to not tell players about certain other players. It was all about limiting the breakdown of resources from a client to server standpoint. The issue with it was that a huge battle would errupt and you would not see other players. It definitely had its drawbacks.

MMORPG: Back in January, one of the fixes for culling went into place, and it seemed to help a bit. But how will the changes coming in March eliminate this completely? There are a few skeptics in Bill’s (Murphy) guild that think it can’t be done.

Habib Loew: Hah, yeah we have seen a lot of the skepticism on the Internet. The change we made in January was really just a tweak to the system. It changed the priorities of Culling but did not eliminate it. The change in March will turn off Culling completely. You will now see every character within range of you. There will be several different options for how other players are presented to you, on the client side that you can choose from so you can control how it works for you.

Now, this particular developer is the “WvW Coordinator and Principle Programmer”, so maybe that’s why he’s mainly mentioning WvW (that, and the question was directed at WvW). Part of me tends to think that if you have a fantastic solution that fixes everything, you go out of your way to advertise that it fixes everything. Otherwise, you try to be as specific as possible. But, hopefully we’re all pleasantly surprised.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

How I figure this will work is that they will turn off automatic culling altogether, and give the control over culling to the player. Crappy systems will be utterly unable to render everything, so of course it is system-dependent. However, I anticipate that they will have some slider or some such in user preferences that you can slide from “culls lots of stuff” to “no culling, but be warned that this might lag crappy computers”.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gestankfaust.4216


For those interested, here’s one of the interviews:

MMORPG: Can you explain, in layman’s terms, what Culling is, and why it’s such a hot topic with WvW?

Habib Loew: Culling is essentially a process by which the server chooses to not tell players about certain other players. It was all about limiting the breakdown of resources from a client to server standpoint. The issue with it was that a huge battle would errupt and you would not see other players. It definitely had its drawbacks.

MMORPG: Back in January, one of the fixes for culling went into place, and it seemed to help a bit. But how will the changes coming in March eliminate this completely? There are a few skeptics in Bill’s (Murphy) guild that think it can’t be done.

Habib Loew: Hah, yeah we have seen a lot of the skepticism on the Internet. The change we made in January was really just a tweak to the system. It changed the priorities of Culling but did not eliminate it. The change in March will turn off Culling completely. You will now see every character within range of you. There will be several different options for how other players are presented to you, on the client side that you can choose from so you can control how it works for you.

Now, this particular developer is the “WvW Coordinator and Principle Programmer”, so maybe that’s why he’s mainly mentioning WvW (that, and the question was directed at WvW). Part of me tends to think that if you have a fantastic solution that fixes everything, you go out of your way to advertise that it fixes everything. Otherwise, you try to be as specific as possible. But, hopefully we’re all pleasantly surprised.

Nice…I hope for March. Then we…who prolly would be friends…would not have to be here arguing.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: interpol.2397


My concern is, whenever anyone from ANet talks about culling, all they talk about really is WvW. In previous updates, when they “tested” new culling systems, they tested them in WvW.
But now, it’s obviously starting to have impact in PvE as well. Honestly, I find that culling is less of an issue for me in WvW than in PvE, because NPCs and structures aren’t as affected and are not as numerous. And, while an enemy in WvW might not see me, just like I can’t see them, obviously the mobs in PvE will get aggroed even if I have no idea they’re actually there. In Orr especially, this can get really aggravating.

So I’m wondering, when they talk about eliminating culling, if it’ll get carried over to PvE at the same time as in WvW, or if for now this will be a WvW-only fix.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ElenaDragon.8401


I like that we will have options over how to display other characters, but none will be hidden. For example, for very low end machines, maybe the option would show only the player’s name if it cannot load the visual itself. That way you can still target the player and see how many players there are without any additional graphic strain. I could see a range between name only and full models. Perhaps default models or low quality models would be within that range.

I’m cautiously optimistic.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Platypus.7831


I think its cute that you guys think it will get fixed. I hope it does. WvW makes me angry when it use to make me happy. It has been getting worse and worse with every “fix” I hope it gets a fix but have a feeling it will only get worse.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

Colin specifically mentioned in a recent interview that culling is prevalent in WvW and the fix will definitely appear there, but that certain world events also suffer from it, and that any fixes they make for WvW will be analyzed and applied, if appropriate, to PvE and other large events. He made no mention that it would happen at the same time, but it is definitely something they are aware of.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


They are trying to fix it though different test they never said this or this will fix it. Culling has been in all mmorpgs with high pops and lots of things going on and never has been fully fixed. They may make it better (less culling) but i do not think culling will ever go comply away.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dandamanno.4136


I think its cute that you guys think it will get fixed. I hope it does. WvW makes me angry when it use to make me happy. It has been getting worse and worse with every “fix” I hope it gets a fix but have a feeling it will only get worse.

Well if they say they will turn it off completely, then I would assume they can do that pretty easily.

I assume this will impact framerates dramatically, which is why they have hesitated to turn it off. Now they will have to deal with “lag” posts instead of “culling” posts.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I Promise You that culling will never be fixed, especially in Wvw. It is sad but what should we expect?, It Benefict the classes to be Op specially theif/war.
Someone have to be “Superior” I don’t Expect no fixes yet i it’s hurting the rest of the community.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StormageddonBK.9842


I read that piece and it actually said that culling would be “player controled” iirc. That means its just a slider or setting in the game now. High end systems can push the slider out and get less noticable culling or possibly eliminate it.

A LOT of people are still going to have culling issues, now though Anet can say its all their fault since they give you the control over it.

If this turns out to be true then I’m done with the game. How can ESOL have a mega server with so much more players and no culling reported? Sadly GW2 is not giving me a reason to stay…

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


I read that piece and it actually said that culling would be “player controled” iirc. That means its just a slider or setting in the game now. High end systems can push the slider out and get less noticable culling or possibly eliminate it.

A LOT of people are still going to have culling issues, now though Anet can say its all their fault since they give you the control over it.

If this turns out to be true then I’m done with the game. How can ESOL have a mega server with so much more players and no culling reported? Sadly GW2 is not giving me a reason to stay…

I have yet to see ESOL mega server deal with culling of there own so lets see how that works out (i have a feeling its going to be there too btw).

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


I’m not holding my breath.

If it’s turned off completely and I can see absolutely EVERYONE that is within let’s say 300 feet of me I will be truly happy.

Right now WvW is just roam around until you attack 2 people only to have 20 of their friends load in who were standing a few feet away. So stupid. You can’t even use tactics in small groups in WvW due to this.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StormageddonBK.9842


If culling is an issue on the mega server then ESOL is doomed before it starts. Can you imagine, GW2 culling kills the game with 10 players on screen, if there are 100s or 1000s on screen how impossible will playing the game be then?

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

They said culling will be completely removed and that we’ll get option settings to decide how to render players.
Seems quite a nice result to me.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StormageddonBK.9842


Culling isn’t just a bug, it’s more of a hardware issue plus internet latency.

If culling was simply “fixed”, most people would lag like crazy because their computers will not be strong enough to compensate. Only those with $1500 PCs would be able to run the game at all in large scale battles. This would give something EVERYONE would complain about. In order to not screw people with weaker PCs over, there is “culling”. This is why some people who run GW2 on an SSD with a powerful CPU do not really experience culling.

It’s like trying to run Far Cry 3 on a 2007 PC if culling was simply “switched off”.

Factor in internet latency, and it’ll be a big lagfest like the current world event situation in even smaller battles.

With the March update, I’m pretty sure a lot of people are going to start complaining about lag and low frame rates in even smaller battles. I’m almost sure of it.

But I am running the game at 60fps with a 20mb internet connection and the game is unplayable with culling and lag. How is my hardware killing this game? It is their servers and the script they use to determine what they are willing to show me.

I can stream 1080p content on my TV and play BF3 simultaneously without lag, how come I can’t play this game if this is the only thing I am doing? No, I think there is something wrong with the way ANet have set up their netcode.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


This is why some people who run GW2 on an SSD with a powerful CPU do not really experience culling.

This is completely incorrect. Culling is still experienced by everyone. Hardware actually barely has an effect and has been proven many times already. People need to stop blaming hardware.

With the March update, I’m pretty sure a lot of people are going to start complaining about lag and low frame rates in even smaller battles. I’m almost sure of it.

Nope. They are including settings in the control panel for handling how culling works on your end. The people using toasters will still be able to play.

Also, what’s the point if they don’t remove it altogether? Right now people with high and low end systems walk around and get murdered when 20 people phase in around them. If they remove it, at least people with high end systems can enjoy the game.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: interpol.2397


It’s been stated that culling is mostly server-side. It just doesn’t send the information (player models, of example) to the client, so the specs are mostly irrelevant, since it can’t draw what isn’t being sent, and thus can’t lag out because of it.

I play on a laptop and I had no lag issues with WvW zergs months ago, when culling wasn’t so tight-fisted. Now I’m lagging out and having culling issues in the notoriously empty mid-level PvE zones, and that only started after the Feb update.

You don’t need a high-end computer to play GW2 at low-to-mid settings with no lag, as I’ve proven to myself prior to all these “fixes”. Even during the flood of people GW2 had on release, I had 0 problems.

Obviously, the majority of us don’t really know what ANet is actually doing when they make fixes, but with culling being removed, you can pretty much bank on there being more lag, but I see no reason why things should keep actually getting worse than they were on release.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


They claimed to have fixed culling in an upcoming patch which was referenced in an interview on another website. Problem is, they specifically mentioned WvW and not PvE, so it’s difficult to tell if that’s just an oversight or their fix doesn’t apply to the PvE maps.

If you actually knew anything about culling…you’d know the answer. Culling happens game wide. It’s a graphical issue that affects everyone. But WvW might see it more than PvE because it affects player models. So if the fix is working, it will work both ways. There isn’t a WvW culling system.

Colin actually differentiated WvW and PvE when discussing the culling issue and the 1/28 workaround, saying, were the fix successful, it would eventually be added to other parts of the game. So, if what he said was true, the code is not universally shared—or, at least can be modified in one place and not the other. Tbh, I don’t know how they have it implemented and neither do you.

(edited by Raine.1394)

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


will culling be fixed when the client abandons Windows XP support and run natively on modern Direct X versions?

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StormageddonBK.9842


I play on a laptop and I had no lag issues with WvW zergs months ago, when culling wasn’t so tight-fisted.

^ This.

When the game was released I could comfortably play GW2 on my laptop without lag or culling (about 25-45 fps). But since the ‘fixes’, especially the last one, the game is unplayable at all times on the laptop (about 1-15 fps), to the point it doesn’t matter if it’s culling or lagging lol.

If I wan’t to play now I’m now forced to go on my main rig (its a quite beefy i7 with 7970 etc), but even though I get a steady 60 fps I still have issues playing because of the culling and lag. I never see more than 10 players on screen at a time, NEVER! This is unacceptable for an MMO of any description. I might as well be playing a single player game with the high possibility of being ganked by an invisible zurg.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kingfisher.7213


ArenaNet’s Gameplay Programmer Habib Loew has communicated a lot on culling. However, it is on the World vs World subforum, so many people probably aren’t seeing it.

Below is an example from a couple of months ago.

Reading that post and others by Habib, I have faith they can address culling to give us an improved gameplay experience.

Thank you, Grit, for posting that link. It points to a post in which I describe the culling issue in some detail and discuss a few of the issues involved with changing culling. An even more in depth explanation of what culling is can be found here (be sure to read both that post and the next – my description exceeded the post size limit).

As you know we’ve been working on this problem for a while but what I think we haven’t ever said before is that our goal is to remove culling completely from WvW. In order to remove culling completely we have to address three issues:

1) Bandwidth out of our servers/datacenter (traffic would increase without culling)
2) Bandwidth in to each client (traffic to each client would also increase without culling)
3) Client performance issues related to rendering (potentially) all the players on a map at once. (Note that we base our performance requirements in this case on min-spec clients. We don’t want to stop anybody being able to play the game after all.)

Until all three of those issues have been dealt with we can’t turn culling off because doing so would cause something to break or perform poorly.

Ok, now let’s talk about what progress we’ve made!

Issue #1 was the easiest to deal with because we can basically just throw money at the problem. When we first started down the road toward removing culling from WvW I took a bunch of bandwidth measurements and then went to the executives and said, essentially, “Hey, if we disable culling our network traffic will increase by X%. Are we ok with that?”. The answer I got was a clear and unambiguous “yes!” So issue #1 isn’t a problem after all.

Issue #2 is a little harder. We need to ensure that folks with a min-spec network connection won’t be overwhelmed by the data we send them and we obviously can’t just buy a better connection for all of our players. So we put our heads together and came up with a plan to reduce the bandwidth required for WvW (and Gw2 in general) as much as possible. Those changes are in testing now and will be rolled out as soon as we’re convinced that they’re solid. Assuming we’re able to get everything working the way we’d like (and I’m fairly confident that we will) then this will address issue #2.

So that leaves us with issue #3: client performance. Some time ago the WvW team acquired an engine programmer who is focused 100% on this issue (and he is being assisted by another engine programmer who isn’t officially on the WvW team). They’re working on some really fantastic optimizations and engine modifications which we hope will allow even min-spec clients to render all the players on a WvW map. We’ll be talking in more detail about the specific changes they’re making when things get just a little more nailed down, but I can say right now that I’m very impressed with the work they’ve done already.

So that’s where we are. Engine programmers are working their magic even now and we’re testing the networking changes that will be required. I believe that our goal of removing culling from WvW is achievable and I’m looking forward to the day that I can announce to you all that we’ve pulled it off!

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kingfisher.7213


Also, about a month ago, ArenaNet’s Game Director Colin Johanson mentioned they would try to roll out this solution to other parts of the game:

We’ll be evaluating the culling system fixes we do for WvW, and applying as many of them as make sense as possible to all parts of the game absolutely.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nethykins.7986


The one thing i’ve learnt since launch is:
When ANet start talking in absolutes, I don my sceptic hat.

The game’s good, and has it’s major flaws besides it’s tech – Devs that are great with hyping up things, but fumble with execution in contrast.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


The one thing i’ve learnt since launch is:
When ANet start talking in absolutes, I don my sceptic hat.

The game’s good, and has it’s major flaws besides it’s tech – Devs that are great with hyping up things, but fumble with execution in contrast.

That the wrong use of absolute they are using it at the end of the phrase so they mean they will try to fix it. This dose not mean they will for sure fix it. Its worth the hype this is a good game most games at this level of complexly takes years to fix out every thing.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StormageddonBK.9842


The one thing i’ve learnt since launch is:
When ANet start talking in absolutes, I don my sceptic hat.

The game’s good, and has it’s major flaws besides it’s tech – Devs that are great with hyping up things, but fumble with execution in contrast.

That the wrong use of absolute they are using it at the end of the phrase so they mean they will try to fix it. This dose not mean they will for sure fix it. Its worth the hype this is a good game most games at this level of complexly takes years to fix out every thing.

Haha, Obi kittenenobi once said, ‘Only a Sith deals in absolutes.’ :P

OMG, the swear detector doesn’t like Star Wars names, lol.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valandil Dragonhart.2371

Valandil Dragonhart.2371

Culling isn’t just a bug, it’s more of a hardware issue plus internet latency.

If culling was simply “fixed”, most people would lag like crazy because their computers will not be strong enough to compensate. Only those with $1500 PCs would be able to run the game at all in large scale battles. This would give something EVERYONE would complain about. In order to not screw people with weaker PCs over, there is “culling”. This is why some people who run GW2 on an SSD with a powerful CPU do not really experience culling.

It’s like trying to run Far Cry 3 on a 2007 PC if culling was simply “switched off”.

Factor in internet latency, and it’ll be a big lagfest like the current world event situation in even smaller battles.

With the March update, I’m pretty sure a lot of people are going to start complaining about lag and low frame rates in even smaller battles. I’m almost sure of it.

When this game was released 6 months ago I remember Anet making specific mention of the fact that almost everyone with a PC that could run Windows XP or above would be able to play this game. That’s been enough to buy people (to whom this affects) enough time to go out and find some better hardware for their gaming rig if it wasn’t up-to-date.

Now with culling turned off it really IS on their end. I have a system that is being constantly upgraded since about 3 years ago when I decided that doing a full rig upgrade every 5 years, like I had been doing, wasn’t worth it anymore. Games and technology that I use has changed that much that I really do need to upgrade stuff on a piecemeal basis. However the one thing I can’t upgrade (based on my location) is my internet connection. Most Oceanic’s are in the same boat. A lot of them can be on 24mb connections (ADSL2+) but out in the sticks our connection is 8mb, which should still be very good… but with an average ping of 350-450ms (for all, regardless of internet speed) outside of group events, things don’t bode so well for us.

The old-school Arrow-Key warrior.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sostronk.8167


I don’t think they will fix “culling” and if they do it will probably turn the game into “lagfest 2013” unless they upgrade their servers, which I see no mention of and everything seems to indicate they are purely working on code.

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nethykins.7986


The one thing i’ve learnt since launch is:
When ANet start talking in absolutes, I don my sceptic hat.

The game’s good, and has it’s major flaws besides it’s tech – Devs that are great with hyping up things, but fumble with execution in contrast.

That the wrong use of absolute they are using it at the end of the phrase so they mean they will try to fix it. This dose not mean they will for sure fix it. Its worth the hype this is a good game most games at this level of complexly takes years to fix out every thing.

You’re right. I meant to say “When ANet starts talking in definite’s”.
Fingers wrote faster than my mind could grab the right word.

Reading this:
Is what I mean when I say they’re definite culling will be resolved when they “flip the switch”

I hope it does fix the problem, but it’s hard to gauge if it will work as intended, or if it will bring more problems.

(edited by nethykins.7986)

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Facepunch.5710


I Promise You that culling will never be fixed, especially in Wvw. It is sad but what should we expect?, It Benefict the classes to be Op specially theif/war.

I love these completely ignorant comments, especially when they’re communicated with such confidence. You kids who think you know stuff really crack me up. See Habib`s discussion quoted several posts above, and stop assuming that the devs are sabotaging their game to perpetuate perceived class imbalance.

Please take your tinfoil hats off and be reasonable. ~ReginaB
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

The one thing i’ve learnt since launch is:
When ANet start talking in absolutes, I don my sceptic hat.

The game’s good, and has it’s major flaws besides it’s tech – Devs that are great with hyping up things, but fumble with execution in contrast.

I feel the opposite way.
So far when Anet gave absolutes they did it right.
Of course some people will think differently; some say the game requires grind when I have 3 80s fully geared without ever having grinded etc.
And I accept that; some people can only see one way (their way) of doing X, but Anet does X their way and objectively it sticks to what they said; subjectively, anyone can say anything and the opposite of anything.

The only big letdown I got from Anet is the extreme easiness of the open world; though they never promised otherwise so I can’t call them out on it.

Want to know a truth though?
I had some limited experience with developing and from what I’ve seen when people start doubting me and distrusting me I stop being enthusiathic and start seeing them as money bags.
That actually happens in all sectors actually, but I’m just saying.
Being continually criticized and distrusted leads a dev to be constantly defensive and lose enthusiasm about community, only thinking about money.
Trust is mutual, you can’t be a hater and expect love in return.

(edited by Red Falcon.8257)

Is March patch really going to fix Culling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


The one thing i’ve learnt since launch is:
When ANet start talking in absolutes, I don my sceptic hat.

The game’s good, and has it’s major flaws besides it’s tech – Devs that are great with hyping up things, but fumble with execution in contrast.

That the wrong use of absolute they are using it at the end of the phrase so they mean they will try to fix it. This dose not mean they will for sure fix it. Its worth the hype this is a good game most games at this level of complexly takes years to fix out every thing.

You’re right. I meant to say “When ANet starts talking in definite’s”.
Fingers wrote faster than my mind could grab the right word.

Reading this:
Is what I mean when I say they’re definite culling will be resolved when they “flip the switch”

I hope it does fix the problem, but it’s hard to gauge if it will work as intended, or if it will bring more problems.

Well that new to me i do not think they can do it all in one fix they are realty putting them self out there with that type of statement they must have some trick.
To me as things stand Culling is not that bad as is there are some ppl that pop up that i did not see before but i know there is a lot of ppl coming at me so i see it coming. This is when its 20+ lower numbers do not seem to mess with my system though i do have a some what higher end system and my web is just soso but i am not sure why it seems worst for other ppl.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA